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Paranoia and panic attacks


Very good posts and info on this thread. Seems every few months there is a thread like this. I take great intrest in this subject because it effects me every minute of every day. First and most importantly everyones brain chemestry is a tiny bit differnt so one strain will effect everyone a bit differntly. I understand wanting no indica because they make me look and feel to high which makes my anxiety fly threw the roof. A few strains to try are as everyone has said apollo(IF YOU CAN FIND IT!). My favorite so far for my personal socail anxiety disorder is Nebula picked late. Like 50% amber late. It gives my brain complete tunnel vision so my brain isnt cluttered with thoughts. Just one thought at a time deal with it as it comes. Next after that is Skunk1 picked real early, any sign of any amber i pick. You feel high, you know your high, but you don't look or act high(if you for some reason dont like skunk1 pot of gold(goldenskush) is the same. finally i have found that oldschool sativas picked super early are great. Everyones differnt but an early haze is great for me. I know it doesnt make sence but as long as the sativa is very pure it's a nice ride and the day is over before u know it.
So try to pick your strains at differnt times and see what works best for you. Also flushing and using organics can make a big differnce. Not growing a smelly strain helps also. Focus on yourself not others. Goodluck it's a life long battle that only gets easyer as you go.

Strains to stay away from is AK47(sativa pheno), Diesels, c99, belladonna
Someone mentioned trainwreck and pre98bubbakush. id love to try them but im not into the whole cut seen as u can see the strains i say to try are always avalauble in seed form.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If I missed it I apologize. I like Hash for anxiety it has a higher CBN ratio then any dank.


Active member
Arne, anxiety is a disorder that can be cured by one's own mind. However, medicine has been trying to keep it down with prescription drugs. I battled anxiety, panic attacks for years. I took Xanax for ten years. Something happened and I kept filling my Xanax prescriptions but wasn't taking it. I ended up with years worth of that stuff in a stock pile and ended up giving it away. When I had my panic attacks I was going to college, working, raising very young children and had no time for myself. As the children got older and my career got more solid the anxiety seemed to just drop away.

One day I had an axiety attack and went to the emergency room. They took me right in and my heart was racing at 170bpm. The doctor thought I might be using a drug like cocaine or something. While I was there a man come in having a heart attack and it was a very educational experience. They treated him right next to me and I seen what a heart attack is. I was eventually treated by the doctor again and he gave me Xanax. That is a good temporary solution, but not the answer. Once my children grew up I was able to golf, go on trips with my friends, etc, and the attacks seemed to stop. Interestingly I recently had some panic issues, not too bad, but still the first time in many years while smoking some Mexican pot that cost me $60 per ounce. I had been away from he Mexicans for 30 years.

You just have to pull yourself together and relax. You owe it to yourself to enjoy your life. Millions and millions of people suffer from this and it is not a great life. You will beat this if you try. You are not going to find a pot that is going to do it though. Especially with all of the requirements that you have for it. Perhaps you need to take some time completely away from it, maybe something like Xanax will be the trick. I do know that Xanax made me really tired. It is surprizing that when you quit taking the stuff how much more engergy you think you have.

Good luck with this, a fellow anxiety panic attack sufferer. And btw, I still pass on a lot of hits and never take bongs.

Well said randude, Arne this is quite true and I have been through a similar ride myself. For now I have resided to the fact that I just cannot smoke marijuana because any strain will trigger my awful symptoms and leave me feeling like shit. However I get alot of enjoyment out of growing and while not the same its nice seeing my family/friends praise my growing abilities. Your mind is a powerful thing and the truth in finding peace is to control and master your thoughts with or without mj.

Best of luck, I know how tough it can be...:drum:


Active member
sativa without paranoia and anxiety

A Sativa strain without the paranoia and anxiety is probably the best thing out there..I love Kush but those strains beat that in a heart beat...those strains are a trip and a beautiful one at that...spread those around yal loveeee


New member
look OP, im not trying to be a dick, but when i was young i started using because, well lets just say i had a fucked up child hood. I used to get the racey/panic feeling all the time. all im trying to say is you have to decide if this is something you want to do!

i know lots of guys that quit when they got older... don't be ashamed if thats you... most of use wish we could quit!

also can we post some of the strains that are known to be racey/like crack. for two purposes... one this is what i have been acustom too/and desire...two to show the OP what to stay away from!

i personly think train wreck, anything else?


