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To Legalize Cannabis Or Not To?

To Legalize Cannabis Or Not To?

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I see a lot of people like drinking the koolaid. Cannabis can never be controlled entirely by big business this isn't tobacco or alcohol; everybody who is even remotely worried about this aftermath is worrying about something that is atleast 20-25 years in the future or has been smoking too much pure sativa.

If you don't want it legalized come with a valid excuse this isn't one of them, a plant that can be grown properly in your attic, outside, or in a closet can never be government controlled. If it does we'll deal with it then and then continue to do what we do best grow illegally.


donut engineer
Everyone's afraid of the big bad wolf. Pharma will stick its dick in the picture immediately, make no mistake. Big beer/cig companies, too.

But... "Big Corporations" can't give you the best quality. They want to grab the biggest share of the market possible. To do this, they will have to out-spend the other big guys and reduce their costs, which means changes to their operating process to increase quantity even at the expense of quality.

Microbrews exist, are growing in number and represent a market which does not cater to Joe Sixpack. Microbrews and wineries are an excellent exemplar as to what will happen with cannabis. We don't all grow "Skunk", we want variety! There are niche's everywhere in this market and I'm surprised so few people are taking it into account.

Cannabis remains the great equalizer not measured in profits earned but in value of the plant. You can grow cannabis virtually anywhere, it provides a wide range of benefits both recreationally and medicinally, and you can keep that plant forever. Pharma will have a tough fucking time justifying high cost of medicine when you have a drug which grows out of the ground and does a better job than their pill. Low prices may be a problem for the indie grower, but are an even bigger fucking problem for the drug companies.


Are all of you Californians overlooking the fact that your state government is completely bankrupt and has a deficit in the tens of billions?

If you don't want to line the pockets of the rich people that took all of the money and bankrupt the State leaving your kids with poor education and the worst unemployment rate in the United States you should hold them responsible.

A vote for any politician or policy change is a vote of confidence in the government.

Paying your taxes even though the government won't give you your promised refund and you don't support what they do with that money is a donation to your oppressor.
It is also taxation without representation! Did they ever ask you if it was ok to do all of this? Should they even have a right to exist after fucking up this badly?

The solution is simple.


My suggestion for all of you is take that money you were going to use to pay your bullshit taxes and buy a means to defend yourself and your country from evil power hungry politicians. If you don't agree with what they are doing you best let them know. Actions speak loudly when your words fall upon def ears.


I like the way it is right now. I'm a medicinal user, I grow enough pot for me and my girl, and I like to keep everything quiet. I haven't read the bill so forgive me if I'm missing something, but I'm not sure if you would still be able to grow, and how much? And not sure how the government would be involved? I believe cannabis should be used for medicinal purposes, not another drug that people are using just to get high. There are many people who abuse this plant and do it in a way that make it seem like everybody who uses it is a lowlife, when that is not the case. I just want people to respect this gift from god, and legalizing it is not the answer.


They are gonna kick doors in and show force to stop what is going on here in Cali.. I for one voted NO! I like how it is right now granted some things need to change like dispensary limits and how strain names are handled along with quality of cuttings ect.. This shit goes legal too many lives are going to get fucked with not even just our state but the ones close by with medical marijuana laws cuz those "Cartel Boys" and "Drug Dealing Gangstas" are just going to take that cheap ass legal Cali weed and smuggle it into other states where prices will be the prices are outrageous and make even MORE MONEY!!! Plus like I've stated before all those people that retired to the coast of Northern California are going to have problems and watch the counties they moved to fall apart and kids schools not have supplies see the local grocery store close ect TOO MANY THINGS UP NORTH RELY ON CANNABIS THEY WAY IT IS!!! You gotta quit saying we are selfish but yet I think it's the other way around cuz it's going to affect way more lives than just those of Cannabis lovers and users :tiphat:

WOW! The only thing I got from your post was pot needs to stay illegal so the illegal pot growers can stay in business and support there communities. Fuck those hippies. Marijuana is for everybody to enjoy. Not some selected group of people. I want to live in a place where I can feel free of prosecution for doing something I enjoy.


Game Bred
and the idea that "big corporations" will be involved immediately after a single state passes legalization is laughable!!!!

you think a corp. involved in interstate commerce is going to risk their ENTIRE multi billion dollar operation because cali legalizes?

once again forest/trees


Garden Nymph
Are all of you Californians overlooking the fact that your state government is completely bankrupt and has a deficit in the tens of billions?

