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PCgrow - NL, 69W CFL, Soil



I'm aware of that... I just haven't found any rectangular pots that fit my needs : (


ok, daily updates time!

the big one is doing really fine, starting to grow really fast now!

it's the little one I'm concerned... first it was too dry, then it was overwatered...I think?.. since there was no improvement after watering and after waiting a few days it still stayed the same - droopy :1help:

I couldn't take it any more so I decided to replant it today. it was a mess down there. the soil was dry and powdery, really powdery... there weren't really that many roots either, hence the slow growth I think. the thing is the leaves aren't droopy and soft, they're droopy and kinda hard... what could this say?

anyways, really hoping it will get better, slowly but surely at least... can't really waste any seeds..

here are the pictures-




peace. :joint:


ok, daily updates time!

the big one is doing really fine, starting to grow really fast now!

it's the little one I'm concerned... first it was too dry, then it was overwatered...I think?.. since there was no improvement after watering and after waiting a few days it still stayed the same - droopy :1help:

I couldn't take it any more so I decided to replant it today. it was a mess down there. the soil was dry and powdery, really powdery... there weren't really that many roots either, hence the slow growth I think. the thing is the leaves aren't droopy and soft, they're droopy and kinda hard... what could this say?

anyways, really hoping it will get better, slowly but surely at least... can't really waste any seeds..

here are the pictures-




peace. :joint:

There coming out really nice. Keep us updated, I'm pulling up a chair for this one..:yeahthats


New member
They do look good indeed. Keep up the good work man.
Btw do you have any fans in there just blowing on the plants?


New member
lookin real good started 10 bag seeds and gunna try to grow some inside then send some to face the weather XD hope all goes well, stoner pride:joint:


thanks for the comments guys!
wololoo - I don't have any fans blowing at them yet... I tried but the one I used was too powerful and kinda messed up my temps inside there so they rose to around ~35'C for like an hour or two. I will get something there eventually... at least that's the idea at the moment...
Blizztech - good luck with your grow!

and now to daily updates!
I will be leaving them in 2 days because of the holidays so they will pretty much have to do on their own for like 8 days or so... with just a watering at some point... my soil is quite water friendly so they can go without it for like 5-6 days so it shouldn't be a major problem.

I must admit, things are starting to look really nice now and when I come back I'm pretty sure I will face a pc filled with JUNGLE! :woohoo: at least if things continue to go as fast as they are now (or even faster).

I'm also going to start giving them nutes when I come back (at least to the bigger one). Haven't chosen anything specific yet, but I doubt it will really matter that much as long as the NPK is right. I'm aiming for 10-15-10 or something similar.

this is the big one, currently it has been 17 days from soilbreak. all under 12/12. so if my calculations and expectations are correct, he/she would no longer be a 50/50 when I'm back. no signs of sex yet. growth has been really fast the past couple of days.

now I'm really proud of this one! stunted growth but no worries, it has lifted itself and is starting to look like a healthy plant! :woohoo:

and the overall view of the grow environment

can't wait to show you guys what they look like when I'm back! enjoy!

T :joint:


hey! I'm back!

Thanks for the comments guys!
oh, and btw, I'm operating under 46W, since it got a bit too hot in there!

anyways, after being away for a week, I was right... I did come back to box filled with jungle!

there's good news and there's bad news...
the bad news is that the bigger plant has now got a few burnt tips since it outgrew my expectations a bit... and the smaller one is a male...

but the good news is that nothing has died and everything is running as it should. The bigger one got a bit too much stretch perhaps, but I'm going to SCROG quite a bit so I hope it won't really matter that much.

Since i'm now going to focus on the female, I'm most probably going to get the male out of the box and onto the window sill since I'm going to get some pollen to make a few seeds for the future.
The female is starting to show some N def again so I'm going to start using nutes now... Haven't decided yet which ones specifically but I will do the shopping soon.

I also installed the screen now, so this is what the box looks like at day 28/23 of 12/12


More to come as they grow!

T :joint:


MCsqrd thanks for the comments!

