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PCgrow - NL, 69W CFL, Soil



hehe 2tokes, that's the way to go!
bubba, thanks for stoppin' by! I'm currently at day 50 from seed so I'll probably go another 20-30 days.. I have no previous experience so I'll look at the pistils and when most of them are brownish and when it feels nice or when you nice people here think it's the right time :yeahthats:. the seeds weren't that expensive... you can check out nirvana seeds, they have quite a nice selection with really good prices if you're on a tight budget!

anyways - here we are with the updates!! It's now day 50 from seed so it's yet another birthday :woohoo:

Here's how she looks! I'm now beginning to think that since this particular strain of Northern Lights stayed really small, I should have let it have some veg time.. a couple of weeks at least... I could easily get double or even triple the yield I'm getting with this run but oh well.. practise makes perfect, eh? :noway:

This is how the main cola looks like - almost the size of a lighter! I'm sure it'll get bigger once it packs on some more weight during the last 3-4weeks!

And some of the smaller buds - they are all about quality over quantity as you can clearly see!

And here are the seedlings! I must inform with regret that they experienced some cold temperatures when I first moved them into the new space - it was like 15'C (59F) during lights off so I think that caused them to turn a bit purple. They had quite a rough repotting so their growth is quite stunted at the moment - hopefully they will manage though!

The nicer one is yet another northern lights - my last seed from that strain. all 3 of 3 germed and sprouted. So far I've had 1 male and 1 female so we'll see how it goes with this one. We are currently at day 10 of 20/4

And here's the other one... and it's looking really sad because of me :angrymod:... It had a very rough repotting so it's really stressed... Add the temperature fluctuations and we have the perfect solution for a stressed plant. I tied it to a golf tee just to keep it upwards. The curled leaves should go away once it's nicely rooted again - had something similar with my male plant for the pc case... without the purple colour though... It has also got a small mutation I think.. It's hard to tell yet but it seems as if the second set of leaves only has 2 fingers on on side. Time will tell though.. Shame It happened to the first White Widow...

Hope it wasn't too boring!


thanks for the replies guys!

bubba, I'm sure nirvanas website will have more information...

ROW, I read that from your thread! good luck with it!!

cheesebuds, I've been lurking in your 12/12 thread I must admit! Hopefully you'll see them pistils soon! good luck!

T :joint:
looking pretty good man, got about another month left on that plant right? hopefully them buds fatten up,,if not u need more light dude,.,good luck.



Happy holidays ICMAG!

So I figured out why my crystals don't show as nicely as yours do... I'm not using natural light when taking pictures! So today you're going to see something new!

Things are looking great! we're now at 57days from seed and around 35day into flowering!




she probably has another ~3 weeks maybe more to go, so I'll start flushing soon... in another week or so... hopefully she'll pack on some weight as well!



thanks cheesebuds and 2tokes!!

she's currently under 55W, 46W of 2700K, 9W of 6400K. I can't squeeze more in unfortunately :( .. I will probably re-do the case after this grow and hopefully will then manage to squeeze a few more watts and perhaps even go from soil to hydro!

i was thinkin about going hydro in my case but since its stealth, im worried about noise from the airstones, or do u think it wont be as loud as i think?


hey krazycure! glad you like the grow!!

wololoo, lots of buds indeed, however they're not that big : ( .. I promise I'll get much better results next time!

2tokes, I'm not sure since I haven't been in contact with airstones.. I did some research in the hydro forums and in some cases they did report the airstones being quite loud.. Nevertheless I'm going to invest some money and build myself a hydro system, probably for the next grow in this case! and if not for this case, then my cupboard downstairs is more than welcome to have it there! the new NL seed I popped seems to be have a heavy indica dominant phenotype so I really have my fingers crossed that it'll be a female so I can put her clones into the soon-to-come hydro setup! sadly it's all behind the $$ : (



space gardener
Teerull that's looking real good!!!

Anyone worried about loud air pumps should check out the pumps made by Hydor (Ario series pumps). They are submergable so the pump itself is in the res and a air tube feeds air to it. I have a few and they are totally silent.

Teerull that's looking real good!!!

Anyone worried about loud air pumps should check out the pumps made by Hydor (Ario series pumps). They are submergable so the pump itself is in the res and a air tube feeds air to it. I have a few and they are totally silent.

awsome, thanks aerohead. it works the same way an airstone would?


space gardener
They create alot of bubbles but they don't spread them out as well as air stones. Wouldn't be good for bubble cloners but they work great for DWC setups.

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