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people on dole to be forced into work

rocket high

Active member
well with the tory's in power and the economy on its knee's its starting to feel like the 80's again. oh the joys.


The Tri Guy
I left college in 1990, there were more than twice the unemployed that there is today at that point. Interest rates were at 15%. The borrowing was out of control at that point, and borrowing didn't stop between then and now. The only way that things changed over that time was through the steady lowering of the interest rates so that house values climbed and people remortgaged their homes for cash as the value rose. Now the rates cant fall anymore, and our credit is no longer good.
The main exports of the uk these days are intellectual property rights, ie the patents we own and the technology that we developed. That and financial services.
Expect to see a major push on industries like film, music, computer games etc. the areas where the production costs of multiple units for sale are at their lowest. We dont want to actually make goods here any more, it costs money to manufacture stuff, and takes raw materials which we need to import, therefore the trade deficit isnt helped as much as it is in other industries. The problem is that the industries that produce the most profits, take the least man power. So while the govt up their take on corportate taxation, they lose it on personal taxation and the general population lose out on jobs. Political donations are largely from either unions for the labour party, or corporate donations and rich guy handouts to the conservative party. So while the conservatives are in power, the interests of the city, the most profitable corps and the rich guys are what are going to be served. So the general public will now feel the squeeze increasingly as the situation gets worse. As they continue to destroy the industries that provide average incomes for average people, and force people to take on low paid work or starve (or turn to crime), the economy will contain less and less money circulating through it thereby perpetuating the problem. The solution isnt to force people into low paid work under threat of losing their benefirts, the solution is to start allowing people to become better educated during periods of unemployment. Unfortuantely though the education that you are allows to do is limited to basic courses in english language and maths. Which for most people educated in britain was handled when they were in their early school days. Britain used to be refered to as great britain, we seem to have dropped the great these days though. Its easy to see why when our own govt sells us out in order to get lucrative book deals and lecture tours as soon as theyre out of office. It seems as though the more they sell us out and the more shit they create, the better the upfront fees they get for their book rights. Check out the money toony bliar *cough* tony blair made when he sold his.

rocket high

Active member
i take it you watched Question Time last night ...it just made me scream at the telly.

i agree with you about training ...and not to force people into work for the sake of it ..its madness .

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...at the moment the best I can suggest is to grow your own gold, then buy gold or silver with it....it looks like paper money will be a worthless thing of the past before too long...

....maybe I should give a free pack of seeds away to everyone with a UB40?.....

....get all those on the dole growing....lol


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
That's actually a really good idea gypsy..... as long as people don't just 'Sign-on for seeds',then u will be raising the Un-employment figures yaself.... lol ;]


The Tri Guy
lmao, if there was a way of doing that then I'd send some in for the "Growing Unemployed"

lost in a sea

paper money always was a worthless thing of the past,, bring back the tally stick! but without a king,,,

its a shame everyones logic has been hacked by capitalism so badly,, it has now pervaded every aspect of nearly everything,,, making people sicker and sicker and sicker till people cant help but see what a refined and calculated evil potion they've been gulping,,

if they(the money changers and globalists) let slip of the reigns then they will already have a new harness in place,, revolutions are usually just playing out inate angst within populations,, most ancient rulers of empires throughout time used to encourage riots in their vassal cities so they could act on the population and kill off the worst slaves,,

this "nation" has been used to perpetuate alot of the most sick crimes against natural law in recent times,,,,for what ??

the young and good are sacraficed for the old and evil to make money,, and whats worse most of those "evil" men,, as i choose to call them,, are closely related,,

we've fucked up though and managed to squeeze 60 million ppl into england,,,

its the desire in peoples in souls bred by inequality that keep it all going,, just like the buddha said,, desire is the root of all suffering..
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ICMag Donor
I left college in 1990, there were more than twice the unemployed that there is today at that point.

