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Paranoia and panic attacks


I'd have to say try Kali Mist Arne564, hard to find something older before indica was crossed for yield though.
Real mild soothing but very creative functional high, impossible to sleep on for me and perfect daytime smoke with a delicate and complex taste.

I have grown some modern Nirvana Kali and its pretty tasty with great yield, only 1 pheno out of the 3 was anywhere near sleepy when toked plenty but certainly not that clear a high or as creative.
Still my girls favorite smoke though, loves it for socializing, drawing etc. Cheap enough to try I guess, certainly no paranoia in any of the nirvana phenos, smooth all the way to the bottom of the jar :) best yielding strain for dry sift or bubble so far too, just had to take her 12 to get it to taste like the non nirvana.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
mid grade or low grade is what you need to start with. The Cannabis we grow is Fire and most that have this issue just cant handle it until they build up some tolerance. Try this it will work. Keep in mind you will need to gat some low grade smoke for awhile. Then step up to a mid grade and smoke ALOT anf finally try some fire you should be fine by then. Heres an analogy you dont drink and go to the store a pick up some Patron since you dont drink 1 shot and your done believe me.


shut the fuck up Donny
apollo is pretty good, no paranoia, blasted but lucid and clean. so are blueberry and crosses but they tend to be a bit more sedate. found haze x skunk wasnt noid at all but had a great take off, and killer.

ive seen plenty of people have panic attacks induced by cannabis myself included. Whenever I get panic attacks immediately after smoking weed I take it as a clue from the spirit of cannabis(if you will) to chill on the chemical escape and to face whats going on for a bit in reality land. I am being abusive. Then return to her when stuff gets straightened out, not as an escape mechanism.

focusing on breathing and muscle tension helps. observe 2 seconds in 2 seconds out. slow deep breaths. the rest of the body ie, pounding heart, and adrenals will follow suit. There are a lot of meditation sites you can check out, but it helps to view the breathing as a current and to note the slow rise and fall of your stomach....its also distraction from freaking out. you are reducing sensory input.

dont know if i would recommend alcohol to simmer down as ethyl skyrockets blood pressure. also, it has nearly twice the calories (7 cal/gr vs 4 cal/gr) of carbohydrates so there is an initial surge of energy that tapers into a depressant over time.

randude is pretty spot on about it being just you, succumb dont fight (just like good psychedelics, fighting it is a recipe for a bad trip). Weed heightens the senses, makes sex feel better, food taste better, music sound better and playing it more fluid, sunny days brighter and colors more vivid, you can be content with what otherwise bores the hell out of you. If you are a bit on edge to begin with, it can compound/trigger sensory overload at times.

Incredibly well said, K+


The best clean, euphoric feel good highs I've had were from indicas picked early. I only used 'sativa' and mostly sat hybrids for years chasing that clean euphoric high, then for a goof tried some slyder about 8 or 9 years ago, picked it at around 45-50 days, and it was the greatest clean, clear headed feel good happy weed I'd ever smoked. An epiphany moment. That great euphoric high I was chasing in sativas, was hidden in the indicas the whole time! Heh.

I still like c99 and mothers finest though, great plants, great buzz, but for my own tastes - clean euphoric body on a cloud stuff, no f'd up bad acid trip or can't breathe - heart stopped panic shit, blech. Slyder and maple leaf indica picked early are my holy grail plants so far. They also stay out of my head too, unlike something like ak47, when I tried that stuff, it had some great clean buzziness, but it would stop my damn brain so I couldn't even think. c99 gets that way if you take in too much, oops - bam, zombie mode activate... And haze, man, I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted waiting for a bad haze high to wear off, trying to breath evenly, in-out..in-out..fuck heart skipped a beat, innnn-out...innn-out, LOL, never again.... Flying dutchmens and seedsmens, didn't work for me. Love the plants themselves though, those long skinny leaves are soo cool looking.

Anyway, that's my story for what it's worth. Good luck finding your holy grail, one mans gold is anothers garbage, eh?


mid grade or low grade is what you need to start with. The Cannabis we grow is Fire and most that have this issue just cant handle it until they build up some tolerance. Try this it will work. Keep in mind you will need to gat some low grade smoke for awhile. Then step up to a mid grade and smoke ALOT anf finally try some fire you should be fine by then. Heres an analogy you dont drink and go to the store a pick up some Patron since you dont drink 1 shot and your done believe me.
ive been smoking high grade for years but i get panic attacks


mid grade or low grade is what you need to start with. The Cannabis we grow is Fire and most that have this issue just cant handle it until they build up some tolerance.

