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My seedlings are about a week and a half old. I used a bag of potting soil that I had in the backyard that had fertilizer in it something like 0.2-0.3-0.2 npk. I thought it would be okay but now that they are growing their third set of leaves they still look fairly healthy and are growing fine but their color does not look right and the tip of two of the leaves is black. My question is if they are still growing ok should I just try to let them battle through it or repot them in some regular potting soil?


Non Conformist
Hello and welcome to IC Mag Captain K! Those N-P-K values aren't even whole numbers, so chances are there is no food in the soil and they're hungry. Try feeding them with a balanced fert at 1/4 strength every other water till they get back on track. Without seein em, that would be my guess. Let us know how it goes, so others may learn from it. Good luck! BC
shit b.c. its looking bad. I will try to get a pick up as soon as i figure out how to work my webcam. maybe I have had it too close to the light the last few days, but Im using a weak florescent flood light from home depot and last week I had it about 8 inches away and they were streching like crazy so i moved it about 2 or three inches away and now it appears burned but there is barely any heat coming off the light (its practicly cool to the touch) so im confused. The leaves are turning purple and blackish with a bit of yellow and curling. Not looking good. Hopefully they will pull through. The younger ones are looking fine its just my oldest seedling (about 2 weeks) is not looking healthy.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
now that sounds under watering. need some pics though. If you fill out the infirmary report with more details of your set up it will be easier to help too. like what is your soil mixture exactly.
thanks hash. I had them in soil with a mild npk (.02-,.03-.02) and thought that maybe it was burning them so I moved to some diffrent potting soil (ill take a picture of the bag when i get this damn webcam working) with no ferts in it. I went out of town last weekend and left them outside and it rained real hard for two days so maybe I have just stressed the hell out of them with all the repotting and rain


Active member
thanks hash. I had them in soil with a mild npk (.02-,.03-.02) and thought that maybe it was burning them so I moved to some diffrent potting soil (ill take a picture of the bag when i get this damn webcam working) with no ferts in it. I went out of town last weekend and left them outside and it rained real hard for two days so maybe I have just stressed the hell out of them with all the repotting and thunderstorms. Anyway I will put some pics up as soon as I figure out this damn webcam on my hp so you can see them. your opinion would be greatly valued.

Ok, let's go over some stuff.

What light are you using?

When you say you moved them to some different soil what do you mean? Did you wash the old soil off or did you trans plants them (plant and old soil) into a larger container with new soil around it? The ladder being the better one.

Seedlings can be a pain in the ass. Sometimes they don't have a large energy reserve to handle stress and bad conditions. They spend a good amount of that sprouting..

You want to keep the soil moist.. Moist like chocolate cake for the most part. not too wet, not too dry.

Also, you're not talking about the baby leaves.. the single lobed first set of leaves... Those are suppose to dry up and die.


Sounds like maybe a water ph problem. Checked the ph of your water? Put a thermometer next to your plants so you can moniter temp then you'll know if the light is too close. Maybe go back to the depot and spend $5 and get a soil ph meter also. Good luck Capt K
Thanks Legion & Tex,I have no idea what the ph of the water is. I need to get a meter. Its moderately hard city water. Hopefully these babies will pull through.
Ok update... I think i figured out what is going on. Thrips. Never delt with these guys before. I was reading the symptoms and they seem consistant. I have been killing ants running around the pots ants and supposedly they transport thrips around and the leaves on my plants have a blueish blackish metallic shine to them. Ive killed a few little red looking mites. Are those the thrips??? I read that garlic repels them.. how should I go about applying it?

Edit: Ok im up shits creek now.... I just googled thrip images and thats definitly whats going on with my plants. Damn it. Will garlic even do anything to these bastards?
well.... left them out side today in full sun and i dont think they are going to make it :(

The leaves above the cotyledons are damaged badly and they do not appear to be recovering in fact they appear worse... sigh.... 3 still appear fairly healthy and I have isolated them. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed and hope to get a mother out of one of them. Thanks to everyone that offered advice.

Update.. Looking ok. They are looking better more details manana
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