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people on dole to be forced into work


ICMag Donor
Here's a twisted idea ,, if everyone was employed, then working-hours would need to be cut down so that everyone could be employed, which would generate unemployment. Plus if the unemployed were all employed, then those that are currently employed to manage, entertain, sell luxury items, and cater for the unemployed, would themselves find themselves unemployed. catch 22

Unemployment is an industry in itself!!

All funded by the tax payer,, (and the spoils of war)
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ICMag Donor
They could reintroduce National Service ,, but this video places that old argument into perspective....


>> peace <<


RE: Gypsies / Travellers / Roma ,, they aren't ALL the same thing,, or from the same clans,, or cultural background. Please dont tar all feathers with the same brush you paint things with! They moved away from the "system" in Georgian times!!!

A Gypsy-Traveller that lives in a house is "kennick" and no-longer a Gypsy. Travellers and Carnies aren't always Gypsy and may live in houses over winter,, and the Roma are a completely different "breed" all together. Never judge a book by it's cover. We've met travellers that didn't have two rabbit bones to rub together, and Gypsy ladies that roll on wheels worth 1000 giro checks... all paid for in cash-money that her family hustled for... not on hand-outs.

Besides and above ALL most real Gypsy wouldn't sign-on if you paid them double.. (oh the irony) ... because a real Gypsy would NOT lay down on his back for a million pounds!
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The Tri Guy
They could do it easily, simply introduce a rule that only one partner in a marraige can work. That would cut down on double income families but increase the availablitly of work for other families with no income.

On another note, to say that no one starves in britain isnt true. Tell me where the food comes from for those whove had their benefits taken away from them. Or those who've been kicked out of their homes and are freezing to death on the streets. Our govt has a responsability to protect our right to a life free from persecution and free from humiliation, yet they persecute and humiliate us themselves. The problem of course is that once you get your benefits taken away, you also get your right to legal aid taken away, and so cant afford to sue them under the human rights act. If you havent had these things taken away, you have no case to sue them over, and so they get away with breaking EU law every day.

Hazy, thats all well and good if you have different conditions to claim over, but if you have one reoccuring lifelong condition, then the no 2 claims for ill health thing is a real pisser.

lost in a sea

Buddha was right thick cnut as evidenced by this quote.
Jumbling up bad history, conspiricy theory and cod 'spiritual' bollox like this is a clear example of how wooly thoughts can become if we allow it and stands as a clear warning of the potential dangers of smoking pot.

lol its always the way man,,,, from my side, you seem like the one with "wooly" ideas,,

i dont need to educate you,,, it would take far too long and that is your own path,,,

you obviously believe far too much capitalist science and history for me to even start,, if you had to ask those questions then i simply cant answer them ,,,

this is why i rarely visit the uk subforum on icmag,, because i meet people like you everyday in the real world,, closed minded, largely ignorant people that believe what they are told the consensus is and never pick up a book or listen to a person that questions the herd,,,who knows what crazy lies reverberate around in your cranium unlikely to ever get questioned or tested,,



ICMag Donor
In India,, the Sadhu,, are homeless and do not own any material assets,, they do not claim income support,, but are supported by local communities wherever they travel. This system works because the Sadhu trades spirituality and knowledge for food with local villagers. They offer the community a direct service... and there is no money involved.

Or those who've been kicked out of their homes and are freezing to death on the streets.

I agree.

A communist system of housing for the permanently unemployed would be the most cost efficient answer,,, but the capitalist ghettos that western society has constructed do not cater for communial living (quite the opposite in fact) and aim to spatially isolate people rather than enhance the potential of collective living.

As ever most things come down to poor town planning during the 1950's when the whole sense of "community" went out the window as people developed a fascination for the returning banana and adopted consumer lifestyles - while strongly rejecting communism..

Though out history, the unemployed and those deemed as not contributing directly to society have been persecuted and in the most extreme cases have been the subject of genocide.. with gypsies and vagrant communities, religious minorities and political dissidents normally taking the brunt of society's wider redemption. History only repeats itself because we are too stupid to learn from its mistakes.

- - -

Apparently,, in the UK,, if you are black-listed ,, then you cant even open a bank account? what a load of bullshit!

This "system" has dragged us down to they very gutter of society several times before.. but each time we've thought longer and harder of ways to combat it. The best way is to stop spending money,, the second best is to grow your own food ,, they really hate that,, since food is their main method of controlling the majority of the population. Thirdly "throw away your televisions NOW!"