And we have a birthday! she is now officially 1 month / 30 days old counting from the day she broke soil. She's been under 12/12 for the whole time and showed sex approximately around day 21-25 (I wasn't around the get the exact time and date).
She's going to get her first nutes the next time I water... in approximately around 4-5days. I couldn't find good nutes yet but I'm using something that has NPK values of 3-10-4 which should be optimal for flowering, right? The male got that feeding yesterday and put on an inch in height in 24h so I'm staying quite positive!

picture time!

so this is what the cab looked like a few hours ago. I've now removed the male from the box and moved it to another location where it can ripen its pollen. this is what it looked when he was still in there.


This is what the "main cola" looks like. as you see, it did get a bit burnt while I was away but I think other than the few burnt leaf tips and hairs that are slightly "browner" it looks rather fine.


And other budsites are forming, hopefully they will get a lot bigger!


I'm hoping that I can pull like 7-15g from this plant... Perhaps a bit too optimistic but it is my first go so I hope I'm not TOO optimistic :joint:
1 more thing - it's starting to smell really nice now :woohoo:

oh, and btw... I'm also considering building a bigger cab for the next run and keep this one for mothers/clones etc. I'm considering going with those T5 or T8 fluoro tubes, because seeing what some of you guys here can do with the is just simply amazing! :yoinks:

T :wave:
a scrog grow generally requires a couple weeks of veg time. if this was 12/12 from seed 7-15 grams might be a bit high to be shooting for, unless you happen upon a really nice strain.


yeah, I suppose I could've gone with like 2 weeks of veg time but I really wanted to keep the plant small. Mr. Micro managed to get nice 10g-s with his setup and he also pretty much filled the screen while flowering, so I hope I can prove you wrong :rolleyes:

Lets just give her some time, I'm sure she'll be able to surprise us all.

pretty sweet grow dude, im tuned in. id like to see how this grow turns out.. next time around, the same thing ur doing with the plant in the screen, do it in veg and ull get more yeild. try n fit more light in thier, try a 70w hps or maybe 100w if u got good ventilation..


nice grow ^^ I think i know you LOL
Talking about the micro, i think you should have started maybe training a little earlier? How is the scrog working btw?


Debrickashaw, hehe, same here

2tokesnpass, thanks for the nice comments! Yeah, I most probably will do that for the next run... Unfortunately my ventilation isn't capable of keeping temps normal with more lights... I'm going to try to add 1 more bulb now that there's more free space in there though. and possibly something to circle the air around as well.

Gucci, shot for the comments dude! And that's scary stuff if you know me.. I doubt it though :joint: but yeah, I must admit, I was a couple of days late with the screen... Other than that, it seems to be working just fine for now... lets see how she fills it all up now :rolleyes:


yea, good luck. No worrys, I don`t know you in person, i just think I`ve seen that growbox because a very similar grow box with a very similar carbon filter was posted in another forum(hint .info hint). And your username kinda confirms it :p BUT I might be wrong


thanks for the nice comments and glad you like the grow l8night!
and yeah, Gucci.. you got me :muahaha:

anyways - update time!

Things are looking rather fine in the box! I trimmed of some of the bottom yellow leaves and things look much nicer to the eye now... She also got her first real feeding with nutes with NPK values of 3-10-4. There are about 6 or 7 budsites other than the main cola forming and hopefully they will manage to get as big soon!

one worrying thing as well.. I noticed this on one of the leaves today and it's kinda spooky... I checked the infirmary but I couldn't find anything that quite looked similar to this so may I have your expert opinions on this? should I be worried? :1help:


this is the box at 33 days from seed! It should start getting interesting from now on! I also added a few things to the box! there's now a fan blowing directly at the plant @ 5V. and I also added 9W of lighting so that's an extra 450 lumens or so... It's 2700K for now, but I already ordered the cool white bulbs today so in 2 weeks or so I will have that one replaced by a 6400K bulb to give her some nice mixed spectrum. It is now running at 54W of CFL :canabis:

and this is what the main cola looks like today! it has grown quite a bit in the last few days I must admit!

stay tuned!