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personal Reason for growing

i've grown off and on since the 70s. in the 90s i decided that i would grow great quality indoors and then i would smoke less.

yeah, we all know how that works out right? :)


New member
I'm an old fart. Been dealing with Miss Mary for almost 40 years. All of my PIC's(partners in crime) faded out, quit for job reasons, etc. That left me with dealing with the younguns'. Oh HELL to the NO. Plus, you're always on someone elses' time. You got to wait for the dealer to do whatever the fuck they're doing and then MAYBE you can see them - OR wait on that call. Fuck that action. I bit the bullet back on 03', saved some cash, stole one of my bedrooms(with wooden floors, mind you) and turned it into a grow room. Never looked back.

Oh man, that phone call. Been there done that. You call, wait for your guy to call. 30 minutes to an hour goes by, the guy calls and your adrenaline shoots up, and the dude says "I'm still waiting on my guy to call."

LOL, he's waiting on his own call, while YOU'RE waiting on HIS call. Hated that shit. Then you finally get the green light to pick it up, only to go to another guys house and wait some more!

Or at least, that was my ordeal most of the time.


New member
For me, the tipping point was seeing a very close friend of mine in hospital with holes in their lungs. Seen them with a collapsed lung 3 times up to this point and killed me watching them go through that pain and not being able to do anything about it. The last time had them in hospital for months and getting surgery to try and seal up the holes. Most people are going to think I started growing to help him manage his pain. This isn't why. Both me and my friend had been smoking questionable contaminated and adulterated weed for a few years up to this point(sprayed with Lord knows what, powdered glass was always my bet). This I believe caused their condition as I had started getting chest problems as well. Not as bad, but still more than I ever had before. If all the weed we were getting hadn't been sprayed I think we both wouldn't have had any health implications.
The next fact was that the price had shot up 25-50% about 5 years ago and has never lowered since. Cost was way too high so I started researching other grows and reading advice that helped me get the calculator out and realize that growing would cost a fraction of what I was paying for shit weed that was only taking it toll on me because of greed.
The next reason comes down to the black market. Like most places in the world the 'cannabis industry' (face it, this is exactly what it is and it is never going away) is run by the criminal underworld and gangsters. I no longer wanted to fund them. The way I seen it was that I am as bad as them for putting money in their hands and helping continue to fund their actions which destroy communities, people and their families. Also I had been offered other hard drugs which I'm dead against and luckily I had the sense to say no, but I'm sure their are others who didn't.
The next thing I discovered on here was that ingenuity goes perfectly with the hobby(i would count as a hobby as I have never sold weed and never will, I would rather donate and get a critique of that harvest), you can build cabinets and control everything like light, heat, humidity, growing medium, nutrients, odour etc. I love being able to build and fix everything myself being from a construction background.
I also found that with the wait on a plant finishing helped me slow down, relax and gather my owns thoughts naturally. I suppose it helped me balance my life better. So there is definitely a therapeutic side to gardening I have learned that I never actually believed before.
That's the main reasons I started growing, good quality unadulterated produce, cheaper, not supporting or funding criminality, building and problem solving, finally the therapeutic calming you get from gardening in general.
Though there are downsides to it too which can't be ignored and have to be weighed up as well against the benefits.
Anyway, thank you to everyone who has posted on this site. Though you don't know it, your experience has been invaluable to my education on this subject in more ways than I could list. Keep it green and happy growing.


Active member
I trust no one.....

