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Phosphoload The Answer To Superbeud!!!!



hey guys.....just thought I'd add that alot of company's have products that do this. I use foxfarm products and they have a soluble called "Open Sesame".............it increases the flowering sites and speeds up the process......does not do anything about the stretch.........but i have seen consistent results in terms of weights and trich production..............


20kw dreams

Somebody mentioned Bushmaster is Organic. It is not. Ask the owner. I did.

I've been using BM for a few years now, off and on. I use it as height control, and am not convinced of it's yield increasing abilities over those few years. I am convinced however that it does make your bud super hairy, dense, and prone to mold due to the density.

Anyways, I have a bottle of phosphoload, the 0.1-0.8-0.3 or whatever vesion. I have heard people using everything from .5ml/gal up to 4ml/L for 9 to 14 days. The guy who said 1/2ml/gal didn't say how long he used it for though.

So WTF? I know mad people use this stuff, but who has real experience with it, and can suggest a safe point to start?


1ml/gallon max for week 2 and potentially week 3 as well. i used 2ml/gal and all my leaves acquired a curled look that basically didn't go away (on my current grow, first time i've used it). that said, it does increase yield and helps stop stretch, and the buds don't look weird like BM. I might even try the half a ml/gal, you really don't need much. all this talk about cancer from phosphoload sounds like hearsay, i would love some links to studies or anything that can show that this or superbud "causes cancer". Does it make my smoke worse than the air in LA? Probably not! But if it really is toxic, i'll stop it, just want some evidence.

Never use what the bottle suggests, you will kill your crop. God only knows why they left those directions on the bottle--they would never get repeat customers if people followed the label.

I can't comment on taste as i havent cut yet, but it does look like it works for yield, and the plants are robust.

Country Mon

Active member
Carcinogenic? Huh?

Carcinogenic? Huh?

Lofty and Nifty -

With all due respect, wtf's with all the baseless toxic talk regarding paclobutrazol? You guys might spend 5 minutes doing some actual research before you trumpet the dangers to other people. You are way off base.

According to various MSDS sheets for products that contain it, paclobutrazol is not a dangerous chemical. At all. Here's a direct quote from the MSDS:

" Ingestion: practically non-toxic. Eye contact: non-irritating. Skin contact: non-irritating. No evidence of neurotoxicity from subacute or longer-term studies in mammals. No adverse effects seen on reproductive parameters or reproductive organs in a 2- generation rat study. No evidence of liver toxicity noted in repeat dose rodent studies at high dose levels in 2 yr. rabbit studies. No indication that paclobutrazol is an endocrine disruptor. No evidence of carcinogenicity. Systemically toxic concentrations of this product will probably not be absorbed through human skin. No toxic effects are known to be associated with inhalation of dust from this material. "

That sounds pretty safe to me. I lean towards believing the guys who test these chemicals for a living. Another major factor to consider is that paclobutrazol and other triazole PGRs are unique in that they become fixed in the plant tissues after application. This implies that the chemical does not migrate to new growth. New growth in our case = buds and sugar leaves.

If a plant is treated during week 1 or 2 of flowering, the paclobutrazol will not spread if it has been applied as a spray. However, it is critical that none of the PGR make any contact with the plant's soil (so: cover the soil with plastic while spraying) or the effects will continue for the life of the plant. Paclobutrazol is extremely persistent, so if you add a soil drench the plant will continue to absorb the chemical, which is probably what we don't want.

I just managed to get some Dr. Node's. All of these formulations are basically the same thing: paclobutrazol at about 4,000 ppm. Based upon agricultural studies done on other herbaceous plants, and also on the Dr. Node's recommendation sheet, the diluted working solution strength for our needs is probably between 3 and 10 ppm. Anything more will likely cause major deformation with most strains. More is not better.

I want to try two things specifically in my tests. One, I want to spray a sativa seedling with a 5 ppm solution when it is about a foot high to see what happens during a long-term veg period. I'm interested in this as a method for long-term keeping of males as well as any sativas used for breeding projects.

Two, I want to apply a 10 ppm solution directly to the stems only (via paintbrush) of a sativa seedling about a foot high and then put it into 12/12. This would make the flowering of sativas a lot easier by saving major space while they sit there for 3-4 months, while also hopefully ensuring that the paclo doesn't spread to the new growth, as it might with a soil drench. Safe chemical or not, we don't need to smoke that shit, right? This will require that the effects of a brushed-on application of paclo last for the next 3 months. Not sure if it will. Hence the tests.

