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ACE Seeds Breeder
Small contribution for this link with some tof of 4 different pheno panama reg version that I collected in 2017 via ACE.
I've only worked one pheno for the moment, the most narcotic of the bunch, but also the most floating ;) Pronounced orange flower smell, late pink pistil, flo about 75, hardening finish in about 4.5 months for the best, woody lemon smell.
The effect for a pure sativa surprised me for the first time, very heavy, not at the physical level of the members but rather the brain what can very quickly give you a feeling of floating, especially if you have to walk, do activities, even sitting it will do it to you.
The effect lasts about 2 to 4 hours, depending on how you dose it.
However, the desire to discuss appears very quickly after this first sensation and will end in exhaustion for a big sleep.
Here the project was to marry it with what seemed to me to be perhaps the most coherent or not, and diametrically opposed in its genetics a Balkh F4.
Just to achieve a combination of lemony, woody and rubbery terpenes, with the associated effects.
I also married it this year with a fine-leaf Neville's Haze, and these are the only photos I have, so it's seeded.
Pheno-narcotic, floating...sown with N.H. View attachment 18904627 View attachment 18904629

Beautiful work with your 4 Panama females from a regular pack @befa thanks a lot for your describing each one :yes: hope you find a really good one of your taste. With your seed you may get something similar to our this year Super Panama Haze release which is Yo Sammy Nevil's Haze x Panama Goddess.


ACE Seeds Breeder
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Here are some pics from my first Panama. It's the current fem version. I underfed unfortunately. Hopefully the last feeding will help her to finish in time.

Thanks a lot @orangina :) glad you gave Panama a try this time, pretty good for your first grow with the strain. A quite fast, green pheno with slight pink infuence. Pink trait should be much more obvious outdoors on this girl.

You are right, Panama needs lots of nutrients in flowering, especially if you want her finishing green, pretty and with a high yield.

How is her terpene profile now ripening ?


Well-known member
Beautiful work with your 4 Panama females from a regular pack @befa thanks a lot for your describing each one :yes: hope you find a really good one of your taste. With your seed you may get something similar to our this year Super Panama Haze release which is Yo Sammy Nevil's Haze x Panama Goddess.
Thank you to your team for making your panama reg available here.
My favourite pheno at the moment is the long flo, the one that smells of decomposing flowers, lemon...
For the cross 2 males N.H were selected in 2 different parks, each the same female to observe what will release the males.
Yes your panama x N.H 1990 makes the mouth water of many people here, we are horribly curious and will love to taste it ;)
A friend and I had the opportunity to chat with your team last year at the spannabis, super welcome I must say, one of the stands that surprised me because my buddy and I said fuck finally guys who do not try to sell us their mother, just discuss work, I remember we had a good laugh. We were there on the last day to offer you the second guawi x P.S line with the greatest of pleasures.
Thank you again for making your regular panama available to the public. I see here that the women's version is performing very well, apparently.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thank you to your team for making your panama reg available here.
My favourite pheno at the moment is the long flo, the one that smells of decomposing flowers, lemon...
For the cross 2 males N.H were selected in 2 different parks, each the same female to observe what will release the males.
Yes your panama x N.H 1990 makes the mouth water of many people here, we are horribly curious and will love to taste it ;)
A friend and I had the opportunity to chat with your team last year at the spannabis, super welcome I must say, one of the stands that surprised me because my buddy and I said fuck finally guys who do not try to sell us their mother, just discuss work, I remember we had a good laugh. We were there on the last day to offer you the second guawi x P.S line with the greatest of pleasures.
Thank you again for making your regular panama available to the public. I see here that the women's version is performing very well, apparently.

Thanks to @befa you for your support and interest in our work :) Glad you had a nice time with us last Spannabis at our stand ehhehehhe crazy weekend! Hope to see you again this year.

In average, i rate Panama fem version over the regular one, so if you are serious into selecting good Panama females the fem version is a must.


ACE Seeds Breeder
The smell covers a palate of lemon, pine and spice. How much time would you give her until harvest?
i cannot appreciate it well in your latest pics, i would say she is done (or almost). If you can post a well focused flower pic then i will be able to advise more accurately.


Well-known member
Thanks to @befa you for your support and interest in our work :) Glad you had a nice time with us last Spannabis at our stand ehhehehhe crazy weekend! Hope to see you again this year.

In average, i rate Panama fem version over the regular one, so if you are serious into selecting good Panama females the fem version is a must.
Yes, we should be at spannabis 2024 with your panama to taste if all goes well here ;)
Your female version must be a must, I have no doubt, but I also like to be able to work with males to better observe the terpene pool, which I find very interesting here at panama.


Active member
Hi @airplane Panama and Malawi x Panama fem versions can take lots of macronutrients, straight Malawi is a bit more sensitive with excess of nitrogen. Post some pics in case you want us to take a look to them.
You can flower these 3 strains without problems under 12/12 photoperiod for the whole cycle.
Good luck!
the Malawi x panama is 30 inches / panama is 20 inches / malawi is 14 ( it had a "barnacal" (inscet) got stressed , understand that sativa's don't "n" to much using Aurora Rocks veg / stump tea and re-charge asl a new p[roduct called Miicrobial Mass - microbial health is my goal thoughts??? thanks for your infromation -


Active member
Did the deed yesterday. The mildew was creeping faster than I liked . It is what it is . Will not trust watering to anyone again . Damn near broke me seeing those giants all wilted to shit and all the fan leaves yellowed out . If you mess up flowerset its hard to come back from . Tossed most of the bottoms ,hung a huge top and quick trim and vacuum sealed the rest. To be stored until it gets a bit colder .. Panama live resin for new years


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Active member
2 in freezer 2 left . The reds seem to have the mildew creeping. The white is showing 0 signs of it. I would guess its immune to it because the plants are touching . If I get time I will bring the white indoors and give it the month or so to finish correctly


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Ras Kali Rasta

Well-known member
Wow thanks! But it's very early for a Panama. I would harvest in 12 days and give the last ferts tonight. You think that's reasonable?

At 8 weeks, it does seem very early, but she really does look finished to me. Check the trichs with a microscope if you can, but otherwise, I would chop. I ignored dubi's advice on the ripeness of a Thai Chi this season and regretted it, as she turned out a bit heavier than I prefer.