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Outdoor Madness 2007!


Active member
Sweet plants and pictures, I'm curious about the piney taste of the freezeland crosses. Would love to grow some piney plants indoors, but: 1. Is the freezeland available from somewhere? 2. Is the freezeland (or it's crosses) suitable for indoors? Stay safe and happy harvest! :wave:


Active member
Brad! How's it going man? Two weeks? Man, you gotta keep more for yourself next time :muahaha: . The GG is like gold, so I know how hard it is to hold onto (but I always keep an lb for myself at least).

Swedeinoz, Boreal Genetics is the best source for Freezeland. He has the best freeze cut out there, I'm almost positive. He's working on several backcrosses and they really take after the freeze mom. As for indoor, well, I wouldn't bother. It's an outdoor strain. However, if you try Boreal's AK99 x Freezeland you will find many VERY piney phenos and they are all just dank. They work inside too.

Also, you might want to check out Subcool's Jack the Ripper. It's not quite as piney as the freeze, but more lemon piney cleaner smell and taste. It's more suited for indoors than the freeze.

Here are some pictures of some seeded and now dried GG that was pollinated by that big GG male. Seriously, this stuff is dank! It reeks like acidic, hashy sweet seasoning with a bit of skunk. Even though it's very seeded, it got me sooooo high, it's unbelievable. The moms I kept this year are just covered in trichs.



wonderful greens! happy you did those beans and hope you will seel them for a fair prize.


"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
That's an incredibly impressive male, very nice seeing one allowed to reach its full potential!


ya know me im mr smoke-a-lot.plus ive been really stressed out lately so im smoking double the usual amounts hehe thats my excuse


Active member
esben, thanks man. Well, I didn't really get a say in the price for the beans at UTG, but it is definetely quite reasonable. I believe they are all the same price there.

ixnay007, yeah that male sure is awesome. It was grown in a large garbage can with holes in the bottom, so it has tons of room for the roots. It has that great sweet seasoning smell on the stem and flowers.

LOL, breederbrad, toke as much as you want. hehe. Looks like you are going to get a good chunk of Ak99 x Freeze to puff on.



Active member
yet an another question...

yet an another question...


You said that the huge GG male was grown in a large garbage can. I am guessing 32 gallon? You also mentioned some plants that had gotten flooded out earlier in the season. Would the flooded plants have done better in the garbage can, given that it is probably taller than the 20 gallon containers you normally use. This line of questioning is derived from reading about a bunch of swamp growing methods, especially Breeder Brad's "Swamp Tubes" post at the Cannabis Culture forums. What set the swamp tubes apart from most of the other swamp growing methodologies, is the fact that they are so tall. Do you think that such tubes are more likely to "guarantee" success, because by virtue of their height, they are more likely to survive flooding? On the other hand, might they be more prone to drying out? Sorry for the constant barrage of questions!

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woooow!!! Great work greens! You seem to have your shit down for sure. Dank buds, Dank males, Dank seeds. I want to smoke some of that GG sounds freakin fantastic! Keep it up, PEACE


Nice work Greens...unfortunately I didn't get any females out of my GG#2 but I did get some of that dank feezeland you keep complimenting.I grew some ak99x freezeland and they stank from like two months old and on.They were the stinkiest of 12+ strains!! I've already ordered more.I'll give the GG's another go too.How many hrs of light do you veg yours under? Mine were extremely light sensitive.Awesome thread and pics..I love growing in totes too.I have plants bigger in totes than those planted directly in the ground.NIIICE


Active member
phrank, indeed, you have brought up a good point. The garbage cans I used are larger than that I believe. I think they are about 40 gallons actually. There's no doubt that they do better during flooding because they are so much taller. That way, they also get much more root space. However, you are right that in a very dry year, you could get problems where they start to dry out. The main point I grow in the swamp is so I do not have to water.

Next year, I plan on topping up all the 20 gallon containers with new coco right to the top. This year, I had many that were only half full and too low because I didn't bring in enough coco coir for the amount of containers I had. I won't make that mistake again.

Caligreen, thanks man.

Brad, those are some beauties. The end product will be kick-ass.

budluver, that sucks you didn't get any GG buds. I'm glad to hear about the ak99xFreeze though. I love that strain, but I can't always get it to finish over here (that's why I did the Freeze bx X GG, hehe). Yeah, give GG another try next year. I'll have enough beans so that the free mix will also be my genetics (hehe, finally). The parents I selected this year are the best yet. As for vegging, I only grow them to about 3 inches tall under 24 hours of light, then take them out. Actually, this year I experimented with planting sprouts directly outside. They grew faster and larger than the plants started inside even though they were planted later (go figure. lol). So, next year, almost all of my crop will be planted as sprouts directly outside. I'll probably plant them around June 1st, but I might plant a batch earlier and later.


Active member
Well, I went out and did a nice harvest. I took some pictures before I did the chop. I left some plants out there and you'll be able to tell which ones in the pics. I'm just going to get right to it.

We'll start with the last of the GG#2s to come down. Chopping these down was a pleasure...



Active member
Here is Jaysprout's Mighty Freeze. These were stunted during some early flooding, but they have come around. I think they would normally be finished by now.

Master Wonder Skunk

Lemon Swiss x GG. Again, these were quite stunted at first.

Just a group of GGs in the swamp...