I am going to do some trials soon on some of Sam's ThaiHazeXSkunk1 seeds. I will report back here - should be interesting. I see a lot of potential if a good technique can be found.


Ive used Phospho Load for about a year now and have had good results. It works well for when you first switch the lights on plants. :yes: It kind of gets them kicked into gear to start budding. I haven't noticed anything in regards to affecting the taste. Its not like you keep giving it to the plant through its entire bud cycle. I recently used it on my current outdoor plant and it seemed to help out a lot. This plant seemed to be growing slow due to colder temps. After 2 times of hitting it with Phospho Load it has kicked out more buds. Now i will just hit it with some Organic Fox Farm nutes though. I will give it a good 2 week flush just to be safe though too. :D
I have also used the "Humbolt County's Own" Nutrients as well. That stuff called Gravity seems to work well in keeping plants from stretching and is all organic. I don't know if I would say it works better than the Phospho Load. You can achieve similar results though. They also make this stuff called "Purple Max" that i liked to. Supposed to bring out more colors in strains that are purple or tend to change color in bud. It seems to make them smell and taste better too. Overall i like the Humbolt Co. stuffs effectiveness and price compared to Phospho load.


Country Mon

Active member
Hey there, Hooka -

Good info. A few questions: are you doing a soil drench? Are you seeing the effects of the Phospho load diminish over time? Why add more?

The reason I ask is that paclobutrazol will not flush out of the soil, and should continue for a long time to work on any plant that has had a soil drench. Paclo is not "flushable". It is extremely persistent. It is so persistent that if you plant a new plant in the same pot after you harvest the current one, it could affect the new plant as well, though not as much.

I'd also venture to say that any formulation that contains paclo is going to behave in a very similar fashion if the total ppm are the same. The added nutrients are not going to vary the plant's response to the paclobutrazol.

Last question for you: what was the ppm of paclo in the solution you hit your girls with? (edit: you may not know this; who knows how much paclo PhosphoLoad has). Also: how many ounces of solution were given per plant?
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Country Mon - The reason why i hit it two times is because I was hitting them with a very diluted strength to begin with. Probbly like 1-2 ML. (if that) mixed in a 2 liter bottle. I split this between 2 plants and then followed up with a 2 liter more of plain water. Next watering was 2 more 2 liters of plain water. The next time was a 1-2 ML mixture diluted in 2 liters of water again. I'm assuming that is all i will need. You are right about only needed to hit them once. The plants just switch more into bud almost immediately and stop stretching. After that I suggest just organic nutes to help production of buds. I didn't know it stayed in the soil like you said. Good to know. I never reuse soil from a previous budding plant.


I have heard from some notable growers on IC that guanos tend to make your buds taste weird. One reason why I don't use them. Sea kelp works well too. Whatever floats your boat though..


Dr Seuss said:
Indonesian bat guano is .5-12-.2, and completely organic...

I don't think the phosphorus is why this product does what it does; rather, some other chemical....and good luck with that chemical.

Country Mon

Active member
Texsativa - two minutes reading the info I'm posting might tell you what that chemical is and how safe it is. Just a thought.

Hooka - yeah, that amount sounds pretty close to 5 ppm. It only takes a tiny amount. Thanks for the info.

I did a lot of research and wrote out a big article on Cannabis World about paclobutrazol a few years ago. I may still have it archived someplace. I'm sure many of the links to info are dead now, so maybe I'll re-do it and submit it here.

Key things I found were that it is fairly safe and is non-carcinogenic, that it moves throughout a plant within minutes of application, that it moves within the plant to the stems, and that it fixes itself in the tissues there. Also, that it is extremely persistent in soil; lasts for years on soil-drenched landscape plants.

You know those short sunflowers that flower shops have? Those are regular sunflowers treated with paclobutrazol soil drenches. It is also heavily used on golf courses to stop the grass from growing and to thicken it. It is used more than people realize. Many ornamental house plants use it, and many food crops like fruit trees and avocados and the like use it.
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Thanks for clearing up that info Country Mon. Yeah i knew that stuff wasn't harmful to cus they use the same stuff for a lot of other crops. If you could find that old research you did I would be glad to read through it. Good luck man stay safe.