Yeah that :yes: we got dashed out of college then at 16 for dealing herbs :no:

At 16 there was no doll money,, (£20 bridging allowance),, so as an unemployed uneducated teen you had x2 options in life .. you either did your rip at Youth Training for £35 a week,, or you went back to College were you still had to hustle to get by.

Put them all on litter picking!! They'll soon get board of that,, and it might clean up the streets :D
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sundays child

revolutions are usually just playing out inate angst within populations,,


most ancient rulers of empires throughout time used to encourage riots in their vassal cities so they could act on the population and kill off the worst slaves,,

Never heard of this. Can we have a list of these ancient rulers?

this "nation" has been used to perpetuate alot of the most sick crimes against natural law in recent times,,,

'the most sick crimes against natural law in recent times'???!!! What about the racist ethnic cleansing in Riwanda or the Balkans?

the young and good are sacraficed for the old and evil to make money,, and whats worse most of those "evil" men,, as i choose to call them,, are closely related,,

Agree with your basic point but what do you mean, 'closely related'?

its the desire in peoples in souls bred by inequality that keep it all going,, just like the buddha said,, desire is the root of all suffering..[/QUOTE]

Buddha was right thick cnut as evidenced by this quote.
Jumbling up bad history, conspiricy theory and cod 'spiritual' bollox like this is a clear example of how wooly thoughts can become if we allow it and stands as a clear warning of the potential dangers of smoking pot.:tiphat:

Elevator Man

Active member
Heh heh. One thing I don't see this current government as is 'rulers' - far from it. There's probably never been a weaker government in British history, and the lack of fear is quite illuminating. Even middle-class students are having a ruck. Though to be fair, if any other sector of society had kicked off like the other day, there would probably have been far more broken heads and arrests than there have been so far. They need student money more than they need Millbank.

Thatcher used to petrify and enthrall in equal measure, in both friends and enemies, and the Tories just about managed to keep that fear and loathing going with various other 'leaders' until Blair took over that particular role. But Iraq fucked him permanently, and Labour were dribbling authority away by the end.

Now we have folks like George Osborne and IDS waving a stick, and it's frankly laughable. If I saw them in the street I'd be kicking them up the arse just for my own amusement, they're so unauthoritative. "I'm TURNING UP the volume", IDS once said, like some awful crap DJ.

I'm not particularly pessimistic at the moment, despite all the wailing and gnashing of teeth - and I'm facing extreme poverty myself if things don't pick up in my area - this is entirely predictable and probably necessary, really. The economy here has been broken for years, and the 'consipracy of greed' between the public and the 'rulers' has been accepted by most as natural - using houses as collateral on imaginary investments has to be about the most ridiculous strategy ever for the public 'getting richer', but most fell for it.

Depreciation works in reverse on housing - as most things wear out, they lose value. As houses wear out, they increase in value - even allowing for factors like renovation adding value back, they're still vastly more expensive than when they were built. Given there's not really a shortage of housing in Britain, it's not exactly an Antiques Roadshow situation, but folks still seem to think they'll get rich from a house-deal. Only them, of course - it apparently hasn't occurred to anyone else!

Intellectual property is our major industry, but even in that, we seem unable to make it work. I'm owed a lot of money from people who've used my IP in the past, or tried to develop it and failed, mainly as they won't invest their capital in it but try and get it for free. They don't get the IP, I don't get the money, and it all stops again.

And the loss of revenues long-term on all kinds of IP work via 'internet leakage', etc. is huge. More than one user here uses one of my commerical, licensed works as their avatar, but how do I claim royalties on that...? Saying that, I found MY avatar via Google...;)

El Toker

Heh heh. One thing I don't see this current government as is 'rulers' - far from it. There's probably never been a weaker government in British history, and the lack of fear is quite illuminating.

I wondered whether it was just me, or politicians really were all starting to look and sound like uninspiring and ineffectual middle management types.

