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PH? Heat Stress? Salt Buildup? Pics. Expert Help Needed

Need one of our experts out there to help me diagnose this problem as I have never had it before and after a quick search couldn't find much listed.

This is a hydro setup at end of week 2 flowering
GH nutrients +/- 1200ppm recirculating. Water twice a day
Temps at night are 73, temps during the day are 88
Co2 running at 1200 ppm constant
Bushmaster was run at end of week one at 1ml/gal
Watered with azamaz once a week for fungas gnats I had for a bit

I have been a little uncomfortable with the temps hitting 88. Ive been told with constant CO2 it is acceptable as long as it stays under 90. My room runs from about 85 to 88 back and forth with my AC.

I recently had to go out of town for 4 days so right before I left I set up a new full resi and left it unattended. Everything is on times and everything works perfect but when I got back the PH in the resi was up to 6.90

The leaves on the top buds are clawing in pretty bad on every plant. All the other leaves on all the plants look great. Nice big, green, and healthy. The one time I saw this before it was only on a few plants and the plants came out extremely airy and next to worthless.

Im wondering if there is a way to help it recover or if I need to just chop everything and start over. I flushed with 6.0 PH water last night and might flush again tonight. Any advice would be appreciated.


From what I have looked at I don't see any root rot. My water temperatures always seem to stay within a safe range. The plants look extremely healthy except from the bud sites. I can see the early signs of airy buds coming......


looks over fed to me>>>
when overfed>>>all the other stresses effect her more<<<

you did right by flushing>>>4X the amount of volume in each pot?

when they claw like that its usually an overfeed of one or more nutes<<<

the "DARK GREEN" says too much N<<<>>>basicly too much food<<<

i feed at no more than 1.2 EC<<<and LESS>>>

add the heat stress>>>>
thats my uneducated GUESS
Thanks for the feedback...keep it coming.

Its strange because I've never had a problem in the past with 1200 ppm CO2 and 1200ppm nutes.

The heat does seem a little high for sure and the ph spike for 4 days to 6.9 has me worried.....will flush once more and see what happens.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the higher temps tend to make the plant transpire more so will cause more nutes to be taken up by the plant - so its a combination of too high N and heat. some strains will claw quite easily whearas others never seem to.
That is N toxicity.

Thank you so much. Do you think this was caused by nute lockout due to high PH levels?

I have flushed it twice now over the past 2 days. Are they ready for me to feed normally and do you think they will recover or are they too stressed now to produce well?

Thanks in advance


Guest 18340

That I have no clue about.
I've had plants show N toxicity when the nute strength was relatively low, or so I thought.
maybe some others can chime in as to what caused it and how to fix it.
My first instinct though would be to lower nutrient strength...
Can anyone else chime in here with thoughts on what to do next. I have flushed twice and plan to introduce nutes at about 75% normal strength.

My main question is will they come back from this. I cant spend another 6 weeks to finish this run if its going to come out subpar.

Thanks in advance



Hey im glad you asked this question Jack, as I am currently experiencing the same problem.

I have 4 plants 2 DJ shorts Blueberry and 2 Alien Bubba, in a RDWC system. Im feeding using Lucas Formula, and my temps have been colder around 68-78 lately. Im wondering what your humidity is unless i missed it. Cuz mine has been around 70 which is too high. Maybe this curling could be caused by high humidity?

The thing is, my Alien Bubbas have no curling at all, and my Blueberries are both curling on all new growth. Im almost 7 weeks into flowering. Alien Bubbas are looking great, the Blueberries are way behind. My pH stays within 5.5 to 6.0.

I've used Lucas before at the normal feed rate and I haven't experienced these problems. And the Bubbas look great, but the Blueberries don't.
Its not humidity because mine is a constant 40-50%...

Im thinking its what earlier posters are saying. Nute Lockout due to PH spikes. Would love some more insight.

BTW the hanna combo meter is garbage. Picking up blue lab asap


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
its not nute lockout - its high N made worse by high temps (as i explained above) its very strain dependent.

its not so much to worry about , i would stop flushing and then when they've dried out start with the nuts at HALF strength max. it shouldnt spoil your crop as long as you wind back the nute levels.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
p.s. the leaves that are already clawed wont go back to normal - so dont expect them to. look at any new growth to see if you are back on track. raising the light a little to lower temps on the top buds might also help.