I trust no one.....

bought weed and other drugs thru the 60's.bad shit in the 70's made me take notice of grows in and around my area, a taste or two from different grows opened my eyes. At 31X90 we can grow a long time, ample rain ,late frosts and lots of open land is good, bad is too much rain,flooding,huricians and tornados I've seen it all. I have a grow room 400w 5X5 room lots of room for sexing and finishing a few ounces. Here in the state that houses the federal stash at Ole Miss, laws can be tuff. at nearly 70 years I hope they will be easy on an old man. Hank,and Hush has it right "I can't get better than mine"


Well-known member
For me, the tipping point was seeing a very close friend of mine in hospital with holes in their lungs. Seen them with a collapsed lung 3 times up to this point and killed me watching them go through that pain and not being able to do anything about it. The last time had them in hospital for months and getting surgery to try and seal up the holes. Most people are going to think I started growing to help him manage his pain. This isn't why. Both me and my friend had been smoking questionable contaminated and adulterated weed for a few years up to this point(sprayed with Lord knows what, powdered glass was always my bet). This I believe caused their condition as I had started getting chest problems as well. Not as bad, but still more than I ever had before. If all the weed we were getting hadn't been sprayed I think we both wouldn't have had any health implications.

damn, that's freaky stuff, was there medical diagnosis of cause?
probably not or you'd have mentioned it
my humble opinion is that many of these poisoned weed deals are from mold
most mold won't do you in, some will, or if you're very sensitive


How I really feel : Started growing because I smoke everyday and it's more cost effective for me. Second the growing process gives me some form of therapy


Active member
i like to garden, i like to smoke weed, seemed like a simple decision. but it started because i was tired of getting ripped off (teenage years when i started), tired of everything being "dro" then "kush" then "loud" now "kush" again. i later found it helps with my symptoms and now i do it because i'm a man and i can do whatever i want. as well as all that other shit.


The satisfaction of putting 4 months of work into something then reaping the benefits. nothing better than that especially when its good.


Well-known member
I'm setting the tent back up TODAY, I bought 2 ozs last nite - 1 baggie contained .6 oz and the other one .4 oz. of end of last season CRAP:tumbleweed:

My only contact is 87 and it looks like he's ready to retire from the Biz.

........ but meanwhile, its been 46 yrs. tokin' for me and I'm just getting started!:biggrin:


Well-known member
I've grown on and off for over 30 years. Location did not always allow for it, but when it did I always had a few growing outdoors. I peddled a lot of weed back in the day, so I basically smoked for free for a long time. But good weed at decent prices got harder and harder to come by, so I said screw it and invested in a light and made my own hydro setup. I only grow for myself. I rarely sell any unless I need a couple of bucks, but I do give some to close friends. And it's a hell of a lot better than anything I can buy, including the shit going for $400 a zip. And it's kinda fun watching people go pale and have to lie down after I already warned them to hit easy on that joint. I told ya...


i too have been growing on/off since the late seventies. The last seven years have grown every summer. I use the same reasoning I use for my cooking, it's what I want the way I want it.


Active member
because. ...

because. ...

I started because my dealers in college had been selling homegrown bud, but the bud was seeded and they kept trying to sell it off as a household name (sour d, piff etc). It pissed me off because this was before all the crazy names were out around where I live. There was only purple haze, super silver sour and piff. And I had all of them. So what they were doing while I was at college was a bunch of tomfoolery.

So I started with bagseeds and grew my own. No point to be sold back yard boogie while they're trying to pass it off as top line geneTics.

I wood

Well-known member
The three reasons for me to start to grow in 1988 were;
Consistency, I could never get the same thing again.
Quality, sometimes good, sometimes not, usually wet or bricked.
Price, cost around the same as gold when I started to grow.


Active member
In 1974, I moved to my present location, met one grower whose thoughts on growing was the same as mine......what you get when you buy.....seeds, stems and fan leaves...Had I grown then compared to what I grow now,I would be well off financially or in Angola Prison. "If you can't circle your friends within your arms, there's too many" Remember your circle of friends! If one rats you out, you know to shoot? yep, to use a 60's term Stoned ,again.


Active member
Like getting high. Love to "do it myself" - vegetable gardening, cooking, brewing beer, roasting my own coffee beans, so this seemed a natural fit.

Plus the huge money savings, better quality, and not having to worry about dealing with crooks or scumbags, which was a huge consideration since I had settled into a "normal" life.

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