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People growing their own don't buy much pot


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
In less than a year, the cost of my growing eqpt power, and supplies has become less than what I would have spent buying dope (at Mendo wholesale prices), and going forward I am saving a ton of money. I have control over what I plant / reap now too. Plenty of variety in the jars. A lot of benefits to growing.

No wonder commercial pot companies are hurting. Plus the taxes...



Well-known member
Aurora Cannabis (ACB.TO)(ACB
I´m pretty sure I saw this company being recommended as an investment opportunity at one time :)

If more people are growing their own they obviously don´t need to spend money to pay the middle-man . If I was able to grow my own fruit and veg I´d save a ton of money too! :) Sadly I only live in a flat :(

"We aspire to be a leaner, more agile organization that keeps pace with our competition and is on a path to profitability,"
this means: the quality will suffer as a result which is typical of mass production where profit is more important than the actual product sold.


Well-known member
I have helped so many past customers start growing. I always kick myself s little. Everyone deserves a fair shot at free herbs. The last few years I have limited my help to people already making an effort. I came to the conclusion that the people who say the wish they were growing but have literally no seeds, no lights, no flower pots and so on. They do not actually want to learn to grow. They want to learn to have free smoke. For the most part if they are already trying or piecing it together, even if all wrong. They can usually figure it out with a little nudge in the right direction.

Kinda sucks to give your business away but it is what it is. I would rather help them produce something worth smoking than let them waste time and money on growing garbage smoke.

And switching to led doubled my weight instantly bringing my profit margin right back where it was 12 years ago. Instead of growing a lb per light and asking 300 we grow over 2 per light. Use less power and air conditioning and charge 150. And I expect 3 lb per light in the next few cycles.

And the demand for mid grade or lower keeps going down. But when it's fire people will still beg to be the next customer in line.


Well-known member
Growing your own is the best. I have plenty and the quality is off the hook good. Knowing what is in it makes a huge deal to me...free of the bad stuff you know. It has also taught me how to grow my own food to. Just doing some berries and veg right now but you will never have better food as far as taste and quality. Learning to grow has taught me some other things about our health and how similar we are to plants.
I have learned a ton as well and continue to do so with the new techs coming out. LED has been a big learning experience for me. The quality just keeps getting better and better of the finished goods.
Have a great day all. Peace, negative.


Well-known member
I sometimes purchase from the DISP to try the new flavors. I tend to grow my own as a good hobby and I know exactly what is put into it.


Active member
There is no comparison to growing your own. You decide which strain you grow, if you want to produce seeds, and with some pots, planting soil and sunlight there is almost no cost. Plus being able to go into your closet and pick out which gallon size bag you are going to sample today is a hoot. I would never buy from anyone again. I have been at this for at least four years and with seed trading now have about 27 different strains.


Well-known member
Growing weed has brought me closer to my Higher Power. It's amazing how the Universe manifests such a helpful plant for so many people now and in the past. 😎

moose eater

Well-known member
Growing weed has brought me closer to my Higher Power. It's amazing how the Universe manifests such a helpful plant for so many people now and in the past. 😎

When the third of my family-of-origin members died by suicide, I would sit in front of my first proto-type 'box' and soak up the rays; in the winter, with all things short of light, cloud cover more often than not in a coastal community, and dreary weather in general, both in the mind, and outside, the cycle of life in that box was an incredible antidote.


This is one of those, give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish and he eats for the rest of his life... But with weed


Well-known member
I'm struggling with this. I drink, but buy it. I have gone from corn to ethanol in my kitchen, but although I can, I still just buy it.
I find growing much more involved, and it's underground nature made me work for what I know. Hours in the city library reading about stuff like the resistance of duct runs, long before the internet had such info available. Brewing and distilling offered no long term interest as it's all just reading one forum. A means to an end. No challenge. No putting something on the table that was generally unseen before. No being bought in to advise people as their only choice. No making specialised equipment. No being the best. Brewing was just a process, as growing is to a newbie now. It's not special anymore. We might smoke every day, but many smoke and drink at the weekend. The cost is minimal. While time spent growing something decent is every day and you aint getting a holiday as you won't trust decades of work to anyone to look after.
I'm actually growing, to get better at it. Not for the product. If I had coffee shops around me, I would use them. They are fact finding missions for me though, to see what to grow next. However if it was just about getting a smoke, I would stop growing with coffee shops around me. Without them, I must grow to get a decent smoke. In the Dam I would find places though. Most of it is tourist standard, but better can be found. Though it's still not regulated, so you still not know if it's actually clean. That bothers me. That's why I don't buy from others. Cash croppers are cropping cash. They don't really care that others see it as smoke. They sell theirs and buy their personal from somewhere better. A UK smoker is not left a lot of choice.