Dr. Doolittle
defiantly overfed... can you post some more pics without the hps light on? claw effect and I think it looks dark green... not good in flowering... you defiantly do not want high nitrogen in flowering..... slows bud growth big time...... how big are these plants? How are you mixing your nutes.. when you pu them in which ones are you mixing in first second and third....?

After flushing for 2 days I reintroduced nutrients at half strength for about 10 days and am now back to higher strength (1.4 - 1.6 ec) but using a bit less Flora Micro and Flora grow (They contain the Nitrogen). New leaf growth is back to normal. No more severe clawing. Thanks to those that came up with the diagnosis :)

Half of the plants are back on track and look very nice but I am still having a bit of a problem with the other half. The plants are producing fairly "airy" flowers. Obviously the stress they went through is causing this.

Is there anything I can do to promote these affected plants to fill out and dense up or will I just have to chalk this up as a learning experience? I still have about 4 weeks left in cycle and would really love to salvage these babies! Any input would be appreciated!

Thanks in advance ICmag comes through again and again :)



Active member
TTT for any ideas on promoting airy flowers to fill out and dense up??

Each strain absorbs/stores nutrients a bit differently. Too much nitrogen will store in the plant tissue and continue to give you issues with bud formation for the next few weeks.

An overfed plant can be fed nothing but R/O water for a month and a half in hydro and STILL need to be flushed.... depending on how “overfed” it was and the strain.

Tips for next grow:

#1 Quit using the GH Grow about 2 weeks before flipping to flower (Timing will depend on strain for optimum results). Do NOT use it again throughout flower. Do NOT add additional nitrogen during flower as a “tweak” to your system... unless you've found that your nutrient regimen is lacking the minimum. Fluffy/Stemmy/Leafy buds and overstreched internode lengths are classic products from excess nitrogen. Velvety soft, dark green leaves are a sign of being on the verge of Nitrogen toxicity... clawing usually comes shortly afterwards.

#2 Change your ventilation/cooling to prevent overheating again. Your room should stay warm/cool within range of your strains, even if your house AC/Heater goes out on the hottest/coldest day. This is called insurance. One saved grow will make it all worthwhile.

Stay Safe! :jump:
Each strain absorbs/stores nutrients a bit differently. Too much nitrogen will store in the plant tissue and continue to give you issues with bud formation for the next few weeks.

An overfed plant can be fed nothing but R/O water for a month and a half in hydro and STILL need to be flushed.... depending on how “overfed” it was and the strain.

Tips for next grow:

#1 Quit using the GH Grow about 2 weeks before flipping to flower (Timing will depend on strain for optimum results). Do NOT use it again throughout flower. Do NOT add additional nitrogen during flower as a “tweak” to your system... unless you've found that your nutrient regimen is lacking the minimum. Fluffy/Stemmy/Leafy buds and overstreched internode lengths are classic products from excess nitrogen. Velvety soft, dark green leaves are a sign of being on the verge of Nitrogen toxicity... clawing usually comes shortly afterwards.

#2 Change your ventilation/cooling to prevent overheating again. Your room should stay warm/cool within range of your strains, even if your house AC/Heater goes out on the hottest/coldest day. This is called insurance. One saved grow will make it all worthwhile.

Stay Safe! :jump:

Its happening again on my new run!!! My temps are between 68 and 82 and I have completely eliminated the GH Grow from the regime. I am now just using Micro and Bloom at 6:9 (ph 5.8-6.0) and I am mid way through my 3rd week of flower. The claws have popped ud again on every plant.

Once I noticed them about 4 days ago I flushed and then used half strength nutes for the past 4 days to try to remedy the situation. Will know in the next few days if the clawing has stopped

Why is this happening? Nitrogen doesnt seem like it should be a factor as I eliminated Grow 3 weeks ago. Im watering once a day for 3 mintes at 975ppm (1.9 ec) +/-

The only other thing that I have added is 2 days worth of Bushmaster at 1ml/gal as per instructions with nutes at about 40% strength. 2 days after my last Bushmaster water is when the claws came in. Should mention the plants are thriving and look extremely healthy besides the clawing.

This is really beginning to frustrate me. Thanks for any insight on how to proceed....