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Paranoia level Vs. Age.


Have you become less paranoid as you got older?

I was checking out another forum that is popular with a younger crowd and was surprised at how paranoid they all were.

I have found staying clear of the law is not difficult so I don't really feel paranoid. maybe it's just me.:smokey:


Most definitely, now that I'm creeping up on 60 I haven't seen a cop except in passing for years now. Not that I was ever that paranoid, but when you drive the speed limit, don't drink in public, are polite and courteous to everyone you meet, you tend to have fewer problems. In short, not doing that youngass stupid shit I used to do when I was 25 and invincible. Hence less paranoia. I kinda noticed that myself not too long ago, so it's probably not just us.


Active member
"Just because you´re paranoid doesn´t mean they´re not out to get you!"

Hehehe...I feel a bit distressed over having to grow in an area that is not MJ friendly, on the other hand what are they going to do to a +50 invalid?

As long as I just grow for myself I´ll only be fined so it´s not a big deal.


I think we just learn what the boundaries of safe behavior are.

That might be part of it, but there is probably more to it. I was outside the boundaries of 'safe behavior' as a young guy, then a respectable clean-cut normal dude for a decade or two.

Now I've figured out I can relax a bit and enjoy life, I'm stepping outside those 'safe boundaries' a bit again, and dammit I like it out here!

Maybe it depends on what you mean by 'safe behavior'. I definitely quit the wild and crazy insanity of excess alcohol consumption and all that entails. This little hobby we're talking about on this site, though, could result in me being labeled a criminal most days.

Overall, though, I think I'm less paranoid now because I don't have to justify and defend my actions to anybody: friends, parents, cops, authorities -- I'm not scared of their negative opinions and don't ever worry about whether or not they will be upset by my involvement with the evil weed. I'm a grown man and I'll live my life as I see fit, and it honestly bothers me not one bit that my choices are quite different than those of my neighbors, co-workers, etc.

... still afraid of that gang of thugs in blue or brown uniforms that's lurking around, but I've learned how to avoid them...


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Most definitely, now that I'm creeping up on 60 I haven't seen a cop except in passing for years now. Not that I was ever that paranoid, but when you drive the speed limit, don't drink in public, are polite and courteous to everyone you meet, you tend to have fewer problems. In short, not doing that youngass stupid shit I used to do when I was 25 and invincible. Hence less paranoia. I kinda noticed that myself not too long ago, so it's probably not just us.

surprising what being polite(and not in my 20's) will do,I make it a point to thank cops and firefighters for serving and risking their lives for us..I know i know,not defending them,just like any group of people they have their share of jerks,but all in all just fellow humans......i guess i'm less paranoid than!!!:tumbleweed:


Overall, though, I think I'm less paranoid now because I don't have to justify and defend my actions to anybody: friends, parents, cops, authorities -- I'm not scared of their negative opinions and don't ever worry about whether or not they will be upset by my involvement with the evil weed. I'm a grown man and I'll live my life as I see fit, and it honestly bothers me not one bit that my choices are quite different than those of my neighbors, co-workers, etc.

... still afraid of that gang of thugs in blue or brown uniforms that's lurking around, but I've learned how to avoid them...
That and though not wealthy; I can afford a decent lawyer.:cool:


Started smoking in the late 60's and with my long hair, was constantly being pulled over by the cops. Hated getting stoned and having to drive.

Usually smoked at home in my bedroom while my folks were in the dining room enjoying their cocktails. Didn't have to worry about them.

These days, I'm retired and living on 20 acres. Just make sure I have groceries, lock the gates and there's little to worry about.


Take A Deep Breath
As a young guy, I used to often get paranoid on weed or hash, and that was long before I ever started growing.

Now I'm much older....I don't ever get paranoid at all.

If shits gonna happen, it will happen....no point worrying about it.


No paranoia of the law. My look is a lot less hippy than most the people around my stomping grounds. Having my employer find out would be worse than the law. [I'm legal med ommp]


i think the older crowd is less aware of rippers or robbers ,thinking someone mightbe a cool friend to only "stab" you in the back, its a mistake to not be paranoid about growing in america


Feeling good is good enough.
Just avoid humans as company and friends...

Radical, but living alone in the boonies is the ONLY way I can see this work with me and my dislike of bipeds.

I wish to live my last years as a Canna-Monk, with my dogs, guns, and plants...

All three true friends that will never let you down if you do your part.

You must embrace paranoia as your friend and don't fight it... learn just to fine tune it according to your environment.

If not, she will destroy you, feeding from your irrational fears and lack of planning.


Weedomus Maximus
You guys might laugh, but I actually make an effort to maintain a given level of paranoia. It's easy to get comfortable and occasionally forget/disregard a precaution that may have seemed unnecessary at the time. I've fallen into that trap, at times, myself. Staying sharp is the only way to say safe.



I drive while smoking all the time - I work high, drive high, socialize high.

It is my "normal", and I'm very practiced at it.

I'm looking at 50 - and have 35+ yrs smoking...

I rarely drink booze - that helps the normal part alot...

I function at a very high level while high - most of my co-workers and bosses, friends and family, and the population in general have no idea.

So, my paranoid levels are waaaaaay down - I rarely give anything a second thought.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I haven't done anything to make me get paranoid. Not even growing bud in my room or talking about it in public. Of course these would be rational fears and not irrational. Getting older, now 45, I'm not up for the crimes of my youth. Your homes are safe.


The OP really hit the nail on the head. But it's a little strange how many have voiced exactly my sentiments, "Don't do stupid shit, like speeding while smoking", "I personally thank and shake the hands of pigs and firefighters", "I live out in the country on some land and only want to be left alone", "I figure why would they want to hassle some old, disabled dude anyway?". Old age sucks, but I we do get wiser.

Hank Hemp

Active member
Much less paranoid because I'm older and know better than to make a point with a pig. The cards are in their favor, along with the lying backup LEO's,guns,badges, judges,jurors, but hell all that is why I'm part of the counter-clutrure, outlaws, hellbillie, JohnnyReb, you know what I mean.

I'm The proud friend of several firefighters but not one Damn pig, oh I mean" hero". Fire fighters have a pair of balls or tits. Cops blue shirted beuacrats.