Comfortably numb!
I'm struggling with this. I drink, but buy it. I have gone from corn to ethanol in my kitchen, but although I can, I still just buy it.
I find growing much more involved, and it's underground nature made me work for what I know. Hours in the city library reading about stuff like the resistance of duct runs, long before the internet had such info available. Brewing and distilling offered no long term interest as it's all just reading one forum. A means to an end. No challenge. No putting something on the table that was generally unseen before. No being bought in to advise people as their only choice. No making specialised equipment. No being the best. Brewing was just a process, as growing is to a newbie now. It's not special anymore. We might smoke every day, but many smoke and drink at the weekend. The cost is minimal. While time spent growing something decent is every day and you aint getting a holiday as you won't trust decades of work to anyone to look after.
I'm actually growing, to get better at it. Not for the product. If I had coffee shops around me, I would use them. They are fact finding missions for me though, to see what to grow next. However if it was just about getting a smoke, I would stop growing with coffee shops around me. Without them, I must grow to get a decent smoke. In the Dam I would find places though. Most of it is tourist standard, but better can be found. Though it's still not regulated, so you still not know if it's actually clean. That bothers me. That's why I don't buy from others. Cash croppers are cropping cash. They don't really care that others see it as smoke. They sell theirs and buy their personal from somewhere better. A UK smoker is not left a lot of choice.

Don't I hear you :) TBS...

I made my own beer once upon a time, because it was popular back in the early to mid eighties. I quit brewing in '93. It is to be said, we didn't have micro-breweries in the day. I am a foodie and wine connoisseur, I enjoy the finer things in life. AAMOF restaurants here (good ones) don't last. I will drop 2-3 bills without batting an eyelash. In the past it was 2 bills, we have to account for inflation. Regardless you get my gist and part of the dining experience is the service.

Last Wednesday, 3 days after the fire, was the 1st time since the Covid outbreak that the wife and I went out for dinner. I dropped a bill. The wine list tells me what type of restaurant it is. I will pay "fair market" value for a bottle of wine. Before, I even look at a menu (online), I go directly to the wine list... anyone that charges more than dble the price from the liquor commission won't get any of my money. I even seen a restaurant offering mid-range wine @ 4 times the cost. Sorry that is simply gouging, and you do not deserve my patronage. We dined out because I wanted to simply relax and change the scenery for the better half. Omicron is/was going crazy here, it is on the downswing but hard to calculate where we actually are, because they changed the reporting matrix from cases to hospitalization. In all fairness I see why they did, because it reflects a more accurate count, of who requires treatment etc... We should have died in the fire, it wasn't our time, and simply said to my wife... we are probably safe. I am a great cook... and don't feel the need to go out and eat at a "shitty" restaurant. Not the right term, but you can catch my drift. For NY day dinner I made beef wellington.

Legal weed, I call it tumbleweed, which is an accurate description of what is available on the market (legal). They turn all the "sugars" into concentrates etc... to maximize profit. My doctor doesn't support using cannabis as a medicine. She stated the 1st time, you know your insurance wont pay for that, isn't it expensive? I said yes, and hence why I plan to grow my own. Besides this particular episode, there has been sufficient evidence (where there is free medicare) we have had this since late sixties early 70s. Dr are paid market value for their services etc... She was definitely schooled in the Rockefeller doctrine, as OK, you have this under control, let's see what is wrong with you. e.g where the AMA, changed how they calculate cholesterol, which "statins" are the leading cause of Type2 diabetes in North America, in otherwise healthy people for the lack of a better word. BTW, I fall in that <1% category when it comes to prescription drugs. I had my diabetes under control and it wasn't until she placed me on statins, that all things went to pot. She originally had me on Crestor, I had a choice between Crestor or Lipitor, because I love the odd glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice in the am. Within 5 weeks I lost total use of my legs. When you look up the side effects of Crestor, it is listed. So after that episode, she wanted to change my script to Lipitor, at which time I flatly declined. I intend going clean for 6 months, and will revisit my position then and only den. In the meantime my wife had found a "natural" supplement that was doing the job nicely. During my mid year visit, she noticed my cholesterol was improving but wasn't doing it fast enough. I told her Ruth had found a supplement that look after things. So although she supports (said she does but doesn't) support other treatment methods, in such a way that she came across, that unless it is prescription medicine it is nothing short of "hocus pocus". I am a straight shooter and very adept at reading people, body language NEVER lies. When she was going through her tablet, she was flicking the pages in anger/frustration. We talked about that... no I was angry! Yes your were, your body language gave you away. I don't do "tude" or BS! She was able to convince me 6 months later to go on Lipitor, which I did. BTW, before the AMA change the matrix from below 5, my number was 4.1 to 4.2, regarded as you need to pay attention to your diet etc... which in turn we do.

