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Overglueing the Marshs'..


$$ ALONE $$
Sure do.
Got 3 Chem Blues. The 1 that has the small split has a twin right next to her.
So ya. I can compare for sure. I dont think that small tear will effect anything but it could act kinda like a supper crop technique.


$$ ALONE $$
My partner says he checked out the girls 2 days after spraying them down and he said they looked alot better IHHO. Thats good news. Hopefully the leaf hoppers and Fusarium will go away or atleast stop in its tracks.
We are having seriously heavy rains it seems every 3 days. I dont think were gonna really need to water this year. The Blue Dream is on the lighter side cuz the rain is semi-flushing it.
Its been a super easy year. Almost set it and forget it type guerilla grow so far.
This weekend were taking cuts and cleaning out the bottom/middle crap. Not much to clean out so it should be quick.


Well-known member
What you have going sure does look nice so far. Best of luck to you with it.


$$ ALONE $$
Went to check on the girls this morning.

2 of them have a lean too them, so Im gonna stake them down with some rope and tent stakes. I was able to clean out the middles and sucker branches on all but 1 plant.
The girls are getting a good spray down of Azamax tomorrow morning.
The first spray down got rid of alot of tiny pests like Spider mites and leaf hoppers..... but need to keep up on them to get the new hatch poisoned and dead. Seen a few Jap Beetles too.

We found a tiny branch with a small grouping of aphids on it, near the bottom, so I plucked it off and sprayed contact poison on them. Killed em instantly.
I love the benefits of outdoor growing but the negatives suck!
So many things want to kill your shit out there.
Other than a few minor things, everything is trucking right along.

What do you guys think I should do for aphid prevention and elimination?
Im not sure what kind they are, but there were about 10 in a small cluster on a branch when I plucked the branch and sprayed them with contact poison and killed em in 2 seconds. 1st time seeing aphids.


Active member
you are gonna need 10ft tomato cages...i swear you can almost see the glue grow..lol djxx


Active member
I been seeing aphids.. but not the ones that fuck with my plants atleast? weird right? I see em on a branch here and there.. but theres no damage or anything? its like they were just hanging out ..

are u talking about the big flyers? those are the ones I been seeing..


$$ ALONE $$
Not sure. There were about 10 or 15 of them in a bunch. Big Brownish-Dark Aphids.
They were hanging out on 1 small branch. I noticed them when I was thinning out the bottoms and middles.
Still not sure what kind they were or what the fuck they were doing.
I plucked the branch, and as my partner was spraying contact poison around the perimeter of our grow space, he came over and soaked em. Dead in 2 seconds. LOL

Im hoping Azamax will keep the leaf hoppers away. Those are what cauzed the marks on the leaves. There wasnt alot of them when we checked on em again, but there were some scurring around the fresh grow tips at the tops of the plants.
Found a long brown beetle sucking on a branch so I cut him in half with scissors.

Picked up a dome and cloning pellets for the GG4 cuts so I should be good to go with those. My buddy has a T-5 I can put them under. I took about 8 cuts from the healthiest, nicest looking one in the bunch out there. Fatty stalk on that girl.
Tomorrow morning Im getting some cuts of Kyle Kushmans Strawberry Cough for next years grow...:biggrin:
He has Cataract Kush and Sugar Bubblegum but Ive never smoked them so I dont know if I should grab a cut or not. I dont want cuts I dont need.


Active member
Not sure. There were about 10 or 15 of them in a bunch. Big Brownish-Dark Aphids.
They were hanging out on 1 small branch. I noticed them when I was thinning out the bottoms and middles.
Still not sure what kind they were or what the fuck they were doing.
I plucked the branch, and as my partner was spraying contact poison around the perimeter of our grow space, he came over and soaked em. Dead in 2 seconds. LOL

Im hoping Azamax will keep the leaf hoppers away. Those are what cauzed the marks on the leaves. There wasnt alot of them when we checked on em again, but there were some scurring around the fresh grow tips at the tops of the plants.
Found a long brown beetle sucking on a branch so I cut him in half with scissors.

Picked up a dome and cloning pellets for the GG4 cuts so I should be good to go with those. My buddy has a T-5 I can put them under. I took about 8 cuts from the healthiest, nicest looking one in the bunch out there. Fatty stalk on that girl.
Tomorrow morning Im getting some cuts of Kyle Kushmans Strawberry Cough for next years grow...:biggrin:
He has Cataract Kush and Sugar Bubblegum but Ive never smoked them so I dont know if I should grab a cut or not. I dont want cuts I dont need.

im buying a tissue culture kit.. and a fridge/freezer specifically for that reason.. I want to be able to keep mad genetics around.. without wasting space.. so basically im going to collect as many strains as I can..


