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out of jail ....

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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
well on that subject then, are U.S. felons allowed to live and work almost any place in Europe? For some reason I just assumed that wouldn't fly... :dunno:
Was in the same boat, feel your pain. I just got off paper after 7 years(with no fuck ups). On top of that came off paper to my state being mmj legal. Such a strange situation being in jail or on prob and having the very thing you were charged with become legal. Freedom taste good. Now back to the lab.

well on that subject then, are U.S. felons allowed to live and work almost any place in Europe? For some reason I just assumed that wouldn't fly... :dunno:

It shouldn't be an issue so long as all the legal paperwork for visas and etcetera go through. As for whether or not felons are granted access you would have to check with particular countries. I know that I basically can't get into Canada, Australia and Japan with my record. I am still in the process of figuring everything out. As it is now if I am able to enter and things keep working out the way they are with this woman that I know that lives there I shouldn't have an issue. One way or another I cam going to try & gain European citizenship. I want to live somewhere other than the USA for a while. The bonus with Spain however is the decriminalized position of the laws on Cannabis so unlike my current state I will not have to worry about legality of just having a grow since a person can grow for personal there. :ying:


glad your out man . nobody deserves to do time for weed. stay safe and dont go back.

yes nobody deserves it .doesnt matter if you from afg ger usa or if you muslim or christ ,#

you know the question

but why do the politicans hate us like jews in the 38s-45s---sorry for this compare like i wrote but they do it a little bit this way ...

lost in a sea

well the powers that be hate everyone fairly equally, unless your inbred of course then you seem to be in a select club of bankers that hide behind a 1001 different edifaces,, and the only reason that the jews were so picked on during that particular jew bashing session was to establish israel as a legitimate and valid power in the world theater to this day, that may be partly why their is so much footage for us to watch and that it has been repeated so much that it has turned into the most unnatural scar in human history,, the rothschildes basically did it all to everybody as another "banking" power move, like the napoleonic wars and french revolution etc,, and almost all the banking collapses/runs etc for the last 300 years as well,,

and lets not forget that most of the people that died during the wars werent jews or "hebrews",, its all equally tragic,,

most of the people that call themselves jews today have very little hebrew blood not that it matters,,its just they are being radicalised by their "government",, many currently that call israel their home transported against their will from their real homes in countries like poland where they lived happily,,, i feel sorry for all the shit hebrews have had to put up with for the last 2000 years but also all the horrible things the romans/catholic church/crown corporation have done to my own people,, but the shit that was done to them during the world wars was essentially the same people that are running israel today,, the rothschildes (and their 12 buddies),,

so its complex, the truth is that real jews seek truth and and so do the real followers of many faiths that basically teach the same message (god is really you, who else would it be?),,, your infinite potential on this earth and that is supposed to be gods realm so we're all gods,, we all make history,,

the other people that seek truth are people who like entheogens,,, plant people, plants dont lie they want you to be happy and see clearly/be healthy enough that you need them so they really have evolved/been selected by man to teach you innate lessons that can only come from within,,

something that can open your mind from within is very dangerous to the powers that be because they cant muddle with the experience and destract you from realising the truth,, a trick that your dna/brain and the plant are all in on, but that it,,

entheogens are the awakening personified really imo,, the green man,,

you could say that the nazis never went away at all as well ,just look at some of the biggest corporations in the world like KRAFT, VW, IBM, BAYER & BAYER, they were all established by the nazis to "feed" the nation through the wars, the people on the board of directors are members of the most suspicious agencies and "think tanks" imaginable,,, you could also say that the cold war never ended either,, and you could call the profiling going on on people through their mobiles and cars(gps)/censuses/internet(facebook/twitter/youtube) another spanish inquisition,,

also germany is the soul in a way of western europe so all the pain done to them was also on purpose and planned to help create that disconnect,, the allies split it straight down the middle like a schizophrenic on purpose,,

you asked and i gave my opinion,,:2cents:
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Active member
We have welcomed our new friend and I appreciate everybody's help here....

I see everybody's points but before we go off into a discussion about religion,
I will just close the thread....

The main point is that we have infinite potential and we do not have to let the
past dictate our future....that is a very powerful message....

:ying: kind regards from guineapig :ying:
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