Not only did Lipitor caused brain fog (I'll get into that later) it had my AIC all over the fucking map (sorry for swearing). I was floating around the teens to a high of 16 and if I had a reading below 10 I was a happy camper. I repeatedly told her that Lipitor is affecting my diabetes meds. She said, that Lipitor was safe and only affected <1% of the population according to the FDA. Do you see where I am going here? Once again I told her that's fine doc, unless you are part of the 1%s. My dementia was caused by the pill we had to take during GW1 (Pyridostigmine Bromide) which is/was a prophylactic against Sarin gas, which Saddam did have a stock pile of. It allows an extended window to get the atropine in you in case you got a wiff. The 1st thing you do during a "gas attack" when you see one of your mates convulsing on the ground, is bang him with his own atropine. I dismissed my short term memory loss to getting old. I was 35 during the gulf war. I wasn't until '99, whre a young fellow had served with me, told me, (I don't remember his age but he was in his early 20s during the GW) which would put him in his late 20s circa '99. It's not old age Chief as I as well suffer from short term memory lost. I ran across several individuals since the GW, that were affected... the <1%. Just like GWS (gulf war syndrome) that the US still denies, just like agent orange from the Vietnam era. Canada OTOH has recognize GWS and I am documented as a GWS individual. GWS was caused by the "tank busting" shells used, which were depleted Uranium. Although depleted Uranium is somewhat benign, you would be surprise to find out that it is used as a component in "smoke detectors", is extremely toxic when combusted, which of course happens every time a shell is used. So toxic that... it is more toxic than the Uranium itself. Although it has been denied by the US and other countries, it has since been banned from the battle field min NATO forces. What the enemy does? Who knows!

It was NY eve circa '17 that my wife was in a convo with a woman, who's mother (a <1%er) had severe brain fog. My wife picked up on that. Since cannabis was being legalized in Canada, I mentioned to my wife, I wouldn't mind trying it out. My wife isn't nor ever was a consumer, and I was floored when she said... I have read much about it, give it a whirl. Short strokes here, it does work. I tossed my Lipitor and bought an oz of weed from a friend of mine and several other things from the CCS and found almost instant relief. The downside, I can't get what I need from the legal market, hence I had to grow my own medicine.

During my next 6 monthly check up the doctor, was amazed at my AIC. Wow! How did you do that. I told her and she was pissed. There is no “scientific evidence” that cannabis cures anything, yadi, yadi, yada. I said it is funny that I brought my AIC down by ditching Lipitor for which it had my diabetes meds all fucked up, so I ditched it and I have no intention on never taking again, any statins. She is terribly frustrate with the Net, and people self-diagnosing themselves. I can understand where she is coming from and support (somewhat) her position. The Net provides a great tool to discuss things with your doctor, things that perhaps are overlooked by your doctor and, together come to a effective conclusion on treatment. This is what I send people that want to know more, and still suffer from the stigma (that still exists) surrounding cannabis use whether medicinally or recreational use, although cannabis has been legal in Colorado since 2000 medicinally and 2012 for recreational use.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e8kQr_TJkc It describes it really well. Moving right along...

During my next visit, she once again stated that... I said listen doc... there are pills to traet evrything that ails you, liver pills, heart pills, arthritis pills etc... Well cannabis is the same. It is the appropriate strain, just like pills that will fix what is wrong with you. She lost it. Now when she mentions how great I am doing, I simply smile :) and I don't upset her. Family doctors are hard to come by, which in Canada, all doctors (if you have one) must take on former military personnel as patients, read patients, not customers.

So then she went on a rampage about me testing myself daily, she says you only have to test yourself at most once every couple of weeks (see where I am going here). In the beginning you tested yourself daily and 2 hrs after every meal. I test myself 1[SUP]st[/SUP] thing in the morning and plan that days meal commensurate with said reading. She stated those strips are expensive $1/piece, I don't want the insurance company coming after me, as they have clamped down on doctors, especially with the opiod crisis, created by them. I said, you let me worry about my insurance company and if querried don't worry I wont toss you under the bus. She was insulted. So be it... She still brings it up occasionally and I simply state “THAT” subject is out of bounds.

In the mean time she has tried to get me on all kinds of other prescribed meds, to include well how is your blood pressure I said fine it always has been even though a one point I was being checked in the Navy. I remember one day where my blood pressure was alarmingly high. The sickbay tiffy asked me where I was before I cam in for my weekly check. I said the ATR (the bowels of the ship, below the boiler room). He said, next time you come here, must announced yourself and take a seat on the bench for 10 minutes from that point on for the following month, my bllod pressure was normal 118-22 over 78 to 82. There is nothing wrong with your BP and every time they checked it,even older, it is basically 120/80 which is as normal as it gets. I remember once that the tiffy checked my BP and resting pulse ans stated check it again your numbers are out of wack. She said no, you are sick and that is your body fighting what ails you. I was on duty that day, I informed the XO that I had found a replacement and was headed to sick bay. Because our new ships had recirculated air only 10% fresh, when folks were sick, they were given 2 days off to prevent the spread of whatever. I don't need that doc, I just need the day of because I can't do my duty watch. Shew stated, no it is policy that anyone sent home, are sent home for 48 hrs. Don't come back until then and when you do, come immediately here. I was fine and returned to duty.