I find this statement to be some what true, but i have had just as much problems in the past few years with commercial midgrade from "south of the border", something strange about it! :2cents:


My whole life is a panic attack, I can only smoke the tiniest puffs or I just fall apart.I have no reccomendations other than that depending on one's mental state weed will kick in a panic attack I don't care what strain it is.Times that I know I'm on that razor edge I just don't smoke, it's too powerfull for me, before I know it I'll become agoraphobic and withdrawn.Too many years of growing and hiding from LEO is I believe , the cause, Have a panic free day, Chaco, AKA Lilly456.:joint::joint:


Hi arne, what you've described as the high your after sounds just like the ethiopian highland does for me, relaxed yet alert.
But you can find this in many strains, forget the cindy's and the hazes,
try looking around for some mexicans and other old sativas.
And look for the real seeds co line up, especially Parvati, which is a pure sat which is said to be mellow.


Active member
please stay away from the booze... its rebound effect will leave you more anxious and wound up than before the drink. if you have to have a drink to smoke some healing herb than that is a red flag.

im constantly battling anxiety, that being said one of the only sativas i keep around is trainwreck (actually a hybrid). it gives me the soaring euphoric feeling but i remain grounded. its actually one of the best anti anxiety strains for ME. others cant handle it though. even friends who are cool as cucumbers, normally, get paranoid with it. its not for everyone, as with all stains


Active member
Never smoked that strain, but I have heard that Destroyer by CannaBiogen is a 100% Sativa and has none of the side effects you speak of.
Just a side note to Destroyer is someone I know who looks to relieve depression swears by it, never mentioned anxiety effects. Says he can't get enough of it. Said to look for the thai pheno but since it's only Meow Thai(?) x Colombian probably not difficult to come by. Good true Colombian by itself supposed to be very happy, not anxiety producing either so probably a strain worth trying.

Might be worth considering some Mandala strains since quite a few are sativa dominant and specifically say no paranoid racy side effects.

Hard to find Apollo anymore but another choice could be Joey's Blue Apollo which is still available. Some Apollo mixes on the 420 auction recently too.

uh huh herer

New member
Why not try a Sativa/Indica hybrid. There are so many out there that balance each other out. Jack Herer is a hybrid strain that produces an uplifting high but it is a Haze hybrid and it sometimes produces paranoia/anxiety in those prone to it.


Jack Herer is a rock solid plant with a nice big mellow 6hr high, depending on who's smoking.It really smokes like straight thai for me. I can smoke it all day without that initial paroanoid/anxiety rush, apart from it's incredible homogenus phenotypes and vigorous growth.It's one strain worth the money for sure, without the rush of a real srong haze that is reminiscent of anxiety.:joint::joint:


i get severe panic attacks when im not high, and im looking for something to treat them, i dont necessarily get panic attacks because of mary.

im looking for a very specific high.and i guess hybrids would be okay but the only indica influence i want in it would be to take out ANY speedy,racey,skittish,shakey paranoia from the sativa. definitely absolutely no drowsy,chill relax and watch tv for a few hours,sleepy, downer affects from the indica. i just want a very inspiring,mouth closed smile,everything is okay,sunny ass day, i just want to go outside and feel the sunshine high,with no downwards pressure on your head.

i tried dj shorts blueberry and true blueberry and tried bubblegum.i found true blueberry to be too racey,blueberry to be too sleepy, and bubblegum made me more of cant stop laughing,which i cant handle because it tends to enduce panic attacks during the uncontrollable laughter.
i really appreciate all the help

uh huh herer

New member
Jack Herer is a rock solid plant with a nice big mellow 6hr high, depending on who's smoking.It really smokes like straight thai for me. I can smoke it all day without that initial paroanoid/anxiety rush, apart from it's incredible homogenus phenotypes and vigorous growth.It's one strain worth the money for sure, without the rush of a real srong haze that is reminiscent of anxiety.:joint::joint:

I agree Lilly. I love Jack, my favorite strain.:joint::joint: Even the Haze pheno produces a nice uplifting mellow high, enhances colors and senses but can cause that distortion of reality that makes people prone to anxiety get panicky.

You're right about the growth, growing from seeds you will get a a ton of different phenotypes; the variance is incredible, a wide range of growth pattern, height, flowering time and yield! And you have to flower the Haze/Sativa dominant ones while they are still very short (12 inches or so) or look out:yoinks::jawdrop:! You'll be bending, tying down and generally going nuts.


Arne, anxiety is a disorder that can be cured by one's own mind. However, medicine has been trying to keep it down with prescription drugs. I battled anxiety, panic attacks for years. I took Xanax for ten years. Something happened and I kept filling my Xanax prescriptions but wasn't taking it. I ended up with years worth of that stuff in a stock pile and ended up giving it away. When I had my panic attacks I was going to college, working, raising very young children and had no time for myself. As the children got older and my career got more solid the anxiety seemed to just drop away.

