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Phantom's 2012 outdoor, partly swamp


quattro: The sex of a plant isn't in its genes, so conditions can affect the sex of a plant.
-Lower temperatures cause more females
-Higher nitrogen level cause more females
-Higher potassium level cause more males
-Higher moisture cause more females
-Shorter light cycle cause more females

I hope that I told everything right. And this conditions are important in the 3-leaf stadio of the plant, so let's say from the second internode and then for a week or two.

THC: I might have a little overdone myself, but I got more and more strains and I couldn't resist to plant them (nearly) all.


A tiny update.

My Trainwreck completely recovered from her bad start, you can see this on the healthy and fast growing new leaves. Left to the Tw is the Sweet tooth.

I like the angle the Tw is shooting her branches out, St also has some nice branching.


Uh keeps gettin better and better ;D. How are the temps during the night? Got warmer down here so friday is D-day for my ladies.


We have 10-15°C at night. Before you put your plants outdoor check the forecast for your area, because it's going to cool down, but I don't think that it will drop to freezing point.


Yes, 10-15 in night is enogh IMO too. But you have to pay attention that weather forecast is allways few *C higher than temerature in open field, close to ground. I had 5-6*C on home thermometer, when i went to check plants there was frost.


Yeah i saw the forecast, it will get colder...but i can`t w8 much longer, my ladies are too big to stay indoor. Even so if the temps drop over the weekend they will have time to root properly and when it gets warmer...boom vertical explosion :D


Today I brought plants to the hillside spot. In the morning the forecast for tomorrow was cloudy, now it says sunny, wich is pretty bad, because the plants aren't prepared for direct sun. The only sun that they received till now was today for 2 hours. Hope this will help them a bit.

The plants:

MB- Mataro blue- this one smells wonderfull allready
B- Bushman (Ciskei)
GG- guerillas gusto
LB- Lavender Bushman
SV99-Shaman X Voodoo/c99
LBPD- Local/blueberry X Pine tar kush/Deep chunk
BK-Bubba kush
M1- Mandala 1- This one has purple bottom sides of leaves. Could it be possible that I got the pheno I wanted? No matter, the plant looks nice, hope she is a girl.


Bed with the Lavender bushman, bushman, LBPD


Mataro blue auto:

This holes were standing for a while now, and they were still warm inside. This makes me worry about the swamp, because the holes there are standing for a much shorter time (10 days) and I want to get the plants there as soon as possible. Does anybody of you have experience with planting in warm (not ready cooked) holes, and what were the resoults?

I also started germing some new ones.

:tiphat: , Phantom



And today this little plants got out (to the swamp spot)

Tw- Trainwreck-has a nice smell
St- Sweet tooth- I don't realy like her smell
Fd- Frisian dew - has preflowers already
P1- Passion #1
Ch- Church
PM- Purple Maroc

On this picture you can see the root system of the about 20 days old Sweet tooth. I should have taken bigger pots, but I didn't have the space. You can clearly see that the 2dl pots that people are often using are just too small.

I wanted to lst her for a week, but I forgot to do it.



Frisian dew
This one went in the hole to which I added 10% native soil, and 5% forest compost. As I dug the little hole to put the plant in, the difference between the soil structure was pretty noticable.

I topped all plants except the St and Tw. Normally I do this 1 week after transplant, but they were pretty big already, so I did it now.

What are this things called in english (don't know the word)

I just wanted to say that this little things are probably the most dangerous things for guerilla growers in my country. I had 1 already. The problem is that this year my spots are on such locations, that I'll get many of them, and the spots are far from home, so I'll be probably running around half naked in the woods and removing them :biggrin: I'm a real magnet for them.


Well-known member
hey phantomx,
yeah those "ticks" are a pain! :beat-dead
always check your legs etc. after a walk through the high grass (where they love to chill out and wait to jump/crawl on animals walking by).
they seem to like some kind of blood over the other. i usually get lucky, i also wear long socks and most of the times a long pair of trousers. i didnt get any yet for this year but last year my record on the worst day was 20 of those little fuckers...

plants looking good!
frisian dew definitely gonna finish nicely, is it feminized? (i think DP doesn't sell any regulars of it anymore which is a shame)

happy season :wave:


Good show Phantomx. You inspire!
I use bogatin (processed chickens shit) exclusively for amending native soil. Once, I planted only 10 days after I added it to the hole. No biggies. I do add a lot bogatin to a hole. It did rained though in that period.

I would wait until next week - after these rains that are coming - and plant than.

Ticks scare the shit out of me. I'm constantly checking myself when in the bush. And I do go deep into it. Every time I come out of some thick bush or cross it I check myself. Two three ticks on my trousers. They are mainly bellow belt. I even found two ticks making love. Bigger one was humping the little one.

Anyway. Do you think adding purchased soil makes a lot of difference? In my experience good forest soil is as good if not better. If there's pour soil on the spot try finding better one bellow trees. I usually dig black humus from nearby and bring it to the spot. It's safer, cheaper and better :) Always cover your tracks afterward by covering with dead leaves.

I have a lot of work to do. I dug some new holes this year and I need to bring some good soil to the spots plus cover it with mulch so its nice and moist + warm.

Then in a few weeks hopefully my show also starts :)

Good luck and stay safe


Eugen: I also always wear long trousers. Do they carry diseases where you live, here they carry the Lyme disease and meningoencephalitis.

bogatin: I also use bogatin. The holes were sitting for 2 weeks and I think they were ready.I've already planted them. I don't think that the rain that is coming will do any harm also I don't think that the temps will drop too low.

I think that plants can do well in native soli, but it won't ever reach te quality of good potting soil or coco. On the hillside spot and on the backup spot I have some native soil beds so we'll see side by side in which soli they will perform better. The biggest plus at native soil is that you have unlimited suply and of course you don't need to carry it anywhere. Well as said we'll see.

I'll also mulch my holes, but I normally do it about 2 weeks after transplant, when the planst are bigger.


Eugen: I also always wear long trousers. Do they carry diseases where you live, here they carry the Lyme disease and meningoencephalitis.

bogatin: I also use bogatin. The holes were sitting for 2 weeks and I think they were ready.I've already planted them. I don't think that the rain that is coming will do any harm also I don't think that the temps will drop too low.

I think that plants can do well in native soli, but it won't ever reach te quality of good potting soil or coco. On the hillside spot and on the backup spot I have some native soil beds so we'll see side by side in which soli they will perform better. The biggest plus at native soil is that you have unlimited suply and of course you don't need to carry it anywhere. Well as said we'll see.

I'll also mulch my holes, but I normally do it about 2 weeks after transplant, when the planst are bigger.

2 weeks is ok especially considering there was a lot of rain in between. You need moisture for cooking :) They will do fine unless you really exagerated with bogatin. Hehehe.
Today you can only get bogatin in pellets. It used to be in more raw form previous years. I got some old supplies (the stinky one) for this year but all is gone. Pellets dissolve slower. Mix them with soil.

About the soil I would have to disagree. I believe no pro mix can beat forest humus. And you have that in large quantities usually close to the spot you plant.

My holes this year are maybe 90% clay. One thing clay is good for is holding moisture and thats important in guerilla. I also mulch when plants are bigger. NO need for mulching really till temperatures hit 30ies in June :)

I will show you some pics of soil I planted in. You'll be surprised. Bogatin + clay = Win!
If I add some forest humus = Porn!

The other day I saw the biggest ass worm in my life. Half a meter+ in one of my holes I amended with bogating. Woohoo!

ALso .. .whatever pro mix you put in the hole it will be at the same PH levels as surrounding soil after a few weeks.

Happy season!
