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people on dole to be forced into work



noooooooooooooo blood


ICMag Donor
LOL at the dole haters , and how many of you law abiding taxpaying CANNABIS GROWERS pay tax on the money you make from weed or the value of your personal? dont make me laff .

Get real !!!

DocLeaf hasn't sold ANY weed for years,,, !!! I n I pride myself on that! Making on others isn't where it's at!

None of us owe or need permission from ANYONE to grow our own recreational herbs and meds!!! Let us get that part clear... so not sure what the "value of your personal@ is supposed to mean? Maybe you place monitary value on weed,, but we dont,, unless we gotta buy it.. lol

And yes,, other than growing our own herbs (and buying it) for personal consumption,, we are fully law abiding,,, dole-funding,,, tax payers!

N.B. Not all of us are motivated by money sonny! :tiphat: :D

peace out


Get real !!!

DocLeaf hasn't sold ANY weed for years,,, !!! I n I pride myself on that! Making on others isn't where it's at!

None of us owe or need permission from ANYONE to grow our own recreational herbs and meds!!! Let us get that part clear... so not sure what the "value of your personal@ is supposed to mean? Maybe you place monitary value on weed,, but we dont,, unless we gotta buy it.. lol

And yes,, other than growing our own herbs (and buying it) for personal consumption,, we are fully law abiding,,, dole-funding,,, tax payers!

N.B. Not all of us are motivated by money sonny! :tiphat: :D

peace out

O rly? so I n I ,you, we or whoever it is - is supporting the babylon system of oppressing the poor and favouring the rich ? well oooookay then mon :rasta: good luck with your babylon quest my friend :biglaugh: me and da bruddas will keep fighting the good fight against the babylonian forces of evil .

:frown: another brutha lost to the dark side ,it's a sad day :crazy:


ICMag Donor
You dont know nothing about me,,, i come from nothing.. my parents are from the frontline /ghetto. Still they taught me that if i want something in life i have to go an earn it myself,, otherwise go without.

We pay taxes on all our international seed outlets , and 2 other projects we work on,,, not because we want to, rather it keeps Babylon off our back. This doesn't involve supporting the rich, cause i'm happy to be poor,, just not happy when folks are selling ounces of herb for more than a giro-check or poll-tax is worth.

As for supporting the Babylon System ,, i don't even have a TV :biglaugh:

Think you got the wrong person.



im with doc on this personally i place no value on weed its in the name WEED, same as i wouldnt grow any of the other herbs in my garden there simply for medical or food. lets say in theory someone came round we where having a smokeand they wanted some id rather they put something towards the leccy rather than for the substance im not in it for that im not a cash cropper sellin 2g bags for £25 not my style just content being happy with good people around me


IMHO being on the dole is a real bad move for growers, a] Ramius will probably hunt you down and shoot you, nice one feller ;-) and b] if you get caught, you are so very f****** more likely/almost certain to go to prison for it. Jacking the 'Leki will make that very certain BTW. My first ever buddy [and IIRC only..] to get sent down for growing was on the dole, had a tray of cuttings and an expensive 3 light setup, he had never even flowered a cutting, yet got 2 or 3 years, ...then someone else who is a respectable self employed ******* got caught with 40 flowering in 4m2, 700g bud, a few grand cash, got a slap on the wrists, money returned, is back at it again, in the same house.

I if you support a family / run a business and best of all, employ people, you are pretty fireproof unless very stupid/greedy.

The main reason your mate went down is because they didn't have a good lawyer, and probably relied on the free crappy legal aid.

He also probably turned up at court looking a f'kin scruff like most.

Although paying into the system would have helped, he more-than-likely f*cked up with poor legal aid and lack of presentation.

