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Ph-Patrol Organic Bang up job II(⊙.⊙(☉_☉)⊙.⊙) Bodhi Testers… LaPLATA Labs…SEED-PAC


Well-known member
Hey PH, I wouldn't bet on them only hanging out in the top few inches of media. Ive found fungus gnats coming out of the bottom of my containers, and found the larvae on the bottom and lower sides before. Nasty little fuckers.

If you want another all natural way to deal with them, try beneficial nematodes. They work great. Typically takes a week or two to see results, but you'll go from gnats, to none very quickly. Every so often, Ill pick up some more nematodes and reapply if I see gnats returning.

Btw, you've got a great looking garden going there. You do it very well with the organics. :tiphat:

Hey Dave
You are right the little fuckers will back door you through the weep holes in the bottom of your pot......set up camp there too.
I did not mention this in my post.
I put duct tape over my weep holes.....I never steam this area!
the duct tape does two thing.....closes the door on our little scummy friends and 2nd slows water down leaving the pot.
I think if you're using root pruning bags/pots...they are coming from all angles.
I did a quick peek and found this is a tapeworm of some kind....Interesting.
Do they feed on there eggs until they are eradicated?
Biological warfare ...:biggrin:
Great share and I love your indoor Sativa work......I go to bed at night dreaming of that durban that you had curing in the corn husk with the purple bleeding through......Killer

Great share


Well-known member
Cinnamon works for me better than Bti,

nematodes i cant buy here,otherway i will use them too..

but cinnamon sprinkled over pot topsoil surface kill them after only one watering.

Cinnamon is very accessible for all to find on there shelves at home.:)
So you just sprinkle it on your top soil dry? No water?
It is considered a superfood too.Im sure you know

Thanks Dog:tiphat:

A short story
I caught my Boys and their friends doing the Cinnamon challenge a couple years ago.....:noway:

Cinnamon -challenge Try to swallow a teaspoon of Cinnamon....Mystery solved you cant.....You choke :noway:
The end

Dog Star

Active member
Yep,i use empty salt vessle to evenly disperse cinnamon on surface,
you dont need overeact but still that it looks dusted,and gnats will be erased very soon.

Didnt know cinnamon is superfood,thanx for info

Cinnamon chalenge for people dont look so much smart,looked on Youtoube how
they blow cinnamon out of self like dragons... its a spice in the end..

Dave Coulier

Active member
Hey Dave
You are right the little fuckers will back door you through the weep holes in the bottom of your pot......set up camp there too.
I did not mention this in my post.
I put duct tape over my weep holes.....I never steam this area!
the duct tape does two thing.....closes the door on our little scummy friends and 2nd slows water down leaving the pot.
I think if you're using root pruning bags/pots...they are coming from all angles.
I did a quick peek and found this is a tapeworm of some kind....Interesting.
Do they feed on there eggs until they are eradicated?
Biological warfare ...:biggrin:
Great share and I love your indoor Sativa work......I go to bed at night dreaming of that durban that you had curing in the corn husk with the purple bleeding through......Killer

Great share

Here is an excellent explanation I cut and pasted from a website. Sounds like a gruesome death..I dont want nothing coming up my anus to infect me!

What Are Beneficial Nematodes and How Do They Work?
Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic, non-segmented roundworms that occur naturally in soil throughout the world. Inside the nematode's gut is the real weapon — symbiotic bacteria that when released inside an insect kill it within 24 to 48 hours. The nematodes enter the larvae via the mouth, anus, respiratory openings, or directly through the body wall of the pest. The nematodes then eject their symbiotic bacteria inside the pest's body. The bacteria multiply and cause blood poisoning of the pest, leading to death. The bacteria also convert host tissue into nutritive products, which can easily be taken up by nematodes. Inside the dead insect, the nematodes feed and multiply. As the food resources within the dead pest become scarce, the nematodes will exit the dead insect and immediately start searching for a new host.

I should have dropped in here sooner. Some really nice plants to look at and enjoy. Keep up the good work.

Thanks for enjoying my Sativa's. Expect plenty more to be shown off :). Im in the works to get some of the Afropips Durban Poison to seedbay in the near future. You can enjoy your own deep purple cobs then :) Btw, Ive not seen any cobs in here. Tried your hands at it yet?


