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Other than fish what is the cheapest protein source?


Active member
i work in the medical field, dietitians are the most informed about protein and physiology.


Turns out that it takes 1.5 hours for viscous liquids (e.g. a whey protein shake) to pass through the section of the gut that can actually absorb it. But that’s not the breaking news. Here’s the big story. The maximum rate that whey protein can be absorbed is about 8-10 grams per hour.


Little Miss Muffet drank a 50 gram whey protein shake. Since Miss Muffet can absorb only 10 grams every hour. How long does it take for Miss Muffet to absorb all the protein?

50 grams / 10 grams per hour = 5 hours

So, it would take 5 hours to digest all that protein. But remember, we have only 1.5 hours to get ‘er done. Therefore Miss Muffet has no chance of absorbing all of it. She’ll absorb – at most – 15 grams. And the other 35 grams? Well, they’re wasted.



Active member
But back to the physiology. It appears that in the end, we should all be more concerned about how much of whatever we are eating is actually being absorbed. What you eat doesn’t necessarily mean what you absorb and have available to you.

In the case of whey protein supplementation, thanks to the science, the days of slamming a 50g protein shake are gone. If you don’t find ways to slow transit time and/or increase the rate of whey absorption, you’ll be spending your hard earned cash on boosting fecal and urinary nitrogen vs. increasing muscle protien.

as i mentioned, 9-12g of protein is all your body can absorb. theyre varibles that can fluxuate those numbers SLIGHTLY, yet those a general guideline.

if youre going to contest something, why not spend equal amount of effort verifying. i work out diligently, with results that would make a bodybuilder jealous, all while beingcompletely natural- no juice or illegal steriods. but, this is completely off topic to the thread.
check the dumpster behind ur favorite fast food place. They have corporate guidelines that have them cooking food in advance, and throwing anything unsold after a certain time passes. All nicely wrapped just as if you had paid.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Bugs, milk, chicken & egg. Wild game is great but only if you're in an area where it's both available and you have access to places to store/preserve/butcher it properly. Stay away from bigger predatory fish if you can, they tend to accumulate the most crap in their flesh. Mopane worms lightly fried over a thick tomato sauce. There is nothing ecologically sane about how most large fisheries are run. In my experience harvests are determined something like this:

Gov't hires a fisheries biologist with the stated intention of "managing a resource".

Biologist makes a well thought out recommendation of 200/tons/yr for a long term sustainable harvest of the CannaFish.

Fisheries board takes numbers to fishermen, fishermen demand 900/tons/yr, say "that's what we've always been able to catch".

Government official with a 5th grade education decides that 900 sounds a lot like 200, puts foward proposal to put limit at 700, because 900-200 = 700. Obviously that makes sense.

Final vote passes recommendation at 500. Biologist quits and does something more rewarding and less likely to cause stress, like muling drugs across the border.

Fishery teeters on collapse for decades, average fish size declines.

Fishery collapses decades later, long after the official that pushed for higher numbers chokes to death on a cruller in the alley behind hortons while being serviced by a drunk sea lion.


Throbbing Member
It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!

jejejejeje......... beat me too it.

And what about seamen??? ;)

Rabbits are one of the best crops to raise at home for protein.

Raising rabbits are much cheaper, more efficient, and more productive than raising chickens.

1) A doe can produce up to 1000% her body weight in food per year.
2) Rabbits can be raised in confinement, whereas chickens need much more space.
3) Chicken reproduction is "light sensitive", whereas rabbit reproduction is opportunity sensitive.
4) It is much easier to raise food for rabbits than it is food for chickens.
5) Since rabbits are raised in confinement, it drastically reduces the threat to your herd from predators.
6) You can skin and butcher 5 rabbits to every chicken given the same amount of time.
7) Rabbit fur can be a separate barter item.

hard rain


With approximately 26% of their calories from protein, lentils and generally any pulses or legumes have the third-highest level of protein, by weight, of any plant-based food after soybeans and hemp

As they say. "Lentil soup is good for the youth" :)
I completely agree. Lentils and other legumes are so cheap. Combine a grain with a legume. Lentils + brown rice = very cheap nutritious meal with high protein.


New member
from brick and mortar stores? Eggs. But if you buy your whey protein powder in bulk, then your cheapest source will be trueprotein.com

they offer 25 lbs of whey concentrate for $125. That's $5 per lb. That's really cheap compared to brick and mortar prices.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i work in the medical field, dietitians are the most informed about protein and physiology.


Turns out that it takes 1.5 hours for viscous liquids (e.g. a whey protein shake) to pass through the section of the gut that can actually absorb it. But that’s not the breaking news. Here’s the big story. The maximum rate that whey protein can be absorbed is about 8-10 grams per hour.


Little Miss Muffet drank a 50 gram whey protein shake. Since Miss Muffet can absorb only 10 grams every hour. How long does it take for Miss Muffet to absorb all the protein?

50 grams / 10 grams per hour = 5 hours

So, it would take 5 hours to digest all that protein. But remember, we have only 1.5 hours to get ‘er done. Therefore Miss Muffet has no chance of absorbing all of it. She’ll absorb – at most – 15 grams. And the other 35 grams? Well, they’re wasted.


your analogy is total bullshit, whey is the fastest absorbed protein in shake form 1-2 hours max, from what you claim, you should know this!.....

