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Past lives?


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Ask yourself this, would a chimpanzee with the same physical know how as primitive man be smarter than people of our current point in evolution? FireIn.TheSky's example of hunting animals, building shelter by hand and migrating for food and resources.

It was the learned knowledge of those skills that has led us to the know how to live a more leisurely state (where you can learn and comprehend math, engineering, botany, biology and philosophy) over that of our past experiences as primitive humans where we lived only from what the land offered.

Evolution is a fact, and within the paths of time species either have their genetic line die, or it advances and continues evolving like us.

Most people take planes, cars, visual and audio entertainment for granted, as if this stuff has always been here.
It was the farming hand that brought everyone into the technological advances we live with today.
Haven't any ever thought, holy shit, I'm growing plants in my house, with energy coming through wires that run all through my neighborhood?

Yes, we have lost certain skills (which any can relearn) but if you'd like to see what life is like with the facts of evolution and why we are even here, keep reading and striving to understand everything around you, and not assume our lives have zero purpose and you have no choices to make things better, then try and also give thanks for having the opportunities to spend time enjoying the things you love in life, friends, food, sex, travel, entertainment and getting loaded on plants and chemicals whilst learning fascinating concepts you didn't understand yesterday.

Those things alone are a good enough reason to exist, but we've becoming to afraid of telling people we love to smoke pot and have sex, so we complain about the haves, and look down and the have nots, thinking the same shit every day, We must have no purpose as individuals, life is only pain, I'd rather die, over letting everyone know how I feel in my heart.

Take the guns out of your mouths, take the fangs out of your mouth when you speak to each other, love yourself and respect the freedoms of existing offers, none chose to be born, but all choose to allow their being to be put down in fright.

Nothing is too complex that love and logic can't mend.
Even if you don't see it this time around, your being with rest in peace, and no it's not darkness but everything you had dreamt of doing but never heart to demand was rightfully yours to dream up and pursue.

In a biological and evolutionary term, we are all crosses of a single strain, that strain humanity.
We are also the gardeners of this strain called humanity, if we don't respect our genetic diversity both within the Earth's life forms (our shared habitat) and within our own genome we choose to bottleneck our collective understanding of life.

The blind only see their surroundings in the present.
The awake see our possible surroundings in the future.
Like cannabis varieties some slow us down and others speed us up but all have purposes, just as the entire spectrum of who we are as human beings are both welcome and needed to continue bringing things into our lives like cell phones, internet, plane travel, space travel, tight knit families, communities, self respect, respect for others, and blow jobs from willing parters. :peacock:

A fist closed in anger is a fist bent on destruction.
The sound of one hand clapping is the sound of everything one can achieve with just their hands and motivation.
Love is all you need.

If survival of the fittest were true it would be dinosaurs dropping knowledge and not Stephen Hawking.
That hole we hid in when when the dinosaurs were wiped out, yeah, you can come out of it now, it's all clear, only other people here.

Genghis Kush

Active member
Thanks for the sermon.

Chimpanzees and humans are different species and that's a poor analogy.

Evolution has nothing to with "advancements", it's about being best adapted to the ever changing environment. Survival of the fittest for the present environment

What's your evidence that no dinosaur or other ancient or present species could contemplate it's existence in the same way as Steven Hawking?
Life follows patterns, I would be surprised if we are the first species that has developed minds that are capable of contemplating what and where we are.

"which any can relearn". - I think you might be surprised how difficult it is to create a functioning stone ax. Or many of the other survival skills we relied on for so long.


What were we talking about?
Deep inside I know, once I was a

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Rocky? . . . Is that you? . . .


Does anybody here feel that this is not your first trip around and you may have lived a past life or lives?

Ever get a memory from a by gone era you never lived in? Feel a connection to a generation that is not your own?

Just wondering how common this sort of thing is, I think they refer to these types of people as an old soul.

Share your stories


I think Frank L. Herbert got it right in dune. Genetic memory. The father becomes the son, and the son, the father. Rupert Sheldrake calls it "morphic resonance".

In this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZklRSn92ek4

Joe mentions Judo and his kids. I have experienced exactly this situation (hearing him tell the story was a dejavu of sorts).

I believe our children are basically carrying every memory we have, right up until the time of conception. It makes the most sense scientifically and would explain why we feel like we've been there before...