If you don't want to line the pockets of the rich people that took all of the money and bankrupt the State leaving your kids with poor education and the worst unemployment rate in the United States you should hold them responsible.

A vote for any politician or policy change is a vote of confidence in the government.

Paying your taxes even though the government won't give you your promised refund and you don't support what they do with that money is a donation to your oppressor.
It is also taxation without representation! Did they ever ask you if it was ok to do all of this? Should they even have a right to exist after fucking up this badly?

The solution is simple.


My suggestion for all of you is take that money you were going to use to pay your bullshit taxes and buy a means to defend yourself and your country from evil power hungry politicians. If you don't agree with what they are doing you best let them know. Actions speak loudly when your words fall upon def ears.

For some reason this post reminds me of secession. Like when South Carolina tried to secede in 1860. Those actions definitely spoke louder than words.

No taxation without representation!!

But this puts me in a difficult spot, because I'd like to see cannabis legalized. But, then again, I know I won't be able to see that without compromise. It's all or nothing? I'd rather watch people go to jail just for a small amount of pot? Nah... I'll grow my own, bide my time, see if we can enact small yet necessary changes to the bill...


Active member
it should be legalized. i worry that big pharma and big business will somehow cheapen it. it can't all stay in the hands of careful dedicated growers. there will be no way for the "'little guy"" to compete. i hope it all works out in favor of conserving the gene pool. but all i can see is high yield generic potency inbred crap. big business has a really special way of raping the small batch high quality small business owner. i hope for the sake of the plant and all of us, whoever this issue touches stay vigilant and not sell out.

Hemphrey Bogart

Active member
I voted yes although it doesn't really matter to me much as I don't grow for money. Either way this thing turns out, I'm still going to grow my own.

I do wonder what's going to happen to people that grow for a living, but I have a feeling the market will sort itself out and they will find a niche. Inter-state/canandian market are both possible avenues, but risky.


Active member
Fuck yeah legalize. I cant wait to grow thousands of plants and sell ounces for 100.00 bucks.


^^^you better figure out how to do a micro(scopic)grow if your gonna push a 1000 into a 5x5 flower space, hha. i have a feeling you were kidding, but anyways.

no veg room, and only an oz in possession. laughable. correct me if im wrong, just what i read earlier in this thread.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
i voted NO fuck that shit, keep it underground where it belongs. i like 5000/lb thank you. call me selfish, whatever you want but i didnt risk the last 10-15 years of my life doing this shit to take a 50% profit cut. decrim and medical is as far as id go.


ok clear up time
you can gro in a 25sqft parcel on you property
you can have unlimited amounts at your house
you can only cary an oz on you so if you go some were you have an oz to last you
i saw no regulations on indoor or veg being part of the 25sqft so you could do perpetual
1so every stoner dosent fill his hole yard with pot we dont wont mj to cover cali feds would not have it
2so you dont excede obamas federal drug laws
3.so every body dosent turn into a dealer and monopilze dispencerys
and big corps will not fuck with the feds cuz there one item but cali citicens are so many fed can only control the big fish


Registered Cannabis User
Legalization? It could lead to gmo cannabis and strain patents/copywrights ect... It is possible to make seeds sterile in a sense of reproduction, so that you cant create your own and must buy seedstock every time from the copyright owner. Its also possible to make plants unable to be cloned. Fuck monsanto and all the other devils!


I voted NO.

This initiative is commercially motivated. Let's not jump at the first attempt to make this right - we have held strong to our beliefs this long - let's not sell out so quickly. The plant is meant to be free. This is initiative is a sell out.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Just like to point out (like I have in other threads on this topic) that Samuel Adams beer company is currently running ads that let us know that they only represent 0.9% of the US Beer Market!

Guess what? They make MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR!!!!

You don't need to be Philip Morris to make money in a legal industry. While large chunks of the population are satisfied with Budweiser, there are still MILLIONS OF PEOPLE who would rather have a Sam Adams.

And like others here have already said... if you're currently growing a 4k-8k+ grow op and they make it legal... you can still keep it "illegal" for yourself and keep that huge grow op going. You'll get the same danger as before, and you'll be able to produce in a large quantity and outsell the mom and pop growers who are sticking to their 5x5 limits.

But *I* won't have to go to jail or pay a huge fine if a cop finds an ounce on my person.

(Not to mention all of you old school growers could brand and market your own seeds, clones, etc. and do so legally. Wouldn't your wives/children/family be happier knowing you were operating an legitimate business and still bringing home the bacon?)