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Perpetual trays, horiz 600


Active member
Agenda list:

Line new resy and get into flower room w vision
get rid of clones
get green candy into veg side constant feed and get light over them
get moms cut way back and get set up on blumat auto water
build the 4" vert system

stay outa Japan


Active member
resy is running in the flower room getting stabilized
clones are moving out today and tomorrow
which opens up room in that veg room for less distributed light

found this at HF gettin a pump for the flower side
handy if u ask me



Hey BB... so you just feeding them constant and the dripping of the water is what causes the Dissolved oxygen that stops the roots from starving from O2? dont know why i had it in my head you was setting these up with a header tank like a small undercurrent type setup?...

Good luck with the grow dude bring on the flowers :D


Active member
Hey BB... so you just feeding them constant and the dripping of the water is what causes the Dissolved oxygen that stops the roots from starving from O2? dont know why i had it in my head you was setting these up with a header tank like a small undercurrent type setup?...

Good luck with the grow dude bring on the flowers :D

Was going to
as in ....
have a remote resy the pump pumps out of and the big resy overflows into the remote resy to get a circulation going?

If so
ideally I'd like it like that. but Id have to buy a few things and im really staying focused on using my resources.
that will be an upgrade to the system.
I just set up a kiddie pool vert im trying out. same concept as these boxes, and i was planning on a remote resy on those too.
I'd use the splash over from the tank leveler to help induce oxygen too. w a more powerfull pump I could put a bypass that shoots the extra flow back into the tank


Active member
tray took a massive swing down

had my 5 week old ph pen die on me the other day, may have been giving bad readings
got it back to 6.2 should green up a little very soon



Active member

Good bud set so far. not sure what day im at

Put a thowy over them and raised the light to give side light to the vert soil project to finish up
the 600 is in between the bull ghani's on the kiddie pool project

Gettin ready to wrap up this spot. will be settin the other tray next to this one, keepin the 1000 over them both. Have to get a capacitor to get my other 600 fired up.


Active member
Im now thinkin about breakin down and gettin 3 -1.5" bulkheads for the 2 boxes and one controller resy. I'd feel comfy pokin through the plastic w a bulkhead adapter.
Hopefully the uneveness of the OSB doesnt cause leaks.
Then run the pumps out of the remote resy and circulate into the trays.
Im also going to add some soaker hose air line to them all eventually

What does lack of Dissolved Oxygen look like in a plant??


Active member
i've come to the admittance that my nutes are a big part of my problem. Im going right now to buy more. Read a bit about expired nutes last night, it was the last push.
I've avoided accepting it because I have more than a half gallon of AN Sensi left of both veg and grow and any one who buys this stuff knows what it costs.

My issues arise every single grow and its the only link I havent changed, so

away they go, off to get some ionic flower


i had this with some canna coco A&B the nutrient had evaporated and caused a salt buildup in the bottles so before i started it was all fucked up i change 2 ec pens before realising when i shook the nutrient bottles and herd some shit swishing about in the nutes... emptied the whole lot in a bucket and had actual lumps of salt crusty nutrient.... that was about 6 months old after i had a break.... i use mine regular now tho.. perhaps get a smaller bottle of feed :)


yep thats it dude same shit happened to me!!! at least your getting out relatively cheaply i got 2 EC pens now and lost the nutrient too lol.....

silver hawaiian

Active member
I had some EJ that I left out in the shed over the winter, .. That stuff always sounds a little clunky, but this was the same thing BB is describing - sounds like I'm shaking a milkshake with crushed ice in it.