Genghis Kush

Active member
How does it make the most sense scientifically ?

We feel like we have been here "before" because we are always here and now.
The past is an illusion


>>>>Beanie Man<<<<
If we could go back to those times before writing and language. How long do you think it would take to develop these sorts of communication?

I would have to argue that language and writing was something that was figured out rather quickly and that its almost hardwired in.

Imo, its just not that far of a leap to start putting knotches in a stick or drawing animals on a wall.


How does it make the most sense scientifically ?

We feel like we have been here "before" because we are always here and now.
The past is an illusion

Well, yes. Time is fluid and doesn't work the way we think it does. On the other hand, it's all I have to work with.

To me, it makes sense because, evidence. The hypothesis is that deja vu exists. How can it exist? One possible theory is that we have the memories of those who came before us, genetically programmed into our dna, as some method of evolution. It hasn't been proven without a doubt, but the theory tests out when you apply Ruper Sheldrakes Morphic Resonance to the question. The evidence is superficial and anectdotal, but it's the best I have to work with.

Joe Rogan and I have experienced something that shouldn't be. It's like deja vu, because there is very little new under the sun. Having an experience that dramatically reminds you of another experience could be built on your own experience, or your memories and those of your ancestors, up until they reached a certain age.

Perhaps this is why our species has both advanced technologically, very quickly, while at the same time, we still support war. Perhaps it is because so few elders lived to pass on their genes, due to disease, starvation, war. And now, with the advent of the internet, knowledge is spreading faster than ever. Instances of deja-vu will only increase. Because, so many shared experiences. And so many memes seek to replicate themselves.

This is how it makes sense to me, scientifically. Imho. Ymmv.

That, or the Matrix just changed. I believe that as well. Because, science. ;-)


Active member
Genghis, Chimps and man share 96% of the same coding within DNA.
I didn't say that no one before Stephen Hawking thought of life in a similar manner.
Our advancements in medicine and science are the reasons such people are alive today, that even though the man is physically frail, he is a wide thinking man.

If we imagined what life would be like if Stephen Hawking were thrust back into hunter gatherer times, he'd have a difficult time finding anyone outside of his relatives to help him through his physical disabilities, for the simple fact the man is disabled and can no longer go hunting, or gather fruits and vegetables.

If mankind subscribes to "survival of the fittest" in the modern age, it means all the ones with physical strength and power get to determine what it means to be 'fit'.

This is about mankind's judgement of each other, and it's precisely what hinders the pace at which we can all advance toward shared wealth of resources.
Everyone ought to be able to afford personal transportation, a safe dwelling, and refrigeration.
These things all became a lot more accessible only within the last one hundred years.

The thing about the matrix premise is, you don't choose the red or blue and bend them to your will, you become one that accept the best walks of life and discard the worst aspects in your own personal life, bit by bit, until you find what it is you desired most in life.
Really what our blood wants is just... peace.


Active member
Because we are one with nature, we exist within the food chain.
Name all the instances you've had to bare your teeth and fight to the death a wild animal.
Few of those huh?
Name all the times you've had to do the same against another person?
We've all been scared nearly to death of what another person can do to us.
Can we not all see the fact of life, that all our battles begin within and if we don't fight them within our own minds and hearts, then we take our troubles to others and try continue the game of survival of the fittest.

Intelligence and compassion best brawn and blind bravery.
It's why we are on top of the Earth's ecosystem, but our gullible egos look for leaders from without our being, clues... The loudest, most red faced one communicating to you hasn't figured it out yet.

When you take a deep look inside your own desires, not every aspect you find is desirable to pass on through communication or genetics.
To tear away habits of anger and misguided pride doesn't leave wounds, but fresh soil to grow a better and stronger mindset and outlook on your perception of the world, and just how big of a difference each individual can make, and good ideas that can be fathomed.

See the 7.4 billion people on earth for all the innovation and beauty that is possible within the beings of all, not the fact that we can also harm our environment and one another if we're not thinking critically.

Genghis Kush

Active member
Well, yes. Time is fluid and doesn't work the way we think it does. On the other hand, it's all I have to work with.