So my doctor forced us to buy a BP monitor catching! A $300 expense. The 1[SUP]st[/SUP] one was rather wonky, so I returned it, got a refund and purchased the expensive unit. My wife and I monitored our BP for 3 months, daily. When we provided her with the results, she said nah, you guys are fine. Now part of taking your BP right in the frigging instructions, it states to sit down relaxed, with your elbow on the table, with the cuff on. Do jnot smoke or consume anything while you are waiting especially caffeine.

I always had my BP checked sitting at the side of the doctors desk. My doctors machine is on the wall. Jump up on the table, she tucks my arm in her arm pit and proceeds to take my BP, which of course it would be because my arm is under tension, not to mention I just hopped on your table. I have mentioned this to the blood vampire who comes to my domicile to draw my blood, especially since Covid, It is carried out in the foyer of our home, where I have my computer chair and rest my arm on the armrest. She stated my findings were bang on.

When my doctor find out I had the blood vampire coming to my house, to draw blood... Why didn't you go to the clinic as that I recommended. Duh! Covid??? She said, isn't it more expensive? (doc stay the fuck out of my finances) Clinic charges $20 a house call $40. What is an extra $20 considering that both my wife and I have pre-existing conditions. I'm a diabetic and my wife is a breast cancer survivor, who has been clean since her mastectomy in 2012. She never had to go on chemo nor radiation therapy.

We still limit our exposure, to once a week, especially with Omicron. The Maritimes were a model of envy for the rest of Canada, especially folks moving from hot spots, because of the limited spread of Covid in the Maritimes. Most cases were always travel related. I check the data daily on the tracker and adjusted our “outings” commensurate. That being said we did have some severe community spread, because of assholes, that didn't follow Covid protocols. It was quickly brought under control (relatively speaking) and our newly elected premier,stated that the original fines for organizations etc... who broke protocols were too low and needed to be increased, in order to become the intended deterrent from $1200 to $5600/infraction. Folks got the msg. With Omicron all bets are off. PEI which had 1,2 and I think maybe 5 at one point with the biggest number being 12, once again due to contact effective contact tracing, they always managed to bring it under control. Last week (since the beginning, of Omicron) PEI has set new records. Last week there was a day where that # was 481, but only a couple of folks required hospitalization. That is why they changed the matrix (don't quote) me as a measuring tool moving away from testing to a more realistic measurement, because most people in Canada are doubly vaxed with an the “boosted number” is also increasing as vaccines become available.

OK sorry for the long post leading up to the salient points of your post :)

Why I grow my own is quite simple. I medicate, I am not a rec user. I have nothing against the use of cannabis period. I simply cannot acquire the proper strains from the legal market to cure what ails me. I have specific needs, therefore I have to grow my own medicine. Not to mention that it is a hell of a lot cheaper, than what is offered at the “legal” outlets to include medical dispensries. I conduct 2 runs/yr and they supply me with enough medicine to last me a long time.......... I know THC degrades over time. It doesn't mean the effective medicinal value of the strain as diminished in potency, from what I have read and, if there is something I don't know or couldn't find I am all ears. It just means, you may have to increase your dosage. THC (high THC) aggravates the shit out of me, it is too racy and, that has been proven many times over. I would rather not get high while medicating. It is the lesser of 2 evils, I get it. But I would rather not be on a daily basis, but rather have a good toot to get high, which I do, when I want to get high. Hey I was a kid once :)

I am currently on Dutch Treat circa '18. I have ingested 0.28g of green cannabis, which I chew on for a spell then swallow. I took my cud at 7am it is now 7:54 and I am in my happy place. Because of the way I medicate, I have not increased my tolerance worthy of concern so to speak of. I occasionally will toot a bowl from my vaporizer to get me there before my pill sets in. The latter is usually during a moon phase, which last 5 days, and January has 3 phases or 15 days. Combine that with the fire, and I can still find my happy place and I am able to relax :)

Great post BTW :tiphat:


Well-known member
Don't I hear you :) TBS...

I made my own beer once upon a time, because it was popular back in the early to mid eighties. I quit brewing in '93. It is to be said, we didn't have micro-breweries in the day. I am a foodie and wine connoisseur, I enjoy the finer things in life. AAMOF restaurants here (good ones) don't last. I will drop 2-3 bills without batting an eyelash. In the past it was 2 bills, we have to account for inflation. Regardless you get my gist and part of the dining experience is the service.