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
great thread ph-patrol, i'm still making my way thru it, but the pics are all great and i'm loving the looks of your plants :good:

that "leaf bud" mutation is neat, ive had it on a few strains... not sure what causes it because i had it on a strain i ran for a year and it showed up random one run....
i'm testing some of my own seeds right now and saw a similar mutation - a single male flower opened from that spot in the middle of the leaf... bad place to hermi for sure....


Well-known member
Yep,i use empty salt vessle to evenly disperse cinnamon on surface,
you dont need overeact but still that it looks dusted,and gnats will be erased very soon.

Didnt know cinnamon is superfood,thanx for info

Cinnamon chalenge for people dont look so much smart,looked on Youtoube how
they blow cinnamon out of self like dragons... its a spice in the end..
Im glad you looked that up Dog Haha....It considered entertainment to some.
People nowadays can't stop pointing a camera at themselves and doing dumbshit.:)
Let me rephrase....People can't stop pointing a camera at themselves in general.....We are a narcissistic Nation.

Here is an excellent explanation I cut and pasted from a website. Sounds like a gruesome death..I dont want nothing coming up my anus to infect me!

What Are Beneficial Nematodes and How Do They Work?

I should have dropped in here sooner. Some really nice plants to look at and enjoy. Keep up the good work.[/B]

Thanks for enjoying my Sativa's. Expect plenty more to be shown off :). Im in the works to get some of the Afropips Durban Poison to seedbay in the near future. You can enjoy your own deep purple cobs then :) Btw, Ive not seen any cobs in here. Tried your hands at it yet?

Great follow up on the nematodes and I want zero anal invaders.
The concept is a smart one.I think I remember hearing about bringing in micro organisms to colonize and eat oil spills in the ocean.
Now I just put this spray to clean algae and moss off homes.Every time it rains the micro organism goes into a feeding frenzy.
The concept is very cool.

I have been playing with the polyhybrid for too long and Indicas......I need to stop listening to Katy Perry and get on Bach....Give me time.You're sativa Patients will lead me towards the light.:)

I will consult with you when I graduate.

Ohh Corn Husk cure....This is a african method? I have not attempted.I will before its all over.....there is so much to explore and learn.

I am the consummate student.

Thanks Dave

great thread ph-patrol, i'm still making my way thru it, but the pics are all great and i'm loving the looks of your plants :good:

that "leaf bud" mutation is neat, ive had it on a few strains... not sure what causes it because i had it on a strain i ran for a year and it showed up random one run....
i'm testing some of my own seeds right now and saw a similar mutation - a single male flower opened from that spot in the middle of the leaf... bad place to hermi for sure....

Hey Avinash.....Glad you came in and Thanks for all the support.It helps pushing me to get stuff up on the boards.

The fan leaf bud and the single lead growing out of the fan leafs center is a first for me.I have found very little on it but I have not looked that much.I will attempt to reveg that plant and share.
It seems to be cut worthy.We will see and test.
Your male flower out of the fan leaf......Very cool.I will look that up.
I don't know why the crotch of the fan leaf is the spot for oddity????

Thanks Again Brother


Well-known member
I built a macro lens out of stuff from around the house......It needs modifications.
First attempt:)



Dog Star

Active member
You stick a magnifier to a camera lens?? ;)

Was look professional equipment but good gear is a very expensive... specialy good
macro lens.


Well-known member
Yeah a modern Professional auto focus Macro will runs in the $700 and up range. Here is a little video showing macro photography.

Rick Lieder tutorial.....Good Stuff

No Im not using a Magnifier.
I don't have a dedicated Macro lens.I am changing the lenses focal distance from the camera which in turn changes the magnification.
Almost like a microscope.
It's a work in progress.

The camera is a great tool to share and express the plants to others.
I have always had a fascination for cameras.
My whole life.:)


Well-known member
#4 Loompa Farms Headband x sunshine Daydream
Day 45 of Flower

Height 51"
Smell aromatically-Fresh Fruit
Smell Rub and sniff-Straight Chem
Sticky to the touch
Large Fan Leaf Blades count between 9 and 8

She is a tall Lanky Girl that is in desperate need of support.The #4 is very similar to her #1 sister as phenotypes.In hindsight I should have topped the 1 and 4 for manageability.
Another stand out is the rate the whole line needs watering....Haha its crazy.
I probably have under watered them on account of their unique drinking schedule.