To me, it makes sense because, evidence. The hypothesis is that deja vu exists. How can it exist? One possible theory is that we have the memories of those who came before us, genetically programmed into our dna, as some method of evolution. It hasn't been proven without a doubt, but the theory tests out when you apply Ruper Sheldrakes Morphic Resonance to the question. The evidence is superficial and anectdotal, but it's the best I have to work with.

Joe Rogan and I have experienced something that shouldn't be. It's like deja vu, because there is very little new under the sun. Having an experience that dramatically reminds you of another experience could be built on your own experience, or your memories and those of your ancestors, up until they reached a certain age.

Perhaps this is why our species has both advanced technologically, very quickly, while at the same time, we still support war. Perhaps it is because so few elders lived to pass on their genes, due to disease, starvation, war. And now, with the advent of the internet, knowledge is spreading faster than ever. Instances of deja-vu will only increase. Because, so many shared experiences. And so many memes seek to replicate themselves.

This is how it makes sense to me, scientifically. Imho. Ymmv.

That, or the Matrix just changed. I believe that as well. Because, science. ;-)

I think maybe you are missing what I am trying to express.
There is no before there is only now. All the information that makes up the illusory past and future exists in the present moment. It does not come from "before" us. It is always present. Everything has already happened so to speak. It's all déjà vu.

Some things are linked in the now and this creates the perception of time .
Think of the integers, Every integer exists simultaneously. But some of the integers are linked in structures, like the set of all primes. The number 3 does not occur in the past of the number 5, just as the Now of the cat jumping off the table does not occur in the past of the Now wherein the cat lands on the floor.


Active member
Which brings us to the thought that reality is an illusion or fabrication.

History, is a exactly that his story. Whether you were told and read it you most likely weren't there, you didn't see it so how do you know if any of it is even true.

Same with modern media, we tune in to the tv or the internet, we read today's "news" typically something we have not personally experienced, for all we know most of what we know as reality is a fabrication.

It could be said that what we know as human history actually dates back much longer than we think, with civilizations advanced ones that were here and thrived and we're wiped out. What we have today stems from the rebuilding effort after the big disaster.

This is why the same ancient technologies can be found spread around the world held by pepole that supposedly had no contact with one another interesting stuff


Active member
The bowl you in fact just smoked was a new one, and not a deja vu, there are many fat cones of kush, but this one is mine.
Time has no beginning or end, but to experience reality you must be centered in the present moment whilst cognisant of where you just where, and where you'd like to go next into the future.

The more of the nagging questions within your mind you pursue and come to understanding of, the brighter your path and your perception of/and in time.

When efforts to acquire new understanding are met, the sense of accomplishment centers you soundly within your current place in time, witnessing clear and abundant changes in your life through consistent progress.

Even though it's exciting and an excellent source healthy meat, hunting has lost it's reward center in our mind because now we understand how to avoid hunting by farming instead, so now we can spend more time thinking about ways to make life easier and more pleasurable, instead of more difficult with an uncertain projection of the future when we only rely on the earth's own production of resources.

Know that we are above the Earth because we can create things that do not occur without our thought or input.
Many like to point out it's a sick, sad world within the animal kingdom, but in what way are the base animal instincts better than what us human beings have figured out?
We are clearly better and more advanced than the animals under us, with that knowledge, you ask yourself, why should I behave like an animal that doesn't know where it's next meal will be, and act more like people that understand we are soon to be interplanetary travelers.

Understand life IS about you, me, and all of us as a whole as people.
Imagine if everyone contributing to the topic here where around a campfire, and it where only the 20 or so of us.
We could imagine being those first tribes that began hunting and gathering, and sharing all the good things we find.

To you, I love you because you are here to share and communicate with and you are worthy of all each others time in this life.
We came to this forum to talk about a single aspect of being, growing this medicine for one reason or another.

It's the same we all feel around the campfire in life.
Because even though we are now billions of people, we were once in time just a group around the fire, sharing our trials and sharing in the triumphs as one people.

Being alive in this existence through time is in essence collecting time, and within this time either pain, or joy.
Why should any of us have to be in pain when there are healers.
Why should any of us go hungry when we're farmers.
Why should we throw our fists and words at one another when life we can all admit can be exceedingly difficult to the point where some of us decide it's better to give up life than hope for the return of love and unity?
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Active member
If I said I were a real hippie, could you care less, or would you finally have no cares?
Because these labels do not matter, you're a man, and so am I, our family blood lines have all come from the same source.
Brotherhood and family doesn't end the moment you leave your home, it's all of humanity, just trying to get along, why not expect others want to be as much an individual as you, but at the same time loved and respected for being the person you are?