Country Mon

Active member
No problem, Hooka, I'll dig it up over the weekend.

I think paclo can be really useful if applied at the right time and in the right amounts. It is obviously key to find the sweet spot, meaning, giving just the right amount. Too much can affect yields negatively. I'll be sure to take pics and post about the tests I'm doing on Sam's Thai*Haze X Skunk#1 seedlings.

Paclo is definitely used much more today agriculturally than even 2 years ago. It used to not be used on food crops, but seems to have finally been approved for that. It also used to be federally regulated, but now is on the shelf at grow stores with paclobutrazol actually listed on the label. (Dr. Node's, lists it, anyway.)

Stay tuned. I'm a sucker for experimenting with advanced techniques.

Country Mon

Active member
Well, I haven't been able to find that old paclo info I dug up for the CW article. I'm pressed for time these days, so I can't re-do it at this point. But Googling "paclobutrazol" brings up a ton of information.

I did start to test the paint-on method I described. I decided to start at a very low ppm and work my way up if no response is evident. Using too much can affect yields, so finding the lowest effective dose is important.

I took a normally stretchy plant I have been working with and painted a solution of 1 ppm of paclo all over the stems and branches with a small paint brush. It was painted at 1 week into 12/12. There is an identical plant right next to it of the same type that is untreated, as a control. So we'll see if anything happens.

I also have germed some Thai*Haze X Skunk #1 seeds for testing. Two have cracked so far. I plan on soil drenching one @ 1 ppm when it reaches about 18 inches in height. I will also do a paint application of the stems, ppm to be determined after I see if the plant I just treated responds. I may have to ramp it up to 5 or even 10 ppm to see an effect with the paint-on method.

The instructions for Dr. Node's recommend 1 ppm for herbaceous plants. That amounts to 1 cc/ml. per gallon of water (!); amazing how strong this stuff is. I'll be back when I see some results.
Me thinks i see very clever descriptions and shiny packaging, on what is essentially agriculture grade plant growth regulators dilluted and marked -up

Common name: triacontanol.
Other name: Melissyl AlcoholChemical family: Plant growth regulator.
Molecular formula: CH3(CH2)28CH2 OH
Molecular weight: 438.33

Physical & chemical characteristics :
Melting point: 86.5-87 ℃
Appearance: White Squama Crystal
Melting Point: 86.5 ℃
Specific gravity:0.777

Solubility: almost insoluble in water(10mg/L at 20℃). Slightly soluble in cold alcohol and benzene. Soluble in sulfuric ethyl, chloroform, hexane, methylene dichloride, hot benzene.
Stability: stable in alkaline medium. Be not influenced by light, heat and air.
LD50 acute in rat: >10000mg/kg
Poisoning symptoms: No poison to human and animals. No irritability.
Shelf life: 3 years under the cool, shade and dry storage conditions.
Specification: 85% tech.grade.
Functions &use:
Improving the activity of enzyme. Increasing content of chlorophyll. Promoting photosynthesis. Promoting dry substance accumulating. Promoting mineral element absorbed of the plants. Increasing the content of protein and sugar. Promoting water absorbed of the plants. Decreasing water evaporated.
Promoting seed germination.
Increasing budding rate.
Promoting the forming of root, leaf.
Promoting division of bud and flower.
Increasing tiller quantity.
Promoting mature earlier.
Protecting blossoms and fruits.
Increasing fruits forming rate.
Increasing resistance ability to draught.
Dilute only when it be used
Application time should be nightfall.
Application temperature should be above 20℃.
Need to do a additional spraying the product if it rains in six hours after application.

Common Name: BrassinolideOther names: Brassins,BR,Kayaminori
Chemical name: (22R,23R,24R,)-2a,3a,22,23-tetrahydroxy-24-methyl-B-homo-7-oxa-5a-cholestan-6-one)-lactoneChemical family: Natural PGR & Plant extract
Molecule Formular: C28H46O6
Molecular weight: 480.68

Physical & chemical characteristics :
Appearance: White to yellowish power
Melting point: 274℃
Solubility(20-25℃): Solubility in water: 5mg/l; easily soluble in methanol, alcohol.
Poisoning symptoms: No report about human poisoning.
First aid: No specific antidote known. Treat symptoms.
Toxicological data:
Acute oral in rat : LD50>5000mg/kg
Acute dermal in rat : LD50>5000mg/kg

Use purpose: it is extracted from cole pollens &plant tissue, and apply to plant by sparying. Regulate the growth of plant. Best additive to folliar fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, herbcides.

