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Penis Envy Monotubs


New member
Great job for with the envies Smokey! I have a lil expepience with this strain as weel. PF Classic is a potent strain with more visuals that the envies. I've never heard of doing a bulk substrate with coca coir, vermiculite, and coffee before. Pretty good results for an uneven 4 inch depth. I usually do exactly what you but with a different compost recipe. I use wild bird seed too because it's cheap, readily available, and it works great! The bulk substrate method takes a little longer but it's well worth it. The Envies realy are a potent strain. I've had good success with a strain called koh samui super strain(spores originated from Thailand). They were as potent as the envies. The envies are poor spore depositers, but it is definately possible to get prints from the larger mushrooms that grow on bulk substrate because they are bigger and the caps usually open, you just have to let them grow a couple extra days. I've never had a problem with initiating pinning with the envies as long as I aired them out 3-5 times a day, and of course misting as nessecary. Check out this envy I picked this morning, and you see how the caps open when you are growing with a bulk substrate. I believe it has something to do with the size of the mushroom. They are still poor spore depositer though. But I've made some pretty big and dark prints from the envy strain under a homemade flow hood.


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New member
The compost recipe I use is three parts shredded wheat straw, 1 part aged horse manure, a small amount of gypsum, an even smaller amount of hydrated lime, or a slightly larger amount of crushed oyster shells; which are great for the casing layer. You have to be careful with the hydrated lime because to much of it will make the ph to high and will burn the mycileum. I use the hiyield brand. Now just take that and pasteurize it in a tub of hot water. But when you do this you have to get a cooking thermometer to see when the middle of your substrate reached 170 degrees and keep it there for an hour, then you have to let as much water as possible drain out and sqeeze as much as you can out.
I don't do that. I compost my substrate for 3-5 days sometimes longer on an oven roaster, which is basically an extra large crockpot and they're really inexpensive. But when you compost for a few days you can add chicken manure, cottenseed meal or blood meal to add some extra nitrogen. You just have to compost it for a couple days and then condition it for another couple days at about 122 degrees to evaporate some of the ammonia off. Sounds hard but it's not, you just need to do a lil research on composting for mushroom substrate. The ratios I have used might be a lil off you just have to do a small amount of research to get a better idea of the mixture.
I've also seen people use steam pasteurizer and these work good too, but just for pasteurizing, not composting.

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