One day I had an axiety attack and went to the emergency room. They took me right in and my heart was racing at 170bpm. The doctor thought I might be using a drug like cocaine or something. While I was there a man come in having a heart attack and it was a very educational experience. They treated him right next to me and I seen what a heart attack is. I was eventually treated by the doctor again and he gave me Xanax. That is a good temporary solution, but not the answer. Once my children grew up I was able to golf, go on trips with my friends, etc, and the attacks seemed to stop. Interestingly I recently had some panic issues, not too bad, but still the first time in many years while smoking some Mexican pot that cost me $60 per ounce. I had been away from he Mexicans for 30 years.

You just have to pull yourself together and relax. You owe it to yourself to enjoy your life. Millions and millions of people suffer from this and it is not a great life. You will beat this if you try. You are not going to find a pot that is going to do it though. Especially with all of the requirements that you have for it. Perhaps you need to take some time completely away from it, maybe something like Xanax will be the trick. I do know that Xanax made me really tired. It is surprizing that when you quit taking the stuff how much more engergy you think you have.

Good luck with this, a fellow anxiety panic attack sufferer. And btw, I still pass on a lot of hits and never take bongs.

I agree with this post, I too suffer from anxiety, but I suffer from social anxiety, but it still affects me in a way that puts fear and just unnecessary thoughts and unrealistic scenarios in my brain. I've never taken any medicine for it but now that I'm coming out of high school it's getting better, much better but I agree I think as far as getting the specific "panic attacks" or paranoia from smoking it just needs to be controlled. If Sativas seem to cause this you're just going to have to try to become immune to it, especially if you don't want any Indica dom. strains. The more you do it and the more you accept it and get more mental control over the situation it won't be as bad. I think that's with everything though, good mind control is the key :smile:

and bongs definitely intensifies the high lol omg. With some strains the bong is just devastating.


Registered Non-Conformist
My Brother had the same effects, in that he felt as if he was having trouble breathing, and his heart racing whenever he got high.. We smoked for many years together,and one day he said he had had enough. One year later he actually quit... Never went back.

Funny thing is, he smokes tobacco... But, that does not make him feel as if his breathing is affected.

When I smoke my Blue Dream (which I rarely do), I am off to the races. If I do not excercise, I am a mess.. Very uncomfortable.

Of course, a 100% indica is best, Sativas and Hazes worst, for those who experience adverse effects, but many people would just quit smoking.....

Good luck on that....


New member
I admire how sincere everyones posts have been in this thread. Most of the time I just try to ignore my anxiety. I seem to be prone to attacks regardless of what strain I smoke, or if I even smoke at all. My Anxiety goes hand in hand with my OCD, which has been with me as far back as I can remember. Doctors have been trying to convince me that medication is the answer I am looking for since I was 10. I have never found anything I was prescribed even remotely helpful. Instead I have experienced the awful mind numbing side effects of these medications time and time again. About five years ago I decided I was done with all pills and I have been a great deal happier ever since. I came to the realization that this is ME. This is the way I was created, and Im ok with that. For me this self acceptance has been so freeing that Ill never go back. Do I still have to deal with my anxiety? Yes. Everyday, but I know that I am in control. Not a pill.

I personally have never noticed a difference between how sativa, or indica effects my anxiety. I just notice the same differences in the smoke as my friends do. So I cant recommend a strain, but what I can say is that YOU are in control. Just remember that, and do the best you can.


New member
I agree that alcohol is a terrible answer for anxiety. You will end up feeling worse in the long run. Believe that!


Active member
I hear you arne564. I can double what randude101 and willostat have said to you, but I think for some persons indicas coud be very drowsy even if picked earlier. Right now from my experience the close thing to your description is Banghi Congo. LMN gifted me Angola Roja X Banghi Congo cross, and I found heavy leaning Congo pheno. It has not the most complex and rich high, but it's the most suitable for allday activity while being high. It's pretty dense but uniquily don't impart your ability to think and take decisions, no trippy, no paranoia, just dense clear steady high. The high is quite robust and speedy, yet mellowed, very warm and friendly. You might think you'll have problems with conversations but surprisingly you find you don't. I'd say it reminds me dexedrine in that particular energetic and focused aspect. The high is pretty short-lived also, with an hour plateou and quick comedawn with no crash/sleepiness. I think you can try A.C.E. Seeds "Banghi Haze" (Congo Banghi X Nepalese), D.J.Short's Flo (flo and regular blueberry has a father different to F-13 and True BB) and Reeferman Love Potion#1.
Though the best thing you can do is really adjust your head for anxiety resistant. Sativas has no center and they shows you that many of your so-called 'normal duties' are bullshit, trying to do such things and you encounter anxiety/paranoia because you clearly see the futility of such acts. Slow down your breath and leave that, you don't need to do 'programs'. Sativa-caused anxiety not the most pleasurable thing but is really healing.

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