But back to the physiology. It appears that in the end, we should all be more concerned about how much of whatever we are eating is actually being absorbed. What you eat doesn’t necessarily mean what you absorb and have available to you.

In the case of whey protein supplementation, thanks to the science, the days of slamming a 50g protein shake are gone. If you don’t find ways to slow transit time and/or increase the rate of whey absorption, you’ll be spending your hard earned cash on boosting fecal and urinary nitrogen vs. increasing muscle protien.

as i mentioned, 9-12g of protein is all your body can absorb. theyre varibles that can fluxuate those numbers SLIGHTLY, yet those a general guideline.

if youre going to contest something, why not spend equal amount of effort verifying. i work out diligently, with results that would make a bodybuilder jealous, all while beingcompletely natural- no juice or illegal steriods. but, this is completely off topic to the thread.

funny, i was reading on protein today to see how much a body can absorb and half the shit on here was on a website.....

also, i said that i consume about 320-340 grams of protein a day and am in complete ketosis right now, (body starts utilizing fatty acids instead of glucose, means zero sugar in my system)that would be impossible if the protein was turned into simple sugar...


Active member
Eggs, Dolphin friendly tuna, Chicken and Bacon were my favorite sources. I had a good local butcher when I was into body building so meat was quite cheap. I recommend going to the nearest meat market and buying up large and freezing it into meal sized portions.

Nuts are also a great source of slow release protein. Always had a large bowl by the computer so whenever I was sitting my ass on the computer I was eating protein.


Active member
i wrote ''COPIED''.

not contesting whey is the fastest absorbed, regardless, consuming excessive amounts of protein is no more beneficial than taking less. 9-12gs is about all the body can absorb an hour. simple sugars are converted into fat, they make you gain weight. honestly, i was surprised too when discussing suppliments and nutrition with several deititions. i believe what i was informed of by educated people because ive tried it myself.



What happens to the protein:

It is broken down into building blocks known as peptides.

Then, it is further broken down and it becomes amino acids.

The amino acids are absorbed through the small intestine's lining and enter the blood stream.

From here, some of the amino acids build the body's protein stores.

Excess amino acids are converted to fats and sugars and follow the paths described above.

This is such a simple concept, but many people still believe that consuming lots and lots of protein will put muscle on their bones. Don't be fooled by this notion! Even excess protein turns to fat.

Here is a picturesque illustration of the real cause of weight gain. Eating too much food! Dietary fat is obviously the substance most often stored as fat in the ends, but no matter what you eat, your body takes whatever it can't use and sends it to fat cells. If you don't burn it off or expel it, it hangs around in your fat cells, no matter what it consists of.


I hold El Roacho's
Highest Protein Foods - Animal

High protein foods that come from animals include (serving size 3 oz):

Bison/Buffalo (27 -- 32 g, varies with cut)
Lamb (highest cut, 29 g)
Beef (19 -- 28 g, varies with cut)
Pork Spareribs Braised (highest cut, 26 g)
Elk (26 g)
Venison (26 g)
Turkey (26 g)
Tuna (25 g)
Chicken Drums and Thighs (24 g)
Coho Salmon (23 g)
Chicken Breast (23 g)
Halibut (Atlantic and Pacific) (23 g)

Highest Protein Foods - Animal By-Products

High protein foods that come from animal by-products include:

Cottage Cheese 1% (28 g per cup)
Goose Eggs (20 g per egg)
Sheep Milk (15 g per cup)
Cheddar, Reduced Fat (13 g per 1.4 oz)
Duck Eggs (9 g per egg)
Goat Milk (9 g per cup)
Cow Milk (8 g per cup)
Yogurt, Plain (1 g per 1 oz)
Chicken Eggs (6 g per egg)

Highest Protein Foods - Non-Animal

High protein foods that come from sources other than animals include:

Soy Beans (dry roasted) (34 g per ½ cup)
Seitan (wheat gluten) (31 g per 3 oz)
Tofu, Firm (20 g per ½ cup)
Lentils (dried and cooked) (18 g per cup)
Tempeh (16 g per ½ cup)
Black Beans (15 g per cup)
Kidney Beans (13 g per cup)
Lima Beans (12 g per cup)
Veggie Burger (12 g per patty)
Chickpeas, Cooked (12 g per cup)
Pinto Beans (12 g per cup)

Not All Proteins Are Created Equal

There are complete proteins that contain all essential amino acids, and there are incomplete proteins that do not contain all eight essential amino acids. Proteins are composed of amino acids, and the essential amino acids are the ones that our bodies cannot make on their own and therefore have to get from our diet. All proteins from animals and animal products are composed of complete proteins whereas most other protein sources are not. On the Non-Animal High Protein Foods list above, the only complete proteins are tempeh, soy beans and tofu.


Originally Posted by imadoofus
i work in the medical field, dietitians are the most informed about protein and physiology.

LMFAO! Dietitians tow the government line. They are lackeys with no desire to think for themselves. Wasn't it dietitians that postulated that ketchup was a vegetable? Dietitians are the reason why there has been such bending of common sense nutrition rules. We are worse off because of them!
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rick shaw

Canned salmon or get a couple of chickens and have your own egg factory plenty of guano as a bonus.