Active member
It's not about what a cat is doing, it's solely about what we each are doing and trying to accomplish.
A cat doesn't premeditate falling in love, or plan putting it's kittens through college.
Mankind thinks about these things, and then has the ability to put present thought into future action, equaling the results of progress.


A few scattered thoughts on evolution, physical and cultural. Imo we pretty much stopped evolving when we moved from hunter gatherers to farmers. There's lots of evidence to suggest that's why we started to diminish physically. Our diet became less varied and the farmed land started to lose it's micro-nutrients, resulting in smaller bodies and brains. Cro-Magnon was a much superior physical specimen: for example, they had tooth enamel 7 times thicker than ours
We seem to have stopped natural selection in its tracks, but only in the short term. I don't get any comfort from those who think we can somehow escape the effects of physical devolution by slip streaming cultural evolution, as it's the culture that's the problem and I doubt they can separated anyway, as they seem to reflect each other . Most people these days are so dumbed down by the toxic sludge they put into their bodies, and stress, that they have lost the ability to think critically, and more importantly, we have lost the ability to not think. Imo, life's sweet stop is the space between our thoughts and this culture doesn't encourage space, doing nothing. I just read that new research has discovered that we have on average 100,000 thoughts a day, most of them unconscious. That's one and a half a second. Many indigenous peoples have way less. I just came back from a trip to the top end of Australia and I was impressed by the aboriginals ability to just sit under a tree and do nothing, for hours, in the zone.
Genes are linked to evolution, and they express according to the environment (body) they inhabit. If it's a toxic one, they will eventually take you out, and it has a cumulative effect down through the generations, positive or negative, according to how we live, and for the most part we aren't living well.


Active member
This logic is only thinking of the present and is materialistic.
We have dentistry, as advanced as ever, and understand that cleaning them preserves the enamel we have.
It's almost like saying, because I don't have the ability to punch as hard as a gorilla, my mental capabilities in the present are somehow greatly diminished to the point in believing humanity is headed toward failure over breakthrough of purposes no single person can imagine.

Why is it, no one person can see what the future will be?
Because as a whole we are all in the present and working toward it, our collective thoughts and ideas are our culture and daily happenings.

The culture and people aren't the problem here, it's the ridge beliefs and mindsets our leaders attempt to box us in with.

Genghis Kush

Active member
A few scattered thoughts on evolution, physical and cultural. Imo we pretty much stopped evolving when we moved from hunter gatherers to farmers. There's lots of evidence to suggest that's why we started to diminish physically. Our diet became less varied and the farmed land started to lose it's micro-nutrients, resulting in smaller bodies and brains. Cro-Magnon was a much superior physical specimen: for example, they had tooth enamel 7 times thicker than ours
We seem to have stopped natural selection in its tracks, but only in the short term. I don't get any comfort from those who think we can somehow escape the effects of physical devolution by slip streaming cultural evolution, as it's the culture that's the problem and I doubt they can separated anyway, as they seem to reflect each other . Most people these days are so dumbed down by the toxic sludge they put into their bodies, and stress, that they have lost the ability to think critically, and more importantly, we have lost the ability to not think. Imo, life's sweet stop is the space between our thoughts and this culture doesn't encourage space, doing nothing. I just read that new research has discovered that we have on average 100,000 thoughts a day, most of them unconscious. That's one and a half a second. Many indigenous peoples have way less. I just came back from a trip to the top end of Australia and I was impressed by the aboriginals ability to just sit under a tree and do nothing, for hours, in the zone.
Genes are linked to evolution, and they express according to the environment (body) they inhabit. If it's a toxic one, they will eventually take you out, and it has a cumulative effect down through the generations, positive or negative, according to how we live, and for the most part we aren't living well.

I agree Mick.

Though I think farming and animal husbandry has caused us to have to adapt in a number of ways, like for instance lactose tolerance and skin pigment (vitamin d deficient diets) in certain populations. And I imagine that there will future pressures like that that will continue to shape out genome as we adapt to living in this brave new world.