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Outdoor bird in grow room. Please help.


Ultra Current

There's a big bird that won't leave one of my rooms and I have no idea how it got there. I don't want to kill it and have no windows. This isn't a joke, what can I do?


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
Get a net and a pair of gloves and capture it. If it's on the ground you could try to throw a blanket or towel over it.


Active member
smoke the thing out! seriously! if you can blow a ton of smoke right at it, and keep that up, eventually it's just going to get tired and pass out or sleep or something, making it much much easier to extract from the room!


Catch it and throw it outside would seem like the obvious solution to the problem.
If all else fails try duct taping a few cats to bamboo canes and use them as plant supports.

Ultra Current

Alight I got it out. I have no idea how that got in there. I threw a towel at it at let it go outside. The bird blew up one of my 1000 hps's and shat all over the place. Thanks for the help.


Haha jesus man, I'v very curious to how it got in there but somethings will just never know the answer too.

Ultra Current

Ive noticed bird shit on the lights a few months ago and knew there was a bird hiding somewhere but I could never find it. It hides above the drop ceiling and I have 2 panels taken out for the lights. The cats love getting in the ceiling and I guess this is why. Obviously there's a hole in the house somewhere but I can't find it. There was a bird in my bathroom in the spring but I just opened the window and it flew out. I think these birds come here to lay their eggs. Hopefully they didn't bring any mites with them.


Active member
wow i hope that bird wasn't laying eggs in there!

i'd imagine your grow room might be a decent temperature for eggs! shit man i'd get up there somehow and try to look, that would SUCK if you had a bunch of chicks hatch then die up there due to no mamma' to give them food, could get ultra stinky in a bad way up in there

crazy stuff here, glad you got it out, hope you can block it's future access!


if its a very large room with high ceilings get some bird netting and hang it up, they'll get caught in it and die or you can remove them. I think you can get it at any grainger or farm supply.



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

you probably have a small hole in one of your eaves or soffits, maybe a breach in the roof vent screening, look behind the leaders (down spouts) @ the roof-line as these often seem to be a weak point. Birds, bats, mice, squirrel, racoons which are vicious if cornered can get in once they find a place to start. bats are filthy & can exploit small holes or cracks to get into a home, filthy fuckers.

that bird might have been doing you a favor, search hard for the entry point & fix it.
it's very easy to break a birds neck in a net, so keep that in mind if you don't want to hurt it.

a lot of birds are terrified of laser pointers, you might be able to corral/steer it out with one of those.