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PC grow 100w pll, bubbler


well i pleased you say that scrub. the micro-organisms are safe at 30. you hear alot that as temp goes up dissolved oxygen goes down - and that is of course true, but the logic behind a cooler and recommended 22C is possibly wrong? There is still enough oxygen even at 30 C for the plants, but bad bacterias start to outcompete as you get warmer in a rather lifeless hydro environment - consuming even more oxygen as decay sets in. good BBs get more active the higher u go up to a point, and i am certainly no expert that can tell you when it tails off and where they begin to die, but would it be so different to our own bodies? At higher temps they need more oxygen and as im sure you know water holds less o2 with increased temp. it was explained in something that i was either reading, or watching lol, that the good guys fill every nook and crany on your roots and offer no hope for the bad things to survive. like musical chairs and the good guys have taken every last one. They do need food to function, reproduce etc. Amazingly plants give some of their energy from photosynthesis back down to the roots to feed them. Plants KNOW how important they are to them so they pay them upkeep to keep them working! I use mollasses as a way to supplement them further.

Really one of the true wonders of nature. I used to think that organic gardenning is too expensive and not productive enough to feed the world but this has massive implications on that previous thought. Organics is actually the opposite - it can give better yields from disease free plants, oh and its actually hugely better for us. number one, by not being toxic from pesticides but two, plants probably produce the stuff that wards us from diseases in our own bodies with the help of nature on their roots and leaves, if that makes sense.

I would definately get your friend to try it, but obviously you have to protect it from the sun. there's no telling how much it could cook in the australian sun!

where did i get the ballasts? well in uk a buyer would be spoilt for choice using their keyboard. You could find it in some actual shops too hah.


Beautiful micro, I love those PL-L lights. Was the glass pane necessary even though they're remote ballast?


thankyou theratings. yes, i could only suck them cool so needed to direct airflow thru them. hope you know what i mean. tried to put a fan blowing on the lamps but it was ridiculous as it was right up against the side, taking up space, and couldnt blow air when there was none behind it - just the wall of the pc.


This is a very nice and clean set-up... cherry i think you call it. I can't wait to see all the fat colanoggets you pull out of that!


Grow like nobody is watching
where did i get the ballasts? well in uk a buyer would be spoilt for choice using their keyboard. You could find it in some actual shops too hah.

lol sorry, my fault, I meant where did you mount them or place them in the setup.

And thanks for that info. I used blackstrap molasses and seasol this grow so maybe I got some kind of beneficial bacteria benefit from that. I was thinking the salt from the nutes would kill them but now not so sure.

Edit: After doing some reading, wouldn't we both have no beneficial bacteria since we're using synthetic nutes? I was thinking of trying this in the new cab: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=116431&page=1 but I was under the impression I would need organic nutes.

Also, I see now that you mounted the ballasts in a dvd player!


space gardener
It just goes to show, everything is good. coco, organics, DWC, aero... Aeroponics is something I will maybe try one day. would love to get a really good colony of beneficial bacteria and fungi on the roots and put a heater in and set to 30 degree C. Perhaps you could try it for me aerohead. heh well, with that much oxygen and warmth you could surely have unparralelled microbiological activities going on around those roots! . I have come to believe many others who say this is highly linked to plants resistance to diseases and increased yield. I been reading some of the organic soil boards and compost teas are the dogs bollocks! User "richyrich" uses an earth worm casting compost tea and gets phenomonal clone root growth with high temps in something called an EZ cloner. no idea what it is really, the roots are either sprayed or misted though.

This is interesting, I have never run a res @ 30C always thought that was too warm to get O2 in there. I used to run a chiller on my res on the larger aero systems because I noticed a decline in growth rate much above 24C but this was not organic. Maybe the beneficial bacteria balances this out?
I'm trying to get around 20C in the res on my next run.

I love the idea of organics, obviously healthier and has the bonus (feel good) about it. I have tried organic aero a few times but I was never able to get the yields I wanted. It also got really messy by the end of the grow, I often wondered if I could finish it due to clogged sprayers, slime, goop, ect. The most successful organic I tried was protein skimmer teas from my reef tanks but it was also the messiest stinkiest method I have used. Maybe I just needed to stick with it longer to get it dialed in as it is certainly harder and more work to keep up with. I guess for now I'm taking the lazy way mixing nutes, changing the res weekly, and flush the crap out of them before harvest. I think I am going to do a little more research on res temps and the bacteria you speak of, this is interesting.

I dont want to offend people in love with spirals but these are so obviously more suited to the situation. I know it can be inconvenient to buy pll bulbs and balasts - like a delivery wait of a few days max! haha, seriously its nothing.

I'm sure aero thinks the same thing that i wanna see more people fit these things into pc cases - its fun!

I also don't want to offend anyone here but I agree 110%, these PL-L's are far superior to the twisties especially when it comes to headroom, they save inches and spread the light more evenly. A few inches of headroom goes a long ways in a micro grow. No doubt, neither one of our grows would have been this successful without that extra room.


Aero, I really like organic but with coco and soil. I think a tub of soil will work well in a situation as yours, or larger. But I'm thinking transfer into this bloom organic soil.