Active member
So, JointOp. Your talking starting Mj from tissue culture?
My Wife is into hosta's, and She has bought VERY small hosta's that had been started from tissue cultures.
Man those things took a minute to really get established. She explained the process to Me,
I found it quite interesting. I have never heard of this tec. in ref. to Mj.
Have You taken tissue cultures of other plants? Have You done this tec. w/Mj. before, or just going to experiment with it?

ODW I don't wanna turn Your thread into a tissue culture thread, but this sounds intriguing to Me, so please pardon the interruption.



$$ ALONE $$
Would you be able to discuss that through PM's?
It does sound interesting but def dont want that in here, so thank you for that concideration Twisted T....... :respect:


$$ ALONE $$
Fatty Stalk ~
The angle doesnt really do it justice. The cig is closer to the camera than it appears, making the stalk look abit smaller than it really is.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Hey OvergrowDaWorld, looking good over there. I wish my OD girl were growing that much a day. Can't wait to see these start flowering out there for you. GL with them.

I'm right there with ya'll on the tissue culture. Heard interesting things and decided I will get a kit or 2 at the end of the year when I get a few extra dollars. I want to have an awesome genetic library 1 day and this seemed like the best way to do it. So GL on the TC also ya'll. Take care 1


$$ ALONE $$
Thanx KCS.
I really am amazed every weekend I visit them at how big they are getting.
They should really explode like never before now that I stripped off all the middles and bottoms. Theres no sucker branches zapping the energy out of the main shoots now.

Im expecting them to atleast double in size this month when they get there stretch on.
Gotta get some trellis on them girls asap before they start snapping branches and getting blown over and uprooted.
Im thinking they should start there stretch by next week. Ill take some pics tomorrow morning.

Kant C Shyt

Active member
Hey ODW, that sounds great about them doubling in size. Make sure to snag a few pics of them monsters. GL with the rest of the grow and hope you don't have anymore problems with plants splitting and broken branches. Looking forward to the smoke report and pics near harvest. Take care 1


Active member
sorry about that OGW.. didn't try to hijack your thread..

and ya.. I bet your shit is huge by now.. and ya I would either get some trellis.. or something to help .. u don't wana take all this time.. just to find them at harvest time.. on the ground.. and rotting..

goodluck dude.. have a good one.. hope all is well.. and stays well.


$$ ALONE $$
What a pissa!
I have a fucking Raccoon that bent 1 large branch apiece, on 2 dif plants, as he was digging through the root systems on 4 or 5 of the plants. On 1 Chemical Blue, it dug 360* around the inside of the whole bag and dug out a bunch of the top soil and roots.
The plant wont mind too much and it was on my least fav one anyways.
The way it did it, it left the biggest clue on the way it walks into the garden so its a dead coon!

I ductaped the branches back up in position to heal since they were bent and not snapped. Also put up some fencing around the path he comes in on and put some fencing around 5 of the plants before running out of fence. Need to pick up more fencing for the other plants and the trellis netting and 8' stakes.
We then put fresh FFOF soil into the bags to fill them back up to the top.
Were setting some snares that will kill the fucking thing!
We dont want to snag it, so it can scream and carry on all night and attract attention. Were killin it!

Other than that. The girls dont really have too much damage to them other than the top soil rootzones and the perimeter rootzones getting raped on 4 plants. The deeper roots will sustain the girls no problem though...hopefully, while the root system repairs itself up top.

After damage control..............
I sprayed them really good again with Azamax. Took rope and tent stakes and supported a leaning girl.
The girls are getting so huge its unbelievable. I mean monsters. They look so nice and round and clean, now that I cleaned up the middles and bottoms. I forgot to take pics. They are growing 6" a day or more now. So Sweet.


Active member
Hang His carcass in a pole for the rest of the coons to see. Talking Appocolypse Now shit here Brah. prolly after the bloodmeal, but it don't matter,,, DEAD COON.



$$ ALONE $$
Ya man...Appocolypse Now Guerilla Warfare style. I have a great treblehook and 50 lb test thing I can do... so they never come back. I can even hang a single hook from a branch with a piece of tuna fish on it so he takes it, gets hooked, fucks his mouth up, can still get free, but never wants to come back or have the desire to dig in my pots again.

I think Ill give it the option to live or die......since Im a live and let live, forgiving kinda guy. It was just hungry and the soil smelt good.
If it wants to live.....It'll get fucked up on the hooks, get free, and walk away to see another day and not come back.
If it wants to die......It'll get fucked up...and come back again. Then Ill kill the hell out of it.

I can bend over a branch with a DIY fishing line net, full of hooks tied to it and hide it under the leaves, and when the coon steps on the line, the branch flings upward and hooks the fucker good and it would take the coon atleast an hour to get free.

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