Last Wednesday, 3 days after the fire, was the 1st time since the Covid outbreak that the wife and I went out for dinner. I dropped a bill. The wine list tells me what type of restaurant it is. I will pay "fair market" value for a bottle of wine. Before, I even look at a menu (online), I go directly to the wine list... anyone that charges more than dble the price from the liquor commission won't get any of my money. I even seen a restaurant offering mid-range wine @ 4 times the cost. Sorry that is simply gouging, and you do not deserve my patronage. We dined out because I wanted to simply relax and change the scenery for the better half. Omicron is/was going crazy here, it is on the downswing but hard to calculate where we actually are, because they changed the reporting matrix from cases to hospitalization. In all fairness I see why they did, because it reflects a more accurate count, of who requires treatment etc... We should have died in the fire, it wasn't our time, and simply said to my wife... we are probably safe. I am a great cook... and don't feel the need to go out and eat at a "shitty" restaurant. Not the right term, but you can catch my drift. For NY day dinner I made beef wellington.

Legal weed, I call it tumbleweed, which is an accurate description of what is available on the market (legal). They turn all the "sugars" into concentrates etc... to maximize profit. My doctor doesn't support using cannabis as a medicine. She stated the 1st time, you know your insurance wont pay for that, isn't it expensive? I said yes, and hence why I plan to grow my own. Besides this particular episode, there has been sufficient evidence (where there is free medicare) we have had this since late sixties early 70s. Dr are paid market value for their services etc... She was definitely schooled in the Rockefeller doctrine, as OK, you have this under control, let's see what is wrong with you. e.g where the AMA, changed how they calculate cholesterol, which "statins" are the leading cause of Type2 diabetes in North America, in otherwise healthy people for the lack of a better word. BTW, I fall in that <1% category when it comes to prescription drugs. I had my diabetes under control and it wasn't until she placed me on statins, that all things went to pot. She originally had me on Crestor, I had a choice between Crestor or Lipitor, because I love the odd glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice in the am. Within 5 weeks I lost total use of my legs. When you look up the side effects of Crestor, it is listed. So after that episode, she wanted to change my script to Lipitor, at which time I flatly declined. I intend going clean for 6 months, and will revisit my position then and only den. In the meantime my wife had found a "natural" supplement that was doing the job nicely. During my mid year visit, she noticed my cholesterol was improving but wasn't doing it fast enough. I told her Ruth had found a supplement that look after things. So although she supports (said she does but doesn't) support other treatment methods, in such a way that she came across, that unless it is prescription medicine it is nothing short of "hocus pocus". I am a straight shooter and very adept at reading people, body language NEVER lies. When she was going through her tablet, she was flicking the pages in anger/frustration. We talked about that... no I was angry! Yes your were, your body language gave you away. I don't do "tude" or BS! She was able to convince me 6 months later to go on Lipitor, which I did. BTW, before the AMA change the matrix from below 5, my number was 4.1 to 4.2, regarded as you need to pay attention to your diet etc... which in turn we do.

Not only did Lipitor caused brain fog (I'll get into that later) it had my AIC all over the fucking map (sorry for swearing). I was floating around the teens to a high of 16 and if I had a reading below 10 I was a happy camper. I repeatedly told her that Lipitor is affecting my diabetes meds. She said, that Lipitor was safe and only affected <1% of the population according to the FDA. Do you see where I am going here? Once again I told her that's fine doc, unless you are part of the 1%s. My dementia was caused by the pill we had to take during GW1 (Pyridostigmine Bromide) which is/was a prophylactic against Sarin gas, which Saddam did have a stock pile of. It allows an extended window to get the atropine in you in case you got a wiff. The 1st thing you do during a "gas attack" when you see one of your mates convulsing on the ground, is bang him with his own atropine. I dismissed my short term memory loss to getting old. I was 35 during the gulf war. I wasn't until '99, whre a young fellow had served with me, told me, (I don't remember his age but he was in his early 20s during the GW) which would put him in his late 20s circa '99. It's not old age Chief as I as well suffer from short term memory lost. I ran across several individuals since the GW, that were affected... the <1%. Just like GWS (gulf war syndrome) that the US still denies, just like agent orange from the Vietnam era. Canada OTOH has recognize GWS and I am documented as a GWS individual. GWS was caused by the "tank busting" shells used, which were depleted Uranium. Although depleted Uranium is somewhat benign, you would be surprise to find out that it is used as a component in "smoke detectors", is extremely toxic when combusted, which of course happens every time a shell is used. So toxic that... it is more toxic than the Uranium itself. Although it has been denied by the US and other countries, it has since been banned from the battle field min NATO forces. What the enemy does? Who knows!

It was NY eve circa '17 that my wife was in a convo with a woman, who's mother (a <1%er) had severe brain fog. My wife picked up on that. Since cannabis was being legalized in Canada, I mentioned to my wife, I wouldn't mind trying it out. My wife isn't nor ever was a consumer, and I was floored when she said... I have read much about it, give it a whirl. Short strokes here, it does work. I tossed my Lipitor and bought an oz of weed from a friend of mine and several other things from the CCS and found almost instant relief. The downside, I can't get what I need from the legal market, hence I had to grow my own medicine.

