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Paladins 420 Crusade!!!


Catchy Title, Aye?

Ok first I truly do hav a crusade, a true battle against Evil..Cancer...In order to fight my battle I must get the 'man' off my freakin ass. That means changin 'our' laws..
I just went to my first MMJ protest,very enlightening...2,000 of us got off our asses and tried,what did you Do that day?
We watched One Man stand in front of all of us with nothin but a sign and the courage of His convictions..Trust Me anything he can do I can do Better.
So next April 20th (04-20-12) I Will B On The Steps of the Capitol in Washington D.C.with my own little sign and a backpack of Simpson capsules,(God/Life Willing).. You are all invited..If you can't get to DC? Hit your state Cap. Hell hit up your county seat!!! But DO Something...Get the fuck up off the damn Couch..ur420pal

I'm gonna throw up some links here from time to time...Thanks to some of these other folks I am off the couch..

Hash Zepplin::
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State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Hehe woke up some of that 60's spirit in ya eh???

the rally was good....



Yeah it did and I was on the other side in the 60's!!! "they draft the white trash first round here any way" ;)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
paladin420 said:
Anti? about details? I Am going to Washington D.C. April 20,2012. I am not a community organizer, just old white trash. So do not look to me for a bus,I got a truck.Pile in if u want!!!

I wasn't sure if it was part of an already organized protest. Those were the details I was seeking.

I really like this idea. If I can make it I will. I'll start planning for it now.


I wasn't sure if it was part of an already organized protest. Those were the details I was seeking.

I really like this idea. If I can make it I will. I'll start planning for it now.
Thats kinda were I'm at..Plannin.. It seems that this has been posted about before.. when and if I find info this thread is where I will link it..feel free do do the same everyone....

Grass Lands

Rock on my man....its all gotta start somewhere.

you are an inspiration to us all...you certainly lit a fire under my old ass!!!


OK I can't go to DC, but I have been thinking about this for a while. I think that a really big, Earth moving rally could be formulated from the grass roots through the net...a Facebook event, if you will. I really wish instead of having Hempfest in Seattle only that someone would organize a Washington DC Hempfest in order to draw crowds and the instead of 200,000 stoners hanging out and doing shit, part of the fest would be the march on the White house or Capitol. Um, think about it and let me know because maybe I could be there for that... These 'tea party' types (many of them) interpret ''personal freedoms and liberties'' as taxes and money and stuff like that, but not one hellabaloo detail to the decisions we make for ourselves...what to put in our lungs or elsewhere, well perhaps it shouldn't be framed as a ''marijuana rally'' but a rather the "Personal Freedoms and Liberties March" --- Then you have on the table, much more and more people and organization. Maybe.


Right on paladin. Our weed laws are based on who knows what up here no logic at all. But yours sound worse. Glad you all made it home in one piece last week.


Active member
Yeah it did and I was on the other side in the 60's!!! "they draft the white trash first round here any way" ;)

Ha ha!
I was on the other side at first in the 60s too.
Parental brainwashing. But I realized the error of my ways and changed sides. We were able to get something accomplished. Would be nice to do it again.
The state of our country is such now, that a few weeks back, 1000 protesters were arrested right in front of the White House for protesting O'Bama's change in environmental stance on a pipeline that will bring shale oil along the west coast of our country , after he had promised to fight it. He is for sale just like the rest, except for Ron Paul that is.


Active member


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Catchy Title, Aye?

Ok first I truly do hav a crusade, a true battle against Evil..Cancer...In order to fight my battle I must get the 'man' off my freakin ass. That means changin 'our' laws..
I just went to my first MMJ protest,very enlightening...2,000 of us got off our asses and tried,what did you Do that day?
We watched One Man stand in front of all of us with nothin but a sign and the courage of His convictions..Trust Me anything he can do I can do Better.
So next April 20th (04-20-12) I Will B On The Steps of the Capitol in Washington D.C.with my own little sign and a backpack of Simpson capsules,(God/Life Willing).. You are all invited..If you can't get to DC? Hit your state Cap. Hell hit up your county seat!!! But DO Something...Get the fuck up off the damn Couch..ur420pal

Wish I could hit DC , then But I'm going to do a letter writing campaign ! Maybe if enough people write to the right folks we will be heard, what ever you can do, we WE ALL NEED TO BE HEARD!!!!!:wave:


Wish I could hit DC , then But I'm going to do a letter writing campaign ! Maybe if enough people write to the right folks we will be heard, what ever you can do, we WE ALL NEED TO BE HEARD!!!!!:wave:
We all need to do something..this bullshit has gone on way to fuckin long...Write letters..tell people how this plant has helped us and the ones we love...be active....GET UP OFF THE COUCH..pal


Sorcerer's Apprentice
We need to find someone in the DC area who can be an advance scout. They've got MMJ in DC, so there should be a lot of people willing to support the cause that won't have to go very far to be there on 4/20/12. Maybe we could get NORML or MPP (or both) involved and they could send out some emails in advance to get people "fired up."

Media attention would be good, but not if there's only 5 of us there on that day. :)


Bent Member
you should inquire about permits or other requirements the district requires, if its going to be organized. And unorganized may get you negative attention if the numbers are large enough.


We all need to do something..this bullshit has gone on way to fuckin long...Write letters..tell people how this plant has helped us and the ones we love...be active....GET UP OFF THE COUCH..pal

I'm gonna do what I can do, I emailed to AARP & Nat. Geo but they didn't print them, I didn't really expect them to & I'll e-mail or write to every senator & congressman & the president!
But standing at the state Capitol where I live protesting for rescheduling Cannabis or whatever even for medical use would most likely just get me arrested or soon after busted & facing ten years or more in the state pen or in the land of the spirits whichever way it went!!!!!!!!
I think orgs, like MPP & Normal are great but I think they waste too much money & are most likely self-serving ! Plus I cant afford to join anyway, hell if I could afford to go to DC. I would, but SDI. is not the best paying! I worked for years but finally had to go on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wave:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I have been trying to organize a million man march for 3 years now. it is not easy. Most of the legalization groups dont want to work together, so it will take people like us to convince them.

Paladin420, I wish you a fast recover, and a full cure!


Active member
These 'tea party' types (many of them) interpret ''personal freedoms and liberties'' as taxes and money and stuff like that, but not one hellabaloo detail to the decisions we make for ourselves...what to put in our lungs or elsewhere.
Yeah, thats what the progressive liberals want you to believe homey, including the media.

The truth is, most of us 'tea party' 'types' are more libertarian than anything else and the thing that burns most of our asses is this progressive liberal administration spending more and more of our future so they can provide foodstamps for every swinging dick who wants them, ...and taxing the rest of us to pay for it.

Peace, SOG