D.I.trY, I think the reason your temps were so high is because you were blowing the hottest part of the lights, the bulbs, back across the cab. You might want to rearrange your exhaust system so that you can suck air out of the cab near the bulbs, so that the hottest air is removed without going across the growing area. Nice end product by the way. It's a real good grow because you learn a lot from it and end up finishing nicely. Well done.


thanks melkor!

Scrub, i'm sure the chem nutes did not kill the BBs since they protected me from the slime that killed the first attempt, and any root rot thats usually certain at the temps was using (about 27 C, higher when the res was not full). I think if you supplement some food for them along with the chem nutes then they do survive and there are definately benefits.

Aero, maybe 30C is a little high but i think if the roots remain healthy by getting enough o2 and are protected by good microbiology then higher temps will surely increase their productivity. Instead of using stinky messy organic nutrients like u say heh, i would like to try innoculating the roots with some compost tea or something and then proceding as normal with the chemical nutes whilst feeding the bacteria regularly with mollasses and some kelp extract (they need those little micros and chem nutes carry only a serving for the plant - maybe important). Then reaplying a tea every so often. It may well end up being a miserable experiment! but i'm interested to try it one of these days. Overhead room is a luxury pc growers can't afford. too true man - and with spirals you got a huge amount of light just being emitted back into itself.

thanks texsativa, i really did learn alot. first i got a killer slime that just wiped out the first lot and set me back 3 weeks, only for it to reappear on the new ones. Had it not been for slime i don't think i would be using BBs or making compost teas for my garden vegs, and i would probably have encountered dreaded pythium in this recent heat wave as my room gets up to 30C being at the top of the house. I did rearrange my exhaust system to suck air through the bulbs with a little brainstorming from scrubninja, and a niftly little sealed cooltube (actually a coolbox!) i made. I couldnt have installed the bulbs anywhere else, or the other way round because of all the wires, so this was the only way.


Grow like nobody is watching
I seriously recommend the fans i am currently using. I got rid of the noctuas- they just dont move enough air with backpressure. They are (I use two) Sunon A2123 120mmx120mmx38mm AC 240V fans. A 120V version is also made called A1213. I found out about these fans from some great information over at silentpcreview forums.

They are connected in parallel with an AC fan controller. These are not simple potentiometers and they cost about £30. Why they are so expensive i dont know. Please do not use a variable resistor to dim the fans! I think the heat dissipated in the resistor could be quite dangerous.

Hi D.I.! Could you please elaborate more on the controller you used for the Sunons? Did you purchase a pre-made plug'n'play controller or did you make it yourself?

I have one of these but I think it's the type you suggested not to use. IS that just a suggestion or could I use my controller in an unenclosed space?

Also, did you harvest yet or what? Way to keep the whole internet hanging! :nanana:


Hi there scrubby, i would have replied sooner had i only seen your post. The controller was something i bought. Basically it restricts the power going to the AC fan. I am no electrician but i assume its a variable transformer, not a variable resistor. One sure way to tell is the price, unfortunately, because a proper ac fan controller is not cheap :(. If it was a variable resistor then a whole load of heat would be dissapated in the controller when you dim the fan which is why its unsuitable - safest bet is just to buy one.

As for the plants, well no i didnt post harvest pics because my cat ate it all. No, seriously, i've still got it growing. Ive let them go really long for a list of reasons - the main being my fucking brother has taken the camera on holiday and i just couldnt harvest without a camera and im too much of a cheap skate to buy my own. lazyness, wanting knockout weed, and yield are other factors too. ill post harvest pics within a couple days max. I can only hope people show some interest :)


Grow like nobody is watching
Cool thanks for the info!

That's how I like my weed too. I wish I'd left mine a bit longer. Happy harvest :kitty: No not you, kitty! BAD KITTY!


Hehe scrub, ok as promised.

was lots and lots of work. took lots of pics, hope none of you are on dialup!




the dark patches on the roots are what remains of the two male root masses! next time im going to try and weigh down that silly air tube.








i made a little drying box that would HOPEFULLY stop me pranging about the current stink in here:

put a couple layers of cooker hood filter.

smaller cardboard box on top, fill with washed carbon (was worried about dust faling on my buds)

i put some small hole along the bottom of the sides (sorry not in pic)

Now the plan is to reveg them. Here's to hoping they give me some cuttings so next time i dont have to start from seed again!


That whole job has been really exhausting. Oh and i dont think the drying box is killing the smell completely. Ill put more carbon in it tomorrow.


Grow like nobody is watching
Holy crap dude! That's a lotta weed to haul out of a computer. Looks over 2 ounces to me, if you include the stuff you left on for reveg? All I can say is "props". :respect: Very impressive grow and hell, even the drying box is pretty freakin' cool as well. :D:yes:


:jawdrop: WOW! that really is A LOT coming from a pc!

can't wait to see more soon!


Any chance either of your good self or Aero have a product number for those 35W PLLs? As I'm having trouble finding them on UK sites. Thanks in advance!

Edit to correct my shocking lack of praise, read the whole thread as I did with Aeros and supremely impressive. I'm scaling down my plans more and more each day reading these threads!!