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passive plant killer


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You're not the first grower I've heard that's tried to reset the diurnal clock and dance with the Rubisco.

I talked to one guy that had switched to a 32 hour photoperiod during flowering. 18 on / 14 off. And during the on period, from hour 9-10 the lamps would be turned off. And 8 on / 12 off during the late veg "pre-flower" stage.

Looking forward to your results.


You're not the first grower I've heard that's tried to reset the diurnal clock and dance with the Rubisco.

I talked to one guy that had switched to a 32 hour photoperiod during flowering. 18 on / 14 off. And during the on period, from hour 9-10 the lamps would be turned off. And 8 on / 12 off during the late veg "pre-flower" stage.

Looking forward to your results.

AND............ how did it work out for him?


What i'm going to try is to deliver approximately 30 moles in an eight hour period, give 4 hours of darkness, hopefully resetting the mole counter, then 30 moles in a second 8 hour period followed by 4 more hours of darkness.

do you use a recycle timer for your lights?


You're not the first grower I've heard that's tried to reset the diurnal clock and dance with the Rubisco.

I talked to one guy that had switched to a 32 hour photoperiod during flowering. 18 on / 14 off. And during the on period, from hour 9-10 the lamps would be turned off. And 8 on / 12 off during the late veg "pre-flower" stage.

Looking forward to your results.

I don't know much about this.

What is the advantage of giving more hours of light if they can only take up a certain amount? Seems like you would do the opposite, like 6 hours of light with 12 off. Like as soon as they get there N amount of moles the lights go out.

I wonder why he added to the dark time in flower. 12 off makes them flower, so 14 off doesn't seem like it adds much. Unless the plants where confused my the long days and needed a longer rest to stay in flower. More reason to shorten the day not lengthen it. I am not understanding why he did these things.

Check out this link:



Active member
I don't know much about this.

What is the advantage of giving more hours of light if they can only take up a certain amount? Seems like you would do the opposite, like 6 hours of light with 12 off. Like as soon as they get there N amount of moles the lights go out.

I wonder why he added to the dark time in flower. 12 off makes them flower, so 14 off doesn't seem like it adds much. Unless the plants where confused my the long days and needed a longer rest to stay in flower. More reason to shorten the day not lengthen it. I am not understanding why he did these things.

I thought he did it for the same reason that delta9 is talking about doing it.
well I dont know about you guys but I do pay close attention to my babies... and after about 13 hours of 600W in a nice small 36" long by 28" wide area they droop and sag a bit and look like theyre not liking the extra intense light, I have no quantum meter but know when I added cfls into my light rotations they dont tend to "sag out" before lights out, even when they sag and droop they always perk way up and reach for the lights about three to four hours after lights out... and stay that way till way after lights on... I dont know if that random information will help anyone or not, but I hope it does there may be a key in the 3-4 hours of dark ...

but I'd flip to straight 12/12 on a run after accelerated Veg to see what they'll do....


well I dont know about you guys but I do pay close attention to my babies... and after about 13 hours of 600W in a nice small 36" long by 28" wide area they droop and sag a bit and look like theyre not liking the extra intense light, I have no quantum meter but know when I added cfls into my light rotations they dont tend to "sag out" before lights out, even when they sag and droop they always perk way up and reach for the lights about three to four hours after lights out... and stay that way till way after lights on... I dont know if that random information will help anyone or not, but I hope it does there may be a key in the 3-4 hours of dark ...

but I'd flip to straight 12/12 on a run after accelerated Veg to see what they'll do....

How do you know what's happinin at night?
Right now, I have 3 girls 3 week into bloom all in 3.5/3.5, PPKs.. pulse fed.. the smallest bubbaK, is happy as hell, the sour diesel is medium sized but much taller than the BK and has some droop, the F13, the talles and fullest, has very droopy and contorted leaves..

I'd love to see whats happening with lights out, how do you do it? I worry about hermiing via light leaks.. green light bulb/flashlight? Camera in the box/tent/room?


Fuck Entropy.
and after about 13 hours of 600W in a nice small 36" long by 28" wide area they droop and sag a bit and look like theyre not liking the extra intense light
Think he's referring to his plants response in a longer light period than 12-12... My guess is that dagger's just peeking in...

As for your real question: how do I see in the dark? I'm not sure. Carrots? No, that's not even funny.

Maybe a really nice camera could take a raw picture, and you'd be able to tweak it in photoshop if there's any ambient light at all... I say maybe, because I don't have a nice camera or photoshop...

