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Outdoor Madness 2007!

Have really enjoyed following this thread. great pictures of many varieties. I'm starting to understand what I need to do to be successful outdoors, right seeds, right soil, right climate. You have developed a bunch of early maturing strains, more pics of DPxMM, and a smoke report if you have a moment or two later on.
Ancient One


Sweet!!What a great read and super plants!!I am very interested in this,an autoflower that finishes in August being planted in May!!How much more can ya ask for,you say the high is there?And I bet nothin gets bigger than 3 or 4 feet,Whats the story on these beenz?Are they at the bay yet?
Good Job Greens,I want in :wave:

little j

hey greens. great crop you got. i ask you a question because you mentioned some flooding out you had earlier in the season. im experiencing that now. my plant is standing in 2-3in of water now. has this happened to you. how long can a plant stand in water like this and live. i got some great budding going on but now way to much rain. any thoughts. am i screwed? thanks.


holy crap do you have a wooden shack at the edge of the swap that you sleep?must have been hell!anywways lookin dank your future is looking golden


Active member
Sorry, I've been gone for so long and haven't updated on the later stuff. All that is left out there is the Lemon Swiss x Freeze and a few mighty freeze plants that were stunted early on. I'm quite impressed with the quality of the outdoor buds produced this year. It's quite exceptional.

diggity, thanks man!

Ancient one, thanks man. The Mighty Durbans were harvested on September 20th along with some other strains that finished later due to being stunted from the flooding early on. The potency is excellent and it has very nice bag appeal. Everyone who tried it has loved it so far. Sorry, I was in such a rush when harvesting that I didn't take any pics (it sucks because there could have been some awesome pictures).

Red, thanks man. I tried to get them up on the bay, but we couldn't work it out. It's too bad, because it would be a good outlet. Just register at unleashthegreen.com to find the GG beans. The new stock will be there very soon (might be there already actually).

bongasaurus, thanks man! I checked out your thread and those look very good. Very frosty GG nugs!

Pipeline, thanks! No kidding, the season just seems to fly right by. hehe.

little j, sorry I should have got back to you MUCH earlier. Well, they can survive standing in water for a few days, I know that much. I was lucky enough that the water level never actually got right over the top of my containers. However, it was only like 4-5 inches below the soil line for too long and it stunted some of them.

Thanks frogger!

LOL, brad, do you think I'm nuts? :muahaha: Actually, I never visit them more than once in a week and I try to keep it less than that. In June, I don't go at all because there is no reason. At the very beginning of July, I pull the males and then come approximately every week to kill the remaining males (and give them a shot of earth juice bloom). I have all my males killed by the end of July and then I usually come around mid-August for my first round of harvesting. Then, I just come back every week or two to harvest, depending on how things look.

OK, later,



Active member
Seeing how Greens's 2006 outdoor thread was bumped, let's do his 2007 and 2008 outdoor madness threads aswel heh? Pure quality!