During my next 6 monthly check up the doctor, was amazed at my AIC. Wow! How did you do that. I told her and she was pissed. There is no “scientific evidence” that cannabis cures anything, yadi, yadi, yada. I said it is funny that I brought my AIC down by ditching Lipitor for which it had my diabetes meds all fucked up, so I ditched it and I have no intention on never taking again, any statins. She is terribly frustrate with the Net, and people self-diagnosing themselves. I can understand where she is coming from and support (somewhat) her position. The Net provides a great tool to discuss things with your doctor, things that perhaps are overlooked by your doctor and, together come to a effective conclusion on treatment. This is what I send people that want to know more, and still suffer from the stigma (that still exists) surrounding cannabis use whether medicinally or recreational use, although cannabis has been legal in Colorado since 2000 medicinally and 2012 for recreational use.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e8kQr_TJkc It describes it really well. Moving right along...

During my next visit, she once again stated that... I said listen doc... there are pills to traet evrything that ails you, liver pills, heart pills, arthritis pills etc... Well cannabis is the same. It is the appropriate strain, just like pills that will fix what is wrong with you. She lost it. Now when she mentions how great I am doing, I simply smile :) and I don't upset her. Family doctors are hard to come by, which in Canada, all doctors (if you have one) must take on former military personnel as patients, read patients, not customers.

So then she went on a rampage about me testing myself daily, she says you only have to test yourself at most once every couple of weeks (see where I am going here). In the beginning you tested yourself daily and 2 hrs after every meal. I test myself 1[SUP]st[/SUP] thing in the morning and plan that days meal commensurate with said reading. She stated those strips are expensive $1/piece, I don't want the insurance company coming after me, as they have clamped down on doctors, especially with the opiod crisis, created by them. I said, you let me worry about my insurance company and if querried don't worry I wont toss you under the bus. She was insulted. So be it... She still brings it up occasionally and I simply state “THAT” subject is out of bounds.

In the mean time she has tried to get me on all kinds of other prescribed meds, to include well how is your blood pressure I said fine it always has been even though a one point I was being checked in the Navy. I remember one day where my blood pressure was alarmingly high. The sickbay tiffy asked me where I was before I cam in for my weekly check. I said the ATR (the bowels of the ship, below the boiler room). He said, next time you come here, must announced yourself and take a seat on the bench for 10 minutes from that point on for the following month, my bllod pressure was normal 118-22 over 78 to 82. There is nothing wrong with your BP and every time they checked it,even older, it is basically 120/80 which is as normal as it gets. I remember once that the tiffy checked my BP and resting pulse ans stated check it again your numbers are out of wack. She said no, you are sick and that is your body fighting what ails you. I was on duty that day, I informed the XO that I had found a replacement and was headed to sick bay. Because our new ships had recirculated air only 10% fresh, when folks were sick, they were given 2 days off to prevent the spread of whatever. I don't need that doc, I just need the day of because I can't do my duty watch. Shew stated, no it is policy that anyone sent home, are sent home for 48 hrs. Don't come back until then and when you do, come immediately here. I was fine and returned to duty.

So my doctor forced us to buy a BP monitor catching! A $300 expense. The 1[SUP]st[/SUP] one was rather wonky, so I returned it, got a refund and purchased the expensive unit. My wife and I monitored our BP for 3 months, daily. When we provided her with the results, she said nah, you guys are fine. Now part of taking your BP right in the frigging instructions, it states to sit down relaxed, with your elbow on the table, with the cuff on. Do jnot smoke or consume anything while you are waiting especially caffeine.

I always had my BP checked sitting at the side of the doctors desk. My doctors machine is on the wall. Jump up on the table, she tucks my arm in her arm pit and proceeds to take my BP, which of course it would be because my arm is under tension, not to mention I just hopped on your table. I have mentioned this to the blood vampire who comes to my domicile to draw my blood, especially since Covid, It is carried out in the foyer of our home, where I have my computer chair and rest my arm on the armrest. She stated my findings were bang on.

When my doctor find out I had the blood vampire coming to my house, to draw blood... Why didn't you go to the clinic as that I recommended. Duh! Covid??? She said, isn't it more expensive? (doc stay the fuck out of my finances) Clinic charges $20 a house call $40. What is an extra $20 considering that both my wife and I have pre-existing conditions. I'm a diabetic and my wife is a breast cancer survivor, who has been clean since her mastectomy in 2012. She never had to go on chemo nor radiation therapy.

We still limit our exposure, to once a week, especially with Omicron. The Maritimes were a model of envy for the rest of Canada, especially folks moving from hot spots, because of the limited spread of Covid in the Maritimes. Most cases were always travel related. I check the data daily on the tracker and adjusted our “outings” commensurate. That being said we did have some severe community spread, because of assholes, that didn't follow Covid protocols. It was quickly brought under control (relatively speaking) and our newly elected premier,stated that the original fines for organizations etc... who broke protocols were too low and needed to be increased, in order to become the intended deterrent from $1200 to $5600/infraction. Folks got the msg. With Omicron all bets are off. PEI which had 1,2 and I think maybe 5 at one point with the biggest number being 12, once again due to contact effective contact tracing, they always managed to bring it under control. Last week (since the beginning, of Omicron) PEI has set new records. Last week there was a day where that # was 481, but only a couple of folks required hospitalization. That is why they changed the matrix (don't quote) me as a measuring tool moving away from testing to a more realistic measurement, because most people in Canada are doubly vaxed with an the “boosted number” is also increasing as vaccines become available.

