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PC scrog noob setup.. comments appreciated!


Active member
You add the molasses to your water and it gives the plants good stuff like sugar or carbs or something. I don't remember everything it does but there is tons of info on it if you search. I think it has to be blackstrap molasses if I remember right.


Grow like nobody is watching
You add the molasses to your water and it gives the plants good stuff like sugar or carbs or something. I don't remember everything it does but there is tons of info on it if you search. I think it has to be blackstrap molasses if I remember right.

Molasses is fantastic! You want blackstrap (many more micronutes than regular) and you want it unsulphured although I have seen debate on this (sulphur is a fert I believe). The biggest part of it is that the microbes in your soil feed on it and go mental pumping out micro-poop or whatever they do. You just wanna ensure you have the balance of microbes to be positive ones, otherwise you're just feeding the bad guys. NPK rating varies but there are formulas to work it out via the "daily intake" blurb. Generally it's high in K it seems to me.

Don't get me started :D


What's wrong with her?



space gardener
Hard to say for sure but check the temps (too hot) check the PH, could also be poor drainage of the soil. Almost looks over watered, how much have you fed them? Start by checking the PH..


Grow like nobody is watching
You know, I have always read that when you have a shiny reflector such as yours that wrinkles etc will cause hotspots. I had always dismissed it but maybe you have an IR hotspot. I don't really understand it but it's a different type of heat to the heat we traditionally think of.


Hard to say for sure but check the temps (too hot) check the PH, could also be poor drainage of the soil. Almost looks over watered, how much have you fed them? Start by checking the PH..

Surprisingly at the time of the picture, it had not been watered in five days. I've got many holes in the pot, and it seems to be draining the way it should. I guess I need to check my pH.

You know, I have always read that when you have a shiny reflector such as yours that wrinkles etc will cause hotspots. I had always dismissed it but maybe you have an IR hotspot. I don't really understand it but it's a different type of heat to the heat we traditionally think of.

Man you've got me worried.. but it makes sense that if that were the case, it would affect the same area on the plant.. and the first brown spots that appeared on one leaf.. the same thing happened to the leaf below it. If this is the case, I guess I need to rip out that reflector.. and rig up something else.


Grow like nobody is watching
Maybe try holding your hand in that spot a minute and feel if it gets hot? Have you experienced an ir heat lamp? It's kind of a penetrating heat like that. But to be honest I think it would be something like what aero said. ph etc. I dunno really. :/ But you should feel it if it's a hotspot I believe.


Active member
ScrubNinja is right, you should check the temp and maybe you should also check ph levels... lower ph may cause a boron deficiency (2.0-5.0).

hope you figured it out



Maybe try holding your hand in that spot a minute and feel if it gets hot? Have you experienced an ir heat lamp? It's kind of a penetrating heat like that. But to be honest I think it would be something like what aero said. ph etc. I dunno really. :/ But you should feel it if it's a hotspot I believe.

I removed the light hood and can already tell a difference. Before, I could put my hand right under the acrylic for just a few seconds and there was an enormous amount of heat. Now, with the reflector removed, there is hardly any heat what so ever right beneath the acrylic. I really think I was cooking my plants.. well, only time will tell..


The plants will be one month old tomorrow. I am going to germinate 3 or 4 others after the weekend, so I added two more lights. Total of 6 26w CFL's. Keep in mind I'm only vegging/cloning in this box..



By the way, removing the light hood completely fixed my problem. It's unbelievably cooler now right below the acrylic. I was damn near cooking them until a couple of days ago.

Hella THC

Look at em go! Looks like you already got some resin glands speckled on some of those leaves! I love rubbing my finger across a leaf and then smelling it and seeing how sticky my finger gets just from the small amount of resin the plant produces in veg.

They are looking a little over watered... a bit droopy. Or maybe under watered... it can be hard to tell sometimes haha! Are they getting any Nitrogen?

Your inter nodes looks very tight, and that kicks ass. Keep up the good work man!

Best wishes,

- Hella





They both puckered up after they got their full nutes.. my FF trio didn't arrive until Saturday.. but they are looking a lot better now. I just moved the taller one 24 hours ago from the PC to the cabinet.. and it was a complete turn around. The other one I moved in this morning. I'm going to veg them 24/7 until they fill the space.. then switch them to 12/12. Probably going to be a little bit.

In the meantime, I'm starting 5 others from seed in the PC..

Also, note that I haven't 100% finished the flower cab, I still need to build a carbon scrubber and finish the reflective material.

Thanks for stopping by HellaTHC!

Hella THC

They both puckered up after they got their full nutes.. my FF trio didn't arrive until Saturday.. but they are looking a lot better now.
:yes: They sure did! Lookin great now! And I bet they'll look even better tomorrow. It's so tight to see how fast the plants respond. Such smart little things, they amaze me every day, and everything is just programmed into that little seed. Miracles of nature :joint:

Anywho, great job bro. I'll be poppin in regularly. I also gotta check up on your GFs cab thread soon. Haven't stopped by there in a while.

Take it easy

Dr 4 four

...Its almost like, us as growers need to learn Cannabis as a language. The better we understand what the plants are saying to us, the better we become at tending to their needs.

Keep it up man!


- Hella

Hella, have you been watching Doctor Phil again? :grouphug: lol

realistik, how tall is your flower cab?

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