Shelf life: 3 years under the cool, shade and dry storage conditions.
About the History of Natural Brassinolide :
American scientists discovered Brassinolide (also called as BR) first in1970, they extracted 10mg BR (plant hormone) from 450kg pollen of cole, and smeared this hormone on the second segment of stem of frijole, 4 days later, a miracle happened: the growing was so high that any other plant hormone can not achieve such fast growing. The extraction was named as BR, the sixth plant hormone. The discovery stirred a great surprise among the scientists all over the world.
Fifteen years later (in 1985) scientists of JiangXi Industry University (south of China) successfully extracted natural BR with special method and process under the cooperation of Chengdu Newsun Biochemistry Co., Ltd. Subsequently, it first was industrialized successfully in the world. Compared with other plant hormones, BR’s beneficial effect is much more better. Experiment on many kinds of crops in more than 20 countries proved that BR has a very good effect of increasing production: cereal crops: wheat, rice, corn etc.15-20% increse; fruits: banana, apple, pear, orange, etc.15-30%increase; vegetables 20-45% increase; cotton and other oil plants 10-20% increase. So, people regard the BR as the best choice for growth regulator.
Chengdu Newsun Biochemistry Co., Ltd has been devoting to the developing, industrializing and popularizing of the plant growth regulator natural brassinolide since 1985, it has worked out outstanding contribution to environmental protection and high effective agriculture in the field of plant growth regulator brassinoilide 481. this product is a new kind of PGR, produced by advanced unique orienting enzyme process extracting technology. And it has proved through large number of application experiments at home and abroad over dozens of years to have obvious effect on scores of crops including grains,oils plants, tea, fruits, vegetables and flowers in different growing stage.
So, the series of products of Natural Brassinolide - palnt growth regulator has been continually honored the Gold medal at the Fifth National Invention Exhibition , silver Medal at the National Xinghuo Project Achievement Exhibition, Houji Gold Medal at the sixth Yangling China Agriculture High-tech Achievement Exhibition sponsored by sixteen ministries including Ministry of Agriculture of Science and Technology, Famous Brand at the 2001 China International Agriculture Expo. And Green Food means Certificate by China Green Food Development Center, meanwhile, theses products also got the support as important items by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Versatile functions:
Nine Notable Functions of Natural BR as below:
1. Promoting growth, increasing yield, improving quality.
2. Increasing the percentage of fruit setting, promoting fruit ‘s enlarging.
3. Increasing burliness rate, increasing weigh of fruits per 1000 granules.
4. Improving the ability of cold resistance and drought resistance.
5. Improving the ability of disease resistance.
6. Regulating differentiation in issue culture.
7. Efficiently relieve harmful effect of pesticide, fungicides, herbcides.
8. Increasing activity and energy of seeds and germination percentage.
9. Effectively prolong the duration time of natural preservation and transportation of fruits, vegetables and flowes when applied 5-10days before harvest.
As we know, most of the plant growth regulators or hormone have many deficiency such as lasting effect shortly, monotone effect, repeated applying, and applying many kinds of agent to crops such as growth conditioner which promote growth In one plant season we must, stunting agent which prevent plant from growing overly, flower protecting agent, fruit protecting agent, coloring agent etc. That always cause too much boher and increasing cost.
But many people don’t know that BR 481 has a double effect in regulating: promoting reproductive growth and vegetative growth. It can promote root’s growth in seedling stage, plant’s growth in growth stage and burliness in burliness stage. Applying once or twice can reach the purpose for protecting flower, protecting and enlarging fruit, getting a better gloss, increasing yield notably and improving quality obviously. Applying to corn can avoid inclining fall of corn plant and increase yield more than 20%. Applying Natural brassinolide to cotton, the effect is more obvious. As we know, spraying other hormones on the corn plant, the cotton’s leaves, steam, branches and bolls grow overly and unbalanced, which always tend to cause the unbalanced and unreasonable transportation and distributing of nutrients in plant body. But spraying natural BR can leads to the balanced growing and nutrients transportation in corn plant body among the leaves, stem, branch and flower and bolls. That beneficial effects also mainly occurred on many other fruits plants such banana, apple, etc. Applying to orange can protect fruit and increase yield the content of Vc and get better gloss.

