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Overglueing the Marshs'..

2 Legal Co

Active member
Going out tomorrow morning and taking some pics. Im excited cuz I know they blew the fuk up, big time, this week.
The weather has been perfect for veg this entire week.
Steady mid 80's and a few days of rain mixed with sun. Crazy perfect. I bet they doubled in size again.
I already got my battery charged.
This is the time of year that I start to get that bright eyed and bushy tailed feeling like X-Mas is in a few months
and I know Im getting lots of good toys. :gift::xmastree::gift:
And all that without the Snow and subzero temps. ..lol


$$ ALONE $$


...And blew up they did!
Things are looking very good. Growing at a fast pace. :woohoo:

I have 5 seedlings and 9 bigs. The Blue Dream seedling is getting the worst deal with bugs and such ,but its pushing through.
The GrandoggyApe OG's are doing great! Seems very resistant to pests and disease so far. Huge plus!
I love the GrandoggyApe OG's structure! Im takin a few cuts for sheezy!
Not topping this one since it is very branchy as is, and has a short squat kushy structure to her ~


Blue Dream seedling ~



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Chemmy Jones ~ my favorite plant in this patch aside from that GrandoggyApe OG seedling.

Same Chemmy Jones ~

GG#4 ~

GG#4 ~

GG#4 flexing her gorilla muscles. LOL


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GG#4 ~ the untopped plant.

GG#4 ~ used to take cutting before going outside.

Strawberry Dogshit strawberry-lime pheno ~

Random shot of the lineup ~

GG#4- bottom left corner/ Chemmy Jones- top left/ GG#4- top right.
Some random shrubbery in middle that my partner hacked with a machete.


Astronaut Status
Nice looking plants......they are gonna get huge. I can see it in them now. Cutting the bottoms off them bags and setting them on holes of pre-filled store bought dirt is exactly what I do. Your gonna love it, and they love it when you get to feed the main root mass by pouring ino the bag. I usually dump 5 gals on top and 5 around. Of course the amount of water depends on the size of the plant, I know you know that though, lol. Can't wait to see them once they get their stretch on !!!!


Nice TREEZ Overgrow. Can't wait to see how those ladies come. I put out some clones myself in the marsh myself but they are still small. They just went out so I know I was late


$$ ALONE $$
Everything is looking really healthy, nicely done :D

Thanx Rosetta!
This is my very first outdoor grow with more than 6 small plants in 5gln pots..... so Im pretty excited. Ive always just done a couple plants myself in 5gln buckets, and only grew 6 plants max at any 1 time.
Ive had a bunch of succesfull super small scale outdoor grows over the years, but never with this size plants.

They had some black scale or some kinda scale growing on some leaves so I sprayed them with Serenade. Came back a week later and it hasnt spread at all. Next weekend they'll get another good spray down of Serenade again for prevention.
Then the following week Ill suit up and Azamax them.

Need to trim out all the inners and bottom stuff to clean them up abit, and take cuts next weekend. My partner has his own little grow off to the side. His friend gave him some Kyle Kushmans Strawberry Cough and some other stuff. Im getting some cuts from the KK's StrawCough for sure. Its a select clone. May reverse it with CS and hit the GG#4 with it. :biggrin:
Got lots a plans for this GG#4 cut.


$$ ALONE $$
Nice looking plants......they are gonna get huge. I can see it in them now. Cutting the bottoms off them bags and setting them on holes of pre-filled store bought dirt is exactly what I do. Your gonna love it, and they love it when you get to feed the main root mass by pouring ino the bag. I usually dump 5 gals on top and 5 around. Of course the amount of water depends on the size of the plant, I know you know that though, lol. Can't wait to see them once they get their stretch on !!!!

The ground is all dense clay with no drainage, so any rain water or drainage from watering them will sit in the bottom of the holes for a long time. Great for when things get super hot and dry next month. We didnt put any plants over the underground spring cuz we didnt want the soil too wet. The hole we dug filled up half way. Thats waaaay to much water to just be always stagnating under there.

I hope they get as big as you think they will get. :biggrin: What do you see in them that makes you think HUGE? I hope so dude!
Only 1 plant (Chem Blue) stalled abit, but its coming along now and should explode with veg growth until stretch begins.

I took all my used soil from my winter indoor grows and mixed it in a ratio of 2 bags old to 1 bag new. So its 20 glns old/ 10glns new. Pulled out all the old rootballs amd fluffed it back up.
The old stuff had a bunch of Chunky Perlite and then we added new stuff so its nice and lite with lots of room for oxygen intake. The bottom stalks got really fat quickly.
Instead of growing tall, they spent there energy getting strong, and getting thick as hell. :biggrin:

If I could've did things differently, I would've went with:
6x Chemmy Jones.... from that cutting thats out there now.
6x GG#4's
3x GrandoggyApe OG's
1x Chemical Blue....dif pheno, but thats all I had at the time to put out...now I got lots of fresh beans... just made.
1x Strawberry Dogshit..........Atleast thats being fullfilled this year with the 1 I got out there. Strawberry-Lime Mmmmmmmmm!
And 1x (400gln smart pot in this sweet spot thats empty right now), Blue Dream....next year?


Astronaut Status
Quote :I hope they get as big as you think they will get. :biggrin: What do you see in them that makes you think HUGE? I hope so dude!

Just the way those glue's and chemmy jones look is what let's m know. All that root space and the plants are the size they are already and have great structure, is what makes me know they are gonna be BIG UN'S!!

If you were to lst them a little they would get even wider, and come august they would still shoot for the sky. I do it to mine outside, and it makes for some nice "little" tree's. I only have one "big" glue outside and I have 3 other's in about 7 gal's of dirt. If I can remember I will snag a few shot's of the bigger one in the morning and post a pic here.

Team Microbe

Active member

Your girls are looking SO happy already brother! Damn...

Forgive me for asking if it's already been said but whats your soil mix for these? Big bushes already! Can't wait to see you wreck shit this summer, you're killin it dude. Respect :tiphat:


Active member
Ya BUDDY,,, Bud sites galore. Like Frankenstein said tie un down a bit and watch um GO.
I never done OD B4, but that's what I'd do.

PROPS, and Best of LUCK ODW.

Peace; 1TT


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I have an entire roll of green plastic string I can use.
Just have to go and get tent stakes to tie down the branches with.
Thanx guys. I will certainly do that. Bout that time next weekend to trim all the middle trash so Ill tie em down, open em up, and then I can easily reach in there and cut out the crickitty.


Active member
take duct tape with ya. if Ya break a limb you can kinda wrap it up and it will heal.
Camo if Ya can find it. the Girls obviously don't need no shiney jewelery.

Peace; 1TT


Astronaut Status
[/IMG]Here's my "big" glue plant outside. I say big because she's the biggest of the 4 I have outside, and she has the biggest container of the 4 glue's. She's in a 20 gal smart pot. Within the next week i'm prolly gonna get a small plastic kiddie pool, paint it green and fill it with Happy Frog/Sunshine#4 mix. Then set it under this plant and watch it go!!! Giving her EWC teas once a week now and she seems to like it. Won't be long and the pruning/thinning will begin, to get ready for flowering to commence.


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Gotta message from my partner yesterday saying that theres "white spots" on the plants.
Doesnt know if its bugs or disease. We checked em out last saturday and they were perfect. Hopefully its not that scale shit spreading.
Weve had alot of rain. I havent needed to water them 1x this year yet.

I was gonna bring Azamax and Seranade out to the girls today but its raining all day until later on in the evening. So Ill just check on em all today and diagnose the "white spots".
Then tomorrow Ill bring out whatever I need to spray them down.