Mid level Bud shot...

I am starting to see some yellowing in her mid-area fan leaves.I have plans to hit her harder with a strong tea. She showed sensitivity to nitrogen in the past.
Her position in the tent is fan frontage. I don’t think she loves it but that's her spot.


Her Lanky frame is covered in these bud...Her slender frame won't support her bud weight much longer....Well its not in the moment.

Another Bud Pic....Natural light and low-flash...Shows a diffrent look to her

I decided to Break Up into individual reports and pics because there are 4 plants in the line and they need their individual day in the sun:)....More work But that's the way its got to be.#1 is next

Thanks B and Friends


Well-known member
Hey Guys
I will be trying to get up the LFHB x SSDD #1 report tonight or tomorrow morning.The #1 report coincides with the #3 report with some very minor differences.



Well-known member
#1 Loompa Farms Headband x sunshine Daydream
Day 45 of Flower

Height 50"
Smell aromatically-Minty
Smell Rub and sniff-Straight Chem
Greasy to the touch
Large Fan Leaf Blades count between 9 and 8

She Is the same Phenotype as #3...Please refer to above report for written portion.I Had to support her today before photographing.I will do the same to the #3 tomorrow.

Main cola

Bud Clusters mid structure

Frosty Bud

All the buds on her are pretty nice.

I would say that both the 1 and 3 are not for the inexperienced Grower.Im dreaming about the Smoke to come.


Well-known member
I pulled out the #3 LFHeadBand x SSdd testers and she is a Beautiful mess so I strung her up a bit....She reeks of Mountain Dew and Beavers whiskers....:biglaugh:...Haha Kidding on the smells.Just Giddy over her sexy physique and stank :muahaha:

My Artsy fartsy Shit.All Photos taken are with Vintage Lenses.



Well-known member
#3 Loompa Farms Headband x sunshine Daydream Testers
Day 47 of Flower

Height 48"
Smell aromatically-Dankest rotting fruit
Smell Rub and sniff-NA
Sticky icky the touch
Large Fan Leaf Blades count between NA

Temps 85 days 66 Nights
Light cycle 12/12
600watts in 3x3x6.6' tent
Watering only when needed.No overwatering
Rich as a fart soil mix.Still a great mix
Standing water 6.9 ph .Hitting with teas
5 gallon trade size pots

She Screams keeper! Everything about her.Her main stalk had to be staked up.This was just half the job.Her very flexible branches holding her substantial bud weight has her slumping.She is borderline classified as spindly.I wil cage her up.She really sprang to life.
She screams keeper:dance013:

Main cola

Main cola



I will have to edit a couple and my time's bin crunched ....will add an odd and end.she seems to a match to the #2.


Well-known member
#2 Loompa Farms Headband x sunshine Daydream Testers
Day 47 of Flower

Height 48"
Smell aromatically-rotting Og
Smell Rub and sniff-Rotting fruit
Sticky to the touch
Large Fan Leaf Blades count between 7
Temps 85 days 66 Nights
Light cycle 12/12
600watts in 3x3x6.6' tent
Watering only when needed.No overwatering
Rich as a fart soil mix.Still a great mix
Standing water 6.9 ph .Hitting with teas
5 gallon trade size pots

She is very much like The #3.The difference is I would call her spindly.She is a mess to deal with.Her Buds are literally laying on the floor.She reminds me of an og.Some golf balls and some more cylindrical buds.
I will have to cage her sooner than later.
I know I'm focused on her structure....I just wrestled with her...woof...need a shower
She stinks she is frosty and she stinks:biggrin:
Payoff will be when she is cured for 3+ months

Close up cola

Slumping stanky Buds


So thats a wrap,all four are documented.

Thanks Bodhi for the testers


ICMag Donor
Every hbxssdd turned out looking fire, good yielders too. Nice detailed information included also. Great job :tiphat:
Do you usually run 6 on 18 off? Do you run that schedule all of the flower period?