Applying to wheat, rice, corn, soybean and peanut:
1).Spraying BR481 on wheat and rice plant, 3-7days later, the chlorophyll can be produced more in the plant, which can promote the photosynthesis to produce more nutrition and dry substances, and 7 days later the amount of root increase, and root grow deeper into the soil, which make plant get more water and nutrition and resist drought and waterlog better. Also the length of segment of base part stem decrease. The plant get a better ability of lodging resistance and yield increases about 20%.
2) .Spraying on corn during pre-female inflorescence emerging stage once and need not use any other growth hormone.
3).Can increase the disease resistance ability of peanut and soybean and augment number of legume, also can realize multi-legume The effect is very obvious.

Applying to vegetable:
Spraying on leaf-vegetables, 3-5 days later, the effect can emerge obviously. Leaves get wider and thicker, yield increases 20-40%. Applying to fruit vegetables, the plant is robust and can resist fruit dropping and flower dropping, promote fruit’s enlarging, and early maturation. So, there is no need to use 2,4-D or other hormone. Also the plant sprayed with BR481 can resist virus and frosty mildew etc. The yield increases 20-45% and vegetables can be put onto market 7-14 days earlier.

Applying to fruit tree:
1) Spraying before flowering stage, can promote the differentiation and formation of flower bud, avoid the occurrence of fluctuant yield, needn’t doing the circular peeling treatment in the stem of fruit trees, protect the flower bud from chillness damage. Spraying in flowering stage can prevent fruit dropping and flower dropping.
2) Spraying on fruit enlarging stage: promote fruit enlarging rapidly, rectify the deformed fruits; increase amount of top quality fruits greatly and increase yield 15-50% regularly.
3) Spraying on fruits coloring stage: color fruits earlier, improve the appearance and shape of friuts. Increase the coloring area of apple and peach etc. Applying to pear, the color of fruit is similar to the encased fruit. Applying to liche, longan, strawberry and banana can improve the gloss, content of sugar and shelf life.
4) Strengthening tree: rectify the leaves which are yellow and small, make the leaves greener and thicker, prevent leaf dropping, equalize the tendency of growth.
5) can improve the plant to resist salination, desease and freezing.

Applying to cotton:
Increase amount of roots, promote root grow deeper, prevent bolls from dropping efficiently, promote boll’s enlarging, make stem more robust and leaf thicker and deeper in color, have a very strong chemical controlling effect, restrain strong, prevent presenility, resist wilt of cotton, increase yield more then 15%.
Applying to stem tuber crops:
Promote fruit root grow deeper, increase amount of fruit root, prevent growing overly, resist leaf blotch and root rot, make the plant robust and mature without leaf dropping, increase production more than20%.

Technical grade(active ingredient grade): 90% powder, 80% powder, 20% liquid,10%liquid, 0.2%powder.
Formulations: 0.1% SP, 0.0075% SL.
Trade name: BR 481

Usage table for 0.1% brassinolide soluble powder(BR 481):
1.Dissolving BR 481 with water of 50-60℃ then spraying can get better effect.
2.Don’t spray BR 481 together with alkali pesticide and alkali substances.
3.SF481 is plant growth regulator instead of nutrient fertilizer.

Common name: Chlormequat chloride
Other name: CCC, Cycocel
Chemical name: 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride.

Chemical family: Plant Growth Regulator
Molecular weight: 158.08

Molecular formulary:
Melting point: 238--242℃

Shelf life: 3 years under the cool, shade and dry storage conditions.
Specification: 96% tech. Grade
Mode of actions & functions: Chlirmequat is a retardant of plant Growth. It process against gibberellic acid inside the plant when absorbed by organs (root, stem and leaves). It can restrain the elongation of cells, but have no influence on cell division; restrain the growth of stem and leaves without affecting the development of sexual organs. It can make the plant short but strong with gathered trunk; make the leaves darker and thicker and increase the ability to resist collapse, drought, cold and alkaline.
Use: For greenhouse use as plant growth regulator on azaleas, poinsettias, geraniums, and hibiscus. Or for cotton, various vegetables, grape vines, mango, tobacco, and ornamentals. For wheat, rye, and oats.

Cautions:The pure product should be white arras crystal, fish-smelled. It has strong ability in moisture absorption. It's easy to be dissolved in water and it is stable in medium, which is neutral or acid. It's one kind of low-poisonous plant growth regulator.

