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Patent Wars


Active member
Typical of Drew's BS, and says more about him than me. On the other hand, why would we expect that he would change now?

The truth is that there is no 8 page document and no patent suits in progress.

This is however a perfect example of the length and outrageous BS that the con men flocking to our industry are willing to go to to defraud us.

Not just a difference in opinion regarding facts, but lies out of whole cloth. Sadly Drew is but one example of many now plaguing us like flies.

Also a perfect example of lying so much that you start to believe your own shit and forget that untrue harmful statements are slander.

There is in fact an interesting court case going on with Udoxi (Portland company) and Precision Extraction, a Detroit company. Its all about their patents on closed loop extraction.

(Side note: Udoxi is a bunch of idiots and their "system" was a HUGE fire hazard)

Systems for extracting solute from a source material:

Methods for extracting solute from a source material:

Methods for extracting solute from a source material

Systems for extracting solute from a source material

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
There is in fact an interesting court case going on with Udoxi (Portland company) and Precision Extraction, a Detroit company. Its all about their patents on closed loop extraction.

(Side note: Udoxi is a bunch of idiots and their "system" was a HUGE fire hazard)

Systems for extracting solute from a source material:

Methods for extracting solute from a source material:

Methods for extracting solute from a source material

Systems for extracting solute from a source material

Thanks, my statement qualified as no patent suits involving Moi. What's going on with Idoxi, and Precision Extraction?


Active member
Thanks, my statement qualified as no patent suits involving Moi. What's going on with Idoxi, and Precision Extraction?

Udoxi is claiming that all of Precision's systems are infringing on their granted patents. The interesting thing is they're trying to force clients of Precision into court to be their evidence. Meaning they'd have to go on the stand and testify to participating in federally illegal activites.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Udoxi is claiming that all of Precision's systems are infringing on their granted patents. The interesting thing is they're trying to force clients of Precision into court to be their evidence. Meaning they'd have to go on the stand and testify to participating in federally illegal activites.

Never heard of Udoxi, and after looking them up, still don't recognize them. Does anyone on forum have any of their equipment?


Active member
Never heard of Udoxi, and after looking them up, still don't recognize them. Does anyone on forum have any of their equipment?

I have talked with them in depth years ago... Ironically I went to high school with one of their founders...

I firmly believe they have not sold any systems, for sure not any state licensed ones. The demo system that I saw, was horrific. Their collection chamber shorted out while I was standing next to it and started sparking against the outer shell of it. Very scary. All of their product pictures posted to their instagram are mediocre at best.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have talked with them in depth years ago... Ironically I went to high school with one of their founders...

I firmly believe they have not sold any systems, for sure not any state licensed ones. The demo system that I saw, was horrific. Their collection chamber shorted out while I was standing next to it and started sparking against the outer shell of it. Very scary. All of their product pictures posted to their instagram are mediocre at best.

Watching the cannabis market mature has been an enlightening experience, starting with process research and legalization efforts.

The process development was the fun part, because our opponents to legalization haven't played fair.

By the nature of our beginnings, we started out heavily populated with "outlaws", as defined by someone who operates(d) outside the law and because of the financial potential, we've drawn scalawags and carpet baggers from other industries.

Not everyone is here to win by selling the best product and providing the best service. Legalization has in fact resulted in a higher grade product overall, but it has also forced some out of business, and gold is where you find it, so some of those are looking for alternative income sources.

There are also some whose business has always been to find ways to extort money from those whose business is based on quality and service, so no surprise they are flooding in now looking for victims.

As a nation with more attorneys than the rest of the world combined, it should be no surprise that one means to victims gold is subverting the legal system.

Sad to watch, but the reality we find ourselves in and the price of admission to the game.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
I have talked with them in depth years ago... Ironically I went to high school with one of their founders...

I firmly believe they have not sold any systems, for sure not any state licensed ones. The demo system that I saw, was horrific. Their collection chamber shorted out while I was standing next to it and started sparking against the outer shell of it. Very scary. All of their product pictures posted to their instagram are mediocre at best.

I pulled up their site, but no pictures. I do note they are here in River City, but alas no address to drop by for a show and tell either.

Their page is pushing essential oils extraction other than cannabis, like hops and lavender, and you have to sign in to see the customers, for a more complete view.

Was their system similar to Precision's, other than quality and functionality?


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Udoxi website,


"Udoxi Scientific, LLC holds the following US Patents:

U.S. Patent 9,145,532 B2 – Methods For Extracting Solute From A Source Material

U.S. Patent 9,144,751 B2- Systems For Extracting Solute From A Source Material

Udoxi Scientific has been awarded 2 US patents: U.S. Patent 9,144,751 B2 and U.S. Patent 9,145,532 B2 on their equipment and process. Two continuation in parts on these patents have published on December 17, 2015 as Publication No. US 2015-0360144 and Publication No. US 2015-0361376. Udoxi has another continuation in part pending as well as the pending Liquid Amber patent. Udoxi continues their tradition of creating Intellectual property relevant to natural product extraction and manufacturing."

