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otis' vertical experiments and other projects



Canopy management`s a bitch to control with multiple strains in a flat grow as you`re seein first hand O....

Looks like pullin the trigger sooner will help keep em shorter , and push comes ta shove , pinch their lil heads to slow em down and let the shorter one`s catch up....

Killer pics though even if they`re not where yas want em at this age.....Dialin strains is JUST as important as environment Bro.....

Keep strokin.....You`re getting there....



so this is, according to the girl I got it from, made from og-13, ak-4,- and a (bubba?) kush. it's super potent. the most narcotic type high of all the plants I've grown. I took a little a week or so ago and if I smoke it in th am, I'm not getting shit done that day. I'm keeping it until I find a heavyhitter I like better. it smells like sweet coffee grounds and has a real strong kushy flavor.

I'll get some close ups while I trim tonight.


so this is, according to the girl I got it from, made from og-13, ak-4,- and a (bubba?) kush. it's super potent. the most narcotic type high of all the plants I've grown. I took a little a week or so ago and if I smoke it in th am, I'm not getting shit done that day. I'm keeping it until I find a heavyhitter I like better. it smells like sweet coffee grounds and has a real strong kushy flavor.
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I'll get some close ups while I trim tonight.
That`s as close to a true pre-98 Bubba as I`ve ever seen O , and I`m lookin at a jar full and hittin bongs of your plant`s twin as we speak with it`s coffee kush goodness YUM....

Hail to the GAK......Looks like Bubba shit ALL over the rest of the contributors of that hybrid and dominated like a mofo , if in fact it was "Bubba" kush that was mixed in , but sho looks like it to my old ass.....Waitin patiently for close ups......



finally got a pic after unsuccessfully trying since last night. I've had trouble in the past uploading, but usually if I try a couple times it works... I'll try again tomorrow.


I learned a hard lesson this week. I was already in the process of shutting down one spot to focus on my new house, but what I discovered yesterday sped it up a bit. I was showing a family member, a very close family member, what I know so that she could gain some financial independence and at the same time help me at a time when I am stretched very thin between work life and growing. I was feeding this grow gh6/9 and a couple weeks ago during my weekly visit noticed the boom bottle was empty. I asked how long she had been out and she said it just ran out last res change and she was going to get a new bottle that day. well yesterday, two weeks later, I was over there and found a receipt for the grow bottle dated for jan 29. she was feeding micro only for at least two weeks. I was supposed to harvest next week. the buds look like shit. they are not . swelling anywhere near where they should be and are much more leafy than normal. to add insult to injury or more injury to injury, I noticed that she had been taking tops from the plants as well. so, this morning I just cut everything a week early. according to the trichomes, they look done, but the buds are shitty looking and my yield its shot. I feel pretty betrayed and angry, but I'm mostly angry with myself for letting this happen. I should have known better. I'm lucky that the big room over there isn't full and I can cut my losses and move on. lesson learned.


I learned a hard lesson this week. I was already in the process of shutting down one spot to focus on my new house, but what I discovered yesterday sped it up a bit. I was showing a family member, a very close family member, what I know so that she could gain some financial independence and at the same time help me at a time when I am stretched very thin between work life and growing. I was feeding this grow gh6/9 and a couple weeks ago during my weekly visit noticed the boom bottle was empty. I asked how long she had been out and she said it just ran out last res change and she was going to get a new bottle that day. well yesterday, two weeks later, I was over there and found a receipt for the grow bottle dated for jan 29. she was feeding micro only for at least two weeks. I was supposed to harvest next week. the buds look like shit. they are not . swelling anywhere near where they should be and are much more leafy than normal. to add insult to injury or more injury to injury, I noticed that she had been taking tops from the plants as well. so, this morning I just cut everything a week early. according to the trichomes, they look done, but the buds are shitty looking and my yield its shot. I feel pretty betrayed and angry, but I'm mostly angry with myself for letting this happen. I should have known better. I'm lucky that the big room over there isn't full and I can cut my losses and move on. lesson learned.
Scale back and ONLY run whatchas can handle as a 1 man show.....period......

Classic scenario of "family will fuck yas" faster than a total stranger...but...Lesson learned.....Gave her an opportunity of a lifetime along with enough rope to hang herself with by trustin her , and guess what.....

Move on and isolate/insulate away from potential jealousy and all X factors that can be controlled if it`s only YOU controlling em....1 man show never snitched ANYONE out or STOLE nuggage from themselves OR fucked up feed regimens....Sorry Bro....no shit....so....

Stay safe....Freds....:ying:.....


that's the truth, I didn't necessarily need the help. I did fine with more lights burning in the past; I just was trying to teach someone I cared about how to fish, so to speak. I'm just glad I was already shutting down this spot anyway. some people are so short sighted.
I have a question for you dhf: how did you deal with run of in your rack system? did you just water to minimal run off and let drip clean take care of the potential for salt build up or did you have everything plumbed to a drain? I've been sucking the run off out of the drip trays with a shop vac, but that won't be an efficient way to do it in a remote grow that's only visited once a week. now that my sour bubble tent is in full swing, watering 4x/ day for 1 min the pots stay moist with minimal run off, but I can see salt build up on the tops of some of the pots. now that I have some multi-level dtw experience, I'd like to start designing a64 site 4 level rack st up. any input would be helpful.
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that's the truth, I didn't necessarily need the help. I did fine with more lights burning in the past; I just was trying to teach someone I cared about how to fish, so to speak. I'm just glad I was already shutting down this spot anyway. some people are so short sighted.
I have a question for you dhf: how did you deal with run of in your rack system? did you just water to minimal run off and let drip clean take care of the potential for salt build up or did you have everything plumbed to a drain? I've been sucking the run off out of the drip trays with a shop vac, but that won't be an efficient way to do it in a remote grow that's only visited once a week. now that my sour bubble tent is in full swing, watering 4x/ day for 1 min the pots stay moist with minimal run off, but I can see salt build up on the tops of some of the pots. now that I have some multi-level dtw experience, I'd like to start designing a64 site 4 level rack st up. any input would be helpful.

HI otis,

looks like were both on the same page..im busy building my new rack system now very similar to the previous one i used and heaths/but am also figuring out the best way to water /i found some of heaths old pics on mr.nice forums/and used some of his designs when setting up mine /but even from the pics COULD not see how he set his drip up .IM guessing gravity coz thats hydroton i see but no gutters or run-off or circulation pics is see/looks like we gonna have to be creative!! heres the pics anyway for some inspiration.g.luck il need it too!!:biggrin:





Hey O and PT.....First off , I knew yas were tryin ta just help family , but lesson learned on short-sightedness from her end huh .....Give somebody a fish and yas feed em for a day....Teach somebody ta fish and they feed THEMSELVES for a lifetime.....nuff said on that subject.....now....

You`re spot on PT bout Heath`s racks bein gravity drained as well as fully recirculating with the lil clay balls , but how he drained each level was babyshit easy in that he ran the racks outta level all the way round toward 1 common corner and used what he called "gutter fittings" he had available across da pond , but.....

Basically it was a drainpipe with holes strategically set at each level except the tops where juice just drained straight down the pipe like each level to a "sump rez" with an electric float switch that kicked on at a certain level and pumped all residual juice back to the main rez continuously , so on and so forth 24/7....but me ?.....

My setup was DTW in #5 smartpots only fed once a day through end of stretch , then twice a day once in full swellage till end of cycle , and my runs were BEFORE "dripclean" was known to control residual salt buildup in the medium , and thus I rolled with as much runoff/waste as needed , but not crazy amounts that caused the containers to sit in runoff and suck it back up over the course of a 12 hr lights on sequence.....IOW.....

My racks were covered in pondliner , and with air exchange twice per minute PLUS wall fans beneath and above on all 4 walls creating that "vortex" of air moving "around" the plants but never ON em , all runoff EASILY evaporated by lights off FTW.....but...

O.... There`s ABSOLUTELY no reason for runoff anymore in a dialed coco DTW setup employing dripclean @ 1ml per gal guaranteed , so just cover the racks in pondliner or whatever to keep from killin the floors underneath , or if it`s on a concrete slab you`ll haveta monitor and MAKE sure no juice stays on the floors to form airborn nasties down the road.....

My rooms ran in the mid-upper 80`s lights on , and mid-upper 70`s during lights off dialed as a mofo , with each pre-vegged identical already raped and shaped cut put in the bloom rooms set to explode in stretch AFTER havin had T-5`s right down on top of them bitches to stack nodes and laterals.....anyways....hope that helps guys......

Now get backta work O.....You too PT....:moon:.....and how bout a new thread Donatello , once the builds up and runnin that is....:biggrin:....



Looks great ottis, I haven't been around in a bit so I have quite a bit of catching up to do. I had a similar incident happen to me but the guy thought he knew what he was doing and was to proud to admit fault. Fred's is right on the money about self reliance only bite off what you can chew or these type of things will happen more often. I always take it as a lesson learned can't beat your self up about it, just move on. Keep up the great work man


I hope the smoke turns out good on the two commerce city kush in this circle....they root very fast and are fast veggers too. I think these are on day 28 or so of 12/12


I'll be investing in pong foggers as the humidity(lack of) is killin me this winter. Even with the whole house humidifier, it hasn't got above 20% and some days it's so low it doesn't even register. Some plans are worse than others, but all have leaf tacos