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Diary PCBuds mini-grow


recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
...I might actually get some Calcium Gluconate...

I wonder if I'd be able to get stoned if I were to take a pill every day?
If you smoke some hours after you took the pill should be fine. You'll digest it but it will be in your system some time..
Worst case scenario is you can't get high until the pill wears off, it'll be just a waste of weed. :LOL:


Well-known member
My new window plant is coming along,..



Well-known member
My window planter🪴 is Swarming with springtails now,..


I tried to find some more information on these bugs because they were "swimming" on the water, so I wasn't sure if they were springtails?

They generally have a nasty reputation as being gross and disgusting but they are harmless to people, pets, furniture and food.
They are waterproof and float on water and I noticed my bugs scurrying around on top of the water and climbing on and off the planter onto the water.
And they would "spring" and jump about ¼ inch forward on the water.


And for terrarium owners they are cultured and grown as food for frogs and geckos.

I'm pretty sure that this is what I'm seeing in my window planter,..



And they eat mold !!

That's awesome!! They will help fight my worst enemy.
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Well-known member
I noticed a few bugs flying around in the closet, so I put a new sticky trap in the planter to try and catch one to see what it is,..


I'm 95% sure that it's a fungas gnat.
It's got that horn on it's head.


I'm just going to LITFA and keep an eye on it.

It's a good test to see if the springtails are keeping the fungus gnat population under control.

I figure that even if the springtails don't eat fungus gnat larvae, (but I'm pretty sure they do), they will hopefully out compete the gnats and keep the population from exploding.

The window plant looks healthy.
She is a little droopy, but I figure that she is just aiming her leaves towards the lights?
I don't have the center bulb screwed in.


I still have hundreds or thousands of springtails in the window planter but I like them.

Lots of algae in there too, but I don't care.
It's very natural. Lol



recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
It looks like my girls got used with the new space (57/36cm):
They've sprouted at different times as you know, the oldest being 3 & 1/2 weeks old, youngest ... one?! :LOL:
Lights are at 12/12 for the last two weeks, they get only flower fert full dosage, and with the exception of Pineapple Chunk and Peyote Critical they will all go out to finish around 10-15 august.

And yeah... I've lost one of the kittens... just found her stiffed in a morning... 😿


Well-known member
They've sprouted at different times as you know, the oldest being 3 & 1/2 weeks old, youngest ... one?! :LOL:

This is your 1 week old plant,..
(I guess?)


And this is my 10 day old plant,..


Your plant seems to be as far along as my older plant?
My plant seems to have smaller leaves and is all warped and droopy.

I figure It could droopy because it's too wet, but I'm thinking it's because the lights are coming in from the side.
The leaves might be smaller because I've got four bulbs 3½ inches from the plant. Lol
ReikoX also mentioned that Autoflowers tend to be a bit slow above ground until the tap root hits the bottom of the planter and then it takes off up top.

I'm not going to worry about my plant being droopy.
I figure that with the lights coming in from the sides, it might help to keep it short and squat so that it doesn't get too tall and need to be topped.
The 4 side bulbs are warm white (2700 K) and that's supposed to keep a plant shorter too.

I'll screw in the 5000k 1500 lumen center bulb later.
Maybe after she is done stretching?


recidivist icmag - OUT-ist convins - microgrower
This is your 1 week old plant,..
(I guess?)
Yeah, 'ish... :LOL: It's like 7-10 days old, not sure, I have to look at my posts to see that.
The very first ones sprouted together on 2nd this month, and are the bigger two with no label (Double Gum) and Purple Bud, about one week after that came Wappa, Pineapple Chunk and Peyote Critical also sprouted symetrically, last ones being the two smaller D. Gum (no label) which came to strenghten the numbers of the strain.
Like I said, this strain comes from regular seeds and I'mm looking to have at least one male or one female in the bunch for seeds.
I need back up and hopefully this has good genes. I also plan to pollinate one branch of each strain to get some personal crosses just for keeping the good weed alive.
So far they all look good for my eye, showing compact growth with the exception of couple d.gums and maybe P.Bud.
But all these are good old indicas from two reputable seed banks - Sensi and Barney's Farm. So far, so good. :good:
And this is my 10 day old plant,..

Your plant seems to be as far along as my older plant?
My plant seems to have smaller leaves and is all warped and droopy.
No worries, other people's plants allways look better than your own, that's my case anyway. :biggrin:
Yours have already 3 sets of leaves, while mine is just on it's way to develop them. To me, yours looks better.
I figure It could droopy because it's too wet, but I'm thinking it's because the lights are coming in from the side.
The leaves might be smaller because I've got four bulbs 3½ inches from the plant. Lol
ReikoX also mentioned that Autoflowers tend to be a bit slow above ground until the tap root hits the bottom of the planter and then it takes off up top.

I'm not going to worry about my plant being droopy.
I figure that with the lights coming in from the sides, it might help to keep it short and squat so that it doesn't get too tall and need to be topped.
The 4 side bulbs are warm white (2700 K) and that's supposed to keep a plant shorter too.

I'll screw in the 5000k 1500 lumen center bulb later.
Maybe after she is done stretching?
I don't know about that, I don't even know why one of my d.gum have screwed leaves, I just keep an eye of it and intervene if necessary. With yours could be a problem of light, or watering, maybe a pheno characteristic... you'll see.
That's why I show pics to others: they can spot problems I miss. For instance, just now I've noticed the screwed leaves on the forementioned and they also look yellow in the pics. Could be from the two 11w 3000k bulbs I have in the pannel.


Well-known member
Yours have already 3 sets of leaves, while mine is just on it's way to develop them. To me, yours looks better.

Yeah she seems healthy enough with no purple stem.
I'm nuting right from the start now with lots of calmag, so that may be why she's green?
The third set is reaching up. I'll see how she develops.
I'm not worried about her, and it is just the window plant.

With yours could be a problem of light, or watering, maybe a pheno characteristic... you'll see.
That's why I show pics to others: they can spot problems I miss. For instance, just now I've noticed the screwed leaves on the forementioned and they also look yellow in the pics. Could be from the two 11w 3000k bulbs I have in the pannel.

I've noticed some twisted leaves on other plants and it seems to sort itself out as they grow bigger.

Your plant does look a little pale, but lighting makes a huge difference in the pictures.

These are 6 pictures I just took with different lighting.
The plant looks different in every picture,..
