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PAWs hempy buckets afghani & sadhu

... 0.4 ec. Run off water was 1 but dropped to 0.6. lets wait for effects.

Afgani had reddish stems and it has less overnute symptoms. cold maybe? if so looking forward to autumn colors.

Ps.f...ing phone wanted two post. it wasnt my fat fingers it was the phone:D
Day 28 flower.

Girls are quite ok. over fert still bothers me.

Sadhu taller, ugly curly leaves, but what are you gonna do. better next time.

Sadhu smaller, also ugly curly leaves

Afghani.nice tricomes.

Girls are getting smellier. weird that sadhus out smell afghani. afgani smells earhy.sadhu taller more intense than afgani and have hint of something else,fruity.sadhu smaller smells indica with fruity,maybe melon.sadhu smaller has most appealing smell.

I noticed that fertilizing hempy is closer to soil than hydro. Never done hydro though.I had an inpression that i should give almoust hydro amount of ferts but its closer to soil. mandala suggest 1-1.6ec in hydro and 0.65ec soil. 0.7-0.8seems to be ok.

Here we go. Day 35 of flower.

Sadhu smaller

Lamp was too close.

Sadhu taller


Last time tested 0.85 ec nutes, seem to be ok. today time to feed and i`ll go with 0.9ec if no signs of over fert.

Ps. damn i hate computer



Good stuff! Good thing they're done stretching, knocking their heads on the ceiling. Good thing you didn't lose any bud to the light, too, eh?
Height is pretty much perfect! i desided to sacrifice that leaf so i could get main cola 4" closer to light. talking about fan leaves. both sadhus are yellowing fan leaves and start to dropping them. made my self a leaf joint yesterday and damn it was NICE! warm body and there was right amount of head stimulating. veery relaxing and gave me good sleeping aid.

i'm looking forward to buds :yummy:


been deeling with 60 degrees during lights off.. as long as ur rootzone dont get too low it should be ok.. i have had no bad effects honestly..... i think really as long as the roots dont get below 60 u shouldnt see a change in growth.. but honestly iunno ive only started to deal with this problem because its getting to be like anywere from 0 - 15 degrees F outside ... during lights on with temps in the room of 70-75 . during daytime outside temps go from 20-50..Degrees F .. temps in the room during lights off 60-65 .


Girls are getting smellier. weird that sadhus out smell afghani. afgani smells earhy.sadhu taller more intense than afgani and have hint of something else,fruity.sadhu smaller smells indica with fruity,maybe melon.sadhu smaller has most appealing smell.
My Sadhu plants were all over the place when it came to smells... I had one that smelled like an acrid piney skunk scent, one that was the sweetest-smelling plant I've ever had even to this day, and several that were somewhere in between.

There were a few really nice gems in there, too. I think it's a shame that they discontinued the Sadhu, I would love to run them again someday. I've got some Sadhu x Blueberry seeds that I made, but I wouldn't mind having the pure Sadhu again to hunt for more phenos :D

Day 42 flower.

Sorry no pics. Drunk atm. will updatomorrow if computer is merciful.

Meeerry xmas to every pothead! Peace and love!

Sorry cannot update pics.computer need new windows install.

Some words then. afghani starts to swell. sadhus still growing buds. Major fan leaves dropped exept afga. few of the pistils are turned brown,not many maybe 5%. There is still new pistil growth. what else..

They are looking quite delisious! most trichs on afhani. smells are chanced towards more earthy/indica. some fruity on sadhu smaller.

Sorry forthe pics!

Smell is deviloping. and spreading. i had to seal my growroom more carefully because smell was all over the place.

Sadhu taller has very delisius smell,very sweet and is hard to keep my hands off it.

buds are growing and there are more brown pistils.Afgani has also started to yellow fan leaves.overall plants look healthy green.i try to fix computer so i can update pics.for safety reason i deleted day42 pics from phone. but i will share day 49 pics with you hopefully.

Looking very yammy!



Uh oh! I hope you have skunks in Scandinavia, or you'll have a hell of a time explaining the smell, eh?

How far from harvest do you think they are? You're closing in on the finish line, a month or so, maybe?
No skunks here only the smell, hahahah..

i got the smell problem undercontrol. there was two desing errors in my cabiner hence two 1"x20" holes both sides. I sealed those and no more smell!!

then the pictures day short to week 7, day 48.

afghani, sorry for bad quality

sadhu taller

sadhu smaller

leaves are getting yellower but i think there is no need for increase of EC? 0.75ec couple of last times. opinions? i think i`ll chop them around day65 so bit more than 2weeks. looking forward an aprox an ounce per plant. feel free to quess weight.



Noo... I would not increase EC, they're doing great where you've got them.


looks good were they are now.. i agree.. just next time.. see if u can reduce nitrogen early flower like week 3 or 4.. see if that helps with leaves curling.. all the plants i have that do that is from nitrogen.
looks good were they are now.. i agree.. just next time.. see if u can reduce nitrogen early flower like week 3 or 4.. see if that helps with leaves curling.. all the plants i have that do that is from nitrogen.

Thanks for comment.

yeah that was my bad.first time with hempy. i had impression that i should go 1-1.6ec. Highest was 1.1 and that was too much as you can see. i would say that with hempy 0.8-1ec is quite ok. better next time

Hi. Do you find the height restrictions to be a bit of a problem?

thanks for your interest.

It quite annoying but i dont have a choise. i like to let plants grow freely,no lst,no scrog ect.. to see how they really structure. with correct veg height isnt a problem.this time veggin couldnt be more perfect. of course i would love to have 2meter grow height.


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