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Outside Grower inside for the winter but outside soon in New York


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
the black cat gave it away.

used that for years :)

Hooray for old guys that grow weed!

I been looking for a weed industry job to retire into :) I started growing back in 1974 outside

grow Mexican Dirt Weed seeds out of 80$ kilo weed

I grew Guerrilla during the mid 1980 -1990s in The Adirondack State Park , I was growing

three crops a season one for me, one for The Police and one for The Ripper

too much work

I was going to just dynamite my grows but not a good idea as it might kill Johnny Law

here in New York they will stick a needle in your arm for that

so I stopped until 2001 join Cannabis Culture an older grower ( Old But Still Stoned) helped me with

the grow room under lights learning curve

after that he told me politely that CC for not for me but OverGrow was so joined OG

worked inside all the time until 2020 and moved back outside

if I do not have to turn a crop inside I am good with that

I like to work outside and the plant loves being in the ground, under the sun

All the young guys I know that grew outdoor this year never even made it to flower.

indeed people think how easy it is to grow outside and indeed the plant will do it's best

most of the time outside

they forget some how that you do not get high winds and hail storms in you grow room

no heavy dew on a damp day unless you make it happen

Lots of newbs that didn't realize that growing takes a lot of attention/dedication.

outside you have to be able and willing to do what needs to be done at the right time

you are at the effect of the environment not in control of it

that is why I have been looking at plans for different greenhouses, for me it is like growing

outside inside or maybe inside outside ;)

all the best and enjoy the day

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Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
Update 10/05/2023 if I had the choice to kneel in shorts on uncooked rice or

trim the weed for days

it would be a toss up :) at this time

5 down and mostly trimmed and 2 1/2 plants ready to jar, a good year over all, the weather sucked

the last plant has the most bud rot of all but will yield the most I believe

the smoke I have smoked makes up in ten fold for the trimming time :)

my 8 cuts look very good so I will be running some lights of some kind over the winter

I was looking at plans for greenhouses at an AG colleges from the midwest to build

I will work this fall and winter to make that happen as I can grow six with no worry

smoking black alien mac x runtz when cured :) it should be very nice

all the best and grow well



Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
an update today id 10/06/2023

I have 5 plants out of the field and 2 1/2 dried and jarred (48 quart jars and 6 64 oz pickle jars)

of trimmed bud to cure

for a rainy and cold year to start and wet all season I have done well thanks to the plants

the Island Sweet Skunk which I had hoped to do well in the damp cold here in New York

did for shit :(

the MACs did very well need to find a cut to work with of the real MAC


Purple Diesel x Holy Goddess 2 or 3 weeks would be good but need to look at the bud with a loop

and dry a tester :)


getting fat :) had a grower here that grows for her husband with cancer that lost her crop to mold/rot

come over today and take whatever was left in the field to help cover their needs (left a lot)

has been a good year

be safe and stay free



Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
it started raining here at 5:30 AM and is coming down in buckets :(

we are to get 2 inches of rain here today

on a good thing my wells are full of water this year :)

stay dry and stay free



ICMag Donor
the MACs did very well need to find a cut to work with of the real MAC
I’m glad I busted my ass this week getting everything in just in time but it would’ve been nice to have another week I should’ve let everything go to the very last day but it would’ve been impossible unless I was more organized also Mac happens to be just about the most premier cut but I would not recommend running it outside


ICMag Donor
The only way to wait till the last minute would have been to cut and hang entire plants ,,instead of harvesting off the plant..


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
I’m glad I busted my ass this week getting everything in just in time
I was thinking the same thing :) got the five in yesterday by dark :) raining hard here

stopped a few minutes ago my last plant's buds are soaked

just need a bit longer

but it would’ve been nice to have another week

or two

unless I was more organized

I know how that goes

Mac happens to be just about the most premier cut but I would not recommend running it outside

good to know as at this time I will being doing my growing outside

How does it do in a greenhouse?

The only way to wait till the last minute would have been to cut and hang entire plants ,,instead of harvesting off the plant.

my room should be empty want to bring the last one in in big pieces and trim inside so

I can wait until it is done

looking to find a Haze to grow outside/greenhouse here in New York

next year back to trimming



passing the gas
.... Mac happens to be just about the most premier cut but I would not recommend running it outside
I have to respectfully disagree with that, I've had her out 4 seasons and she crushes here, I know we have the same cut.
Mac1 10.4.23.JPG

I didn't get any purple on her yet this season with the warm weather but last year she was pretty and dank. I got 2 still out, pulled a few tops yesterday but hoping she gets a frost soon... never hoped for frost before, yikes!

Mac1 10.14.22.JPG

MAC 1 10.11.22.JPG

Mac 1 ! 10.11.22.JPG

I love the indoor Mac and the terps are brighter but the sungrown gets me a stronger buzzzzz

mac1  macro.JPG


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
update 10/08/2023 at this time four plants trimmed :) the fifth needs to dry some more

the other stuff has been jarred

I have couple of pounds of mixed small stuff so I made 3 quarts of coconut oil to put

into gel caps

using 16 oz of bud to 3 quarts of oil, should work out to about 50 mg a cap in 000 size

capsules about 1400 caps

my purple diesel is almost there the rain did no damage :) the buds are very heavy

took a stalk to test and see what is what no rot

all the best and be safe



ICMag Donor
update 10/08/2023 at this time four plants trimmed :) the fifth needs to dry some more

the other stuff has been jarred

I have couple of pounds of mixed small stuff so I made 3 quarts of coconut oil to put

into gel caps

using 16 oz of bud to 3 quarts of oil, should work out to about 50 mg a cap in 000 size

capsules about 1400 caps

my purple diesel is almost there the rain did no damage :) the buds are very heavy

took a stalk to test and see what is what no rot

all the best and be safe

I spent more time today than I wanted to chopping down skeletons of stalks & taking a few remainders of leftovers iand also observing the two blue dreams that I decided to leave they’re taking everything like a champ you wouldn’t even know it makes me realize I probably took everything else too early I hate when I second-guess myself it always happens


Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
I spent more time today than I wanted to chopping down skeletons of stalks & taking a few remainders of leftovers

pick thru some stuff others did not take to make some BHO I have a couple boxes of butane

there is some left

after the purple diesel I will get it all together and make some bubble hash

also observing the two blue dreams that I decided to leave they’re taking everything like a champ

the last one is, it was to heavy with water from the rain but the wind and sun dried it back out

so all is good

I did have a couple that did OK but they would have gone no longer without ruin :(

the MACs may have went longer but were done to my liking

I probably took everything else too early I hate when I second-guess myself it always happens

we did what we did when we did it because we thought it was needed :)

all the best and be well



Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
may run some lights over the winter :) ran LEDs for a bit loved the light bill

have ran HIDs forever inside love the light
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Plant Abuser
ICMag Donor
WOW!!! I did 4 eye droppers full of the oil I made which is 3 - 000 size gel caps

I am sitting here in front of an email server and I am torched WTF!!! I was I thinking ;)

love harvest time

still have stuff to trim, hash to make etc.

needed a break so I went to work :)

all the best and enjoy the day



ICMag Donor
Another beautiful fall day I feel like a jerk for taking mine early.. :cry: the ones I left outside are doing just fine.. what I brought inside is very nice and very clean if I left it outside it would’ve been twice as swollen with maybe more loss due to contaminants.. it’s always a 50-50 roll of the dice