Cameron and Clegg are awful, a couple of Ruperts completely lacking in any kind of charisma or leadership qualities. Straight out of public school into university and then politics, barely touching on the real world. Milliband is more of the same.

Then there's the 600+ public school boys who are supposed to represent a constituency, vote how they're told to vote and who when debating crucial issues they are braying, heckling, false laughing and generally acting like a bunch of fucking morons.

On top of that, many of them are tax dodging thieves fiddling their expenses.

They are a long way from being the best 600 people in the UK qualified to run this country, in fact they're probably not even the best 600 people in the house of Commons. The domestic staff, bar staff and security are probably better qualified to do the job properly.

terry the trich

Active member
There's gypsy familys living in my town that are no-longer travellers as they like to be called.
The local council re-firbished the gypsy site(undissclosed 6-7 figure amount) too but alot have moved into local housing, one house is 5 bedroom, was built brand new, there are 2 cars in the drive(ones top of the range & new) & a braand new tranny van, they have 7 kids & looks like they'll be keeping the house. There all on the sick & scamming the state, makes me sick, they never get asked to go for job interviews ever, permanetly sick, what a joke, a 5 bed house, brand new, & where do they get the money for brand new trannie vans & BMW's, there is something truly wrong with the system in this vile country.! makes me spew!

Me i lost my job because i injured my arm badly & because i owed NI(tax stamp-class 2) a little money i got NOTHING! not even JSA. what a joke, give fk all to the people that really need it & give a large majority of it to immigrants & gypsys!! thats typical UK bullshit for you!

Those gypsies/pikies/irish travellers that settle on sites or get council houses are basically just allowing themselves to be traceable etc. The government now have a grip on them, where before they were pretty much untouchable. Thats up to them i guess but they are losing their freedom. They are playing into the hands of the government. I partly envy the travellers that still move about because they are the closest to 'free' that anyone can get in this shit-infested fucked up island. You ever seen how scared the police are of the irish travellers and campsites? They have no control over these people... until the people settle down and become part of the system... then they have fucked themselves by giving up their freedom.

That rave in london was great.. the police backed off. The people had control there, and the police only have control as long as the people want them to be in control...

I think soon we will see large riots in the big cities, more so when more people are suffering from poverty.


Active member
I couldnt agree more with you terry,. The local travellers as they like to be called & refer to themselves as Gypsys also (one of many names they prefer- better than gypos), ask any of them around me terrorise my town, the pigs are shit scarred of them, safety in numbers n all that, they all stick together, the storys i could tell you would make your hair stand on end. They have never paid a days tax in their life yet the local councill are just in the process of refirbing the local GYPSY SITE with a £1,000,000 hand out of tax payers moneys, funny that as they have never in their sad little lives ever paid fkin Tax, it makes me sick. & by the way its they who call themselves Gypsys & Travellers, believe me mate, they are irish tinkers, pikeys, thieves & robbers, the majority of them, there are good ones that i respect a lot, & they actually work to be fair, but i can count them on one hand. I hope the goverment stop the sick pay that they all recieve(most of them) & send them out to work, it'll never happen though, they kick up that much of a fuss & get there own way. id luv it if they sent them ones all back to work, they'd be straight back to Ireland i can tell ya!-(This is their way out-everytime)!.
Peace & love to all, exception to PIKEYS!.

Ive been out of work for nearly 2 years now because of a serious injury to my arm, i couldnt get sick pay or JSA ! lol, what a joke, when theres gypos getting sick pay perminately for depression etc, makes me sick. if i was an immigrant or a Gypo id get a fortune in benefits, i have children too but im not entitled to one penny, only a contribution paid to my stamp(NI class), but i dont even bother claiming that £2 odd they have offered, i told them to stick up their arses, there is NO JUSTICE in this kingdom!

btw, the ones that have houses here still have plots at the site, perminantly, they are huge families, do you think that any of them would miss out on that £1,000,000 refirb, i bet that they strip most of the changes made out & sell it on, like they do. wherever they go here they can get a house anytime they like, as they have 10 kids or more.

