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PAWs hempy buckets afghani & sadhu

update. so far so good.


sadhu smaller

sadhu taller

ufo for some reason didn work. check the wire connections and worked after that. stretching seems to be quite finish so its time to chance vertical hps. maybe tomorrow.

sorry for my photoCRAPhic skills.

Chanched vertical hps.tallest 64cm.

third satori germed. They dont get that much light because of the vertical hps.

need reflection to walls. need to adjust additional heater,its on all the time.maybe a timer with that or some sort of cover. fan is causing it to be on,cools thermostate. timer would be more firesafe.

Oh and need a small 6400k cfl while checking plants. hps really chances the way plants look.for me its hard to identify deficiencies/ect. under hps. under metal halide plants looks nice but under hps they look weird.

Added nutes the other day.

Yesterday plants had drooping leaves.curling down. few looked like too much nitrogen,but i doubt that(only bloomnute).ec is 1.1.raised from 1.0. ec not too high i think?

i was wondering about hempys water volume might cause over watering symptoms? i have 8liter pots,hole 5cm from bottom and there is 3liter water reservoir so 37.5% of water there. any ideas/speculations?



If the plants are not able to get rid of moisture (transpiration) then that can happen. If it's too cool that can happen, especially if it's humid. What are the temps again? You said you'd been able to get the RH down quite a bit, if I recollect correctly.
Last night temps were little lower than usual. time+heater need adjusting. min temps were 15c and max 20. adjusted heater so it should be better this time.

RH was 64. its been bit humid lately but around 55-60 is pretty much standard.

and the pics.



sadhu taller

sadhu smaller

Are plants ok or is there something i can do? those small leaves look so weird to me. any succestions about ec level,doing ok,more,less?



Looking the plants, the worst I can say is that they appear to be a touch, very very slightly overfed.

I always have to go use the Google converter for the temperatures. And...! Yes, the daytime temperature at least has to come up, and try not to let it get much below 65*F... ok, using that converter I can tell you that those cool temperatures are likely the reason for the leaves taking on that posture. Warm things up, humidity is fine and they'll keep growing well for you.

It's nice to see the buds begin to set and thicken up, isn't it? Sometimes it makes me feel giddy, and I do a little dance.
Thank you. calmed my mind.

So basically everything is fine.i had a feeling that i should go with 1.0ec but didnt listen my self. hps seem to be cooler than mh. temps dropped 3-4celsius. i got rid of the timer on heater,thought that hps could generate enough heat and kept heater on only at night. i try to set night temps at 68f and day 77f or so.

Bud setting is nice,i have already imagined the final buds on those babies.looking good in my head man :D

grow diary is a nice way to see developement. Without diary you have veg plants,flowering plants and finished plants,nothing between xD . my first diary ever btw.

Day temps now 80f and rh 40.night 70f and rh 55. plants seemed little perkier than yesterday but there was some signs of over fert. heater and ventilation quite well adjusted now.

Gave them slightly milder nutes 0.9ec.

Buds growing,nice! i try to give weekly picture update.

Need to install the damn reflection to the walls.tomorros then.

day 16 flower.

lower nutes seem to cheer up the ladies. those babies are getting in to 70`, getting hairy :biggrin: and they are starting to smell.

finally got reflection on walls. room looks much brighter now. room is finally finish so i can get to the main point,growing! temps are ok. bit sad about over fert but it wasnt that bad,luckily.

new interior


sadhu taller

sadhu smaller

ps. feel free to interrupt my monologue any time



They're looking much happier now. Have you done a little happy dance for them yet? They like that.
Its getting hard to keep room warm. outside 6.8f.

Lowest temps were 62.6f and max 73.4f. Bit too low,i know.there is almost nothing i can do. heater at max. only way is to reorganize ventilation(?). Hope its getting warmer outside. will update pics later today. day 21 flower.



A bit too low, yes, so if you can reduce ventilation (not circulation--think fan blowing air around the room vs moving air in and out) that should help keep it a bit warmer. They'll grow, but you may see what look like deficiencies or lock-outs. Good thing is spider mites will NEVER gain a foothold in an environment like that.
SeaMaiden thanks for our input. i lowered the voltage to ufo. its minimum now 100v. i have transformer which gives 80v to 240v. 80 is for nighttime.

I placed heater in the middle of the room. hope that helps a bit. it is mildly firehazardish, if leafs drop on it,well the is no lack of heat then :biggrin: i need to get some sort of net over the heater to prevent stuff falling in it.

gave them nutes 0.85 couple of days ago. i think its quite good. i will rise ec slowly when needed.

and then the pics. so its day 21 or 3weeks. please give some feedback how am I doing! there was the overnute incident but otherwise ok, my opinion.


most thricomes at the moment.

-sadhu smaller

not bad :canabis:

-sadhu taller

i think this is the yieder!
My adjusments were success.

Night temps now 18.5c or 65.3f and day 23.5c or 74.3f.

I have one question. can nitrogen buildup? Floranova blooms npk is 4-8-7 and i was wondering if plants use mainly pk during flower then excess n which plants dont absorb remains in reservoir? Those leaves looks bit too nitrogenity to me. ive been thinking to flush a bit because there seems to be too much n.. how that sounds to you guys?



I would flush, but I wouldn't flush with just water, I would flush with a very mild nutrient solution. How much FNB are you using? I have been able to easily go as low as 2ml/gal (yes, you read that right).
Around 5-6ml/10liter=2.5gal. I use ec as reference not ml so its hard to tell.

I thought plain water but mild nute sounds good. maybe 0.5-0.6ec?