Links to the granted patents,






Udoxi Scientific, LLC v. Precision Extraction Corporation


Jim: "Well, it got so that every piss-ant prairie punk who thought he could shoot a gun would ride into town to try out the Waco Kid. I must have killed more men than Cecil B. DeMille. It got pretty gritty. I started to hear the word "draw" in my sleep. Then one day, I was just walking down the street when I heard a voice behind me say, "Reach for it, mister!" I spun around... and there I was, face to face with a six-year old kid. Well, I just threw my guns down and walked away. Little bastard shot me in the ass. So I limped to the nearest saloon, crawled inside a whiskey bottle... and I've been there ever since." Blazing Saddles


Active member

I pulled up their site, but no pictures. I do note they are here in River City, but alas no address to drop by for a show and tell either.

Their page is pushing essential oils extraction other than cannabis, like hops and lavender, and you have to sign in to see the customers, for a more complete view.

Was their system similar to Precision's, other than quality and functionality?

It was a primitive rack mounted system of several columns, and valves to isolate them so you could run continuously while reloading a column...

all piped to this huge, like 50gal recovery vat, that was electrically heated, and shorting out when I saw it.

If you check out their instagram page they have I think 1 picture of crude BHO and it looks terrible.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
It was a primitive rack mounted system of several columns, and valves to isolate them so you could run continuously while reloading a column...

all piped to this huge, like 50gal recovery vat, that was electrically heated, and shorting out when I saw it.

If you check out their instagram page they have I think 1 picture of crude BHO and it looks terrible.

Yes, I think I did see that system on display in Portland. Is it the one with the huge separate recovery vat on wheels with plastic lid held in place by its own weight?

I just looked at the patents Skyhighler posted and note the earliest is 2013, long after FOAF's originals or my followup with the Terpenator.


Active member
Yes, I think I did see that system on display in Portland. Is it the one with the huge separate recovery vat on wheels with plastic lid held in place by its own weight?

I just looked at the patents Skyhighler posted and note the earliest is 2013, long after FOAF's originals or my followup with the Terpenator.

Yes sir! It was like a 2-3" thick plexiglass lid. Super sketch.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Yes sir! It was like a 2-3" thick plexiglass lid. Super sketch.

Bingo! I infer they did something about that "pressure vessel" to certify it for use with LPG??


Active member
We support you and all you have contributed to this community JD, THANK YOU! and tell us how we can help!? (Link us to your GoFundMe!) :)


Active member
side note; This Douche-Bag is an absolute classic Troll model. No time to support his accusations here (or any where) yet. . . Answers my trolling of his IG within hours with more re-troll nonsense . . . Empty pack of lies. . . .

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Fervor is the weapon of the impotent. Truth is shorter than fiction and the harder the sell, the poorer the product.

On the other hand, con men wouldn't bother if it wasn't successful a high enough percent of the time to be profitable.

Look at the number of likes from Drew's miss-informed following. Consider that except for the number of likes he arranged himself to look good, the rest are ostensibly actually people who have fallen for his BS.

Scary when you consider that some of them also vote in national elections, no?


Active member
I wouldn't be so quick to actually believe those likes equate followers. In this day and age and factoring in his M.O. it's far more likely that he contracts and pays for each and every one...


Got me a stone bad Mana
ICMag Donor
Here's a link to a nice crisp read of the whole patent referenced,


The isolation of cannabidiol from red oil obtained from hemp is described in detail in J. A. C. S. 62, 196 (1940). This process which includes the treatment of purified red oil with 3,5- dinitrobenzoyl chloride and the formation of cannabidiol bis-3,5-dinitrobenzoate has been found of particular value for the isolation of the desired product. Ammonolysis of the benzoate, i. e., diester, yields cannabidiol in pure form. This process forms the subject matter of my co-pending application Serial No. 352,931.

It will be obvious to those skilled in the art that the present invention is directed to the treatment of red oil (obtained from hemp and preferably American hemp) as well as the treatment of isolated cannabidiol. For example, a product of increased activity or potency may be obtained by treating purified red oil obtained from Minnesota wild hemp so as to isomerize the cannabidiol contained therein to tetrahydro cannabinol. It will also be understood by those skilled in the art that the present invention is not limited to any particular acid isomerizing agent or process, the processes of Example I being merely illustrative. Any treatment or agent of the type described which will change cannabidiol to tetrahydro cannabinol, i. e., form the center cycle or pyran ring, is included within the scope of the present invention.

The products of the present invention have utility in the therapeutic field, as, for example, in the treatment of dope addicts and alcoholics. A specific use is to eliminate or ameliorate the withdrawal symptoms experienced in the treatment of opiate derivative addictions.