People need personal remedies:
Reveal your naked self and embrace your original nature;
Bind your self-interest and control your ambition;
Forget your habits and simplify your affairs. [tao te ching]


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
On another note, to say that no one starves in britain isnt true. Tell me where the food comes from for those whove had their benefits taken away from them. Or those who've been kicked out of their homes and are freezing to death on the streets. Our govt has a responsability to protect our right to a life free from persecution and free from humiliation, yet they persecute and humiliate us themselves. The problem of course is that once you get your benefits taken away, you also get your right to legal aid taken away, and so cant afford to sue them under the human rights act. If you havent had these things taken away, you have no case to sue them over, and so they get away with breaking EU law every day.

i guess when i said 'nobody starves' it's somewhat of a generalisation - but very very few will. before the welfare state, Cadbury did a survey of the poor and recorded the abject poverty they lived with. one 'typical' woman had 22 children and only 3 of them lived until adulthood.

sundays child

lol its always the way man,,,, from my side, you seem like the one with "wooly" ideas,,

i dont need to educate you,,, it would take far too long and that is your own path,,,

you obviously believe far too much capitalist science and history for me to even start,, if you had to ask those questions then i simply cant answer them ,,,

this is why i rarely visit the uk subforum on icmag,, because i meet people like you everyday in the real world,, closed minded, largely ignorant people that believe what they are told the consensus is and never pick up a book or listen to a person that questions the herd,,,who knows what crazy lies reverberate around in your cranium unlikely to ever get questioned or tested,,


So you can't explain what you mean by "revolutions are usually just playing out inate angst within populations"?

So you can't provide any references these 'Ancient rulers' who encouraged riots to wipe out their worst slaves?

So you can't tell us what these 'sick crimes against natural law' which are worse than genocide are?

So you can't tell us who these closely realated evil men are, or how they are related?

But you don't need to because crazy lies reverberate around in MY head?

Sorry man, but my belief in processes of history and science means I expect evidence in the form of verifiable fact before I believe stuff.
From my side, your reluctance to substantiate anything you say suggests that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
However, as an adherant to the scientific process of establishing facts, I am always happy to be proved wrong. My mind is always open to evidence.
So, prove what you have to say rather than resorting to the same old hippy psycho babble, give us your evidence. Then it can be questioned and tested and we will see who's head is full of lies.:thank you:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i'd have to agree about buddha. a lot (not all) of what he said is esoteric nonsense.

Darwin, on the other hand, worked out where we came from and how life on earth actually works to a large degree - many scientific discoveries since then have served to support his theory - which has much more relevance to today's society.


So you can't explain what you mean by "revolutions are usually just playing out inate angst within populations"?

So you can't provide any references these 'Ancient rulers' who encouraged riots to wipe out their worst slaves?

So you can't tell us what these 'sick crimes against natural law' which are worse than genocide are?

So you can't tell us who these closely realated evil men are, or how they are related?

But you don't need to because crazy lies reverberate around in MY head?

Sorry man, but my belief in processes of history and science means I expect evidence in the form of verifiable fact before I believe stuff.
From my side, your reluctance to substantiate anything you say suggests that you don't have a clue what you are talking about.
However, as an adherant to the scientific process of establishing facts, I am always happy to be proved wrong. My mind is always open to evidence.
So, prove what you have to say rather than resorting to the same old hippy psycho babble, give us your evidence. Then it can be questioned and tested and we will see who's head is full of lies.:thank you:

He does'nt have to explain shit he does'nt owe you an education neither do i , if you want to gain some knowledge then go and do some reasearch then maybe you will have a clue what you are talking about and have a leg to stand on .

Your mind is definitely NOT open , you say some quote and form an assumption from it without even looking at the real context and meaning or teaching behind the quote .You know absolutely nothing about buddhism and you don't even understand the concept of attachment and suffering in human beings :rolleyes: hehe there's no hope .


i'd have to agree about buddha. a lot (not all) of what he said is esoteric nonsense.

Darwin, on the other hand, worked out where we came from and how life on earth actually works to a large degree - many scientific discoveries since then have served to support his theory - which has much more relevance to today's society.

Yeah those science types are real smart they only just discovered dark matter existed a few years ago and worked out the universe is not actually an emtpy vacuum as they thought it was since the beggining LOL dozy twats :D . Buddha already told them more them 2000 year ago nothingness cannot exist maybe they should have listened .

the problem with science is, if something cannot be quantified it simply does not exist , a scientist can never just "be" and accept something "is" it has to be proven to be real , as is the case with dark matter .

there's must be more things that science cannot trace , the technology is not advanced enough or people simply have not realized a way to show it yet.

Esotetric LMAO your not serious ,if that what you think about buddhism you should look into it more dude cos your wrong , if anything buddha denounced alot of the hocus pocus and make believe that was associated with religious belief i.e a higher power. He encouraged people to believe in themselves rather than to believe in a god or some holy spirit.

sundays child

He does'nt have to explain shit he does'nt owe you an education neither do i , if you want to gain some knowledge then go and do some reasearch then maybe you will have a clue what you are talking about and have a leg to stand on .

Your mind is definitely NOT open , you say some quote and form an assumption from it without even looking at the real context and meaning or teaching behind the quote .You know absolutely nothing about buddhism and you don't even understand the concept of attachment and suffering in human beings :rolleyes: hehe there's no hope .

So, you can offer no evidence to back up sea of green's claims either? That's a shame because my open mind would gladly consider, question and test it, and if I found it true, believe it.

From what you have to say, Buddhists (if that's what you are?) claim to have some secret, special knowlege which proves the knowlege we have through science and history to be wrong. Yet like any flakey hippy prefere to take an elitist stance by refusing to share even a few, simple facts to back up their claims.