Mepiquat Chloride
Common name: Mepiquat chloride.
Other name: pix, terpal
Chemical name: N, N= dimethylpiperidinium Chloride
Molecular Formula: C7H16NCl
specification: 98% Tech., 96% Tech. (w/w)
Physical&Chemical Characteristics:
Molecular Weight: 149.66
Appearance: White to slight yellow crystalline solid
Melting Point: 223℃, Decomposition Point: 285℃
Vapour Pressure: <1x10-7 mbar (20℃)
Solubility: Solubility in gram in every 100g solvent at 20℃. Water; >100g; Ethanol: <16.2g; Acetone, ether, ethyl acetate, cyclohexame and olive oil: <0.1g.
Density: 1.87 (20℃)
Thermal Stability: Stable to heat.
Combustibility and Explosibility: Inflammable, inexplosive
Storage Stability: a stable period of 2 years, under the cool, shade and dry storage conditions.
Toxicity:In accordance with Chinese toxicity grade scale of agrochemical, mepiquat chloride is a low toxicity plant growth regulator.
Acute Toxicity:
Adult Rat Oral LD50 =1490mg/kg
Dermal LD50 =7800mg/kg
Inhalation LC50 =3.2mg/L
Toxicity to Eye and Skin: No irritatiion to rabbit skin and eyes.
Accumulation Toxicity: Mepiquat chloride accumulates little in animal body and doesn't cause mutation, aberration and cancer under experimental conditions. No abnormality accurs inthe 3 - generation reproduction experiment of adult rat.
Chronic Toxicity: The no-effect dosage is 3000ppm in the 2-year chronic feeding experiment of adult rat.
Mode of action & functions:
This product is kind of plant growth retardant. It mostly restrain the biosynthesis of gibberellic acid inside crops when being absorbed by leaves and roots. In this way it can restrain the elongation of cell, stay the growth of nutrition; make plants shorter and increase content of chlorophyll. This also increases assimilation of leaves and adjusts distribution of outcome inside plants.
Adjust growth of cottons; control model of plant; harmonize develop of nutrition; reduce falling off of boil, increase boil number and weight of each plant, increase output. We can see from research that it could increase number and weight of boil of the middle and lower part of plant.
Make wheat short but strong and increase the production. Restrain elongation of culm, make plant to be wide and strong, avoid its lodge. The color of leaves will be darker, accumulation of nutrition become increased, number of fringe and output both increased obviously. When crops were sprayed in anthesis, we can raise their fruit rate and kilo grain weight.
For peanut, mung bean, tomato, watermelon and cucumber, it can help the transportation of photosynthesis outcome to flower and fruit. Aboid falling off, increase fruit rate.
Help the intumescences of rhizome
Increase content of grape sugar and out put. It can obviously restrain elongation between tips, reduce consume of nutrition, facilitate accumulation of sugar and intumescences of animus.


Country Mon

Active member
Hmm. Well there's some interesting reading, thanks for the post. Yeah, shiney packaging and adding a lot of nutrients and other goodies doesn't change the fact that the PGR is what is affecting the plant's growth. Most commercial formulations of paclo products don't even list ity on the label.

A minor update to my tests: the plant I treated by painting the stems with a 1 ppm solution has had no response and continues to grow like it's untreated partner. So 1ppm is not enough with the paint-on technique.

Rather than re-treat this plant, I will wait for the next group and treat one of those. That will be in about 2 weeks. I will hit one with a 5 ppm solution, painted on.

I also have 2 ThaiHaze x Sk#1 sprouts reaching for the sky, so those will be treated soon also.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
The tomato juice is avaliable in the UK...theres one called roz as well but it makes ur buds really dense and ppl dont seem to like that one...
Ive seen another on now called Phat plant.....BRB with a link to it
its here http://www.3countieshydroponics.co.uk/system/index.htm
no pics of the bottle tho but it does list the active ingredient...
ill try and get some more info on it
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New member
hi i was wondering if there was an update to this or if anyone has been using phosphoload can chime in on their experiences. also does anyone know what the difference is between the old phosphoload (1-10-2) verses the newer formula. is it true i should only use for only the 2nd week of flowering and that is all?


Hey guy's , I try not to go to hydro shops so was wondering if the price has went down ?