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PC Case Growers Club


Here is my case! :)
Give me some tips about the smell! Can´t have practicly any smell, please help

Carbon filter my man, you wont believe me until you try it.
Removes ALL ODOURS. every last one of them. Just don't fuck it up and install it funny or in a method that'll be hard to re-install. Make it simple, like a 'cartridge' design, where you can pull it out and replace it. LIKE A FURNACE FILTER.

You'll want to make a separate filter, one that you can turn on while working on your case if you need to change the filter, water your plants, what ever. That way it'll scrub the air around you so the smell will be eliminated if anyone were to barge in on you working.

Remember, keep it simple yet intuitive.


Chemdog DD x AK47 Automatic


hey, i am awaiting on some fem bubblicious as of now should be here soon! for a better yeild do you think to veg one plant at a longer period like 3 or 4 wks or do 2 plants in a big pot?


Whats the total wattage of your vert setup? Are those 23 w'ers?
Seedlingstarter, for me, I'd go with the (2) plant setup. For a couple of reasons. One being, if your growing from seed and their not feminised, you may not get a female. If you have (2) you have much better odds. Another being, evertime I've grown 2 I've gotten a little more.


What AMP rating is that breaker? Looks good and all but it's a 2 pole breaker and it looks like you've connected your Line AND neutral to the breaker. You really only need to hook up the line (black wire usually), and just run your neutral right through. If your using the breaker as a switch (Lights or fans), you should never switch your neutral, its dangerous.If your using the breaker as a circuit protection, it should be sized accordingly. Not trying to go on a rant there, just want you to have many harvests and not burn your house down. This may not ever happen, but as an electrician, I'm sworn to say something. Peace and Good grows!
Dear forums,

This is my first time growing. I decided to make a PC grow because it seemed to be the most cheap way.

But i have a few questions:
How long do i have to let the plants stay in vegetal phase? I read about 2-4 weeks, is this right?

And what do you think about my setup? I have the feeling that the plants aren't alright.

edit: Also, do you have any suggestions for me? :)


hi all!:wave:

check out my PC (white dwarf, ~one week till chop):


theese buds are rock-hard, something you wouldn't expect from cfl's



Hello everyone :tiphat:

It's so nice to see all your hard work doing so well :)

I want to share with you my Micro-Pc-Box project. It's made of a standard PC Case with four 92W CFL bulb's. The plant inside is probably the Passion#1 but I'm not sure about it (it was a gift :)). This is my first indoor grow so it always can be better but know I'm satisfied with the box construction, less with this plant. She's about 75 days old and didn't show any trichoms yet, so I'm waiting and waiting for it :D Because of the low quality of the seed I treat it as a test for the box :) Next seed will be a good AF kind. I wish you all the best results with our nature, cheers! :wave:

Less writing, more pictures:





Dear forums,

This is my first time growing. I decided to make a PC grow because it seemed to be the most cheap way.

But i have a few questions:
How long do i have to let the plants stay in vegetal phase? I read about 2-4 weeks, is this right?

And what do you think about my setup? I have the feeling that the plants aren't alright.

edit: Also, do you have any suggestions for me? :)

Hi simplesoft, ur plants looks fine but u have to show a pic with more details so we can help with ur set up. Also more info of the ligths, soil, strain, ventilation, measures, etc. keep it green and happy growing!

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