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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


Well-known member
A beautifull beast!

Thanks Alitolla.

She's kinda tiny but she is beefing up nicely.
I've had plants that filled the box.

I think that next grow, I'm only going to only use the ceiling lights at the beginning and turn them WAY down.

She'll probably want to stretch all thin until she falls over, so I'll support her with a string tied to the center of the ceiling.

I've got to get a real "stretch" started right from the start, and I think that might work?

But, no more growing inside until next fall after this plant is done.
All my summer indoor growing results in mold.
(maybe I'll grow another ornamental kitchen plant though?)

wanna your box!Now!

Complete instructions are listed in my thread.

It might take you a week to read through my extremely long winded 350 page thread though. 😂


Well-known member
I don't smoke the window plants, I just grow them for fun and give them away.
Same with the outdoor plants.

I consider the closet plants to be the best so I smoke that, especially when my window plants are covered in 🥩 chop and 🐔 grease. 😂
I grow WAY more than I smoke.

I am liking my last plant because I can still think and not do absent minded things, but that could be just because it's not as strong and I'm just not as stoned?

I harvested my last plant at 9½ weeks and I've always grown them 12-16 weeks.

I'm going to grow out my current plant for a friend. He wants to get 🔒'ed into a 🛋. 😂
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Well-known member
I don't smoke the window plants, I just grow them for fun and give them away.
Same with the outdoor plants.

I consider the closet plants to be the best so I smoke that, especially when my window plants are covered in 🥩 chop and 🐔 grease. 😂
I grow WAY more than I smoke.

I am liking my last plant because I can still think and not do absent minded things, but that could be just because it's not as strong and I'm just not as stoned?

I harvested my last plant at 9½ weeks and I've always grown them 12-16 weeks.

I'm going to grow out my current plant for a friend. He wants to get 🔒'ed into a 🛋. 😂
Heh I see. I like my windowsill weed the most, it is missing the porkchop grease though. The production capacity of my kitchen window is just limited.

Big differences between plants for sure in the high. Not just related to strength, some can be super potent but still have a clear-minded high. Genetics and harvest time both play a part.


Well-known member
Heh I see. I like my windowsill weed the most, it is missing the porkchop grease though. The production capacity of my kitchen window is just limited.

I've done a lot better with this current window plant.
I'm unplugging my fan when I'm cooking and I'm trying not make smoke when I'm cooking.
I'm simmering my 🥩 chops and 🐔 now.

I got about ½ as much from my last window plant as my closet plant, but I have gotten 3-4 times as much from my closet.

This is the window plant now.
The lights are as high as they can go.
If she wants to grow into the 💡's then she can go right ahead. 😂



Big differences between plants for sure in the high. Not just related to strength, some can be super potent but still have a clear-minded high. Genetics and harvest time both play a part.

It was the same strain as what I've grown before, but I don't have much growing consistency, something is always different.


Well-known member
Nice plants there mate.
It's very generous of you to give away your window and outdoor plants, well done, good Karma for you.

Thanks Frosty.

It's mostly because I don't want to turn it into a job. That would suck the fun out of it for me.
I don't want to feel obligated to produce, so I can go ahead and kill stuff or try to grow stuff that should aught to die. 😂


Well-known member
Heh I see. I like my windowsill weed the most,

I remember you asking what I'm going to do about the algae in my reservoir.

Turned out that I did nothing, and the roots look great to me?

Who knows,? Maybe the algae is doing some rhizosphere nutrient exchange stuff?


Well-known member
I remember you asking what I'm going to do about the algae in my reservoir.

Turned out that I did nothing, and the roots look great to me?

Who knows,? Maybe the algae is doing some rhizosphere nutrient exchange stuff?
Guess it depends on the species/strain if it's harmful or not.

Seramis (a red clay growing substrate) seems to grow algae really fast if light gets to it. But I don't trust the algae to be the good kind so I prefer to cover it up.


Well-known member
Guess it depends on the species/strain if it's harmful or not.

I figure it can choke out a baby plant but if I've got lot's of roots above the waterline for the adults, and they get lots of oxygen, especially in the coco.

Seramis (a red clay growing substrate) seems to grow algae really fast if light gets to it. But I don't trust the algae to be the good kind so I prefer to cover it up.

I've got clay pellets in all my planters.

I don't think that my algae is good or bad, I just think it doesn't matter?

It may even store the excess nutrients that aren't being absorbed by the plant because of the HUGE PH swings and lockouts now that she's really thirsty.

I water her at 4.24 then still have to PH down the runoff into reservoir to 5.8 from over 6.2 every other day.


The window plant is drinking 2 liters a day at 1200 PPM and the closet plant is drinking almost 4 liters a day.


Well-known member
I figure it can choke out a baby plant but if I've got lot's of roots above the waterline for rge adults, and they get lots of oxygen, especially in the coco.

I've got clay pellets in all my planters.

I don't think that my algae is good or bad, I just think it doesn't matter?

It may even store the excess nutrients that aren't being absorbed by the plant because of the HUGE PH swings and lockouts now that she's really thirsty.

I water her at 4.24 then still have to PH down the runoff into reservoir to 5.8 from over 6.2 every other day.

View attachment 18810315

The window plant is drinking 2 liters a day at 1200 PPM and the closet plant is drinking almost 4 liters a day.
Will it store the nutrients or just use them up? But if you're not noticing any issues with it maybe this algae is ok.

Your cat seems to be very interested in the pH reading lol.

Here's my little algae farm.



Well-known member
Will it store the nutrients or just use them up? But if you're not noticing any issues with it maybe this algae is ok.

There's tons of nutes for everyone.
I get a PPM of over 2200 when the reservoir is almost empty.

The nutes are going in at the proper ratios, but once the PH drifts up to above 6, lots of things are being locked out.

Maybe I should PH my reservoir down to 5?
At least once in a while?


I figure that the algae will get saturated with these excess nutes and feed them back to the roots once the PH is brought back down?

Perhaps the rhizosphere is allowing for nutrient transfer with the PH being "wrong"?

Your cat seems to be very interested in the pH reading lol.

Yes, she inspects every batch of nutes. 😂

Here's my little algae farm.

View attachment 18810321

It is green.

That's better than the white, brown or black of mold or rot.


Well-known member
This is the day I got her 8½ years ago.
She was an 8 week old stray kitten.
She was dirty and had fleas, ear mites and intestinal worms.


This her getting her first flea bath.
She was too young for flea drops, so I had to give her a flea bath every few days.
(She could fly by flapping her ears when she was young. 😂)


And a bath a few weeks later.


Drying off after a bath.

Screenshot_20210819-160408_Samsung Internet.jpg

And some more recent pictures.


She likes to inspect my leaf too.

I was testing a SIL to see if it was a fire hazard.



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