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Past lives?


Active member
So on an ekg machine we generate a wave, a sine wave, a measurement of electricity.

If electricity is energy, and energy can neither be created nor destroyed only transformed, then our electrical energy has to go some where when its all over. Our spark is the energy that pushes the wheel of life.

Obviously the body expires, just like any other piece of mechanical equipment, how ever the body is just a vehicle for the soul. The soul is the energy, this is why so many spiritual teachings point to the heart, the heart is the electrical generator of the body.


Well-known member
"I'm always amused when people say that in a past incarnation they were Cleopatra or van Gogh; I want to tell them that they were probably just some dumb fuck like everybody else."

But, then again, we release a Texas ass-load of DMT when we die, more than enough to dream up another life.

Genghis Kush

Active member
The past and future are an illusion, everything exists in the moment.

Existence is permanent . Time is a concept.

There are many layers but no forward Or backwards.

We exist in many dimensions simultaneously ..
Actually the whole n,n-dimethyltryptamine when you die thing was speculation never to be proven true. And trying to fit a model of death into a single compound is missing the point entirely.


Active member
I wonder of plants and other non human animals have past lives.

I doubt it, but still wonder.

The blade of grass grows in a field, the blade of grass sheds seed in the field, the blade of grass dies in the field, the blade of grass decomposes in the field, the blade of grass becomes nutrients in the field, the new seed grows and absorbs the nutrients of its parent plant.

What, lives, dies, and becomes new again.

Genghis Kush

Active member
The population explosion kinda kills the idea that our souls are reborn in a new human body.

Where are all the new souls coming from?


Active member
If you were to read up on old souls or past lives, not every soul returns for another round.

Some souls return to take care of unfinished business, they mave have to learn a lesson or they might have a gift for humanity. Perhaps that gift was not realized by the world during their time and they return in later generations when that gift might be more useful or makes more sense.

Some souls are simply done and do not return. Have you ever met someone so incredibly wise beyond their you get the feeling they can not be the age they are? Or they might know or like things that are well beyond their age and generation. These are old souls these types of people really do exist.

Genghis Kush

Active member
I have read quite a bit on 'old souls and past lives'.
I have met very wise people, I just don't think that 'past lives' are needed to explain it.

What I find most interesting is meeting a stranger on the other side of the world and feeling like i have known them my whole life. It's a very strange and cosmic feeling. Possibly a friend from another dimension, as everything exists simultaneously according to physics.
Some things are linked in the now and this creates the perception of time .
Think of the integers, Every integer exists simultaneously. But some of the integers are linked in structures, like the set of all primes. The number 3 does not occur in the past of the number 5, just as the Now of the cat jumping off the table does not occur in the past of the Now wherein the cat lands on the floor.

The perception that we are living in a time line is an illusion. There is only now.
molecules change but time does not.

Dog Star

Active member
Time dont exist... look just animals and plants around self..
they dont have feel about time nor they use time as a reference like we people does.

Its a human invention... old devil Chronos,to know beggining and end... to not miss some
agreement,to come on job right on "time".. to know how much long your life will last..
to remember birthdays and particular day in a year or Hollydays..

but in "real reality" time really dont exist,thats a fact.


Well-known member
RE reincarnation. not everyone comes back as a person. good souls come back as cats, dogs, birds etc & live a care-free round on the house. assholes come back as ...well, assholes. you STAY that way until you learn. you can live & learn, or grow old & be stupid.:biggrin:


ICMag Donor
RE reincarnation. not everyone comes back as a person. good souls come back as cats, dogs, birds etc & live a care-free round on the house. assholes come back as ...well, assholes. you STAY that way until you learn. you can live & learn, or grow old & be stupid.:biggrin:

You bet! I've had "visitors" I cannot see, but my dog sees them. Some he wags his tail, others he barks in protective mode.

Have had seen/felt depressions at the foot of the bed...with no explanation.

Yep, some have learned their lessons, others return to learn lessons. be it in different forms.

That's why we say we sense person as an old soul....enlightened beyond physical/intellectual years.


Active member
I have a weird story about a father who died and his estranged daughter.

The father was mentally ill and his daughter hit the road in her teens and no one had heard from her in over a decade.
They didn't know if she was alive or dead. Anyways the father had died and no one could notify the daughter.

Anyways a few months after his passing the daughter contacts the family out of the blue and decides to come back to visit her family she has not seen in a long time and learns of her father's passing.

So she finally gets here and visits the family in the house that her father lived at.

The whole family was gathered in the living room and she was sitting in a chair. Then I noticed the light directly above her head would mysteriously flicker.

I was convinced it was her father's spirit, swirling around her head effecting the light.

I know a lot about how electricity wotks and I know lights just don't flicker for no reason, since everyone was there in the living room there was no viable explanation for this.


ICMag Donor
The "dead" are always with us.
Death is an illusion just as time is an illusion
Just on a different plane (astral or emotional) that we mortals cannot see being in the physical plane. I feel loved ones around me (not all the time), but good to know they're still with us.