Great info

Great info

Posted by Indacrazy
The best clean, euphoric feel good highs I've had were from indicas picked early. I only used 'sativa' and mostly sat hybrids for years chasing that clean euphoric high, then for a goof tried some slyder about 8 or 9 years ago, picked it at around 45-50 days, and it was the greatest clean, clear headed feel good happy weed I'd ever smoked. An epiphany moment. That great euphoric high I was chasing in sativas, was hidden in the indicas the whole time! Heh.

I still like c99 and mothers finest though, great plants, great buzz, but for my own tastes - clean euphoric body on a cloud stuff, no f'd up bad acid trip or can't breathe - heart stopped panic shit, blech. Slyder and maple leaf indica picked early are my holy grail plants so far. They also stay out of my head too, unlike something like ak47, when I tried that stuff, it had some great clean buzziness, but it would stop my damn brain so I couldn't even think. c99 gets that way if you take in too much, oops - bam, zombie mode activate... And haze, man, I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted waiting for a bad haze high to wear off, trying to breath evenly, in-out..in-out..fuck heart skipped a beat, innnn-out...innn-out, LOL, never again.... Flying dutchmens and seedsmens, didn't work for me. Love the plants themselves though, those long skinny leaves are soo cool looking.

Anyway, that's my story for what it's worth. Good luck finding your holy grail, one mans gold is anothers garbage, eh?

I've been thinking about this method myself. Very helpful post.


i think its mostly life experiences the older you get the less panic you will get.
i think a good serious seed bubblegum very euphoric.

and kalimist from serious .ther are some strong sativa in their 90%. but its got a touch of afghan in it. making it a very relaxing sativa high. your mind works fast and can come up with good ideas .but very worm and feel good .






High Grade Specialist
Dude i used to have panic attacks too and i couldn't even smoke any weed because as soon as i got high i thought i was totally loosing it lol. I didnt smoke for like 6 months because every time i thought i would go insane.

My tip to you, when you feel the panic coming up instead of resisting just let it come all up. Try to let it become as intense as possible. The panic will just disappear *poof*.

I was at some point so fed up i thought ok ill just let it be, i'd rather go crazy then continue living like this. And the fear just disappeared and i never had another panic attack since then.

So give it a try!


Anyone else get shaky with colder weather?

I'm in the desert southwest so I'm used to heat most of the time. Cooler temperatures (for me the 50's F and lower) and being high, ends up making me feel quite sketchy. Lately I've been smoking the local commercial (Mexican) though, so I'm not sure if it's mostly me or how much the exact sample smoked has to do with it.

One thing I really hate is being cold enough to shiver while stoned. It's like a body earthquake. A piping hot shower makes everything right again.


Oh Gosh Dude please stay away from the Hazes. makes me a Nervous wreck. IM paranoid by nature always looking for leo. I prefer something thats going to Relax me while Im out and about like a Kush. I had Kali Mist many many light years ago. It was great not much paranoia if any. Be careful with the Mist it is very potent.

I had some one day on the beach and I could not stop laughing and having fun it was amazing. I was paranoid for all of 5 minutes then it was all fun in the sun. I wish I knew what it was and were to find more of it. Its the greatest to have with a young lady because the fun never ended. I did not get tired afterwards either. But I was very hungry


look OP, im not trying to be a dick, but when i was young i started using because, well lets just say i had a fucked up child hood. I used to get the racey/panic feeling all the time. all im trying to say is you have to decide if this is something you want to do!

i know lots of guys that quit when they got older... don't be ashamed if thats you... most of use wish we could quit!

also can we post some of the strains that are known to be racey/like crack. for two purposes... one this is what i have been acustom too/and desire...two to show the OP what to stay away from!

