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Originally thought I had mites. Now, I'm stumped. What is this?


Active member
nothin wrong with miracle gro, just gotta ammend it with some micros and calcium and mag. if you don't wanna break the bank just buy a bottle of general Hydroponics flora-micro
you can continue to use miracle gro, use it at like half strength or even 1/3 thats a lot of salt, and add a little micro, and thats all. or if you can't afford that or want even cheaper, just buy some epsom salts and a jar of unsulphured molasses. water with your miracle gro at half strength and add 1/2 tbsp of molasses and 1 teaspoon of epsom salt per gallon of water.

just remember miracle gro is salt based and too much will fuck your plants up, you only need to feed like 1 or 2 times every couple weeks. it doesnt have calcium, magnesium, and some of the micros, so you add either something with micronutrients like GH flora micro, or epsom salt and molasses.

good luck. for flowering yeah that mg can work but theres no way to cut the nitrogen without cutting everything else too. i hear maxibloom is good and easy as miracle gro. or get the Gh bloom, thats what i use, lucas formula and i add molasses in the last 4 weeks of flower as i back down on the nutes.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Well it doesn't look like mites to me, and I really don't think it's pest related.

This looks like deficiencies to me...



Great tips man. I didn't realize the MG was lacking those essentials. So it's looking like that could very well be the issue here.

I actually have molasses and epsom salts although I've never used them for plants. I'm gonna run to the hydro store and see what's up.


I don't see that you have mites...best I can tell. For thrips spinosad is best and Monterey Garden Insect Spray contains it.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Hey scrappy. Pics 4,5 and 6 give some indication that its a fungal disease but we really need to see the entire plant. Is that the only yellowing on the plant- individual leaves or are their numerous leaves yellowing all up and down the plant? Most fungals lead to defoliation shortly - are you dropping leaves?.

Nutrient deficiencies always display in a methodical pattern, with bottom leaves yellowing or showing stress first and then progressively and methodically moving up the plant. Disease doesnt follow that pattern and a grower iis likely to see lower leaves yellow at first, but shortly, newer leaves farther up the plant become yellow and the yellowing takes on a random pattern with yellowing in the top and middle as well as the bottom. .


The vast majority of yellowing is on the lower leaves, with the upper leaves just showing the slightest signs but almost no yellowing on the uppers. I didn't take any full pics from my last visit but here are a few of single tops.

And here are pics of the whole plants from about a week ago.


Active member
The Bonide worked on my outdoors. It kills fungi & insects. Also put it on the ground around your plants as a preventative. It's cheap too! Do not think it's insects, but I've been wrong before, so treat for both.


Do not think it's insects, but I've been wrong before
The dude has thrips. That's not his sole issue. The pic I posted is classic thrip damage and have had them enough times to know. Can you say it with me...T...H...R...I...P...S. Thrips!


Active member
what thrips? did you look at the pictures he just posted?

those plants are fine dude, just hungry, looks like flowering started you gonna need more mag, cal, p and k. doesn't look to need any more nitrogen, how long ago did those yellow leaves start?


at the base of this plant is that new? if so add nitrogen too.

i would just feed regular strength like you've been doing but also add 1/2 tablespoon of molasses, and 1-2 teaspoon of epson salt per gallon of water.


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
what thrips? did you look at the pictures he just posted?

those plants are fine dude, just hungry, looks like flowering started you gonna need more mag, cal, p and k. doesn't look to need any more nitrogen, how long ago did those yellow leaves start?


at the base of this plant is that new? if so add nitrogen too.

i would just feed regular strength like you've been doing but also add 1/2 tablespoon of molasses, and 1-2 teaspoon of epson salt per gallon of water.

I agree 99.99%...

I'd double that for molasses and I'd add an aspirin per gallon of water...

The plants aren't being eaten by pests, thrips, mites. But an easy solution is to spray for pests anyway. But fix the deficiencies because that is all I see wrong with the plants.

Savage Seeds

Active member
I hope I can shed some light here,and possibly a bit of relief...If those were mites and its outdoor, your plant would likely have been totally fucked after about 3 days cause when they come outside...They come with the hammer of Thor.

Are you planted near coniferous tree's? If so looks like there's a lot of acid in the soil. I've seen those spots on a lot of my plants over the years and it usually happens around conifers and lowland areas...The spotting around the low land areas and yes they are a bug that does it. Leaf hoppers and sap suckers do that as well as little fuckin caterpillars will fold leaves up and live in them.

Your plants will eventually out grow the Bugs or at least tolerate them, spraying is touch and go they might bounce back they might stunt for half the season...I know I'm hated on here but this is not rocket science, when you have grown outdoors long enough and seen all the problems that come with it you just know when to let your plants sort themselves out and not risk stunting them.

Just my 2 cents.


Active member
The dude has thrips. That's not his sole issue. The pic I posted is classic thrip damage and have had them enough times to know. Can you say it with me...T...H...R...I...P...S. Thrips!