OK sorry for the long post leading up to the salient points of your post :)

Why I grow my own is quite simple. I medicate, I am not a rec user. I have nothing against the use of cannabis period. I simply cannot acquire the proper strains from the legal market to cure what ails me. I have specific needs, therefore I have to grow my own medicine. Not to mention that it is a hell of a lot cheaper, than what is offered at the “legal” outlets to include medical dispensries. I conduct 2 runs/yr and they supply me with enough medicine to last me a long time.......... I know THC degrades over time. It doesn't mean the effective medicinal value of the strain as diminished in potency, from what I have read and, if there is something I don't know or couldn't find I am all ears. It just means, you may have to increase your dosage. THC (high THC) aggravates the shit out of me, it is too racy and, that has been proven many times over. I would rather not get high while medicating. It is the lesser of 2 evils, I get it. But I would rather not be on a daily basis, but rather have a good toot to get high, which I do, when I want to get high. Hey I was a kid once :)

I am currently on Dutch Treat circa '18. I have ingested 0.28g of green cannabis, which I chew on for a spell then swallow. I took my cud at 7am it is now 7:54 and I am in my happy place. Because of the way I medicate, I have not increased my tolerance worthy of concern so to speak of. I occasionally will toot a bowl from my vaporizer to get me there before my pill sets in. The latter is usually during a moon phase, which last 5 days, and January has 3 phases or 15 days. Combine that with the fire, and I can still find my happy place and I am able to relax :)

Great post BTW :tiphat:

I was with you up until moon phases :)

Dutch Treat seems more like a smokers green than meds. I couldn't see any info beyond THC levels. Which is a shame, as pinpointing the effective elements of your smoke would be useful. We do know thc degrades to cbd, as if you need more after it ages, it's not cbd of use. That barely says anything though. It's not even up to date, but could be fact checked to help you find other things. I guess you have been shopping for other things that do actually have a better analysis to read. Charlotte's Web for instance


Comfortably numb!
I was with you up until moon phases :)

Dutch Treat seems more like a smokers green than meds. I couldn't see any info beyond THC levels. Which is a shame, as pinpointing the effective elements of your smoke would be useful. We do know thc degrades to cbd, as if you need more after it ages, it's not cbd of use. That barely says anything though. It's not even up to date, but could be fact checked to help you find other things. I guess you have been shopping for other things that do actually have a better analysis to read. Charlotte's Web for instance

Quite elementary my dear Watson :)

All water signs are affected by the moons, it is not a myth. I fell upon the phenomena back in '03. Moon plays a part in the tides (read gravity). We have all heard how hospitals and jails see an increase during the full moon. Yes the full moon is a douzy but, depending on the month, the new moon (what I refer to the "black" moon) because the moon is black on the calendars, will affect me more.

A one point in time, the 1st black moon of the quarter was a "bastard". Don't know where that went as I don't pay attention to the calendar, but I can feel the gravitational pull of the moon leading into the moon phase days before the actual phase which is: at least 2 days prior to; during; during and 2 days after.

Do you remember mama saying... what's wrong with you... got up on the wrong side of the bed today? Yes! You wake up and everything is shaking inside, like you are willing to kill someone. That is the effect. Perhaps my explanation sounds a little severe and it is, it puts you in the right frame of mind, to comprehend what I am talking about/feeling. The severity varies, but the pull is always there, regardless of severity.

When I tell folks about it, after I come to find out they are indeed a water sign, they get to me some time later stating, wow who would have thunk! You know back in the 60s their was a reason that folks asked what's your sign? Not because of the moons but compatibility. My wife is an Aries, a fire sign which makes us non-compatible, or does it. During our courtship (we met online) and although her X was a Cancer as well, we were diametrically opposed and I said to myself, self, she probably thinks I am the biggest bullshitter out there. It turns out her father was also a Cancer. There are 3 decants to every astrological sign, her farther falls smack down the middle. This is what is said about the Cancer/Aries relationship, read on... Them hippies knew what they were talking about

When Aries and Cancer come together, it's a case of opposites attracting. Aries is rash and brash, while Cancer is sensitive. Aries may overwhelm Cancer with a flurry of emotion. Even though Cancer usually likes to take time with relationships, Aries' whirlwind approach can be stimulating. Aries, on the other hand, may find the Cancerian sensitivity appealing; it's a good balance for the typical Aries bluntness. At times, though, troubles may arise if Cancer's mood swings or Aries' aggression become hurtful. Both Signs must take time to listen to their partner's needs and understand they're coming from different directions to meet a common goal.