Realistically, I don't have any ideas.
Like the saying goes a good marine never relinquishes his gear, I still have my tactical night visions and a camera lol and I can see better in the dark than most people for some reason, but sunlight (and HIDs) hurt the hell outta my eyes, but they droop before the lights go off if I run longer than 12 hours of HID straight through, and in dark they perk way up and reach for the light at about 4 hours...

and I've never had a plant herm on me from light leaks or had flowering mess up at all, if theres any light leaks I dont think it would be bright enough to activate the photo activated cells, and Ive been growing for about 7 years now, so I dunno if Im just a lucky gambler or what...


Isn't there someone here... jjfoo, oo, ??, that uses a computer camera in his tent? Green bulb and see at night...??

Anyone use the green bulb without reprocussions?


Isn't there someone here... jjfoo, oo, ??, that uses a computer camera in his tent? Green bulb and see at night...??

Anyone use the green bulb without reprocussions?
nope, I have no green light

I just don't usually feel the need to go in the room when it is dark. If I need to run in there to say turn on a dehumidifier in a rare case, I will just turn off the lights outside the room, the walk in and feel my way around. But this is rare.


I thought he did it for the same reason that delta9 is talking about doing it.

I think delta is shortening the period not lengthening it. I don't know much about this but I suspect you may have more rapid growth by getting the light to the plant in less time not giving more light by adding time.

If the plants take up light better in the beginning of the light cycle, this would make sense.


As for your real question: how do I see in the dark? I'm not sure. Carrots? No, that's not even funny.

What about a green buld or an IR bulb? I regular camera (digital CCD type) will react to IR. YOu can see this by taking a photo or turning on a video camera and pointing your IR tv remote control. You will see it light up from the vid or pic but not with your eye.

Just an idea... They do this at night to photograph animals, but I don't know if IR will have an effect on the light cycle.


well I dont know about you guys but I do pay close attention to my babies... and after about 13 hours of 600W in a nice small 36" long by 28" wide area they droop and sag a bit and look like theyre not liking the extra intense light, I have no quantum meter but know when I added cfls into my light rotations they dont tend to "sag out" before lights out, even when they sag and droop they always perk way up and reach for the lights about three to four hours after lights out... and stay that way till way after lights on...

I used to notice my plants dropping before lights out. I assumed they where getting ready to 'sleep'. I then added wicks to the containers. They stopped drooping. it seems like in my case, it was too much moisture. I'd be curious to see how your plants respond to less watering and/or a lower water table (assuming you are using wicks)


Fuck Entropy.
oo makes private timelapse videos.

For years I've heard that green light isn't absorbed by the plant; recently (CMH threads) I've seen people present evidence to the contrary. I don't have any definitive answers on that matter, but there's enough talk about useful green light to make me wary about flipping 'em on in flower cycle.
Very true I used the Phosphorescent greens to help bridge the gap in color of HIDs VS sunlight although I dont know what it does, maybe a hormone reaction or slight help in some way? but it was a little bit of a difference though, I know it never affected the photo period if we left a little on but we never over saturated them while it was lights off, I know it was something to do with red and blue wavelength activating the phototropic? cells starting photosynthesis I believe, unless I read some wrong books or the TBI has really fucked my knowledge up (I did forget 3 languages after I came out oof surgery but understand bits of em when I hear it). We were also using cool tubes stacked vertically 600's in center with a HPS(top) and MH(bottom) and flip flopped around 400w's on the corners ... now I see dual arc lights are out... any news on them?

it could be the moisture but Ive backed the pulse feed to 8oz in a minute dispersal every 3 hours and lowered the water level in the rez, but then again all of these cuts were used to soil and I tossed em in coco with jacks and even the guy who I got them from cant believe how huge mine are vs his that are under 1000w per 3'x3' with added CO2 and all the expensive soil and organic bs nutes... alas as long as properly flushed or low dose grown and it burns to a clean white ashen state I could care less as long as its chemical free at time of use/consumption... but my setup vs his is about 1/4th the cost


I used to notice my plants dropping before lights out. I assumed they where getting ready to 'sleep'. I then added wicks to the containers. They stopped drooping. it seems like in my case, it was too much moisture. I'd be curious to see how your plants respond to less watering and/or a lower water table (assuming you are using wicks)

Running PPKs with a 2" gap.. I came to the same conclusion, yesterday, jj.
gap now 2.5 inches... lights come on in a half hour...
not useing the green light approach.

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