That's YOUR opinion.
You may have noticed that several other people disagree.
That's why I recommended to treat for both, and a product that has worked for me against both pests & fungi.
Can you say it with me....O...P...I..N...I...O...N?


Active member
theres no bugs on those plants, and if so they aren't effecting them any. outside, if he had any kind of harmful insects they would have torn those plants to shreds they wouldn't look healthy with the exception of a handful of bottom leaves.

the fact that they are healthy with the exception of a few leaves tells you its a deficiency and not bugs. like i said bugs live outside, if you think they would destroy an indoor grow in a couple of weeks just imagine what they would do outside WHERE THEY LIVE.


Well-known member
To me it looks like you are having a cal/mag deficiency. Add some cal/mag to your nutes with every feeding. That plant is showing classic cal/mag deficiencies.


it does really look like thrips damage
Thx...the pic I posted from the OP is thrip damage. Yes other things also going on. I've had thrips more times than I care to remember.

My O.P.I.N.I.O.N is based on years of indoor and outdoor experience with the little fuckers and not guess work.

You may have noticed that several other people disagree.
Well they're simply wrong in regards to the pic I highlighted.

theres no bugs on those plants

Thrip damage is so distinctive a blind man could see it.


CF is spot on, there is clearly thrips damage, as well as ph/nutrient issues, different pics are showing different problems. the chemical issue looks like it could be a cal/mg/S related problem, could tell more if I knew about the water source.

Edit: with a closer look, you definitely have a fungal infection going on as well. so, bugs, fungus and nutrient issues.


Well I'll finally have a chance to go to the site tomorrow. I had a hurricane pass by a few days ago so hopefully they are still doin' alright.

Perhaps I can clear up a few issues...

Almost every one of those plants are a different strain, all put into only 2 holes. There are about 20 plants total. Not an ideal way to do things but I started late and those holes were a bitch to dig.

Anyway, That might explain if there is more than one problem going on with these. One plant in fact has had problems from the start. I believe it is a burmese kush. I always figured it was nutrient related but figured not much I could do...

I've received lots and lots of rain the last month and a half, and so the only watering I've had to do is when I feed them, and I use tap water for that.

I do have thrips confirmed on some of my indoor plants. I've known I had some kind of bug, brought in from a friend who gifted me a few plants, but now I know they are thrips and have been treated with spinosad.

I've been spraying the crap out of these plants with pyrethrin every trip for the last couple weeks so if there are any still alive they are under control.

That particular plant with the thrip damage is a blue satellite 2.2 here's a full pic of her

She was given to be by a friend and I believe was the only one with leaves that looked like that. EDIT- She has 2 sisters next to her that very well may have it as well.

As far as acidic soil, I didn't test the ph but to be safe I put about 7 lbs of dolomite lime in each hole. I figured that would correct any ph issues. As far as surrounding trees/vegetation goes, here's some pics of the surrounding area.

The actual grow spot is about 30 feet beyond the big tree in the middle pic.

I went to the hydro store yesterday and picked up some cal/mag, some flora micro, and some flora bloom. Since it's flowering time I figured I should get some new nutes. Wondering if using those 3 will be enough though? Or should I have anything else to add to the mix? Maybe add a little of the Miracle Gro?

I will definitely water/spray with some aspirin, and I am going to order some greencure tomorrow.

Also, I would like to take some cuttings before they get too far into flower. Is that something I should wait another week to do or do you think it would be ok to take them tomorrow before doing anything with these issues?

I'm hoping that should take care of any present or potential threats. Sound like a good strategy or should I do more?


Active member
calmag micro and bloom will be enough, should be. i dunno exactly whats in calmag, but theres cal and mag in the flora micro i don't think you really needed both, but whatever too late now.

from now on really you could ditch everything else you had been using and just use the micro and bloom. lucas formula its basically 5-8ml of micro and 12-16ml of bloom per gallon of water. or a ratio of 2:1 bloom:to:micro. adjust as you like to suit your needs, when plants are young i use 1/2 1/3 strength of a 4ml micro 12ml bloom mix. depending on the plants really. for my strong hard mode sativa's i may use as little as 1/4 the amount of micro as i do bloom. for indica's i may use as much micro as bloom up till flower before backing off the micro.

for more information search for lucas here, even on google you will find what you seek.

as for the aspirin and all that, i never had to put any aspirin on any of my plants or any of that jazz so imma leave it alone.

as for everyone saying thrips this and that ill wait and see, but i highly doubt any insects are attacking that plant with the exception of whatever ate those holes in the leaves if they aren't just natural tears in the plant tissue caused by the way it grew out or other environmental damage. fire loves oxygen, give a fire some air and it will rage out of control. bugs are the fire, outdoors is the oxygen. im just not seeing outdoor bugs showing such restraint. i really don't. i think if there's thrips, outdoors with all this fresh weed they should have reproduced and decimated that entire crop by now. its not like the forest is full of weed, those plants would be like black angus or kobe beef in a world of hamburgers and chicken nuggets.


thrips or mites,look carefully under the leafs. thrips and mites are tiny , you wont see them with a quick look

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