Cancer is the Sign of home and hearth, while Aries is a soldier meeting every challenge head-on. Aries is very protective of Cancer and takes care of them; the Ram can be the Cancerian's knight in shining armor. In return, Cancer provides Aries with a happy domestic life and emotional security. Sometimes Cancer might build an idealized image of their Aries partner or be overly possessive. Aries can help by reassuring their Cancer partner that they are loved and cherished. Additionally, Aries needs to listen to Cancer: the Crab is strongly instinctive, and their advice can help Aries avoid making silly mistakes and rash decisions caused by a lack of planning.

Aries is ruled by the Planet Mars and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Aries has an open, passionate nature that appeals to Cancerians, who often internalize emotions and feelings. Cancer can have intense, feminine energy, and Aries can help them learn to release this energy. The Moon controls tides of the Earth, quietly affecting all life; Cancer works behind the scenes while Aries rushes into battle. Cancer tends to be sentimental, and can teach Aries to slow down and appreciate life instead of rushing on to the next thing.

Aries is a Fire Sign and Cancer is a Water Sign. These two elements can be a great combination if they work together, using emotion and physical action to get things done. Cancer can help Aries slow down and learn to be gentle, while Aries teaches Cancer to come out of their shell. But Cancer can be emotionally manipulative, too much Water dampening Aries' enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Fire can cause Water to evaporate and leave Cancer emotionally raw.

Aries and Cancer must talk openly and freely to ensure their balance is maintained. Aries and Cancer are both Cardinal Signs. Both partners are initiators, but they have to cooperate in order for their initiative to work. On the surface, Aries is the leader, rushing out to meet a challenge, but Cancer will also be indirectly in charge through emotional control and the ability to weigh the situation. Cancer tends to compromise more easily while Aries can be unwilling to yield, so the Crab may have to accept giving in. The best aspect of the Aries-Cancer relationship is that -- once they realize they're on the same team -- the combination of Fire and Water works well together. Aries is out there getting attention, and Cancer is quietly supporting the back end. Each partner's ability to provide what the other is lacking makes theirs an equal relationship.

That my friend is Ruth and I to a T. I believe in astrology, not horoscopes perse, and don't pay any mind to horoscopes.

Getting back to Dutch Treat, I use it for my anxiety. DT is "the" balanced blend of THC to CBD. It's purity has been maintained. It is an old school strain of 1/2 (THC/CBD) it does the job. I mostly consume CBD strains. Why? It cures what ails me. That good buddy is why I grow. I can see to my medical conditions with what I grow regardless of what folks say or feel. My last run was Ringo's Gift and King Louis. I harvested the week before the fire and jarred them. They sit at 57% RH. They haven't cured yet but RG is everything they describe the strain as 1/24, then some. Energetic and focus, perfect for social settings the nighttime scenes in Barcelona. Can't wait for the cure to be completed which I know this strain will be out of this world for me. Extremely hard to find seeds, but I did. Unfortunately, the seed company changed their pmt methods :frown: :mad: JUst like growing which is what does well in your environment, as each artificial environment is unique. It goes without saying, that ones has to take full advantage of proper growing techniques etc... But I have repeatedly stated it is whatever works for you, or floats your boat.

The #1 strain fir diabetes is Green Crack, which I grow but, in general Sativas aggravate me. Hybrids are ok. Remember I am a funny duck as I fall in to that <1% category :tiphat:


Active member
Beside the BS astrology interpretation, I grow to get high. In itself it is a wonderful hobby that delivers results. Far superior to what you can buy. Commercial dealers are only going to produce quick indica strains so they maximize profit. It you think those indicas are all there is then your onenology is limited to perhaps Boone's Farm or the exquisite vintage of Thunderbird.

I wonder why I respond.


Comfortably numb!
Beside the BS astrology interpretation, I grow to get high. In itself it is a wonderful hobby that delivers results. Far superior to what you can buy. Commercial dealers are only going to produce quick indica strains so they maximize profit. It you think those indicas are all there is then your onenology is limited to perhaps Boone's Farm or the exquisite vintage of Thunderbird.

I wonder why I respond.
I guess you haven't been told today. Opinions vary!

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
Recently I shared some of my house grown buds with a seasoned smoker.

The 07 stash.

He asked if I had flowered the stash said it looked home grown, and I declined to answer, natch.

A few days later he let me know the smoke was more than worthy,
and was wanting to score more, lol

I flower for my use and sometimes share with friends, no sell, no tell.

I smoke stash given to me from time to time, as trade for services.

Usually chem dog or similar, decent enough.

Really can't remember the last time I bought buds.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I'll smoke joints with people, but giving them bud is risky. It isn't compressed, so it was local. Where from? Now you need an excuse for where it came from.

I haven't bought dope since 2019. Not looking back.