If he had spent enough dough on a decent lawyer and a good quality + smart suit, then he would probably have got a suspended sentence at worst, and at best, a good lawyer would have the case thrown out completely for something or another (e.g. police/evidence fuck up, etc)

Point in case: the poor go down, the ones with dough don't



just browsed through the evening local paper,,,

job section contained 7 employment wanted ads,no full time jobs and 1 part time ,the part time job was to deliver the paper ,i was to old to apply lol:comfort:


The main reason your mate went down is because they didn't have a good lawyer, and probably relied on the free crappy legal aid.

He also probably turned up at court looking a f'kin scruff like most.

Although paying into the system would have helped, he more-than-likely f*cked up with poor legal aid and lack of presentation.

If he had spent enough dough on a decent lawyer and a good quality + smart suit, then he would probably have got a suspended sentence at worst, and at best, a good lawyer would have the case thrown out completely for something or another (e.g. police/evidence fuck up, etc)

Point in case: the poor go down, the ones with dough don't


Not necessarily true, you can get off with community service or probation for even a commercial size grow but it's really a case of you proving that it was personal and not commercial.

They split the severity of cultivation into 3 tiers.
No.1 is strictly peronal use
no.2 is personal use but supplying a few friends aswell
no.3 is full on commercial culti for profit

If you get sentenced under the first 2 it will be very unlikely you will get any prison time even if you have previous for these . If you get sentenced under no.3 you will most likely get bird esp. if you have previous for the same offence.

Even if they are looking at doing you for full on commercial you can always plea bargain for a no.2 and unless they have the evidence i.e serious amounts of cash ,and 100's or 1000's of plants and evidence of dealing you should be successful and at least walk from the court .


Active member
the system doesn't work.

more money is given to the aristocracy (who own massive peices of land dating back to the battle of hastings) every year, than whats given to all the welfare put together. i got this information from a book called *this land is our land* which explains how land got to become owned in the first place.

paying tax on legit work is a necesity to keep babylon off your back, seen. it isn't worth the stress of not paying it.

but i contibute as little as possible (as everyone does) because it is not contributing to a system i believe in. in fact i think this system is on a self destruct suicide mission wearing make-up and a fake smile. all the banks are about to go pop, and whats money gonna be worth then?

in fact i'd go as far as to say F#ck The System!
i believe Anarchy (not like a riot, like the abolishment of all law) would breed community.


Well-known member
Means to an end LLP...Cashless society isn't too far off.

I agree that anarchy is the way forward, proper Anarchy.


ICMag Donor
the system doesn't work.

paying tax on legit work is a necesity to keep babylon off your back, seen. it isn't worth the stress of not paying it.

but i contibute as little as possible (as everyone does) because it is not contributing to a system i believe in. in fact i think this system is on a self destruct suicide mission wearing make-up and a fake smile. all the banks are about to go pop, and whats money gonna be worth then?

wise words :yes: that's why my main investment is in seeds just now (food seeds) so we can keep and eat from them in years to come.

btw ,,, there's nothing wrong with selling weed. if that's your prerogative and people wanna buy it.

It just takes the piss when people signing on are selling a few hundred quids worth of weed a week. Those people are draining the 'pot of money' that could otherwise be spent on genuine homeless folk, and help decent ppl get back on their feet.

Serious Note ,, the very last thing you wannabe doin if/when you're growing loads of ganja commercially ,, is registering with a government agency every 2 weeks..!! That's just stupid!

,,besides it being a fortnightly pain in the ass for less than oz ,, the last thing you wont as a commie grower is Babylon System keeping tabs on you... my buddies bro used to work for DHSS ,,as a spy,, spying on doll-scammers!!

peace out

All an da yout shall witness the day that Babylon shall fall,, and the meek and the hindered shall inherit all.. :rasta:


Active member
i would prefer a riot ...thats the only way to get through to the toffy tory's.

funny you should say that, i was at that rave in holburn. central london.
it kicked off hard at the start, and the met police lost, big time!

wise words bout saving seeds doc, nuff respect to that!
thats living in the real world...

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