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Overgrow Arthritis


The Dude


Absolute Bluberry gettin close to ready for a clone session in a couple weeks...

Green Crack/Cush a week after a clone session.....

King Louie XIII a week after a clone session....


The Dude


Heres some King Louie XIII cuts i took for breeding, an some Green Crack cuts.

King x King....I can only imagine all the phenotypes that will show their face.


The Dude
Added some cfl's to increase coverage. I think i need another led in there to with a mover to get proper coverage.

The last two pix are of Maj.Pothead's "Green Dragon" @34 days.


The Dude
Wow that CFL/LED combo really makes for some gorgeous pictures. Keep rockin it!

Thanx, the cfl addition is only for this run hopefully. I plan on getting another led if i harvest enough. I got 4 x 1000 watt hps systems on the sidelines but i really want this led ish to work. I love not havin to use an AC unit.


The Dude


Well the pollen took on the brushed areas. I just did a couple nugs on one lower branch of each strain. The hairs turned orange with a nice swell of the buds that were brushed.

Heres the Absolute Blueberry x BHT seeds growin

Strawberry Diesel f3 x BHT seeds brewing...

Some King Louie XIII x BHT seeds in the oven...

And last but not least the Green Dragon x BHT beans brewing...

So i managed to hold down the pollen chamber with out spreadin it. The paint brush application worked perfect. Next step is to grow out the King for reversal. I already have her veggin, just need 2 more weeks of veg before i start spraying her with col. silver. gonna hit her for 2 weeks during veg an the first 3 of flower.


The Dude
My beans are formin!

My beans are formin!

Looks like the breeding sesh is coming along

Green Crack x BHT

And Strawberry Diesel x BHT

My second succesful pollen chuck.


The Dude
I love science. You only brushed a single flower on each plant?
Thanx for droppin in bro. I took a bottom branch an brushed all the hairs on each bud site on that branch. Some I did one branch an some i did more like my King Louie. It wasnt a proper male selection so i didnt pollenate more. This was more to see if i could contain the pollen in the isolation chamber without pollenating the whole flower room. Also wanted to see if the brushing technique would keep the pollen on the selected branches. So far it has worked an the only ace beans are forming is on the marked branches.


The Dude
Day 39 of flower

Day 39 of flower

Green crack is startin to orange up on the hairs, an i began to flush with molasses. Gettin that skunky rotten fruit smell on the GC, here she is.

Green Dragon

King Louie XIII OG

I moved a couple Green Dragons, one SD, an one unknown cut into flower in solo cups to see how they do flipped with one week veg.
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I hate growin in this new house, got no room for my freakin veg. Gotta time everything perfect so I can veg in my flower tent. My mom tent is only big enough for seedlings an moms. I got my cuts in the workout room along with my Bubba Ho Tep male isolation chamber. Wifes pissed lol.....i told her deal with it for a month.

Heres the mom tent that i finally figured out how to get my T5 in there.
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=40300&pictureid=996648&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Green Dragon 23 daze
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=40300&pictureid=996647&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

King Louie XIII 23 daze
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=40300&pictureid=996646&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

Absolute Blueberry 23 daze
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=40300&pictureid=996639&thumb=1]View Image[/url] [URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=40300&pictureid=996641&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

My wife hates it when pieces of the garden move into commons areas. She always "breaks the rules-lights, doors, ect....", says its an accident but I think its sabotage.

Looks like you got some fun projects going on...nice work!!


The Dude
My wife hates it when pieces of the garden move into commons areas. She always "breaks the rules-lights, doors, ect....", says its an accident but I think its sabotage.

Looks like you got some fun projects going on...nice work!!

Ya lol, i dont think its sabotage, how long ya been growin? Shes probably just not thinkin about it like us. My wifes been dealing with me doin this since she met me. She knew if we moved to a smaller house this would happen lol. Thanks for the kind words.


Its not sabotage, just seems that way sometimes. I've been at just over 10 yrs. And we've been together 8. So she's pretty used to it. It wasn't as much an issue till the new kid took over the guest room. I've found some interesting places to stuff shit for a few days or weeks..

I'm interested to see how those LED s finish up for ya!

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