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Zilaniz said:
the price of bud isnt that bad. and the qulaity is excelent if you know where to go. North Philly has dank bud for dirt cheap. Thats where most of it comes from peopel go down to north philly and bring it all back up to the suburbs like chester and montgomery where they inflate prices. Just watch your bac in north philly and dont act like a retard and you'll be allright, just watch out. it can be nice one block then be dangerous ghetto the next block, especially if your white and look like you got money

anyway, i got some bagseed i will throw around and i miht pick up a pack of c99 or something for the summer

North Philly!!!??? Dude, it's shady as hell down there. I haven't gone to North Philly in years and years. We used to call it "down the way". Ever since Street was elected, the blocks that used to sell nice nickel bags are gone. Street concentrated on upping the police presence in most of the minority nieghborhoods.....especially North Philly. You may be right, though. I haven't been back there in at least 5 years. Maybe they're back.

And yes, back in the day, it wasn't that bad. The guys selling knew that 90% of their customers were rich white kids from Jersey and the burbs, so they made sure all transactions went smoothly enough that all the customers would return. Wow, now I'm reminiscing about the "old nickelbag days". lol


they are still out there all night and day haha. Street didnt do shit, "safe streets" is a disaster. because of it, a lot of the crime and pushers are moving more toward the south and west philly allthough north pilly is still very bad. All the cops they put there are around Temple and shit, they dotn go in the shady parts, i think they too scared haha. Philly never did have much of a police precence and north philly still the same north philly
Zilaniz said:
they are still out there all night and day haha. Street didnt do shit, "safe streets" is a disaster. because of it, a lot of the crime and pushers are moving more toward the south and west philly allthough north pilly is still very bad. All the cops they put there are around Temple and shit, they dotn go in the shady parts, i think they too scared haha. Philly never did have much of a police precence and north philly still the same north philly

You may be right. As I said, it's been a loooong time since I've been down there. But, immediately after Street was elected, he implemented Safe Streets, and it definitely made a difference. One day there were 3 or 4 blocks selling nicks, and the next day they were all gone. I figured it wouldn't keep working, but there was definitely an initial shutdown of most of the operating blocks. I'm glad to hear that they're back now. Maybe I'll risk a drive down there for old times sake. Those nickbags had a ton of seeds. I wonder what they would turn out like??


Official Tree Taster
Notcoolzeuss said:
You may be right. As I said, it's been a loooong time since I've been down there. But, immediately after Street was elected, he implemented Safe Streets, and it definitely made a difference. One day there were 3 or 4 blocks selling nicks, and the next day they were all gone. I figured it wouldn't keep working, but there was definitely an initial shutdown of most of the operating blocks. I'm glad to hear that they're back now. Maybe I'll risk a drive down there for old times sake. Those nickbags had a ton of seeds. I wonder what they would turn out like??

dude, dont even waste your time driving down there. if you want those middies seeds pm just me, not a hard thing to come by in my town
ogrefugee said:
dude, dont even waste your time driving down there. if you want those middies seeds pm just me, not a hard thing to come by in my town

Thanks ogrefugee. Those are words of wisdom. I was being totally sarcastic, it's just hard to express that on a computer, and I worded it terribly due to being very high off my first ever harvested buds. :yummy: My days of driving anywhere near that place are long behind me. Peace

stoner 13th

sup guys- i personally avoid going to phili at all- im from the boonies of PA, and the city scares me in general. I did , and still have, a few connections down that way though- used to get crazy shrooms from a girl in n. phili and i know that most of the weed around here comes from harrasburg or phili.

the nice thing about living in bumfuck is that the outdoor season is more forgiving- much easier to find good plots and such- cant wait to start veggin-


From my name you can tell where im from! I exclusively grow outdoors, last year it was purple skunk x dutch treat from east island seeds. Definatley gonna pick more of those up this year as well as rez dogs wonder diesel, legends ultimate indica, sagamarthas yumbolt, mandalas hashberry and sadhu, getting some soma nyc diesel crossed with lowryder, and masterlow which i grew out for seeds, just about done. so i can harvest in july and in sept. yeah there has been a lot of shitty weed around here all winter, beasters, smellin like hay. at some points i had to deny bags, it was just a waste of money. is rather smoke good resin than beasters, for real. even though i wont be smoking this fall or summer due to grad school, ill be giving away buds! friends of course. weldflash is a cool dude, knew him over on highbred.net, which is down.


central jersey in the house. I have never been able to find great weed at affordable prices. it's KB or Haze...250+, 425+ respectively.
no matter how hard i looked, could never find a good, honest connect.
anyone else have that trouble in the area? maybe i just don't know the right people?
Fuck Beasters!

Also, what police presence in North Philly?

I walk around pissed drunk in North Philly all the time on my way home from college parties at Temple University.

I don't think I have ever saw a single cop.

I get offered drugs all most every corner I walk past.

One time I was walking home from Temple, going to the train station (SEPTA), some dude runs up to me, pulls out a gun, and says "hey man I got this gun you want to buy this hammer man?!? It still shoots, you can shoot it before you buy it!" I am like "nah man no thanks" he just sticks it in his sweat pants and keeps running LOL.

As he is running away he shouts "Yo got a hammer for sale, who wants a hammer! Hey Yo! I got a banger!"

True story.
Last edited:


haha, that's hilarious.
philadelphia is great...
Anyone in the tristate have a GC cut?


originally from NNJ now in PA. I remember an expression called a newark needle.. for a skinny joint. People still use that? my buddy had a grow along the passaic river once.. great crop. I remember this stuff chiba chiba? which was probably pcp laced weed. Sort of an urban legend. Ah... miss the pizza, italian hot dogs and taylor ham and egg sandwiches...


right on Dan, nothing like a pork roll egg and cheese... i miss the pizza too.

they don't even sell pork roll/taylor ham here in VA... and the pizza, is all 'fast food' style.


Active member
SW Jersey grower here. Just found this thread, thanks for the bump, Benny. I'm also loving the spliff in your pic. Reminds me of a Jamaican vacation I took a few years back.

Started growing indoors, but since there's nothing but farmland over here, I've ventured outside the last coupla years. Grow for my own personal stash and provide medicine to a couple of patients. Currently growing in hydro; Bio-Buckets with a couple of 5Gal Bubbler buckets thrown in for good measure. Lucas formula with CalMag. My stable now includes THSeeds Bubblegum f2s, SK#1xO'Haze from Seedsman, Domestic Jack Herer from Quebec Seedbank (I think it's JHxSWT#3) and (G13BWxGHAZE)xC99.

Has there ever been a ICMag members smoke session for the Tri-State? I'd love to roll up a fatty and talk shop with other growers. That's the thing that sucks about our noble pursuit; each grow is an island. There's gotta be a way to pull it off while maintaining our anonymity and safety. Just imagine all the valuable exchanges that could take place. :sasmokin: I worry about something drastic happening; having to close up shop w/out any advance warning and losing all my strains. I'd feel much better if my genetics could be spread to other IC'ers who could hook me up if I ever needed it. Sorta like a community.