(US Attorney General Jeff Sessions) Look, there is this view marijuana is harmless and it does no damage….. Marijuana is not a healthy substance, in my opinion, the American Medical Association is crystal clear on that, do you believe that?

(intern) Uh, I — I don’t.

(US Attorney General Jeff Sessions) Okay, so, Doctor whatever you’re name is, so you can write the AMA and see why they think otherwise.


Doctor Roger Adams opinion as expressed in the previous post is my response Mr. Sessions.

Roger Adams (January 2, 1889 – July 6, 1971) was an American organic chemist. He is best known for the eponymous Adams' catalyst, and his work did much to determine the composition of naturally occurring substances such as complex vegetable oils and plant alkaloids. As the Department Head of Chemistry at the University of Illinois from 1926 to 1954, he also greatly influenced graduate education in America, taught over 250 Ph.D. students and postgraduate students, and served the U.S. as a scientist at the highest levels during World War I and World War II.

Many believed that Adams was the leading organic chemist in the United States...

Because of Adams significant contribution to the field, in 1959, the Roger Adams Award was established as an ACS National Award to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of organic chemistry. The award is given every other year where the award address is provided at the National Organic Chemistry Symposium, which is organized by the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry.


A CNN SPECIAL REPORT: Dr. Sanjay Gupta WEED 4: Pot Vs Pills

(April 18, 2018) Politicians promise to lead the country out of the worst drug crisis in its history, but opioid abuse continues to kill Americans in record numbers. Are our leaders ignoring a lifesaving solution? Over 115 Americans die every day from opioid overdoses, more than those killed in car accidents, from breast cancer or even guns. Nearly 2.5 million Americans struggle with opioid addiction, and though controversial, some people believe a potentially lifesaving solution may lie in medical marijuana. In the fourth installment of his groundbreaking series, CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes an in-depth look at marijuana’s potential as both an alternative to opioids in treating pain and in ending opioid addiction. WEED 4: POT VERSUS PILLS will air on CNN, Sunday, April 29th at 8pm ET.

In the special, Gupta meets pioneers in the field of pain management as well as addiction research who believe that marijuana is the next best hope for treating both. He also speaks with those who have struggled with addiction including an exclusive interview with NFL running back Mike James. In 2013 James suffered a devastating leg injury during a Monday night football game. He was given opioids after surgery to treat his pain, and months later he found himself addicted. Scared and worried, his wife suggested he try marijuana, a drug that is banned by the NFL and could cost any player their careers. Today, James is making history as the first player to file for a therapeutic use exemption for cannabis with the NFL.

Many states have begun to take steps toward cannabis as a possible alternative in stopping the opioid crisis that has crippled their areas. Gupta visits Maine where lawmakers and residents are committed to cannabis as a way to get people off opioids. He speaks with a woman who is opening a rehab center where she will use cannabis to wean patients off of opioids. He also talks with several state legislators who are working to change the laws and allow those addicted to have access to medical marijuana.

As the state of Maine looks to cannabis as a possible solution, many lawmakers, as well as Attorney General Jeff Sessions, continue to fight changing the scheduling of marijuana, which would allow for further access and research. Gupta delves into the history of how marijuana became a Schedule I drug, considered equal to heroin, LSD and ecstasy, while cocaine, methamphetamines, and many opioids including OxyContin, fentanyl, Dilaudid and Vicodin are Schedule II drugs. He talks to several advocates and critics about research behind their positions.

WEED 4: POT VS PILLS will stream live for subscribers on Sunday April 29th via CNNgo (at CNN.com/go and via CNNgo apps for Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, Samsung Smart TV and Android TV) and on the CNN mobile apps for iOS and Android. The documentary will also be available the day after the broadcast premiere on demand via cable/satellite systems, CNNgo platforms and CNN mobile apps. Weed 1-3 is now also available for subscribers via CNNgo (at CNN.com/go and via CNNgo apps for Apple TV, Roku, Amazon Fire, Samsung Smart TV and Android TV) and on the CNN mobile apps for iOS and Android.


About CNN Special Reports CNN Special Reports is the award-winning, in-house documentary unit focusing on in-depth and investigative reporting of major issues and events and the powerful human-interest stories that reflect our times.



haven't been following every detail, but wish you success defending against thieving confidents tricksters and rip off artists trying to steal your work and research as their own. if this was the old days, they would be 6 feet under for trying such a stunt. thievery plain and simple. in fact plain and simple thievery is not as bad, this is the evil of using the supposed justice system to try and implement an injustice, basically using the law to try and steal what is not yours, using tactics of obscuration and delay to try and out lawyer you as he can't win on a level playing field. so really only a real evil lazy thieving piece of shit would do what he is doing. no morals, no ethics and no honor. anyone doing business with such as he, better not complain when he rips you off.