i personly think train wreck, anything else?
Wow your Hardcore! you prefer the Racey Strains. Ok I never had Trainwreck so I believe you but I would have to add The OG Haze, Indicas are my prefrence and most Indica smokers claim to not fill the effect of a pure Sativia. But My paranoia was Through the roof. I thought everybody was talking about me and my Eyes were so red it matched the color of my shirt. I thought people were following me. The worse part it wouldnt go away lol I was so High I wanted to come back down.
I will never try this unless Im at the beach in the upmost relaxed enviorment


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I take Lorazepam for anxiety. I smoke for pain and Nausea. Anything that has a calming effect will help that includes your own thoughts.


New member
This from Cali 'pot doc' Dr. Frankel

Cannabis and Anxiety
I was initially going to post some thoughts I have concerning Cannabis causing psychosis, but decided not to because in summary, I believe the data for this is at best weak.

Of much more general interest is the relationship between Cannabis and anxiety. There are hundreds of articles/blogs claiming that either Cannabis causes anxiety or that it helps anxiety. I believe this is primarily strain related and will address this further, but wanted to first comment that many, many medications I have prescribed in the past have been for anxiety. However, in a certain percentage of patients, these pharmaceuticals would at times increase anxiety. So, this is certainly not rare and should not be a reason to dismiss the patients for whom Cannabis works well for anxiety.

So, back to the strains. In general those patients, who become agitated, paranoid or even perhaps borderline psychotic, have been using sedating strains of Indica. These strains tend to worsen our ability to focus and this results in calmness and sleep for most of us. However, for some patients with anxiety, this loss of focus triggers a loss of connection to their environment and paranoia may creep in. On the other hand, low doses of more activating strains of Cannabis very rarely, if ever, cause these symptoms.

In my personal clinical experience, the patients who seem to become increasingly anxious from Indicas, do very well on Sativa strains.


Eugene Oregon
All I have to say to this is you can smoke all most any strain and not get that feeling as bad if you do the following..
30-60minutes of a cardiovascular activity.. running etc.
Eat healthy! Avoid fatty foods,cholesterol,and eat organic stuff.
Take a Multi-Vitamin, one for mind and physical well being would be a plus.

Thats my recommendation, I suffer from attacks like the ones you have sometimes and its all about your mood,health,and mind.

I would stay away from really potent stuff and just get some stuff that mellows you out and has a long effect.

All of mandala's genetics I would recommend for you.. they have no anxiety and are good genetics!

Sending you positive vibes mate! :ying:


Anyone else get shaky with colder weather?

I'm in the desert southwest so I'm used to heat most of the time. Cooler temperatures (for me the 50's F and lower) and being high, ends up making me feel quite sketchy. Lately I've been smoking the local commercial (Mexican) though, so I'm not sure if it's mostly me or how much the exact sample smoked has to do with it.

One thing I really hate is being cold enough to shiver while stoned. It's like a body earthquake. A piping hot shower makes everything right again.

I'm actually quite the opposite, or maybe it's because my strains are probably mostly Indica, I have no idea but that's one thing I like about my stuff, when I smoke it and go outside even though I feel the coldness, I just feel like I have a thin layer of warmth over me. When ever I'm sober though I shiver my ass off lol.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
im kinda like that. When I smoke fire it makes me sweat/hot so I need to go outside to cool off. When summertime hits I cant smoke the fire.I can only smoke ok grade lol


Yeah that happens to me too, I can remember a bunch of times when I have been really high in the summer time and in the house I just feel claustrophobic, sweaty, and just overall uncomfortable. I hate being uncomfortable + high + hot lol. Just a very bad combination.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Yes be careful some of these strain are killer and may do harm if not a seasoned smoker like me. I do smoke it but in very small amounts I can seem to build up a tolerance to this stuff it just puts me down in a bad way. If your a light weight you don't want to smoke fire it will freak you out. Start out with low grade and work your way up. I have been trying to get me tolerance up with this stuff butt every time I smoke more then I should it freaks me out and need to eat lol