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Out of the Cellar and into the Light..



no worries bout a lil pic, but when the outdoor is goin full bore, think twice, k?


damned if I do and damned if I don't..

damned if I do and damned if I don't..

:wave: hi Tona..

hi MeLtY..yup thanks to a friend here at IC..

sorry I didn't get back to you guys earlier..

So, anyway, went out to my spot today to do some work, bring some stuff,

fill some holes,

bla bla bla..I get finished up and decide to go down to the pond for a bit to throw my line in, and as I'm sneaking up the path, I hear a dog. so I crouch around the corner and peek out, and I see some old dude sitting there with 2 beagles. oh fucking joy. :fsu:
now I have never seen anyone there in all these years I have been going down there, but it doesn't mean that people dont go there.
I think my grow is far enough on the other side of the pond to get away with it, but that pond is my water supply, and I can't risk getting spotted, working that is. fishin's another thing..
I dunno..I have yet to get plants out and I'm already thinking ABORT! wtf..

edit: oh yeah did I mention :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: ??


The Hopeful Protagonist
Do you have to sport a license up there when you're carrying your fishing gear ?

If you're out there like your fishing (and not too spooked now) you fit right in.

I would move forward with the operation "Midnight Run" after another trip up there before transplanting.....Put your mind at ease a bit.

Trust your gut :joint:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
right at your spot ?
i would bet them beagles would follow your trail if it was right there
did he see the holes ?


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
dayum yo that sux.i think igro is right though.if you have ur fishing liscence you will fit in,just always take it and ur fishing gear with you.them game wardens are crazy when it comes to that shit.if they see ya and mess with you ,its better to have it and keep them movin on about their business...
about the water supply,just fill up some big res and put it out there,spray paint it camo coler...black,then brown then green so it will fit in out there....yup trust ur gut homie if you think you can do it then go on if not,move them back farther or whatever you can do.
sendin good vibes brother.peace-T-


iGro..yeah, we have to have a liscense when we fish around here, and I don't like keeping any sort of I.D. on me out there, so it stays in the backpack..

Bro-Bear..no he was at the pond. My spots are on the other side of the pond, back in the woods a few hundred yards, maybe 3/4 mile, all told..thats what spooked me was the fact he had beagles..damn sniffers..I was surprised at the fact I was able to walk up on them and then get away before I was spotted..

Tona..the thing is, this isn't really a public fishin hole. It's public land, but surrounded by private property and explaining as to WHY you're in there is pretty easy. "can't you see I'm fishin?" It's the explaining HOW you got in there thats tougher. I get dropped off on the interstate and walk down through the woods. The other entrance is private, and one hell of a long walk. I can move in farther, but that means diggin everything up/starting over and spending more time in there, which puts me at higher risk of being spotted.
So far, my thinking is to stick with it for now, but we'll see what later in the season brings.

Stevius..yeah I have a dog, but like i just told Tona, it's explaining how you got in there in the first place..not to mention, I don't need my dog gettin off lead and running away in there and so close to the interstate. :yeahthats

I'm having chicken for dinner.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
go for it bro !!
wear a suit and tie all banker like, and no one will think you look suspicious :yes:


Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
you still think it can be done ?
if yes go for it brother :yes:
if no, go for a walk tomorrow and find a new spot
i dunno what i would do if such a thing happened at my spot :chin:

remember though my friend, take no unnecessary chances
and be as safe as you can out there :friends:


The Hopeful Protagonist
iGro..yeah, we have to have a liscense when we fish around here, and I don't like keeping any sort of I.D. on me out there, so it stays in the backpack..

Bro-Bear..no he was at the pond. My spots are on the other side of the pond, back in the woods a few hundred yards, maybe 3/4 mile, all told..thats what spooked me was the fact he had beagles..damn sniffers..I was surprised at the fact I was able to walk up on them and then get away before I was spotted..

Tona..the thing is, this isn't really a public fishin hole. It's public land, but surrounded by private property and explaining as to WHY you're in there is pretty easy. "can't you see I'm fishin?" It's the explaining HOW you got in there thats tougher. I get dropped off on the interstate and walk down through the woods. The other entrance is private, and one hell of a long walk. I can move in farther, but that means diggin everything up/starting over and spending more time in there, which puts me at higher risk of being spotted.
So far, my thinking is to stick with it for now, but we'll see what later in the season brings.

Stevius..yeah I have a dog, but like i just told Tona, it's explaining how you got in there in the first place..not to mention, I don't need my dog gettin off lead and running away in there and so close to the interstate. :yeahthats

I'm having chicken for dinner.

Chicken....hmmmm :yummy:


ya know what Bear?
Yes I do, and I'm the guy to do it!
I think I'm just lettin some pre-game jitters get to me a little..:yoinks:

iGro..but my chicken doesn't wear glasses like the one in your sig.. :laughing:

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
I think I'm just lettin some pre-game jitters get to me a little..:yoinks:

Pfff that happens to us all in the beginning, kinda like buck fever
your actual first few times your really kind of scared as well as excited
then you get used to the feeling, and look forward to it

if your lucky, you will always feel that way IMHO :joint:
i wish you the absolute best luck this year my friend



Thanks Bear!
I remember when I first started growing in the cellar and how nervous I was, especially around first harvest. I think we all know that feeling! Then I became complacent with it after awhile, but never losing that feeling completely.
This is much like that feeling, except out in the world..
I just have to keep remembering what seems so obvious to me, isn't so obvious to others, and that I'm in a spot where people just don't go.



well, I guess so..
all the work done there would just be wasted, and it's probably the most private spot I can think of, besides having permission from a property owner..which isn't gonna happen..:joint:
I'll just have to be on my toes and bring my A-game everytime..

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