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PC Case Growers Club


Captain thats a shame (maybe make a new acct with fake email and upload it)

Sounds like a nice case, would love to see it but sounds like my PC as well
minus a sucessful carbon scrubber (haha i can do it now!)

Lord Doobie

Speaking of cases, which of them have the hinged door on the side? Anyplace that has them cheap?
Low odor strains are in my sig
some models of chieftec dragon had hinged doors.. i think Antec's SLK series had them too (old school computer hardware here) but your best bet is probably looking around used computer parts, ebay, computer refurb places, etc.. modern cases aren't up to much tbh with sharp edges and LOTS of holes to seal... very thin metals too, there's NOTHING built like a beige warrior from the x86 and P1 days but you'll struggle to find a case that old with a hinged side unless it's an old server tower, which would be a bloody good growcase.


New member
Hi, can anyone recommend a good case? i'm not sure where to get a used or free one in the UK so i'm looking to buy one, I suppose a new one should at least have all the panels intact for maximum stealth.One problem I have found with the newer models is there's often holes in the side for a fan which could compromise the stealth element.

Anyway thanks for looking, peace

Lord Doobie

a server tower will give you the most room
there are holes all over any case which will have to be blocked
second hand shops, ebay uk, garage sales, craig's list, etc...


a server tower will give you the most room
there are holes all over any case which will have to be blocked
second hand shops, ebay uk, garage sales, craig's list, etc...

Yup and foil tape works wonders. Great Stuff expandable foam too. Those should help eliminate light leaks and air leaks.

Lord Doobie

I'm curious about the 100w HPS temps...How did that go?
I guess the 100w HPS would be a helluva lot hotter than the 100w CFL...


Got a server tower. Been putting this off for a long time.

Guess I don't know where to start. Can I find all my supplies at Lowe's?

What's the safest way to mount my fans? I'm worried about wiring and keeping the case looking as "normal" to appearance as possible. I'd like to keep shit neat.

I've been an outdoor guy for years and this will be my second stab at an indoor/micro. My first was just a joke. I'd like to keep this simple but nice. Get a routine down so the girlfriend and I don't have to keep breaking the bank. I missed the outdoor season this time around and this would be convenient.

I'm thinking about just mounting a powerstrip to the side of the case and keeping it all contained as I believe I have the space.

I don't know if I should make 2 chambers; 1 veg and 1 flower or just keep the whole space. It's a server tower so I do have a bit of space. I'll post pictures of the gutted works soon.

Where specifically should I look for that reflexive shrink wrap? Should I just cut sheets of mylar and line the whole case. I really want to ensure that there are no leaks, etc.

I've read through the thread numerous times. I guess I just need my hand held. Thanks.


New member
Ahoi Guys,

here some pics..





2x 120mm fans @6v
2x radium 23w cfl 6500k



New member
I love the beer can reflector, that's classic! Probably works pretty well too.

Can I use this same concept reflector for my HPS 70W? I have one in my PC grow. The top of my case is made of aluminium so I think a can reflector will improve almost anything.


Hey, I got a question. Is there an easy way to gut your pc case when the device/motherboard racks don't have screws?

If you don't need the mother board, grip it and rip it.

Other wise remove the other side of the pc case if you can, and you should see the solder joints. I guess you could reheat those...


space gardener
Yes, your case either has rivets or it is spot welded. If it is riveted, you are in luck, a simple drill will take it right apart. If it's spot welded it either takes a good pair of sheers and a very strong hand or a hand held jigsaw to get it apart neatly.


New member
Hey guys. I'm using a 70W HPS in my PC grow. Temperature is nice. I wonder if is possible to use a 150W HPS to improve yields. What you think? It's possible?