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Ganja ARt mon...

herez a painting im finishing up . its a Ganja American Flag.
and the start to a drawing.art 009.jpgart 011.jpg


  • art 011.jpg
    art 011.jpg
    106.4 KB · Views: 128
  • art 009.jpg
    art 009.jpg
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supreme bean

Dat.Your paintings are very beautiful.Probably the best words i can find to describe them.
kinda reminds me of ozzy abo art.
Im doing stone sculpture.hope to post up some pics soon.


thanks bean! I never heard of ozzy abo art. cool, I will check it out. I really really dig the Austrailian Aboriginal style art. Theres a real nice small room at the Seattle ARt Museum. I just love, get stoned and just trip out to those pieces up there.
Stone sculpture? WOW! I love sculputres, I woud love to see your work! Thanks for stopping by, great to chat with another artist anytime.
Yeah im at the point with that Trichome painting where I can just work on it in little bursts, its starting to get REALLY intense and burning my eyes and getting me dizzy and shit.lol

supreme bean

thanks bean! I never heard of ozzy abo art. cool, I will check it out. I really really dig the Austrailian Aboriginal style art. Theres a real nice small room at the Seattle ARt Museum. I just love, get stoned and just trip out to those pieces up there.
Stone sculpture? WOW! I love sculputres, I woud love to see your work! Thanks for stopping by, great to chat with another artist anytime.
Yeah im at the point with that Trichome painting where I can just work on it in little bursts, its starting to get REALLY intense and burning my eyes and getting me dizzy and shit.lol

By ozzy abo art ,I do mean AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL ART.
excuse my attempt at shorthand.
I know what you mean about the eyes.Mine go somewhat fuzzy
after a few hours of carving.
I also do some painting.I had a spell working in NZ as a painter,
Bathrooms not Canvasses.Sadly has left me with an alergy to
acrylic paint.
Anyway,your paintings are great.drawings also. View attachment 288523

View attachment 288524

View attachment 288525
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supreme bean

Posted,are 3 of my works.Forgot how many i have made ,possibly 120.
Hope you like.


MAN, that's some HEAVY chit! lol
i love em beamer! they make me happy and smile. I love the playfulness of them and that childlike picasso~esche influence. Yet you have mastered the technique that i can see and fell that they are clearly not done by an amature.... but by someone with an amazing talent and skill.
When you first mentioned STONE I immediately think of St Peters in Rome where, and my trip in general, to Italy years ago where I was forever changed by the impact of how magnificent and mind blowing STONE sculpture can be~!.
I also feel a Robert Crumb feel for the full figured women.
That's cool u picked up on my tribal vibe. Awesome! thanks BEAM!!
how does an allergy to acrylic paint happen? I paint with it. should I be concerned?

thank you REVOLUTIOn of stopping by with your positive ViBES!!

supreme bean

thanks.Art is sort of a brotherhood-good to share ideas with you.
Ive been into drawing since i was a kid.I grew up in London ,so had the great Art galleries like ,The National .The Tate.etc.Somehow got myself quite an education in European Modernism ,American Modernism.
Never been a fan of classical art.Studied at College for 4 years after 5 years in the army.
Its been quite a ride.

With art ,you never stop learning.Im guessing Robert Crumb is the cartoonist?keep on truckin,etc.I can picture his work.His women were sexy.like ripe fruit ready to be enjoyed.
thats quite a compliment.

Its the weekend,Im on drugs,Let you in on a secret.These stones are spells (magic type).
Designed to keep someones attention.

I would like to hear more about you and your art.Take Care bro.

Designed to keep someones attention.
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LMOA, im sofuckin high right now, prepped myself for the Art Museum.i m going to go check out the POP ART show downtown. Ill take some pictures for u.
then im going to go get some spiders at the dollar store to decorate my Super lemon haze tent and scrog screen with. also getting a book by Patti Smith . thank u for sharing ur life with me. ripe fruit to be enjoyed , now that makes me excited.lol

supreme bean

Acrylic paint should be used in a well vented space.if you get an allergy like mine,you wont
enjoy painting with it.

supreme bean

Man ,i wish i lived in seattle for sure.Ripe fruit forever.
post some more pics dude.por favor.

supreme bean

here, im finally get the grip with technology.more pics for your mince pies.feast well me hearties.
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Nice Stone Work dude.
I decorated my tent with Halloween stuff.
Tying to finish the Trichome Painting is difficult.
My SLH waterfarm scrog looks pretty good.
shes my artsiest plant.:watchplant:


supreme bean

View attachment 288897 .
H Dat.Im still fighting with tecnology.My posting is abit messy.
This is called WINTER.
Finished it yesterday,and took a pic in the rain.
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wow beaner, I really dig your art. u can do it all. I used to work in clay. It was fun. i hope i can again one day. I had a series of some Amazing Clay penises that were able to hang on the wall to hang hats and coats. Some were even pierced. I had to move and abandoned them before i could fire them.... I want to recreate them one day along with making huge trichomes. hmm dicks and trichomes.. that works.
I love making installations too ,so Halloween in the tent with the girls is always fun. got some more rat shots this evening.:pumpkin: