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Our 1st grow quick look at what we have..



High there IC family..
Here is a quick peek at our lil personal grow.. We are totally new but not to smoking weed. Just growing.. As we are not Into it for Money.. But purely to smoke good weed. Being that it is too damn dangerous anymore to go buy from a dealer.. And what they do to it no telling.. So me and my nephew decided to grow a small lil grow. To keep us happy. We are not going for the so elusive lb per watt type thing.. We just want to have a lil stash on hand and thats it.. So here we go.. peace... Ohh yea dont yell at me if i dont do this exactly right.. LOL .. Imhigh and quite nervous I might add And when I say I, Im mean we but i say i..LOL It just to easy to say I and not We.. Lmao..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:

1st a lil Hawaiian ladie. given by a co worker.. :smile:

2nd Here is a ladie from a mix bag of seeds 6 different strains. So ????

A SD bubblicious 25 days or so.. Most of these are close in age.. except above 2 plants..LOL..


Ok here is some more.. i didnt kow how much
I can put on one page.. peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:

Sorry if it is sideways.. dummie here. the bigger of the 2 is apollo x haze
lil one is KC NL

next gypsys magic top view round pot.

S.A Durban x SK#1


Coffemelt a skunk strain local.. from 1983 this seed has been in a bean dip can in a fridge this whole time..

(edit) these 2.the lil one is herijuanaxAww, Bigger Icex leda uno

Ill do another page i dont know if this imdoing this right..
even after reading allof your guys' threads..


Couple more.. same grow..

Couple more.. same grow..

Side view of the bubblicious She had problems early on..

Next up is apolloxhaze gifted from a pal here on IC.. LST

Side view of the gypys magic mystery seed.. I call it Gypsys magic..

Our veg/clone DIY box..

Well there you have it.. They all get FF grow big along with my Ea + En Innoculants. A lil fish emulsion, superthrive As well as some Spray & Grow
foliar every 10 days or so.. They were all started under 80 watts of flouros..
the AxH and NL, SA Dx SK#1 are all outside already. The others will be outside really soon.. All soils used were FF OF fox farms ocean forest.
And Black Gold All organic.. Ohh wait the only plants in FF OF are the Apolloxhaze and NL in same pot.. That poor lil NL has been thru hell bless her soul.. OK thats it i will post when things change.. Hope you all like it some..
I learned alot from you here.. to many to name. And thanx to those who helped us out with some gifts. these are some. And the other will be grown Indoors this winter. We will post them hopefully if all goes well. lots of good stuff to come.. yay we are happy as clowns. with our lil small garden of love..
So with a BIG THANX to all who post the good knowledge. thanx.. Threads that teach...And not just Brag.. Is whats good.. Keep it coming.. HOG, Texas Kid, Rellikbuzz, Blue velvet, JLP, Cap (LST) Chuck, Dezer, Nugs, CBF, I know there is a bunch more and some im fogetting sorry But Thank you.. You know who you are.. I feel like imat the oscars.. lmao.. Anyhow.. Thanx again ..peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
hi Sack....looks like u and ur neph wil;l be having some good times soon....(i dont just mean smoking ur crop eventually, i mean seeing the magic happen lol) that Skunk#1 pic, it looks fab little plant, really stout and strong!
Cant wait to9 see you gettig em into gear! Nice box too, im p-lanning something similar for home...my grow is elsewhere, but I start my seeds and look after clones at home..mainly as i cant trust my mate to hehe, so i need something like that discreet to go in the shed! Ill be glad when im back under my own roof and get it all there, but until then, ...
Looking forward to seeing how they turn out pal,
Be lucky


thanx for dropping by Harry. Its great to finally be growing some goods strains.. This is the begining using the freebies like sk#1, SA DX SK#1, along with the others.. Till fall then i will pop some of the other goodies :wink: i have... I am so tired of smoking shwag and growing it too. My lungs sent me a postcard saying thank you for thinking of us.. lol.. I was hoping to get some of the others dropping by and commenting as well. Its great to have someone like you to say nice things about my lil girlies.. Appreciate it.. Ill update when things change some with them.. Thanx again harry..peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:
Way to go!

Way to go!

Hey Sack,
Looking good. Nice selection you got there. :canabis: Can't wait to see the end results. Best wishes for a great grow. :wave:


Nos i cant wait either
Thanx for popping by.. appreciate it.. much..
I also cant wait till winter either some really great stuff goin in the grow box..
Hydro and indoors i love it.. I also am having a good experience with soil..
But indo is my cup of tea.. Then with all the knowledge i have gained since coming here i cant wait.. Thanx to all.. And thanx to you as well.. :wink: peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:

Sally Ride

New member
quite a smorgasboard! This should be real interesting to watch. You keeping them in pots outside or transplanting?



M Steelers thanx.. finally just growing good genetics.

Sally Ride Thanx for popping by I just today put them outside for good they will stay in pots so i can keep them mobile.. Just in case, And for flowering purposes. they can be moved into total darkness.

Leeroy&Co thanx for stopping by.. its appreciated..


sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


looking good, sack. They are a joy to watch grow. I have many legal herbs growing in my yard, just got a french lavender, all from my new found gardening skills from growing ganja. Looks like you're keepin'em green. Over watering was my main newbie mistake.

You'll soon be wondering why you ever bought toke in the first place. You couldn't pay me to smoke some of the crap available around here.


Active member
Way to go Sack ( & nephew) !! Great collection of genetics ya got! I just got gifted some of those SADPxS#1 's( and some other Great beans) too! i'll be watching how yours do so i'll have an idea as what to expect when i germ them. They All look great so far


Active member
It's a family affair....

It's a family affair....

way to go sack & crew!!!

they all look great. :yummy:


I know just what you mean, I have a MMJ card and just got so tired of getting my meds from the street ( up here we have NO Med Clubs :( )So I through some bag seeds down just to get a hand on growing. Im hoping on bidding on some beans on Seedbay. Well good luck sounds like your going to have some good strains. Ill be watching . :canabis:


Thanx for poppin in.. all females on the apolloxhazes... there is 3 in the pics 2 are in one pot.. the other is with the Small NL from KC.. It rained a great deal over here last coupla days. So they will be changing quite abit here soon i will have some new pics.

wikidcalibudgrl: thanx for stoppin by My has been quite moody picky or what have you.. But since the rain she has totally perked up.. i topped her a few days ago.. you will see the difference from the 1st pics that are posted. Compared to the next update which will probably be this weekend..

Sleepy: thanx for stopping by and the compliment It feels good to have your peers
comment positives.. thanx..

Theskunkydemon: Thanx for popping by also.. Ill be updating soon.. And welcome to The IC family.. You will like it here great people.. Lots of knowledge round these parts..
good luck and a great many harvests..peace.

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Ok Monday early evening is upon us..
Im going to watch some aerobics on the hardwood tonight Go pistons.
After the game i will post some new pics.. I am kinda PO'ed cos i got a lil bit to anxious. I added some guano right after i had fed with nutes. And a foliar spray coupla days before that I think i burned a couple of my girlies.. Ends of leaves getting kinda copperish, spotting as well..LOL.. I also did a lil pruning on my LST apollo x hazes. And found 1 to be a F*G... So im going to transplant it to a seperate pot and move him inside to the front Room window. Maybe? I have some pics of the leaves, That were from the sick SK#1. But i will go check the sick plant thread again to make sure what it is.. Anyway until tonight.. peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Update of my Ho's

Update of my Ho's

Ok Here is an update on the girlies...
1st i will start with the Apollo x haze. I found a male after pruning my LST'ed plants..
There is 2 plants in this pot you can see the stem in the bottom of the pic he is a male.

This is a female apolloxhaze sharing the pot. with a finally growing NL from KC

So now im down to 2 Apollo haze they are female.. I also transplanted the male and moved him inside..
Next we have some of the new addition to the family its the 80's coffeemelt
Sorry bout the pix my camera sux..

Next here is a side view of the lil coffee baby girl..

And this is the SA Dx SK#1 top view miss moody

And the side view of her. She is a female.

Now here is some Of the NL from KC brains. New pot she has been given..

Side view of No sex yet

Here is my lil herijuanaxAwwidow side view kinda blurry sorry, cheap camera.

And this is the top

This plant is a true flouro grown plant look how short & crazy she looks. side

And the top view of the freaky dwarf wannabe lowryder. LOL

Now for the Hawaiian lady side view she is in the ground.

Now for the top of her head. hehe

Next we have some of the gypsys magic. Side view

And top view of this girlie
now for a lil group shot These have all adapted well to their move outside its been 1 week. today Now i think they will begin to stretch out for the real sunlight. Im flushing them with regular 6.7 ph water only. next page.. peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint:


Ok now let me finish this lil update i hope you guys like them.. Please comment and suggest.. Please it only helps And encourages.. Also how often should i use the guano? that stuffs scared me.. LOL.. peace..

Ok here is my bubblicious from SD.. she finally started to grow she was in a funk as well as my SK#1.. side view

And the top of her
Next is what i now call 6 mix. this is from a mix bag. Of Jack herer x Jack Herer, JH x Brasil KC 606, Big Bud x JH, Herijuana x AWW in which i know its not that. And 1 other C99 f3's. I dont know So if anybody recognizes this girl let me know. LOL

And the side of her.

Ok folks that finishes my update.. I will be back soon. I hope.. I cant wait till these all start to really fill out. now that they are not under flouros, But in the real sunlight.. please comment people or suggest.. I am using FF grow big, and some fish emulsion, superthrive every now & then. along with my Ea + En innoculant. Then about every ten days i will foliar spray them with spray & grow. thats about it ohh i just add some guano. I think thats what burned my sk#1 and a lil bit of my coffeemelt baby. Yes im still a noobie to outdoors and soil.. anyway please like i said please comment and or suggest..peace..

sack :friends: :canabis: :joint: