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Outside Grower inside for the winter but outside soon in New York


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
I’m all ears...
Good Day I would be happy to tell you what I do and why :)

not sure what you are starting with for product, I have worked from BHO and THCA Diamonds

for me it was trail and error smoked/vaped my mistakes :)

I ended up with these cartridges

I like the 1/2 gram best

this is the pen I went with

I get the screwon mouth piece so I can refill them, if you do not let them get totally empty you can just top

them off for almost ever or till they fail

I buy them from the above people by the 100 pack pens are like 3.40 ea and .5 g cartridges

are under a dollar

I found it hard to get answer from people that make them for a living but I did find help

at future4200

here is what I have found to work for me and I have been making and smoking/vaping my own

since January

I first work with the oil I made from my trim etc., I did BHO because that is what I have the

setup to do

in the beginning I made shatter :) which was very good I smoked lots of it in a Banger

but making cartridges with it was not what I thought it was going to be :( easy

tried the vegetable glycerin / propylene clycerin to thin and condition the oil

which sucked ass :( gives you vapers tongue

tried this

and flavored with this

they were OK but not great and would turn very dark by the end of a.5 g cartridges

I was talking with a Hemp Extractor from Colorado on 4200 about something else

and he asked me if I was decarboxylation my product and a light bulb for me went on

as I was not

so I got off the board and took the last couple of grams of shatter I had, broke out some

glassware and decarbed it

BINGO vaped a half gram of joy :) but no real taste :(, so I went with the folks below product

they have a sample pack and give us a coupon on a board I am on

but I had no oil :( talked with an extractor and did some trading and I got

100 grams of THCa Diamond from him

This is what worked form me and what I have been doing for the last 4 months and hitting pens

very day :) I do make 150 mg 000 pills also

To make 10 grams of cartridge ready vape oil I do this

I start with around 8.8 grams of THCa Diamond and decarb them on a hotplate in a beaker

you lose some weight when you decard

it take some time to decarb at a low heat as to not destroy the THC when it stops or almost

stops bubbling it is done

I end up with around 8 grams and I will add 2 grams/ml of terpenes, put it in a pen/cartridge

and vape away

here is what learned shatter is THCa and that is why it is a crystal THCa decarbed to

Delta 9 THC will never become a crystal

my understanding :) there is more science to it but that is for others and not I to split hairs


so I hope that helps and ask questions



Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
Today is 4/23/2024 Time for some photos an update before I get to far behind

my plants went outside Sunday it has got down to 32 here but in stays warmer in the greenhouse

no heat


need a roof as the winter beat it up good


I did not want to trim my plants but the roof is too short so I took clones 4 of each of the six

as if I need more plants :(






my six outside plants for the 2024 season I had to trim the which should make them bushier


I need not need them but now I have them 24 clones


Sweet Tooth # 4 revegging after being in flower

more to come


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
the more 4/22/2024 photos

so I Monday 3 plants went to their new home and my six went outside Sunday so I have more space

in my grow room WooHoo


plants outside yesterday enjoying the sun :)


just fit I will be building a real one over the grow season :) we just did this last season for a proof of

concept to grow sweet potatoes


they have not sun scorched as of yet


another six plants going to their forever home :) these are my wife and her grow partners plants

they ask a question yesterday I told them it is a freebie

next time buy a spoon or do the work ;) I did hit everyone up do a 10 dollar donation to help

with the 58 dollar a bale Pro Mix cost



nice to have some room and be able to work on my plants


of course the unneeded clones are doing just fine

all the best and be safe


CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
Good Day I would be happy to tell you what I do and why :)
That's what makes this forum so damn good! People sharing their knowledge with others.

BINGO vaped a half gram of joy :) but no real taste :(, so I went with the folks below product
That is one thing I certainly miss about going all edibles, all the time... feeling that rush of joy.

here is what learned shatter is THCa and that is why it is a crystal THCa decarbed to

Delta 9 THC will never become a crystal
That little gem of knowledge I learned from Gray Wolf in that other forum we don't talk about. :cool: Never could understand why mine was always more snap and pull / gooey instead of shatter. I used it to make a tincture so if I get stuck in a ICU/hospital for a long period of time, Harley can come in and drop some under my tongue to keep me from going ballistic and trying to pull out tubes, hit/kill people. 😂 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

This is an outstanding thread, and very useful information that even has me learning shit, and I'm most assuredly not an outside grower in New York.

my understanding :) there is more science to it but that is for others and not I to split hairs
Science ain't nothing but splitting hairs, that's why I'm damn near bald. o_O

so I hope that helps and ask questions


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
That's what makes this forum so damn good! People sharing their knowledge with others.
that is what makes any forum good :) when people are willing to take the time to share

the things we have learned over the years

That is one thing I certainly miss about going all edibles, all the time... feeling that rush of joy.
I do know what you mean, I did make gummies and cookies etc. for a bit with coconut oil

I had a hard time dosing :(

it was always way too much or too little, so I started working with extracts and now I am able

to dial what I make in

I do 000 capsules most of the time 100 mg or 150 mg one and I am good for most of the day

take a toke here and there :) all set

That little gem of knowledge I learned from Gray Wolf in that other forum we don't talk about. :cool:
Knowledge is power, I am sure over the years and all the forums we have been on we have posted

or read each other posts

Harley can come in and drop some under my tongue to keep me from going ballistic and trying to pull out tubes, hit/kill people. 😂 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
sounds like me

Science ain't nothing but splitting hairs, that's why I'm damn near bald. o_O
and that is why I still have a head full of long gray hair ;) it is also why I just post what I do and how

I do it

just what I have learned that appears to work for me in my grows, but I always try to read and follow other

grows/growers to see their whats and hows

always something new to learn each day or you are dead

This is an outstanding thread, and very useful information that even has me learning shit, and I'm most assuredly not an outside grower in New York.
Thank you I am glad that some may fine the bull I post useful in some way, outside in New York can be

a crap shoot

We New York Growers grow on even in the worst of years

Thanks Sir :) the same I have for you and your work/posts

all the best and enjoy the day



Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
I was wondering how practical it is to make your own oil
BHO is easy to make but it can go south in a minute without a bit of care ;) I am pretty

sure if I was to burn something to the ground at place

my wife would be less than happy :( but of course she will hit those pens I make 24/7 ;)

I am more than likely going to give this guys stuff a try, at about a dollar a gram and

cartridge ready

just add Terpenes and go

all the best and be well



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
BHO is easy to make but it can go south in a minute without a bit of care ;) I am pretty

sure if I was to burn something to the ground at place

my wife would be less than happy :( but of course she will hit those pens I make 24/7 ;)

I am more than likely going to give this guys stuff a try, at about a dollar a gram and

cartridge ready

just add Terpenes and go

all the best and be well


we have had to put out a few fires in the early days of BHO and making QWET

part of the learning curve I suppose

but it is very safe and effective way to make concentrates

we use small stainless steel tubes that hold about 40-60 grams of flower and get a 15-25% yield

we pull a vacuum at low temps to polish it off so we feel good about vaping it , it is clean and smooth

put that schitt in some carts and good to go


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
we have had to put out a few fires in the early days of BHO
Oh I remember seeing blown up motels

we use small stainless steel tubes that hold about 40-60 grams of flower
I use a glass tube that holds a QP a run and get Butane in a 20 lb tank

I have a large well ventilated space :) still takes care to be safe

it is clean and smooth

put that schitt in some carts and good to go
do you have to add Terpenes ? I may have to give this a try

do you recycle the Ethanol?

thank and be safe



On a mailtrain.
Premium user
we started with glass tubes , from GrayWolf lol , then went to a 1 lb terpinator yada yada yada

no we did not get that far but at $50 bucks for 750 l it would have saved us a lot of cash

and then to take it a step further , GW posted a recipe on how to make one’s own ethanol…

even then , our cost was like a dollar a gram making QWET without recycling , most of that due to growing our own flowers

we call the QWET oleoresin , when properly purged , it is mighty tasty

and yes , we used a syringe and added the oleoresin to our re-fillable vape pens and no need to add terps cause they are already there….

ventilation is good…..we Always do our work Outdoors….

what a wonderful hobby this turned out to be!…

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
do you recycle the Ethanol?
I tried one of those source turbo extractors that recycled the ethanol fairly efficiently. The scientific / engineering concept was outstanding but the practical application kind of sucked. The motor they use to create the vacuum is destined to burn out, probably a day or two after the warranty expires. ;)

Much easier for me just to do a BHO run once every year or two.