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People who end everything they say with "PEACE!"


The Voice of Reason
this is old stuff, but im still annoyed if a person says in the end of the telephone conversation "peace".

I'm annoyed when people do not realize a phone conversation is over... and you have to say "Peace" several times before they get it... :D


I'm annoyed when people do not realize a phone conversation is over... and you have to say "Peace" several times before they get it... :D

Holy shit some people have no "wrap up radar" when on the phone..... eventually I just hang up and tell the later the call dropped and my phone shut off. :cuss:


the idea is not that ending with peace sometimes is wrong or stupid or bad its when its used in the end of every single thing someone says. "Hey if you want you can have some of my potato chips .peace!" sometimes it works though like in "stop hitting your brother stephen! Peace!"


Active member
i dont like the peace either

too gangster for me

no need to say peace for there to be peace
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Original Editor of ICMagazine
Oh well, that's life, one big bundle of diversified interests.

I particularly like to sign off with 'peace' but after running into a couple of con-artists using the handle "Peace and Love" I just can't bring myself to use that saying anymore...just makes my blood get cold to realize the depth of some people's corruption.

On the other hand, it's a new decade so I will pray for peace...


The Voice of Reason
Baké - Basque

Pau - Catalan

Selam - Ethiopia

Shanti - Bengali

Fred - Danish

Ashtee - Farsi

Peace - English

Irini - Greek

Sipala - Hawaii

Shalom - Hebrew

Salam - Arab

Pace - Italian

Heiwa - Japanese

Wolakota - Lokota

Pax - Latin

Paz - Spanish

Sidi - Tibet

I might have to start using Fred...



K +++++++

What do you have against Romanians, bromhexine?
I'm guessing you're from Toronto and you're annoyed by all the Romanian immigrants... ? :)


its all in good fun. i havent anything against romanians i was just being absurb. toronto has alot of romanian immigrants? I know they have alot of philipinos yip yappering on their cell phones on the bus. you go on a bus in toronto and theres about 5 different languages being yelled none of which are english.speaking of english and the lack thereof I've been to romania twice and must say they are a bitter bitter people and being in a poor country is no excuse because in bulgaria or serbia or any country ive been to around there they dont act this way at all and they're even poorer. why i could start a whole thread on just how bad romania is. but i wont.. because i have nothing against them. them and their lack of communication skills and their public toilets that are just holes in the ground where you have to pay to use them and they hand you a single slice of toilet paper and you have to walk through a turnstyle to get in and out and when you get out you have to press a button and get it just at the right timing for the thing to open or else you get a bunch of romanians yelling things at you. their poor policies and laws which make no sense when you get in a car accident you have to go to the police station to report the accident even if theres a police on the scene when it happened. and they cant tell you how to get there becase they dont speak any english and once you finally find it hours later they tell you that your report has to be in romanian so you go and get a translator to fill the report and then find out that the other party never reported it so it was all a waste of time to go there. you walk into a store in the mall right int he center of bucharest and noone can speak english to you when you want to pay for a coffee they just shrug and turn away. the taxi drivers which all try to rip you off charging ten times the price and then just lolly around the area taking long detours. the stale stink of the streets there and the corrupt police. gosh i could go on and on but i honestly have nothing against the romanians they're cool. with their insane drivers speeding and zipping all around honking and yelling at eachother stopping and parking in the middle of the road people pushing in the streets on cnn international they have an ad for tourism to romania in english "Romania, Land of Choice" just choose not to go there and you'll be fine. Having said that they have some great coffee. oh and they're the ugliest people ive ever seen too. Peace!
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its all in good fun. i havent anything against romanians i was just being absurb. toronto has alot of romanian immigrants? I know they have alot of philipinos yip yappering on their cell phones on the bus. you go on a bus in toronto and theres about 5 different languages being yelled none of which are english.speaking of english and the lack thereof I've been to romania twice and must say they are a bitter bitter people and being in a poor country is no excuse because in bulgaria or serbia or any country ive been to around there they dont act this way at all and they're even poorer. why i could start a whole thread on just how bad romania is. but i wont.. because i have nothing against them. them and their lack of communication skills and their public toilets that are just holes in the ground where you have to pay to use them and they hand you a single slice of toilet paper and you have to walk through a turnstyle to get in and out and when you get out you have to press a button and get it just at the right timing for the thing to open or else you get a bunch of romanians yelling things at you. their poor policies and laws which make no sense when you get in a car accident you have to go to the police station to report the accident even if theres a police on the scene when it happened. and they cant tell you how to get there becase they dont speak any english and once you finally find it hours later they tell you that your report has to be in romanian so you go and get a translator to fill the report and then find out that the other party never reported it so it was all a waste of time to go there. you walk into a store in the mall right int he center of bucharest and noone can speak english to you when you want to pay for a coffee they just shrug and turn away. the taxi drivers which all try to rip you off charging ten times the price and then just lolly around the area taking long detours. the stale stink of the streets there and the corrupt police. gosh i could go on and on but i honestly have nothing against the romanians they're cool. with their insane drivers speeding and zipping all around honking and yelling at eachother stopping and parking in the middle of the road people pushing in the streets on cnn international they have an ad for tourism to romania in english "Romania, Land of Choice" just choose not to go there and you'll be fine. Having said that they have some great coffee. oh and they're the ugliest people ive ever seen too. Peace!

LOL.. wow impressive rant. Takes some to go on like that
