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Pictures of hash-entries ICM-Cup 2010


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
Having given it a bit more thought...it's actually a compliment that my hash was sooooo good that there was a thought that it
had oil in it....

I'm glad to read that you have given it more thought DG, and I hope you're feeling more mellow now than when you sent me the PMs :laughing:

In fact, a whole discussion on oil-lased hash seems to have taken over. I'm no oil expert, and neither I consider myself one for hash: I just had the opportunity to try some of the best there is, and I gave my opinion on it. I never stated that any of the entries was actually made with oil.

Mosca, you should consider including the dancing in your bubbling routine, imagine how much better it would get! :dance013:

Donald, now that suggesting that your hash might actually have been made with oil is a complement rather than a reason to get PMs ( :thank you: ) you can come clear now... YOURS in the one that had the oil in it, innit? :D

I have pics of all entries and very fond memories of them all. I'll post as soon as I get a chance, maybe this w.end, is not when I'm back from my travels.

Hammerhead, that Destroyer hash looks very yummi :canabis:

Stay safe and keep it real, B


if you look at the video Gypsy made in jamaica you will see that their second hotel made run was fmcd and it was crumbled up into tinny bits to dry, when it was all collected it was pressed into a ball which had that typical shiny look which makes people ask about oil. it might be a climatic difference too, good quality bubble hash made in hot places will not end up looking as dry as if it's made in a cooler climate. i have seen bubble that refused to be powdered up in a coffee grinder, it was just too sticky and all ends up sticking together again. then there is worked bubble, if you think back to reefermans bubble hash in 07 there is another example of black glossy shiny bubble ash. also the guy who used a mince meat grinder to work his dry hash turned it into shiny reddish spaghetti looking hash. the very best strains don't always need oil to end up like that.



^Makes me drool.

Donald Mallard

el duck
I'm glad to read that you have given it more thought DG, and I hope you're feeling more mellow now than when you sent me the PMs :laughing:

In fact, a whole discussion on oil-lased hash seems to have taken over. I'm no oil expert, and neither I consider myself one for hash: I just had the opportunity to try some of the best there is, and I gave my opinion on it. I never stated that any of the entries was actually made with oil.

Mosca, you should consider including the dancing in your bubbling routine, imagine how much better it would get! :dance013:

Donald, now that suggesting that your hash might actually have been made with oil is a complement rather than a reason to get PMs ( :thank you: ) you can come clear now... YOURS in the one that had the oil in it, innit? :D

I have pics of all entries and very fond memories of them all. I'll post as soon as I get a chance, maybe this w.end, is not when I'm back from my travels.

Hammerhead, that Destroyer hash looks very yummi :canabis:

Stay safe and keep it real, B

hey browswer , lol on the oil , id prolly blow myself up mucking with that aswell . Im not sure why someone would wanna spoil good hash by adding that too it really , seems a waste ...
I look foward to a few pics and comments from you on the entries , always nice to hear what folks think ...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I would have to disagree that adding BHO would spoil the hash. This is one of the ways allot of folks smoke there oil. Different strokes for different folks I guess.


i think normally people mix hash with oil to make it a bit easier to deal with. most won't use top quality bubble either, they will use second run bubble or even some Moroccan. although i have seem bho mxed with fmcd 73 lol, Maximo use to do that shit all day long.


ICMag Donor
il admit i thought/think 31 looks very oilish,like oil n buble(il say i did not tell anyone not to smoke it,i love oil)but def thought it is oil/buble

what is the black specs in the buble in the pics from paddi(i see this in oil alot)

to me it was not really nothing about the melty hash as mine come out the same
sometimes all the grades down to 120 will buble up nicely

but the texture was feeling either very wet buble or oil added to it(im just stating my opinions)

also it didnt buble like buble does(no domes just liquid) more like oil does
also for me the black specs look a dead give away to me

i will add that i did like this buble/oil whatever it is very tasty just thought it was buble/oil

just my 2 cents as i was a hash judge

i dont know what the last 6th sample was but i liked it the best

i would also like to add that all hash samples apart from the morocan hash etered(lol lol)were excellent(hats of to all guys and gals who entered a hash)not me give all that grade 1 away hell no,its all for me lol
but i salute you guys i really do


one thing im sure of, that's if DG says no oil was added then no oil was added. not to mention it would be against the rules to add oil.