They are dirty gypos! will that do lol! The ones that never live in houses & travel about & the ones that do, still call themselves Gypsies & Travellers! i am only saying what they call themselves!!!!!!!!! The real old school original romany gypsies are few & far between these days actually, & alot of those married into these irish traveler familys FYI, i myself have romany gypsy blood coursing through my veins, great great grandad i think it was! & im WELSH man OK, CELTIC Blood too. "Cymru-Am-Byth"!(Wales Forever) my ancestors were here along time before any Angles.

Edited...Peace! ;)
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The Tri Guy
it sucks when you fall through the cracks, I spent 2 years unable to claim either sick pay or jsa while being too ill to work. I claimed 2 weeks sick pay, then signed back onto jsa then fell seriously ill, but since you can only claim one period of ill health, I couldnt get sick pay again, and since I couldnt work I couldnt get jsa either. What a joke the system really is.


its the desire in peoples in souls bred by inequality that keep it all going,, just like the buddha said,, desire is the root of all suffering..

Buddha was right thick cnut as evidenced by this quote.
Jumbling up bad history, conspiricy theory and cod 'spiritual' bollox like this is a clear example of how wooly thoughts can become if we allow it and stands as a clear warning of the potential dangers of smoking pot.:tiphat:
"Buddha was a thick cnut " is that what you are saying there? damn dude if so i don't think many people would agree with that at all.
The guy who worked out more about our existence on this earth and how our minds work than anyone else was a thick **** LOL OK then if you want to believe that :crazy:

sundays child

"Buddha was a thick cnut " is that what you are saying there? damn dude if so i don't think many people would agree with that at all.
The guy who worked out more about our existence on this earth and how our minds work than anyone else was a thick **** LOL OK then if you want to believe that :crazy:

I'm sorry dude but the idea that Buddha worked out more about our exhistence that anyone is comical. Tell me three. Then tell me how they matter to anyone except Buddhists. Then tell me how they compare to the work of Darwin, Einstein, Newton and Galileo.

rocket high

Active member
look you have to play the system to get ahead.. thats the way the previous govt made it and now the tory's are trying to rectifiy it with a universal credit which wont work and im just waiting on it failing ...

i think if we stopped sucking up america and china's ass's and looked into how we can get our own economy moving that would be a start .


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
its a tough one.

as a country the fact that we have the welfare state and no-body starves to death or suffers too much is a great thing. look at the alternative, the abject poverty and malnutrition in other countries - and the exploitation that comes with it. we are truly lucky in many respects.
and the idea that we give asylum to people who would be tortured,killed,imprisoned in their own countries is also a great thing.
thing is there will always be some people that exploit that kind of generosity - but does that mean we should remove those admirable schemes? i dont think so. i would prefer to have a kind and fair system that some will exploit than just not give a shit about everyone else.

what we really like in this country is someone to blame for all our problems. blame the travellers, blame the unemployed, blame the immigrants - let them do our shitty jobs, live in our worst areas and blame them for all that is wrong with the country. its the way we are. i blame the daily mail.

in britain the riches 10% are now 100 times better off than the poorest 10%

inequality - the higher it is the more problems a 'free' society will have



it sucks when you fall through the cracks, I spent 2 years unable to claim either sick pay or jsa while being too ill to work. I claimed 2 weeks sick pay, then signed back onto jsa then fell seriously ill, but since you can only claim one period of ill health, I couldnt get sick pay again, and since I couldnt work I couldnt get jsa either. What a joke the system really is.

loopholes ,,,
u can only claim for 1 period of ill health ,correct ,,
loophole ,,u can claim with a different illness ,

this was told to me by my disabilty advisor


some one mentioned earlier that asian countries dont pay dole etc

what would people think if cameron announced that over the next 10 years the dole would be cut down to nothing?

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