But just in case I'm wrong, I am more than happy to consider any evidence you may have to lend weight to any of the claims I question.
So come on, tell me, who are these ancient leaders who actually encouraged riots in order to rid themselves of slaves?
What are these sick crimes against 'natural law' which are worse than genocide?
Who are these evil men and how are they related?
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The Tri Guy
What most dont consider when knocking those who started movements all those years ago, is that what they taught had to be done in an esoterical way as they did not have encryption back then. The ruling classes would have executed most of them if they didnt hide the true meaning of what they were teaching, as it was undermining the status quo of belief patterns within their societies. Unfortunately many of them still did not escape that fate, however their methods extended their lives long enough for the movements to get some momentum behind them. The problem is that now people look at what was taught and take it at face value, rather than considering the way in which it was written at the time and why it was written in that way.
I also prefer science to religion, as it can be read and understood (by some people). But to devalue the lessons that can be learned from the religous teachings (and no I dont mean learning about the fantasy figure god), is to ignore the wisdom that has lead to populations dealing with unjust regimes ruling their lives, and ultimately the down fall of those regimes while also creating social philosophies that if followed, would create a better tomorrow.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Yeah those science types are real smart they only just discovered dark matter existed a few years ago and worked out the universe is not actually an emtpy vacuum as they thought it was since the beggining LOL dozy twats :D . Buddha already told them more them 2000 year ago nothingness cannot exist maybe they should have listened .

the problem with science is, if something cannot be quantified it simply does not exist , a scientist can never just "be" and accept something "is" it has to be proven to be real , as is the case with dark matter .

there's must be more things that science cannot trace , the technology is not advanced enough or people simply have not realized a way to show it yet.

Esotetric LMAO your not serious ,if that what you think about buddhism you should look into it more dude cos your wrong , if anything buddha denounced alot of the hocus pocus and make believe that was associated with religious belief i.e a higher power. He encouraged people to believe in themselves rather than to believe in a god or some holy spirit.

well mate i think we'll have to agree to differ on that one, science has it's shortcomings but imo opinion is the ultimate search for the truth - and of course if it wasnt for science then we wouldnt be having this conversation, we wouldnt be growing plants under lights, and statistically at least one of the two of us would probably not have lived very long.
btw esoteric means "confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle" i would say that is a great way of decribing many of buddha's teachings - although tbh i find his approach to 'religion' much more palatable than anything the west has served up.




Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
What most dont consider when knocking those who started movements all those years ago, is that what they taught had to be done in an esoterical way as they did not have encryption back then. The ruling classes would have executed most of them if they didnt hide the true meaning of what they were teaching, as it was undermining the status quo of belief patterns within their societies. Unfortunately many of them still did not escape that fate, however their methods extended their lives long enough for the movements to get some momentum behind them. The problem is that now people look at what was taught and take it at face value, rather than considering the way in which it was written at the time and why it was written in that way.
I also prefer science to religion, as it can be read and understood (by some people). But to devalue the lessons that can be learned from the religous teachings (and no I dont mean learning about the fantasy figure god), is to ignore the wisdom that has lead to populations dealing with unjust regimes ruling their lives, and ultimately the down fall of those regimes while also creating social philosophies that if followed, would create a better tomorrow.


it should be noted that many early scientists had to do a similar thing about their findings. many were put to death as heretics or blasphemers for simply reporting that it wasnt 'magic' or 'god' that made things work.


So, you can offer no evidence to back up sea of green's claims either? That's a shame because my open mind would gladly consider, question and test it, and if I found it true, believe it.

From what you have to say, Buddhists (if that's what you are?) claim to have some secret, special knowlege which proves the knowlege we have through science and history to be wrong. Yet like any flakey hippy prefere to take an elitist stance by refusing to share even a few, simple facts to back up their claims.

But just in case I'm wrong, I am more than happy to consider any evidence you may have to lend weight to any of the claims I question.
So come on, tell me, who are these ancient leaders who actually encouraged riots in order to rid themselves of slaves?
What are these sick crimes against 'natural law' which are worse than genocide?
Who are these evil men and how are they related?

There is such a thing as talking to a brickwall which is what i would be doing if i tried to explain something to you ,it would be a waste of time .

And BTW there is no just in case about it you are wrong ! and you would never admit to it even if i explained something to you in minute detail and did diagrams and stuff to prove the point. I can't do anything about that only you can ,sorry .


btw esoteric means "confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle" i would say that is a great way of decribing many of buddha's teachings - although tbh i find his approach to 'religion' much more palatable than anything the west has served up.



Good it definitely means you don't have a clue about it then if thats what you think buddhism is about , no offence like but that is the reality of it .Maybe actually read up on some nichiren buddhism and gain some knowledge about it instead of reading the dictionary ! that would prob help you here .


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
well stuppa, this is how it works, i saw that you didnt understand the meaning of the word esoteric and so i defined it for you, i knew what it meant just as i know the meaning of all the words i use in conversation.
you seem to think that i dont understand buddhism so instead of chastising me for my lack of knowledge why dont you return the compliment and enlighten me, explain some of your knowledge - rather than just inform me i havent a clue. after all this is supposed to be a conversation :)


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