i also have a feeling that Sam Skunkman would have noticed if there was oil in Dutchgrown's sample, when he tested it. wish i could have smoked some.

have seen lumps with discolorations before,specially from 3 bag sets. also have a look at the video of GN and Bubbleman in jamaica, the second time they made bubble it came out fmcd and the end chunk was totally uneven colored, from black to red, that's not always a sign of oil. can be different types of buds, or different ages of buds/trim, also when you collect it into a chunk you must have noticed that smaller chunks were sometimes different color then the larger chunks because of different stages of dryness. sometimes the outer skin is different color to the inside too.

anyway just some thoughts



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
My best oil has no spots in it at all or any discoleration. Pure Honey. I have learned the longer you let the buds cure the darker your oil will be. I believe this is from the THC braking down. I agree Sam would have notice oil. I can tell if someone adds oil to anything I smoke. I dont think #31 had any oil in it.



"Hey bud, lets party!"
all these pics made me dig out my hash stash... Now im high as a kite... Some of those look so ridiculously good, i can only imagine


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
watch out folks next years hash entries are going to be off the chain. Be prepared to smoke some of the best hash in the world(not from me lol) I can not for the life of me see how you all can do it. Smoke all that hash and then still be able to judge the buds impressive. You guys might want to split it. Hash judges and cannabis judges I think this will give the judges more time to evaluate the entries properly and not feel rushed. If I make it Im just going to judge the hash I cant handle doing anymore and still feel im able to properly evaluate the buds i WILL BE COMPLETLEY HAMERED

Donald Mallard

el duck
If they are judging both bud and hash ,, id be judging the bud first for sure .. the hash will spoil the bud judging otherwise ...
I m really looking foward to the next cup aswell , thinking of making some hash with some strong indica in it this time ... I have a sujbect already chosen ...


Looking to see the oz crew hoist up the 2011 1'st place hash cup too d.m. Send in a wowozer.

I could never judge such a contest, just thinking the amount of time one entry will medicate for let alone multiple entries. Top it off, judging the best of the best. Need at least a month for me. Big ups to all those who judge, real skill set involved with that. Hammer.h that stuff looks tasty. In an extremely delicious way. :)


Active member
il admit i thought/think 31 looks very oilish,like oil n buble(il say i did not tell anyone not to smoke it,i love oil)but def thought it is oil/buble

what is the black specs in the buble in the pics from paddi(i see this in oil alot)

to me it was not really nothing about the melty hash as mine come out the same
sometimes all the grades down to 120 will buble up nicely

but the texture was feeling either very wet buble or oil added to it(im just stating my opinions)

also it didnt buble like buble does(no domes just liquid) more like oil does
also for me the black specs look a dead give away to me

i will add that i did like this buble/oil whatever it is very tasty just thought it was buble/oil

just my 2 cents as i was a hash judge

i dont know what the last 6th sample was but i liked it the best

i would also like to add that all hash samples apart from the morocan hash etered(lol lol)were excellent(hats of to all guys and gals who entered a hash)not me give all that grade 1 away hell no,its all for me lol
but i salute you guys i really do

I Thought I'd add my .02:
Fwiw,I was on vacation,and present,when DG's bubble entry was made-I helped stir the (proverbial) pot,in fact. :blowbubbles:
There was no oil added,the well-refined process used to make it was Superior,is all....

That was some kickass,Grade-AAAA FMCD bubble,Sam Skunkman loved it,as well as myself.... :)
